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Sunday, August 01, 2021

Links - 1st August 2021 (2) (Veganism)

KFC customer feels 'discriminated' against after finding no meat-free meals on menu - "A KFC customer has vowed never to visit the fast food chain again after staff told her there were no meat-free meals available. Vanessa Hensley visited a branch in Exeter at the weekend with her partner Aaron Saini in the hope of picking up the vegetarian burger or veggie ricebox for dinner, having experienced no issues ordering in the past. But Vanessa, a pescatarian, says she was left unable to eat anything at all when staff behind the counter told Aaron that there were no meat-free options available at that location"
Losing crazy customers is no loss

Handsome Her: Australian vegan café to close after ‘man tax’ furore - "A vegan café in Australia that levied a tax on male customers is to close after becoming the "punching bag of the internet".Handsome Her was accused of reverse sexism after opening in Melbourne in 2017.Its owners provoked debate by offering women priority seating and charging men an extra 18% one week a month.Although non-compulsory, the "man tax" reflected "the gender pay gap", the owners said.Two years on and the owners have announced they will cease trading... The reaction to the man tax "showed us how fragile masculinity is and solidified the necessity for us to confront and dismantle patriarchy", they wrote."We were just one little tiny shop on Sydney Rd that was trying to carve out a swathe of space to prioritise women and women's issues, and suddenly we became the punching bag of Melbourne and the internet," they added.In another post on Facebook, the owners insisted they were not closing because of "vitriol from men's rights activists" or because they were "not making enough money". They denied reports that the man tax had run their "business into the ground", saying they "just don't want to own a café anymore"."
How convenient. Given that they are raging feminists who are giving up chance to snub the "patriarchy"... press X to doubt

Why Vegans Have a Higher Risk of Bone Fractures - "vegans have a 43 percent higher risk of having fractures anywhere in the body, as well as higher risks of fractures in certain areas like the hip... vegetarians and people who ate fish but not meat had a higher risk of hip fractures than their counterparts who ate meat... “The study results are consistent with previous studies, so not a surprise. The findings of increased fractures in non-meat eaters was partially explained by protein and calcium intake as well as BMI. However, there continued to be higher risk of fractures in vegans when those factors were controlled. This may be related to bioavailability of those key nutrients in bone health,” Wright told Healthline.“For example, the vegans may have consumed adequate amounts of calcium, but many plant-based sources of calcium like spinach are not as bioavailable as dairy,” she added. “Protein quality is another example. Vegans may have consumed an adequate amount of plant proteins, but the amino acid ratio does not support resorption and remodeling as well as the amino acid ratio in animal proteins.”"

Man starts controversy with meat-only club after coworker has vegan club - "An anonymous poster on Reddit’s "Am I the A--h---" subreddit said he started a meat-eating club at his job in response to a coworker’s vegan-only club.He claimed that one of his colleagues started a vegan dinner club exclusively for their coworkers following a vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian diet. Other coworkers “will not be able to join the club,” the poster said the group’s “statement of purpose” read.In response, the poster claimed that he and some other meat-eating coworkers started a burger and steak club to go out and try new restaurants each week. They only allowed meat-eaters to join. However, members of the vegan club filed a complaint with the company’s human resources department. Despite the HR complaint, the meat club was approved, the poster claimed. But now the woman who started the vegan club “refuses to talk” to him... One commenter compared the situation to starting a “whites only” club in response to a club for minorities, or a “hetero only” club as retaliation for an LGBTQ+ group... One popular target was the company’s HR department. Commenters blamed HR for creating “a division” by approving the first club with the apparently exclusionary statement of purpose."
Journalist Katie on Twitter - "I stole a packaged Ham from the store today & gave it a proper burial.Now the animal's soul can finally be at peace.RIP little buddy. Latin cross Baby angel Tribute video of burial to follow. #Vegan"
"Why not give it to someone who needs it more?This could have given a meal to a kid in poverty or a homeless person, not very thoughtful."
"I would rather let them starve than feed them meat"
Why people hate vegans

Why So Many White Supremacists Are into Veganism
When you go full circle

Jennifur68 on Twitter - "Hitlers twitter profile would be like: He/Him/Führer, proud socialist, painter, proud social justice warrior, intersectionalist vegan free thinker, non-drinker."

Dear White Vegans, Stop Appropriating Food - "They often touted recipes—”African peanut stew” or “Asian stir fry”—that rely on racial stereotypes, said Amoako.“One, they don’t look like you, and, two, they are appropriating your food. Those are ways to turn racialized people away.”"
Vegans are already so limited in their diet, so this is beyond cruel. Ironically the article acknowledges that it doesn't seem to be turning blacks away

Why black Americans are more likely to be vegan - "One recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that while vegans had a lower rate of heart disease, they had a higher incidence of stroke. Researchers were not sure why, but told the BBC that it could be because of B12 deficiencies... Ms McQuirter says that veganism is more important now than ever before, as Covid-19 ravages many black communities, in part because of their higher rate of pre-existing chronic conditions.Chronic disease and systemic racism are inextricable, she says. "While the root cause is systemic white supremacy, one of the symptoms is we have access to the unhealthiest foods," she says.As thousands march in Black Lives Matter protests, Ms McQuirter says it is "urgent for us to take care of ourselves and eat well so we have the energy to fight these battles"."
She's so close to getting it
Looks like the white supremacism and cultural appropriation aren't working in turning black people away

Tofu: This vegan food staple is damaging the planet - "So it turns out almond milk is actually really damaging the planet. It’s putting tonnes of pressure on bees causing them to die and 130 pints of water are needed to produce just one glass of wholesome almond milk.And now you thought ok well I’ll change to oat milk and I’m still being really good to the planet because I eat tofu instead of chicken. Well turns out tofu is pretty bad too.A new study by Dr. Graham McAuliffe has revealed tofu could be more harmful to the planet than chicken, beef and pork. Speaking at the National Farmers Union Dr. Graham McAuliffe of the Rothamsted Institute said after researching  tofu, he’d concluded it potentially causes more environmental damage because of the production to make the processed protein source.He said: “But if you look at tofu, which is processed so there is more energy going into its production, when you correct for the fact that the protein in it is not as digestible compared to the meat-based products, you can see that it could actually have a higher global warming potential than any of the mono gastric animals.“To get the same amount of protein, tofu is worse.” Tofu has also been found as damaging for the environment by the WWF 10 years ago. They found that the production of soya, which is what tofu is made out of, increases dependence on imported commodities. Aka the more tofu we use, the more gets shipped/flown over and produces more carbon emissions. A lot of the tofu we consume in the UK is produced in Japan, the US and the Netherlands. So a lot of emissions getting produced just so you can feel like an environmental hero...
The production of avocados requires a lot of water, more than double that of oranges. The increase in popularity has also meant more land has been cleared to plant more avocado trees.And then there’s the carbon footprint of transporting all the avocados... The production of avocados is also causing a rise in gang warfare...
Cashews are one of the most popular nuts and they’re also used to make a lot of vegan cheeses. However the harvesting of cashews has been revealed to be extremely unethical. The majority of cashews come from India where workers have to prize the cashew out from its shell.But between the actual cashew and the outer shell are cardol and anacardic acids which cause significant burns to workers’ hands. They usually don’t wear gloves, as this slows work down and as they are paid per kilo, the workers cannot afford to shell the cashews at a slower pace...
Palm oil is used in a lot of foods that vegans rely on like nut butters, vegan cheese, vegan butters etc.The production of palm oil is one of the major contributors to deforestation which is endangering a number of species and produces millions of greenhouse gases.
Quinoa is a stable carb for vegans and Waitrose mummies alike, it also looks like tiny little condoms. The increase in popularity has caused an increase in price and the native growers in Bolivia can no longer afford to eat the crop they grow...
Coconut is in literally everything. Obviously we don’t grow coconuts in the UK and neither do a lot of countries. Meaning again we have to incur a lot of carbon emissions in order to get coconutty goodness. Not only that, but the increase in demand has led to farmers having to use chemical fertilisers to insure productivity of the soil."

Reddit users defend mum who forced vegan daughter to cook meat as punishment - "The family has tried to be as supportive as possible.But when the daughter took it upon herself to throw out two batches of chilli beef that the mother had prepared to last a week, the parents were livid... The daughter said the smell was “too much”, and complained she couldn’t get anything from the fridge without gagging or puking.She also told her mother all the vegan food in the fridge had to be thrown out and restocked."

Mother of two, 28, ditches veganism for raw meat diet - eating raw chicken, intestines and egg yolks - "A mother-of-two claims she feels healthier than ever after ditching veganism in favor of a raw meat diet – washed down with 12 egg yolks a day.Suffering since the beginning of 2018 with a long list of ailments, including fatigue, acne and panic attacks, Jo Tyler, 28, tried to alleviate her symptoms by becoming a vegan, after reading about it on social media.But, when she saw no signs of her health improving after 18 months, at the beginning of 2020, the full-time mum of Williamsburg, Virginia, had a drastic change of heart and adopted a 'primal diet,' consisting of raw or minimally processed foods. Claiming she has 'never felt better,' Jo, who has two children, son Alexander, eight, and daughter Rae, two, with her husband, gas and electrical engineer Matt, 30, now wolfs down raw chicken, intestines and hearts, saying: 'Within four months of following the raw meat diet, I was completely back to normal."

Historian Uncovers Nazi Animal Laws - "Reconciling Hitler’s concern for animals with his cruelty towards certain groups of people is difficult, Piper acknowledges. “There is some evidence that he did love and care about animals,” he says. “But I think the laws were more closely related to a couple of things. One was this idea of the sacred soil of Germany, and the animals belonging to the ‘natural’ Germany like the Aryans did, so they deserved protection. Secondly, it was a first step to restricting and controlling the non-Aryans in the country.”"

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