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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Links - 30th May 2021 (2) (Atlanta massage parlor shooting / Boulder Colorado shooting)

Robert Aaron Long: Georgia shooter's 'really bad day' and sexual hang-ups led to murders at massage parlors he frequented - "Robert Aaron Long, the 21-year-old man who allegedly shot and killed eight people at Atlanta-area massage parlors apparently was a frequent visitor to the establishments prior to his spree, and told police he went on his rampage because it had been “a really bad day.”Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds said interviews with the subject revealed that his shootings may not have been racially motivated, but tied to sexual issues.“The suspect has been interviewed, which indicated he has some issues, potentially sexual addiction. He may have frequented some of these places in the past”... Apparently the alleged shooter wanted to “eliminate the temptation” by removing the massage parlors, which provided an outlet for his addiction... Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant said the officers “are just not there yet” with regard to any potential racial motivators involved in the shooting... When asked if the massage parlors were offering illegal sexual services, Ms Bottoms said the city was not going to victim blame and that officials had no indication that the businesses were operating illegally"
Of course liberals are going crazy since finally the attacker is of the right race, and they're dismissing facts as usual
Naturally relevant facts are "victim blaming"
Liberals never learned that to explain is not to justify. That suggests that they deny reality (e.g. tabula rasa) because they think that would justify inequality

Leighton Akira Woodhouse on Twitter - "It's almost like people *want* the shootings to be racially motivated. so weird."
"Is it that weird? Think of who stands to gain. Think of the opportunities for moral preening. Think of the fodder for media stories and analysis by race hustlers. Think of how racial fissures can be exploited and weaponized. Many stakeholders stand to gain."
"Same crowd insisting the shootings were racist are the ones insisting that working class Asian American kids are screwing everyone else out of educational opportunity"
"If this were in, like, Holland and the prostitutes were all Russian and Eastern European would we have to presume anti-Slavic bigotry?... So you think if the majority of victims are of a particular demographic, that's sufficient evidence on its own to deem it a hate crime?"
"He got off from tug and rubs , what do you expect for him to kill black and white street hookers just to show activists he wasn’t racially motivated."

Atlanta shooting suspect Robert Aaron Long may have continued to Florida: mayor - "Robert Aaron Long, 21, was believed to be driving to the Sunshine State when he was nabbed Tuesday in Crisp County.“The suspect was on his way to Florida, perhaps to carry out additional shootings,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said at a press conference.Authorities said Long may suffer from a “sex addiction” and potentially was heading to Florida in a plot to attack “some type of porn industry.”"
Presumably he was going to shoot up Asian porn in Florida, so this can still be called racist

Atlanta Shooting Suspect Sought Sex Addiction Treatment, Ex-Roommate Says - The New York Times - "Robert Aaron Long, the man charged with killing eight people in a rampage at Atlanta-area massage parlors, spent several months being treated for what he described as a sex addiction and regularly went to massage parlors for sex, one of his former roommates at a halfway house said.Tyler Bayless, the former roommate, said in an interview that he lived with Mr. Long at the house in the Atlanta suburb of Roswell for about five months beginning in August 2019. Nearly once a month, Mr. Long, who was then 20, would admit to Mr. Bayless and others in the apartment that he had again relapsed by visiting a massage parlor to have sex with an employee... He said Mr. Long’s admissions were always paired with discussions about his Christian faith and his relationship with God and his parents... Mr. Bayless said Mr. Long told him he had tried repeatedly to stop himself from acting on his sexual urges: he used a flip phone so that he could not access pornography, his computer blocked pornographic websites and he had once even asked Mr. Bayless to take his computer from him.Still, he did not stop visiting the spas. Mr. Long had told his roommates that his parents knew about his addiction and also suggested that he had lost a girlfriend because he did not stop visiting the massage parlors... He said that Mr. Long had told the roommates, all of whom struggled with a form of addiction, that he had gone to spas run by people of Asian descent, and that other roommates in the halfway house asked him several times if that was intentional. He said he had chosen the businesses not because of the employees’ race, but because he thought the spas were safer than paying for sex elsewhere."
I saw liberals slamming the police for saying the attack didn't seem to be racially motivated but sexually. I guess the former roommate is in on the conspiracy too. And the New York Times is going to be condemned for irresponsibly spreading myths

Atlanta spa shootings: Suspect went to rehab for sex addiction and carried Bible at high school - "The Georgia massage parlor shooter brought a Bible with him to school every day and had developed a deep sense of 'shame' over his addiction to porn and sex which he sought treatment for in rehab, his friends and former roommates have revealed... His father is a youth minister and he is an enthusiastic member of a South Baptist church which, after the shootings, said it was 'heartbroken'. It has also been revealed that he sought treatment at Maverick Recovery, a treatment center in Atlanta, for sex addiction at the end of 2019 and early 2020... Tim Willcutts defended Capt. Baker, writing: 'He wasn't apologizing for him. He was attempting to explain why this happened.' Alicia Gibbs said: 'He's relaying what the investigators said. He wasn't apologizing.'Another Twitter user, Shannon Hillis, said: 'Not everything is about race.'Greg Rook tweeted: 'Two of the six shot outside Atlanta were not Asian. What would you say if he shot mostly WASPs, that he was a racist hating on white people? BTW, I am a very progressive, liberal democrat, but I'm tiring of this constant virtue signaling. Not everything is about race or racism.'... Georgia Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock, a minister, said ‘this kind of violence’ is driven by hate even if the suspect said that was not his motive.‘Anybody who takes precious lives in that manner is driven by hate,’ he told reporters on Capitol Hill."
Presumably to Warnock, all murders are hate crimes

Atlanta spa shootings: Illicit reviews raise red flags - "All three spas are listed on Rubmaps, an erotic review site that allows users to search for and review illicit massage parlors. The site is the most popular of its kind, where buyers who call themselves “hobbyists” or “mongers” looking for sex go to find and share information, according to a study by Polaris, a nonprofit group that operates the National Human Trafficking Hotline.Aromatherapy Spa and Gold Spa, both in Atlanta, have around 100 reviews, many recent. A review for Gold Spa on March 9 indicated that it was “full service,” as did a similar review from five days prior. A review for Aromatherapy Spa on March 2 also indicated sex was on the service list. Youngs Asian Massage in Acworth, Georgia, has 39 reviews on Rubmaps, the latest posted in February... The Rubmap reviews, coupled with advertising for 24-hour services, are red flags, said Elizabeth Kim, the chief operating officer of Restore NYC, a nonprofit that works to provide housing and economic solutions for survivors of trafficking.“In New York, for instance, a lot of the illicit massage businesses are open super late, or you can’t just enter like a normal business – you have to be buzzed in," Kim said. "They're screening for whether it’s a customer or law enforcement or something like that." Gold Spa and Aromatherapy Spa are among several neighborhood businesses frequented during late nights, according to neighboring business owners; their customers and services remain discreet behind blacked-out windows and parking lots behind buildings.Gold Spa has a blacked-out glass door that prevents visibility from the outside. The windows are concealed by shutters that appear rusted. At least one set of window covers appear to be held together with duct tape. The only thing visible inside is an ATM near the front entrance... Georgia law enforcement has indicated the crime was motivated by sex, not race. But advocates balked at such determinations at this time.“It’s not an either-or proposition. The racism and the misogyny and the violence are very much intertwined,” Kim said. “I wouldn’t say we should pivot to say it is a crime only in sexual nature and not of a racial nature and vice-versa. I don’t think it’s fair right now to say it was one versus the other.”Catherine Chen, the chief executive officer of Polaris, points to the long history of exploitation of Asian women in the U.S., noting that the term "Asian massage parlor," often used to describe illicit massage businesses, can be anti-Asian. "This entire idea that you can reduce Asian women down to their sexuality that can be purchased, that is what’s behind the idea of an Asian massage parlor""
Presumably it's always a hate crime when a white person attacks a minority, even if the former is upset at the latter playing music too loudly.
Apparently it's racist for an Indian restaurant to call itself an Indian restaurant

Attacked spas had been targeted by prostitution stings - "Two Atlanta area massage businesses where a gunman waged a deadly assault this week had been repeatedly targeted in police prostitution investigations over the years, raising questions about the mayor's earlier comments that the spas operated legally.Police records show officers went to the businesses at least 21 times in the past 10 years, which appears to contradict Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms' statement that officers in her city had not been to the businesses beyond a minor potential theft and that they were not "on the radar" of police. Bottoms added that she did not want to blame the victims."

'Enough Is Enough': Atlanta-Area Spa Shootings Spur Debate Over Hate Crime Label - "Long had frequented at least two of the spas. "We were quite disappointed to hear the narrative that is being pushed by law enforcement, especially through the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, that this ... was not racially motivated," Aisha Yaqoob Mahmood, executive director of the Asian American Advocacy Fund, based in the Atlanta area, said... On Atlanta's Piedmont Road, people have been laying flowers outside Gold Spa, where three women were killed Tuesday. The crowd included Kat Bagger, who told reporter Lisa Hagen of NPR member station WABE that she's frustrated police haven't called the shootings a case of racist violence... "I think there's a sentiment and a fear and anxiety that it could have happened to anybody here because when we look at the news, there's no rhyme or reason. They seem to be senseless acts of violence, and that creates a lot of fear. In San Francisco, David Chiu, a member of the California Assembly, called the attacks horrifying."Make no mistake," Chiu said on Twitter, "this crime was driven by hate, fueled by racism that has festered during this pandemic. ... This must be an inflection point. Enough is enough." Amid the grief and suspicion over what could have prompted the violence in Georgia, there is also frustration over how officials in Cherokee County are describing the attacks."Was this racially motivated?" a reporter asked Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds in Wednesday's news conference about the attacks.Reynolds quickly noted that it was still early in the investigation. He added, "But the indicators right now are, it may not be. It may be targets of opportunity. Again, we believe that he frequented these places in the past, and may have been lashing out."... Critics are calling Tuesday's shootings yet another symptom of America's core sickness: racism. And they note that in the U.S., white supremacy has long been linked to sexism and violence."The fact that someone with a self-proclaimed sex addiction went on a murderous shooting spree targeting Asian women is racism," said Ai-jen Poo, director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance, on Twitter. "The association of Asian women with sex is a manifestation of our white supremacist (sexist) culture."... Cherokee County had identified two of the victims as white."
Since Trump is gone, truth is no longer (supposedly) valued
Grievance mongers don't care if they create fear, since this helps their agenda

U.S. spa murders highlight pattern of ‘disturbing, racist attacks’ against Asian diaspora, say Canadian advocates | The Star - "Members of Asian Canadian communities have long been sounding the alarm about the increase in violent, racist incidents across Canada since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Now, following shootings in Atlanta that left six women of Asian descent dead, they say trying to raise attention to the issue has left them exhausted... Shao said, as an Asian woman, she is frustrated by having to frequently justify why her concerns and fears are legitimate, rather than simply receiving support.“I’m constantly having to explain my existence and it’s really quite exhausting,” she said."
When the demand for racism exceeds the supply of it
I like how justifying your claims is "explaining" your "existence"

Captain Jay Baker Promoted an Anti-Asian T-Shirt Last Year - The New York Times - "“Cop says it’s not a hate crime, it’s him just having a bad day,” Ms. Cho wrote on Twitter. “Oh ok.. NO. It’s because you’re a racist also Jay Baker.”"
The latest Blue Anon - presenting what you've discovered about a crime is because you're racist
I like how criticising China for covid is "anti-Asian". Maybe liberals are going to be spreading the conspiracy theory that covid came from The West next, since to say it was from China is "anti-Asian" too
Comment (elsewhere): "Leftists: "We can't criticize China because despite the horrific human rights abuses of the PRC, criticism of China leads to anti-Asian racism, and it only spreads racist and xenophobic hatred! Stop the hate! Same goes for criticism of Iran or Cuba!"
Also leftists: "Israel is an apartheid state!! The Likud is basically a bunch of fascist monsters! Also the USA is a nightmare white supremacist regime of suffering and pain that persecutes and tortures people of colour 24/7. Spreading hatred of all white people is merely facing the problem head on, and this is totally healthy political discourse!""
It's telling that in Germany, in a curious inversion, attacking a synagogue is considered "anti-Zionism"

Suspect in Atlanta-area attacks said they weren't racially motivated. Experts say he doesn't get to decide. - ""You can't ask perpetrators what they think," said Elaine Gross, president of the New York-based civil rights organization ERASE Racism. "That's not how we determine whether something is or isn't a hate crime."... Rep. Marilyn Strickland, D-Wash., took it a step further Wednesday, saying "the default position when violence is committed against people of color or women is to defer from confronting the hate that is often the motivation."... Gross said authorities need to consider not just a person's actions, but also their intent. In this case, authorities should not take the word of the suspect in the killings and not consider the victims, she said.Activist and writer Brittany Packnett Cunningham, an NBC and MSNBC contributor, said Thursday that you don't need a person's permission to categorize their actions as racist or biased."If Asian women are targeted as a 'temptation' you feel the need to 'eliminate,' you're a racist" misogynist, she tweeted. "We shouldn't have to say this."... Freeman agreed with Gross that on its face, the shootings in Atlanta should be investigated as a series of hate crimes. He also said that hate crime laws are not mainly intended for murder cases where it would add a couple of years to the sentence of a person who could already face lengthy jail time.  "I think it's more about the way it is described than it is about the criminal justice piece of it," he said. "Whether or not they can make out the legal charges, these acts are having an impact similar to what a hate crime would have on a community, and city officials need to understand the vulnerability people are feeling and the sense of anger that people are feeling, and speak to that and commit to that and be aware of that in a sensitive kind of way."
Maybe the anti-racists need to campaign for more non-Asian women to work in massage parlors so if anyone attacks them Asians will be less likely to be killed

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "The "intent doesn't matter" mantra has now graduated from reasons to cancel/fire people to... an actual criminological perspective. That escalated quickly. We're just going to upend the legal concept of mens rea, just like that?"

Facebook - "How on earth can you help discern intent without interviewing the suspect as part of that process? It’s not the only evidence of course but we do not have Professor Charles Xavier ready to dive into the head of these suspects... Given the number of non-white offenders it’s not even plausible that this is connected in a meaningful way to Trump’s  rhetoric about the coronavirus. You would have to prove that in cities like Atlanta and New York and San Francisco that non-white minorities who not only didn’t vote for Trump but despise him suddenly found him incredibly convincing on this one topic. Perhaps the only remotely sane “expert“ they interviewed as the head of the anti-defamation league, which is held in ill repute by many left activists because they dare still take anti-Semitism seriously."
"This is a standard part of the authoritarian narrative: you don't get to decide, the [authority] decides for you, and you will comply..."

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "CNN: Fetishized, sexualized & marginalized, Asian women are *uniquely vulnerable* to violence.
Looked up crime stats. Among white men & women, black men & women, hispanic men & women, Asian men, Asian women have the lowest rate of violence done to them."

When The Narrative Replaces The News - "this story has also been deeply instructive about our national discourse and the state of the American mainstream and elite media. This story’s coverage is proof, it seems to me, that American journalists have officially abandoned the habit of attempting any kind of “objectivity” in reporting these stories. We are now in the enlightened social justice world of “moral clarity” and “narrative-shaping.”Here’s the truth: We don’t yet know why this man did these horrible things. It’s probably complicated, or, as my therapist used to say, “multi-determined.” That’s why we have thorough investigations and trials in America. We only have one solid piece of information as to motive, which is the confession by the mass killer to law enforcement: that he was a religious fundamentalist who was determined to live up to chastity and repeatedly failed, as is often the case. Like the 9/11 bombers or the mass murderer at the Pulse nightclub, he took out his angst on the source of what he saw as his temptation, and committed mass murder. This is evil in the classic fundamentalist sense: a perversion of religion and sexual repression into violence.We should not take the killer’s confession as definitive, of course. But we can probe it — and indeed, his story is backed up by acquaintances and friends and family. The New York Times originally ran one piece reporting this out. The Washington Post also followed up, with one piece citing contemporaneous evidence of the man’s “religious mania” and sexual compulsion. It appears that the man frequented at least two of the spas he attacked. He chose the spas, his ex roommates said, because he thought they were safer than other ways to get easy sex. Just this morning, the NYT ran a second piece which confirms that the killer had indeed been in rehab for sexual impulses, was a religious fanatic, and his next target was going to be “a business tied to the pornography industry.”We have yet to find any credible evidence of anti-Asian hatred or bigotry in this man’s history. Maybe we will. We can’t rule it out. But we do know that his roommates say they once asked him if he picked the spas for sex because the women were Asian. And they say he denied it, saying he thought those spas were just the safest way to have quick sex. That needs to be checked out more. But the only piece of evidence about possible anti-Asian bias points away, not toward it. And yet. Well, you know what’s coming. Accompanying one original piece on the known facts, the NYT ran nine — nine! — separate stories about the incident as part of the narrative that this was an anti-Asian hate crime, fueled by white supremacy and/or misogyny. Not to be outdone, the WaPo ran sixteen separate stories on the incident as an anti-Asian white supremacist hate crime. Sixteen! One story for the facts; sixteen stories on how critical race theory would interpret the event regardless of the facts. For good measure, one of their columnists denounced reporting of law enforcement’s version of events in the newspaper, because it distracted attention from the “real” motives. Today, the NYT ran yet another full-on critical theory piece disguised as news on how these murders are proof of structural racism and sexism — because some activists say they are. Mass killers, if they are motivated by bigotry or hate, tend to let the world know... It was almost as if they had a pre-existing script to read, whatever the facts of the case! Nikole Hannah-Jones, the most powerful journalist at the New York Times, took to Twitter in the early morning of March 17 to pronounce: “Last night’s shooting and the appalling rise in anti-Asian violence stem from a sick society where nationalism has been stoked and normalized.” Ibram Kendi tweeted: “Locking arms with Asian Americans facing this lethal wave of anti-Asian terror. Their struggle is my struggle. Our struggle is against racism and White Supremacist domestic terror.”When the cops reported the killer’s actual confession, left-Twitter went nuts... Noah knew the killer’s motive more surely than the killer himself.None of them mentioned that he killed two white people as well — a weird thing for a white supremacist to do — and injured a Latino. None pointed out that the connection between the spas was that the killer had visited them. None explained why, if he were associating Asian people with Covid19, he would nonetheless expose himself to the virus by having sex with them, or regard these spas as “safer” than other ways to have quick sex.They didn’t because, in their worldview, they didn’t need to. What you see here is social justice ideology insisting, as Dean Baquet temporarily explained, that intent doesn’t matter. What matters is impact. The individual killer is in some ways irrelevant. His intentions are not material. He is merely a vehicle for the structural oppressive forces critical theorists believe in. And this “story” is what the media elites decided to concentrate on: the thing that, so far as we know, didn’t happen... notice how CRT operates. The only evidence it needs it already has. Check out the identity of the victim or victims, check out the identity of the culprit, and it’s all you need to know. If the victims are white, they don’t really count. Everything in America is driven by white supremacist hate of some sort or other. You can jam any fact, any phenomenon, into this rubric in order to explain it.The only complexity the CRT crowd will admit is multiple, “intersectional” forms of oppression: so this case is about misogyny and white supremacy. The one thing they cannot see are unique individual human beings, driven by a vast range of human emotions, committing crimes with distinctive psychological profiles, from a variety of motives, including prejudices, but far, far more complicated than that.There’s a reason for this shift. Treating the individual as unique, granting him or her rights, defending the presumption of innocence, relying on provable, objective evidence: these core liberal principles are precisely what critical theory aims to deconstruct. And the elite media is in the vanguard of this war on liberalism... The more Asian-Americans succeed, the deeper the envy and hostility that can be directed toward them. The National Crime Victimization Survey notes that “the rate of violent crime committed against Asians increased from 8.2 to 16.2 per 1000 persons age 12 or older from 2015 to 2018.” Hate crimes? “Hate crime incidents against Asian Americans had an annual rate of increase of approximately 12% from 2012 to 2014. Although there was a temporary decrease from 2014 to 2015, anti-Asian bias crimes had increased again from 2015 to 2018.” Asians are different from other groups in this respect. “Comparing with Black and Hispanic victims, Asian Americans have relatively higher chance to be victimized by non-White offenders (25.5% vs. 1.0% for African Americans and 18.9% for Hispanics). … Asian Americans have higher risk to be persecuted by strangers … are less likely to be offended in their residence … and are more likely to be targeted at school/college.” Of those committing violence against Asians, you discover that 24 percent such attacks are committed by whites; 24 percent are committed by fellow Asians; 7 percent by Hispanics; and 27.5 percent by African-Americans. Do the Kendi math, and you can see why Kendi’s “White Supremacist domestic terror” is not that useful a term for describing anti-Asian violence.But what about hate crimes specifically? In general, the group disproportionately most likely to commit hate crimes in the US are African-Americans. At 13 percent of the population, African Americans commit 23.9 percent of hate crimes. But hate specifically against Asian-Americans in the era of Trump and Covid? Solid numbers are not yet available for 2020, which is the year that matters here. There’s data, from 1994 to 2014, that finds little racial skew among those committing anti-Asian hate crimes. Hostility comes from every other community pretty equally.The best data I’ve found for 2020, the salient period for this discussion, are provisional data on complaints and arrests for hate crimes against Asians in New York City, one of two cities which seem to have been most affected. They record 20 such arrests in 2020. Of those 20 offenders, 11 were African-American, two Black-Hispanic, two white, and five white Hispanics. Of the black offenders, a majority were women. The bulk happened last March, and they petered out soon after. If you drill down on some recent incidents in the news in California, and get past the media gloss to the actual mugshots, you also find as many black as white offenders... given the headlines, the other thing missing is a little perspective. Here’s a word cloud of the victims of hate crimes in NYC in 2020. You can see that anti-Asian hate crimes are dwarfed by those against Jews, and many other minorities. And when you hear about a 150 percent rise in one year, it’s worth noting that this means a total of 122 such incidents in a country of 330 million, of which 19 million are Asian. Even if we bring this number up to more than 3,000 incidents from unreported and far less grave cases, including “shunning”, it’s small in an aggregate sense. A 50 percent increase in San Francisco from 2019 - 2020, for example, means the number of actual crimes went from 6 to 9.Is it worse than ever? No. 2020 saw 122 such hate incidents. In 1996, the number was 350... the theory behind hate crimes law is that these crimes matter more because they terrify so many beyond the actual victim. And so it seems to me that the media’s primary role in cases like these is providing some data and perspective on what’s actually happening, to allay irrational fear. Instead they contribute to the distortion by breathlessly hyping one incident without a single provable link to any go this — and scare the bejeezus out of people unnecessarily... To run sixteen separate pieces on anti-Asian white supremacist misogynist hate based on one possibly completely unrelated incident is not journalism. It’s fanning irrational fear in the cause of ideological indoctrination. And it appears to be where all elite media is headed."
And yet liberals keep claiming that when it's a white shooter, the media/people excuse/downplay it
Damn Trump! Causing hate crimes against Asians to increase from 2012 to 2014 by tweeting about "The Chinese Virus" in 2020!
Since the rationale behind hate crime laws is that they terrorise a community, grievance mongering should be illegal too

Wesley Yang on Twitter - "From "white supremacist violence" to "no one may criticize China" in 1.5 news cycles"
"If this continues, the future is going to be fun.2024: "Criticising China's invasion of Taiwan is rooted in white supremacy""
"Future??!?It’s already here.Chinese state media called the Five Eyes Alliance a “racist axis.”None of this is speculation. They are already doing it"

Melissa Chen on Twitter - "We are in for a long ride, boys and girls. Beijing has mastered the use of woke ideology as a propaganda weapon against the US. It’s actually working brilliantly. You gotta respect that at some level."

Facebook - "The rush to attribute the violence to The One True Motive has actually made it harder to understand it in all its complexities.It’s natural to want to make sense of it immediately. But in the absence of accurate information, that instinct can send us astray. See: the Pulse massacre in Orlando. It was immediately understood as a hate crime targeting the LGBT community. Only much later did we learn this was untrue... In this case, the desire to blame the violence on one singular motive has led to a splintering of identities. The victims- were they women first? Sex workers first? Asian first? Answer: they were (probably) all these things, interconnected. It is us who are forcing a hierarchy.This brings me to “hate crimes.” People often ask me if I think violence against women should be treated as a hate crime, I do not.When a man kills a woman, the motivation is not always hate. Or an abstract hate of all women. It can be driven by shame or feelings of inadequacy, a desire to control, vengeance, objectifying the woman to the point where her humanity does not register to him.Hate crime designation is intended to increase criminal penalties. I believe we have enough criminal laws on the books already; I’m loathe to add more.Classifying something as a hate crime also forces this splintering in identities. I don’t know, but if I had to guess, this shooter was possibly motivated by many things - racism, classism, misogyny, twisted religious beliefs, self-hatred, shame and mental instability, etc.a"

Jerry Dunleavy on Twitter - "8 lives taken, 6 of them Asian. And the killer was just "having a bad day"! #StopAAPIHate#FightRacism"
"So the CCP is trying to get in on this too huh"

SF School Board Member Said Asian Americans 'Use White Supremacist Thinking' to 'Get Ahead' in Old Tweets - "Derogatory tweets by the vice president of San Francisco’s Board of Education have recently resurfaced, prompting several San Franciscans to push for her resignation. Resurfaced Tweets: In a series of tweets from 2016, Vice President Alison Collins shared anti-Asian American sentiments, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
    Collins, who was elected to the San Francisco Unified School District Board in 2018, took to Twitter on Dec. 4, 2016, to complain about Asian Americans who do not call out anti-Black racism.
    She wrote that many Asian Americans use "white supremacist thinking to assimilate" to "get ahead," while many Asian Americans "believe they benefit from the 'model minority' BS.'"
    Collins allegedly wrote these tweets as a concerned parent hoping to “combat anti-black racism in the Asian community” and at her daughter's "mostly Asian Am school.”"
Of course this has nothing to do with the Atlanta attack - only Trump criticising China does

Alison Collins 高勵思 on Twitter - "Where are the vocal Asians speaking up against Trump? Don't Asian Americans know they are on his list as well?
Do they think they won't be deported? profiled? beaten? Being a house n****r is still being a n****r. You're still considered "the help.""
"Out of context", as she claims
Comment (elsewhere): "This is the actual reason behind any uptick in violence. Resentment from other minority groups, stoked by leftist identity politics."

Viet Thanh Nguyen on Twitter - "It's not just Trump's "Kung Flu" that has triggered anti-Asian violence. Bipartisan political rhetoric about the threat of China is leading to a rise of anti-Asian feeling too."
Viet Thanh Nguyen on Twitter - "Israel unapologetically murders unarmed Palestinian protestors, the U.S. supports such actions. Israel loses credibility with every "asymmetrical" death. #BDS sounds good to me."
Comment (elsewhere): "How ironic is it that someone who is Vietnamese is making an issue of criticizing China when the Vietnamese people have long spoke about the threat of China. Japan, Taiwan and South Korea as well. How drunk on the Washington Post leftist kool aid do you have to be to not be aware of that fact."

Opinion | The Atlanta Shootings and a Religious Toxicity - The New York Times - "To move through this world as an Asian who is American is to exist under the gaze of white supremacy. In other words, we have to constantly give an accounting of ourselves to justify and explain why we are here."
This is amazing
Ironically this ignores how woke toxicity has poisoned her mind

The media’s haste to cry race - The Spectator World - "The bodies of the victims hadn’t gone cold, the families had barely begun grieving, when the familiar cottage industry of activists and journalists jumped in to speculate and spread misinformation on social media. What drove someone to slaughter eight people in three Asian massage parlors in Atlanta on Tuesday?  A clear storyline took hold: this was white supremacy at work. A young, white man murdered six Asian women and two ‘others’ made the framing a foregone conclusion. Not even new information from the investigators could slow down the risk to judgment.  Atlanta police chief Rodney Bryant said that it was too early to classify the shooting as a hate crime and FBI director Christopher Wray affirmed that it ‘does not appear to be racially motivated’. None of that stopped CNN declaring that ‘white supremacy and hate are haunting Asian Americans’. The suspect had told the police that the attack was not racially motivated; that he struggled with ‘sexual addiction’; that he was a frequent massage-parlor customer and carried out the crime to eliminate the sources of temptation. He was stopped by the police on his way to Florida, where he allegedly planned on continuing his rampage by targeting the porn industry.  The only piece of evidence so far that potentially supports the racial animus theory is a report in a South Korean newspaper that the shooter had yelled out ‘I want to kill all Asians’. But let’s be real. If the claim had even one iota of credibility, it would already have been reported all over a desperate media in search of a smoking racist gun. Nevertheless, the rumor did the rounds on social media and reporters parroted it unquestioningly... Vox showcased impressive mental gymnastics to explain that it was white supremacy that fueled the black-Asian racial hostilities while a sitting member of the Oakland City Council wrote in an op-ed that ‘anti-black and anti-Asian violence comes from the same root causes: white supremacy and capitalism’.  Meanwhile, it was plain to see from viral surveillance videos that it wasn’t MAGA-hatted assailants chanting ‘Chy-na virus’ or ‘Kung Flu’ as they took out defenseless elderly Asians. These attacks, mostly carried out by minorities in progressive cities like Oakland, San Francisco and New York, make it really hard to argue that the rhetoric of a former president is responsible for pulling the puppet strings of constituents who most likely didn’t vote for him. Indeed, Department of Justice statistics show that while victims of violence tend to be targeted by perpetrators within their ethnicities far more than any other, Asian victims are targeted more by other races at the following rates: 27.5 percent black, 24.1 percent white, 21.4 percent Hispanic (compared to 24.1 percent Asian). This seems to suggest that the white supremacy thesis is extremely weak. What we have instead is an emerging picture, corroborated by friends and family, of a mass shooter who struggled with reconciling the sin of extreme sex addiction and his Christian faith. So much so, he checked into a rehab clinic for sexual addiction, blocked porn sites from his computer and only used a flip phone in order to avoid ‘falling out of God’s grace’. It all culminated in the brutal assassination of the people he believed had led him into temptation and dishonor. In a way, this crime resembles more of an honor killing, a moral crusade steeped in misogynistic vengeance. He’s more Elliot Rodger than Dylann Roof.   The way this story and the discourse surrounding broader trends of anti-Asian violence has played out reveals the media’s commitment to activism, in particular, to view and dissect everything through the prism of critical race theory. It’s why previous anti-Asian assaults perpetrated by other minorities were largely ignored. When such incidents finally entered the national consciousness, they were explained away with white supremacy. NBC News even published an ‘expert’ view that insists that racial hatred inspired the Atlanta shooter because there ‘wasn’t a variety among the victims’. You wonder if murderers now have to adopt Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives into their moral calculus before pulling the trigger so that they would be considered ‘just’ a murderer? Our media class has decided that just because an outcome of the murder is racist — six out of eight victims were Asian women — and the killer, a white male with incel vibes, that there is no doubt that white supremacy was the culprit, long before the authorities have made headway into the investigation. This is a test, and just like the Covington Catholic School and the Jussie Smollett story, the mainstream media is failing it.  By all accounts, the 2016 Pulse nightclub massacre appeared to be a homophobic attack by a radical Islamist against the LGBT community. Years later, it became clear that everyone had gotten the story wrong. Omar Mateen didn’t target a gay club because of fundamentalism and ‘internalized homophobia’. Evidence from the trial showed that he had gone to a non-LGBT club but was thwarted because of armed security outside; in other words, the venue was chosen at random. His real motive was to punish the US for military strikes in the Middle East, a revision which is of scant comfort to the families of the 49 victims. But an accurate attribution of motive matters not just as a fundamental principle of truth-seeking, but also in the context of understanding our world and developing policies based on that understanding. This eagerness to fit (and deny) the facts in order to manufacture a preferred storyline is not just dishonest, it’s also harmful. Instead of honoring the victims, we end up drafting them into our culture wars. In so doing, we do a disservice to the very people the shooter allegedly targeted — sex workers — whose wellbeing and rights are usually a pet cause for the progressive left... When CNN announces in a headline that ‘fetishized, sexualized and marginalized, Asian women are uniquely vulnerable to violence’, is it any wonder that Asian women are paralyzed by fear?  You might read such a headline and assume that evil racists are inflicting violence upon Asian women at the highest rates, but data from the CDC’s Wonder Database shows the exact opposite: when it comes to violent assault/killings, being an Asian woman is in fact, the safest demographic to be... Sadly, ‘let’s wait and see’ does not make for compelling moral panic material." ***

Andy Ngô on Twitter - "BREAKING: The suspect in the #Boulder, Colo. mass shooting where 10 were murdered has been identified as Ahmad al-Issa. He was first described as a white male. His social media, which is now deleted, show he was a religious Muslim who posted frequently about "Islamophobia."
Ahmad al-Issa, the suspect in the #Boulder, Colo. mass shooting, has had his social media removed. What posts some manage to see & screenshot show he identified as a Muslim & had grievances against Trump, US refugee settlement & Islamophobia."
So since his victims were white can we call it a hate crime regardless of his motivations, following the left's rules for Atlanta?

Pete D’Abrosca on Twitter - "What happens when you import millions of foreigners and they're bombarded with anti-American, anti-White rhetoric by the media, academia, and Hollywood all day every day? Boulder."
Race baiting has consequences

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "From what I’ve read about the Boulder shooter, he seemed paranoid that he was being watched, extremely short-tempered, and blamed everything on being targeted for his race/religion. This is why we shouldn’t enable people who play the victim. When you help people believe that everyone is out to get them, don’t be surprised if they snap. Also, he really should’ve gotten some mental health help for the paranoia and anger issues. ~Svetlana"

Teach "Don't Steal", not "Lock your doors" - Posts | Facebook - "let me guess the boulder shooter was a white christian trump supporting redneck confederate flag waving gun loving ma-"
"okay he was the opposite of that why are you bringing his race and identity into this his melanin doesn't matter fascist"

Kamala Harris's niece Meena deletes tweet presuming Boulder killer was white - "Vice President Kamala Harris' niece has deleted a tweet after facing backlash for assuming the Boulder grocery store gunman was white because he was taken into custody alive.Meena Harris deleted her tweet on Tuesday after police revealed 21-year-old gunman Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, who is accused of shooting dead 10 people a day earlier, is of Syrian descendant.'The Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country,' the 36-year-old tweeted in the hours after the massacre... he complained about not having a girlfriend, ranted about President Trump and talked about his Islamic faith... Her was criticized last month after it emerged she was still using her aunt's name to sell her range of feminist sweatshirts – despite being ordered not to by the White House."

Facebook - "So, how much do you want to bet that people on the left will suddenly want us to pause for a minute to really figure out the motive of the shooter? (As we should, of course)"

Izzy Diab on Twitter - "The same people who jumped the wagon and called the Atlanta shooter white supremacist because of his identity, will now hammer anyone who calls the Colorado shooter a terrorist because of his identity. I’m not saying the Colorado shooter should be called a terrorist But consistency is important. The media either jumps the gun with identity on all cases, or gives the proper grace period for further investigation for all cases. They can’t have it both ways."
Liberals are consistent - they believe white people are evil

Amy Siskind ️‍ on Twitter - "The shooter is was taken into custody. In other words it was almost certainly a white man (again). If he were Black or Brown he would be dead."
Amy Siskind ️‍ on Twitter - "Let's mourn the victims, but not glorify the killer with the attention of having his name widely known."
How odd. I wonder why

CJ Werleman on Twitter - "The suspected gunman in the Boulder, Colorado mass shooting is a white guy. Seven reported dead! Cue “mental issues,” “bad day,” “parking dispute,” or anything else other than what he most likely is - a white domestic terrorist."

Media Now Claims Shooter Was Factually Arab, But Morally White | The Babylon Bee

Liberals blame white man for mass shooting in Boulder - "“Extremely tired of people's lives depending on whether a white man with an AR-15 is having a good day or not,” Deadspin senior editor Julie DiCaro tweeted... USA Today race and inclusion editor Hemal Jhaveri responded to DiCaro: “It's always an angry white man. Always.”"

Michael Harriot on Twitter - "Pointing out how white suspects get the benefit of the doubt without being stopped, frisked, beaten, shot or killed is not a call for harsh treatment It simply means we KNOW cops are capable of treating ppl humanely....just not us y’all could use a few more ass-whoopings, tho"

DL Hughley on Twitter - "A white armed mass murderer has a better chance surviving an encounter with the police than a black dude holding a phone! #TeamDl"

Caleb Hull on Twitter - "THREAD: Here are all the idiotic leftists who immediately jumped to politicize the tragic Boulder shooting to push their narrative, only for it all to fall apart when it turns out the shooter is muslim..."

Facebook - "I’d like to welcome the Arabs to the Schrödinger's White People Club.
This club is about to be diverse AF!
Asians and Jews"
"How did is 40%!of the prison population black if they all get killed during arrest?"

Boulder shooting spun by opportunists who have no interest in truth or solutions – if blaming ‘whiteness’ fails, play the gun card - "AFP's Uzair Hasan Rizvi was eager to tell the same sort of story. "A poor white guy – who may have had a bad day or just a sex addict – killed at least 10 people in Boulder," Rizvi said. "He was only apprehended and not choked or shot to death because he was not brown, black or a Muslim. And yes, he is only a shooter and not a terrorist." Ironically, Rizvi specializes in "debunking fake news" as a fact-checker for AFP. Sadly for him, he had to fact-check himself and delete his hate-filled tweet when police identified the Boulder suspect as Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, a 21-year-old immigrant to America who was born in Syria, according to court records... Shut up about that name. This story is going all wrong. That's why the mainstream media is covering the Boulder massacre with much less fervor than their Atlanta jackpot. Despite police and acquaintances of the suspect saying otherwise about motive, the story was all about 21-year-old Robert Aaron Long being white and his victims being mostly Asian. That's the media's favorite racial theme nowadays, and everything must be viewed through that lens. The wheels came off plan A in this case. We've still got the secondary agenda of calling for tougher gun laws, but the skin-color obsession requires more nuanced storytelling this time. We're therefore getting fewer of the deep dives into the alleged shooter's social media posts and possible signs of bigotry. There's also relatively little to be said about the victims, inasmuch as most or all of them were apparently white, or the shooter's motivation. CNN adapted quickly, explaining that Alissa was bullied in school (despite being a wrestler with a history of violence) for being Muslim, and people "made fun of his name." So, it was actually still white people's fault.Many of those who got the story wrong weren't embarrassed, let alone repentant. Actress Rosanna Arquette left up her tweet calling the massacre "white supremacist domestic terrorism," and her followers left up their messages blaming former President Trump for causing the trend... Author Faralyn Padilla stuck to the argument that Alissa is white and blamed both shootings on religion. "Every culture has white skin in it because it's a mutation,” she said. "Also, please tell me the difference between these two men. Quran vs. Bible isn't that much of a difference. They are 97 percent the same book, word for word." She's clearly not a student of religion, but Padilla's ignorance reflects PhD-level understanding of American media and political narratives. Today's leading terrorist bogeymen are white American Christians, radicalized by Trump. Therefore, when a Filipino-American man is slashed from ear to ear with a box cutter by a black man on a crowded New York subway car, activists respond by rallying against "white nationalism." When elderly ethnic Asians are senselessly attacked on the street by young black men in the San Francisco Bay Area, in some cases being killed, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist explains that the violence is "part of a pattern of white supremacy." According to the narrative, Americans aren't sentient beings with wide-ranging feelings, emotions and motivations. They are race-obsessed drones who see only skin color and make their decisions accordingly... Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) was miffed that "he's Muslim" was trending on Twitter for Alissa, but "he's Christian" failed to trend for last week's alleged shooter. Then again, no one needed to ask about Long's religion. The media quickly made that known, along with his skin color."

Wajahat Ali on Twitter: "White mass shooters somehow always get caught alive. Just saying.
Also white violent insurrectionists..."
Wajahat Ali on Twitter - "Islamic is trending. Don't even have to click on it. Let me guess: Right wing outrage & racism over the identity of the Boulder shooter. Meanwhile crickets on gun reform & white supremacist terrorism, the #1 domestic threat in America. Somehow Trump will be seen as "tough.""

USA Today race and inclusion editor says she was fired over tweet blaming white men for Boulder shooting - "A USA Today editor said she was fired this week after posting a racially charged tweet about the alleged gunman who opened fire and killed 10 people in a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store.“It's always an angry white man,” the news outlet’s race and inclusion editor Hemal Jhaveri posted in a now-deleted tweet following Monday’s grocery store massacre. “Always.” Jhaveri posted an announcement of the firing on Friday, which included a scathing critique of her former employers, whom she said she believes were punishing her for “challenging whiteness.” “I can’t do the work I do and write the columns I write without invoking the ire and anger of alt-right Twitter,” Jhaveri wrote. “There is always the threat that tweets which challenge white supremacy will be weaponized by bad faith actors. I had always hoped that when that moment inevitably came, USA TODAY would stand by me and my track record of speaking the truth about systemic racism. That, obviously, did not happen.”The disgruntled former editor took direct aim at the skin color of her superiors, whom she accused of being timid and disloyal. “White USA TODAY reporters have been able to minimize racialized people in print, our white Editor-In-Chief was thoughtless about black face, and a senior politics editor (also white) showed disregard for journalistic ethics by hosting a tax payer funded reception for Trump appointees,” Jhaveri continued. “All kept their jobs. Sending one wrong tweet that ended up in the hands of Sean Hannity on Fox News though, was enough for this publication to turn tail. So many newsrooms claim to value diverse voices, yet when it comes to backing them up, or looking deeper into how white supremacy permeates their own newsrooms, they quickly retreat.”"
Race and inclusion is just code for anti-white racism. Spreading fake news (not least how only about 55% of mass shooters are white according to Mother Jones) is good if it advances liberal causes

Twitter Says Calling Boulder Shooter a 'White Christian Terrorist' Is OK - "A tweet describing Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the suspected gunman in Monday's Colorado supermarket shooting, as a "white Christian terrorist" does not violate the social network's misinformation policies, Twitter told Newsweek... The social network has been accused of left-wing bias and anti-Christian prejudice in the way it polices speech on its platform.In January, for example, Twitter locked the account of The Catholic Review, apparently for tweeting an article that described assistant Health and Human Services Secretary Rachel Levine as "a biological man identifying as a transgender woman.""
Fake news demonising white Christians is good. Meanwhile science is transphobic and must be cancelled

Biden’s Gun Control Proposals Make Little Sense As a Response to the Mass Shooting in Boulder - "For gun control advocates, it does not really matter whether there is a logical connection between the new laws they want and the crimes that supposedly justify them. In fact, Biden responded to the Boulder attack with his usual solutions even before the details of the crime were clear.  "We're still waiting for more information regarding the shooter," including the "weapons he used" and how he obtained them, the president said this afternoon. But he added that "I don't need to wait another minute, let alone an hour, to take commonsense steps that will save the lives in the future and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act." In Biden's view, thinking before acting would be reckless."

Boulder Shooting Suspect’s Lawyer Cites ‘Mental Illness’ in First Court Appearance - The New York Times
Weird. Liberals tell us it's only mental illness when it's a white guy

Facebook - "All the people who attacked me for a whole week for saying "we should wait for more evidence from investigators before jumping to conclusions" are all of a sudden, very quiet now.
My my, how the tables have turned. And so many blue-checked media professionals have prematurely mouthed off, and revealed themselves for the charlatans they are. This should automatically strip you of your job. Why is there never any accountability in journalism?
There are two rules we used to uphold as a matter of principle that seem to be entirely abandoned these days. Just abide and never be made to look like a fool again:
1) Don't jump to conclusions
2) Don't make blanket generalizations about an entire demographic"
"Lucky you. I have people arguing with me that, because the killer was Christian, he had right-wing views, ergo this is Trump's fault."
"Thousands of attacks, many videos of elderly Asians, and the one attack they choose to focus on is the one where the shooter checks all of the boxes."
"January 24th mass shooting in Indiana. Black 17 year old killed his family, 6 dead, because he didn't want to follow his father's rules. Media is silent.Last week, another mass shooting in Indiana. A black man killed 4, he wanted half of his baby mama's stimulus check. Media, crickets.White man kills 8, 6 are Asian women, at massage parlors. Media "WHITE SUPREMACY!!!".Last weekend another mass shooting, kills 10, an Arab immigrant from Syria. Media, crickets."

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