When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Links - 16th May 2021 (2)

Surprise! Your Beer And Tea Are Actually Transgenic GMOs - "Even though no one has found any evidence that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are harmful, anti-GMO activists have campaigned against them for years, with considerable success. As of this writing, 19 out of 28 countries in the European Union have voted to ban or severely restrict genetically modified plants, and many other countries impose similar bans.But all of these restrictions may be in vain, because nature got there first. It turns out that many common foods have already been genetically modified, by a bacterium called Agrobacterium... in news that should be even more frightening to the anti-GMO crowd, these foods are transgenic: they contain genetic material from completely different species. Frankenfoods!... Scientifically, claiming that GMOs are bad for you is nonsensical–it depends entirely on what the genetic modification is. Whether a food scientist modifies a tomato to taste better by traditional breeding or by using GM technology, you still end up with a tomato that has different genetic content. The only difference is that with traditional breeding, you have no idea what exactly you changed in the plant's DNA. And humans have already consumed billions of servings of GM foods with no ill effects. The GM foods we eat today are perfectly safe... every cultivated variety of sweet potato has "foreign" DNA integrated into its genome, from a bacterium called (appropriately) Agrobacterium... all the sweet potatoes we eat are GMOs, although it happened naturally... here are the natural GMO foods, all of them transgenic, with the common name followed by the formal species name in italics:
bananas (Musa acuminata)
beer (hops) (Humulus lupulus)
cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon)
date-plum (Diospyros lotus)
guava (Psidium guajava)
peanuts (Arachis hypogaea)
pomelo fruit (Citrus maxima)
Suriname cherry (Eugenia uniflora)
sweet potatoes (Ipomoea species)
tea (Camellia sinensis, which is used for most teas)
walnuts (Juglans species)
yams (Dioscorea alata)
That's right, beer and tea are GMOs–even if they are labelled as "organic." Keep in mind that this list is undoubtedly incomplete"

Robert De Niro’s Restaurant Chain Nobu Took Up To $28 Million In Taxpayer Loans - "The chain, which includes 46 restaurants and 13 luxury hotels across the world, was co-founded by actor Robert De Niro, celebrity chef Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa, and film producer Meir Teper. Nobu took 14 loans totaling as much as $27.7 million... The PPP fund totals hundreds of billions of dollars and was intended to help small businesses survive the loss of revenue as COVID-19 swept the nation. But a firestorm erupted in April when it was revealed that large corporations received billions, prompting many to return the loans."
This might explain the virtue signalling

transaksi indomie - Derri Hutomo Rahmadhi - "I was living in a hostel in singapore with few students from infonesia, malaysia, china and korea. Knowing that we came from indonesia, one korean friend day visited in room bringing packages of shin ramyeon. Then, like in those drug transaction scenes gangster movies, he put all those ramyeons on my desk. "I know you brought some indomies indonesia. Heres the deal. I'll give you 2 packages of ramyeon for each package of your indomie. Deal?" I said, "ok". Then he came out happily with some indomies in his hands.'"

Meme - "My friends sister got her fiancé to tattoo a spider on her asshole so when he cums in her ass it looks like the spider is making silk for a web"

COMMENT: PAP should clarify on what it means by 'strong mandate' - "I think we can all agree that in GE2011, the PAP was not given a strong mandate. It took 60.1 per cent of the votes and 81 out of 87 seats in Parliament. (Note that this is uniquely Singapore, as political parties elsewhere would probably kill for that kind of election result.)What happened post-GE2011? The PAP became a lot more consultative. It started the Our Singapore Conversation, moved unpopular ministers to the backbench, slowed down the inflow of foreign workers and ramped up the building of HDB flats.In GE2015, we can all agree that the PAP was given a strong mandate, with 69.9 per cent of the vote. And what did it do with that mandate?Of course, the PAP continued to govern. It was also confident enough to suggest constitutional changes right from the beginning of the term of Parliament in 2016.The Prime Minister called for voting rights to be given to non-constituency MPs and a re-look of the qualifications and types of checks on an elected president. Half-way through its term, it broached the need for a law to prevent online falsehoods... Now, we can see the effects of POFMA, when we have trouble figuring out what some of the “falsehoods’’ which have been POFMAed are about.Then you have the PAP-dominant Parliament voting to give their non-elected counterparts the right to vote in Parliament. I was astounded. They have no pride in their role or what? The next time I see a PAP candidate who tries to convince me to vote PAP because got NCMP, I will reply: “So you will be my glorified contractor ah?’’ The constituency political broadcasts seem to confirm this “contractor’’ role of an MP. Except for a few opposition candidates, no PAP candidate seeking re-election saw it fit to talk about his or her contribution to lawmaking. Instead, we hear about fitness parks and covered linkways... Is the PAP saying that all its legislation is fully justified and full/fool-proof? That all soundings have been taken behind closed-doors? That Parliament cannot improve on Bills, because it isn’t as smart as the executive? That second and third readings of the Bill are simply stages of a legislative process that has been a parliamentary tradition?... over the years, with the exception of a few, PAP MPs have become more and more subdued"

Tom Woods on Twitter - "Next time we're told the universities need more money, let's get this trending: #defundthethoughtpolice"

What is the BBC playing at? - "The BBC is losing the plot. Last week it announced a cull of local radio and regional television staff – sacking one in six people working on regional programmes in England. This week, there has been huge speculation that the BBC will scrap Politics Live, one of its flagship political shows... The cuts to regional programmes are projected to save around £25million. But the week before that, the BBC pledged £100million on a new diversity initiative in response to the Black Lives Matter protests. But as I explained on spiked at the time, the BBC does not even have an ethnic-diversity problem. The proportion of both on-screen contributors to BBC programmes and BBC staff who are BAME is actually higher than the BAME population in the country as a whole. At the same time, the kinds of shows that have been targeted for the axe are the embodiment of public-service broadcasting... Programming like this enhances democratic life, and arguably offers something the private sector would not. And yet this is not what the BBC seems to value.Clearly, what the BBC values above all else is the cult of wokeness – even if it alienates the vast majority of its audience."

Virginia Woolf OnlyFans on Twitter - "Harry Potter had a massive amount of inherited wealth, never redistributed it to his ridiculously poor friend’s family, and then became a magic cop."
You either die a liberal or live long enough to see yourself become a bigot

‘Feminist geography’ professor argues tall buildings are sexist - "‘Upward-thrusting buildings ejaculating light into the night sky’... Ever see a professor accuse a building of “toxic masculinity”?That is precisely Leslie Kern’s specialty, and you can get a good sense of the Mount Allison University professor’s reasoning in a recent Guardian essay on the sexism in … city architecture.It’s not the first article from a “feminist geography” perspective – indeed, there’s an entire academic journal, Gender, Place & Culture, devoted to the subject... even the height and shape of a building reflects “patterns of gender-based discrimination,” she says, citing a female architecture professor who described skyscrapers as “rape” in 1977... One of her solutions is, oddly, sex segregation: Kern praises women-only carriages on Tokyo trains. But she wouldn’t be an intersectional scholar if she didn’t jump on the defund-the-police bandwagon"

Atheists Are Sometimes More Religious Than Christians - "“American ‘nones’ are as religious as—or even more religious than—Christians in several European countries, including France, Germany, and the U.K.”... whereas only 23 percent of European Christians say they believe in God with absolute certainty, 27 percent of American nones say this. America is a country so suffused with faith that religious attributes abound even among the secular. Consider the rise of “atheist churches,” which cater to Americans who have lost faith in supernatural deities but still crave community, enjoy singing with others, and want to think deeply about morality. It’s religion, minus all the God stuff... In April 2018, almost 1,000 people streamed into a church in San Francisco for an unprecedented event billed as “Beyoncé Mass.” Most were people of color and members of the LGBTQ community. Many were secular. They used Queen Bey’s songs, which are replete with religious symbolism, as the basis for a communal celebration—one that had all the trappings of a religious service. That seemed completely fitting to some, including one reverend who said, “Beyoncé is a better theologian than many of the pastors and priests in our church today.”... although most Western Europeans still identify as Christians, for many of them, Christianity is a cultural or ethnic identity rather than a religious one. Sahgal calls them “post-Christian Christians,” though that label may be a bit misleading: The tendency to conceptualize Christianity as an ethnic marker is at least as old as the Crusades, when non-Christian North Africans and Middle Easterners were imagined as “others” relative to white, Christian Europeans. The survey also found that 11 percent of Western Europeans now call themselves “spiritual but not religious.”... Most Western Europeans still believe in the idea of the soul... The U.S. hasn’t secularized as profoundly as Europe has, and its history is crucial to understanding why. Joseph Blankholm, a professor at UC Santa Barbara who focuses on atheism and secularism, told me the Cold War was a particularly important inflection point. “The 1950s were the most religious America has ever been,” he said. “‘In God We Trust’ becomes the official national motto. ‘Under God’ is entered into the pledge of allegiance. That identity is being consciously formed by specific actors like Truman and Eisenhower, who are promoting a Christian identity at home and abroad, over against a godless communism. It’s the Christianization of America—as a Cold War tool.”... 27 percent of Americans call themselves “spiritual but not religious.” Even though they’ve left organized religion behind, many still pray regularly and believe in God. This raises an issue for researchers, because it suggests their traditional measures of religiosity can no longer be trusted to accurately identify religious people"

Alex R Dell on Twitter - "Sources: The NBPA currently is working with the NBA and Nike to give players the option of replacing their last name on their jersey with a statement on social justice. More details to come soon."
"A child in a Nike sweatshop stitching SJW slogans into a single-use shirt worn by a millionaire is the epitome of American activism"
For all that Marxists like to go on about 'late capitalism', this sort of indulgent leftist nonsense is a far better symptom of 'late capitalism' - life is too good so you need to virtue signal and try to destroy society with your pointless 'activism', while collaborating with big corporations

Fr. John Whiteford on Twitter - "Instead of questioning whether you should be ashamed of your ancestors, consider whether your ancestors would be ashamed of you."

'I ride bike not submarine': Grab apologises to rider who was tasked to deliver food to Seletar Island - "Unless he chartered a boat ride or kayaked to the offshore island, there was no way he would be able to complete the job. Funnily enough, Ruzzy (@rxzhael) shared on Twitter yesterday (July 26) how a Grab Delivery Partner Support agent requested him to make the delivery nonetheless... The customer who made the Seletar Island order never responded to Grab’s attempts to get in touch, so there’s that."

Xiaomi Japan apologizes for using nuclear bomb in ad - "Xiaomi Japan issued a public apology today after it received backlash for a recent advertisement. The ad in question promotes the speed of the Redmi Note 9 Pro using nuclear bomb imagery as well as a “fat man” that looks like a white balloon.“Fat Man” was the codename used for the nuclear bomb dropped by the United States on the Japanese city of Nagasaki in 1945 during World War II. Black and white imagery of the bomb itself make it look like a huge white balloon."

TikTok's Jenna Phillips Says She Makes 6 Figures as OnlyFans Puppy - "A Texas woman who reportedly said she has “always acted like a puppy” is now garnering more than hundreds of thousands per month through her performance on OnlyFans, after quitting her career as an optician. Jenna Phillips from Austin, Texas, now pretends to be a dog on OnlyFans, an adult content subscription website, where she runs around fetching balls, rolls around, and takes dog treats... The 21-year-old has said that she likes to “roll around, play fetch, get head scratches, run around and play,” according to LADBible, because she always felt like a puppy at heart.Her monthly income is now 100 times more than her previous income, and she makes six figures... “I have always acted like a puppy, but not in a sexual way at first. I used to pretend I was a puppy when I was growing up,” she said. “I really love praise. I love hearing ‘good girl.’ It makes my heart melt every time.”When she started her OnlyFans account, the content was “vanilla,” but after almost two years, she began posting as “thatpuppygirl” which is what turned around her business. She said there’s a been “surge” in her following ever since.She said what made her change her mind about doing vanilla content was that there wasn’t a market for “female puppies” on OnlyFans."

Ceiling Fans Have Switches For Hot And Cold Air - "Ceiling fans spin counterclockwise to push cool air downward. But, some fans have a switch that spins the blades in the opposite direction to pull air upward and push the warm air that naturally rises back down. In short, your fan should spin counterclockwise if you want cool air and clockwise if you want warm air. You're welcome!"

If You Are Looking For Casual Sex, Tinder Will Not Help, Study Says - "When seeking casual sex, why go to a bar to get rejected when you can use an app to get rejected from the comfort of your own home? A study just published in Personality and Individual Differences suggests that people on Tinder and other such picture-based dating apps are not really doing much better at getting casual sex than those who don't use the apps. In other words, swiping left and right doesn't mean that you are "hooking up" left and right... not everyone is trying to use Tinder and similar apps as a vending machine for casual sex. The study did find that Tinder tended to be first and foremost a diversion for both men and women, something to use when they were bored and had nothing else to do. Moreover, in a finding that may shock many men in the dating world, women were more likely to use the apps to simply confirm that they are attractive rather than actually trying to find a partner, short or long-term. In a press release, Bendixen explained, "Women use dating apps to feel better about themselves more than men do.""

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