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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Observations - 21st October 2020

"None of what you just said is accurate" followed by a block seems to be code for "I can't refute any of what you said so I shall eliminate this cognitive dissonance" 

If you tell people they're wrong, they get annoyed
But if you show people they're wrong, they get really pissed off 

So people don't like it when you analyse their Facebook posts and show them that they've been predominantly posting about a topic and so are verifiably obsessed about it

"Looking for hotels in India is the first time I've ever sorted price from high to low." 

"typical Asian parents
Not saying parents like that don't exist in most angmoh countries
They do exist, but in these angmoh countries they are known as "controlling" and "narcissists"
In Asian countries they are just normal parents" 

It seems that "mental health" has metastasised to the point that anything one doesn't like hurts one's "mental health"

Shouldn't those against fluoridated (or even lithium-ed) water be against chlorinated water too?

Wondering if people who demand that employers accept that most jobs can be done from home realise that jobs that can be done from home can also be done abroad in a third world country. So they're asking for their jobs to be offshored


One of the few advantages about the coronavirus hysteria (with people fantasising about a >20% fatality rate and stocking up 4-6 months of supplies) was that people have (mostly) stopped hyperventilating about how climate change will kill us all. Of course there's always the next moral panic (or going back to old ones)...

One climate change hystericist claimed to me that we should ignore economics in the quest to end climate change because profit considerations meant business had been ignoring the environment. Besides echoing the perversity here of refusing the most effective way of solving the putative problem, it was also incoherent (since the relationship is tenuous at best)

"Pedos" are to the right what "bigots" are to the left - an excuse for virtue signalling

The same people who want to abolish the electoral college in the US proclaiming that "land doesn't vote" also think that Brexit was an outrage because England voted leave against the wishes of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Addendum: They also claim that referenda are the tools of dictators and rail againt "populism", all while asserting that all votes need to have equal power. Principles don't matter. Only power

Amused that the same people who mock businesses for not having 6 months of cash flow in cash seem to be the same ones who condemn cash hoarding. Also they assume (re)starting a business is as easy as finding a new job. Doubtless they have never tried the former

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