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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Links - 25th October 2020 (George Floyd Unrest)

Arthur Kemp's Blog: George Floyd: A Test Case in Anti-White Hatred - "George Floyd: A Test Case in Anti-White Hatred - "The key findings from this report are:
1. No life threatening injuries identified (page 2 section III).
2. From the title of the autopsy report the cause of death is inferred to be cardiopulmonary arrest aggravated by law enforcement restraint and neck compression.
(a)  no physical  damage to the neck or trachea is identified—except for resuscitation attempts.
(b) Suffocation by having weight restricting movement of the diaphragm—called  mechanical asphyxia—is ruled out. If this was the case, there would be tell tale signs, including oxygen starvation in Floyd’s blood samples.* Nothing was found that supported mechanical asphyxiation as a cause of death...
3. There is no evidence in the autopsy to support a death by homicide. This is an unfortunate case of a combination of factors, the most patent being Floyd under the influence of narcotic substances, his physical size and aggressive behavior. The role of the enforcement officers in this case does not support a conclusion of homicide...
the autopsy carried out within twelve hours of Floyd’s death indicated that he died of a heart attack, and not from being restrained by the police.The autopsy report went on to reveal that Floyd was, proverbially speaking, as high as a kite, and certainly near death from a drug overdose, at the time of his arrest. In fact, Floyd had a history of drug abuse, with no less than four previous arrests involving drugs... Floyd was suffering from the first symptoms of cardiac arrest and breathing difficulty long before he was restrained by Chauvin... Yet another flaw in the “racist white police” narrative lies in the fact that two of the officers charged in the Floyd case are nonwhites... Pressure from the mob and the Black Lives Matter groups on the politicians has reached such an extent that the city of Minneapolis even issued a “revised” cause of death “press release report” in which the “manner of death” was listed as homicide."

Heavy.com on Twitter - "George Floyd died due to asphyxia from sustained forceful pressure, according to an independent autopsy conducted by famed pathologist Michael Baden at the request of Floyd's family, their attorneys announced in Minneapolis"

Why to Be Skeptical of Michael Baden on Epstein’s Death - "Michael Baden has spent decades as the go-to freelance medical examiner on the media and lecture circuit. He testified at the trials of O.J. Simpson and Phil Spector (who had hired Baden’s second wife, Linda Kenney Baden, as his defense attorney). He has conducted private autopsies in the deaths of Michael Brown, Aaron Hernandez, Shannan Gilbert, and John Belushi. He’s been so frequent a guest on Fox News shows — including Fox and Friends, where he gave his Epstein opinion — that he was identified as “Death Correspondent” on the long-running late-night show RedEye.Hold Dr. Baden’s credentials up to the light, though, and a more checkered history emerges from his demi-celebrity status... Self-aggrandizement, however irritating, is not necessarily an indication of professional unreliability. The circumstances of his dismissal as chief medical examiner for the New York City office in 1979, and again from running the Suffolk County office in 1982, are bigger — and more worrying — red flags."

Complaint: Autopsy reveals nothing to support strangulation as cause of George Floyd’s death - "an autopsy revealed nothing to support strangulation as the cause of death. The exam concluded that the combined effects of being restrained, potential intoxicants in Floyd’s system and his underlying health issues, including heart disease, likely contributed to his death."

Melissa Chen - "Remember just a few weeks ago when there was broad consensus to apply heat on our elected leaders and corporate elites for gutting our middle and working class? When the priority was to decouple our economy from China's, bring critical supply chains home and rethink globalization? Seems like all is forgotten just because some CEOs posted some black squares with white words and our leaders wore kente scarves and took a knee."

Compare The Media on Twitter - "18.6% of Minneapolis’ total real estate listings have popped up for sale in just the last 7 days"
"Minneapolis City Council unanimously passes resolution to replace police department with a “community-led public safety system”"

The Taliban: an apology | The Spectator - "When the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, they embarked on a cultural agenda that we in the West mocked. As it turns out, they appreciated sensitivities that we did not recognise at the time: the threat that cultural history poses to the present... In our own time of crisis, as statues of Churchill, Gandhi, Queen Victoria, and even Lincoln have been defaced by men with beards (albeit better-trimmed) it is now clear that Mullah Omar was not just a fanatic pursuing a daft fantasy of cultural purity. He was modernising his country's cultural inventory, a process which Britain had not recognised the need for. Until now. The Taliban worked out - in a way that Britain was slow to - that public statues are not politically neutral. They are statements about who and what we honour as a society. They carry the power structures of one age into another. Every collective generation has the right to ensure their values are reflected in the statues they pass. Modernity means that the aperture narrows. Five years ago it was Rhodes must fall. Today it is Churchill must fall. It turns out there was a slippery slope—to utopia. There is a map of the statues that campaigners want torn down, in which we see such ghouls as Robert Peel (inventor of modern policing) William Gladstone (inherited slaveowning money), and Thomas Guy (investor in the South Sea Company). The Taliban banned musical instruments and dancing in the 1990s because they encouraged “moral corruption.” They would not have tolerated the mention of Fawlty Towers. And frankly, my dear, they would not have given a damn about Gone with the Wind. The Taliban drew strength from cultish beliefs taught in schools - and so, too, are we now seeing the maturing of a moral system developed on campuses. The Taliban were anti-Shia, seeing their revivalist Sunnism as the only acceptable version of Islam. The statue campaigners think they are the only acceptable heirs of liberalism, even though they represent just the strand of liberalism that emerged in 1960s coastal America. Under the Taliban, anyone who did not agree with their views sacrificed their right to have a voice. Today, we “no-platform.”... over the years, we’ve learned that our commitment to liberalism and free speech was outmoded. We won the battle over ourselves, and learned to see that the Afghan dogmatism that we wrote off as medieval was, in fact, the future.So if we put up new statues, we should perhaps give them a finite lifespan—preparing for the next generational conflict. That showdown will probably be about the environment. I will just remind everyone that Pope Francis, Michelle Obama, and Malala Yousafzai are not vegans."

We need to talk about Black Lives Matter - "we have seen major media outlets and politicians defending and even encouraging violent action. Some who have condemned looting, arson and physical attacks have even been accused of supporting white supremacy, a vile and disingenuous charge that is almost certainly intended to quash dissent. This has largely come about because activists, many of them white and middle-class, have taken the opportunity to exploit a worthy cause. The essential work of standing up against police brutality, as evinced by the unforgivable treatment of Floyd, is being obscured by a culture war that is freewheeling out of control. Those of us who have urged vigilance when it comes to the rise of identity politics and the cult of Social Justice have now been fully vindicated. For years we have warned about the ways in which the culture war had the potential to infect all public and political discourse. But we were dismissed as railing against niche politics confined to campus common rooms and the dark recesses of the internet. Now the culture war has exploded on to the streets of the UK. If that sounds like a fancy way to say ‘I told you so’, then so be it...  In all my life I have never met a single person who would not agree with the proposition that ‘black lives matter’... The latest protests have been infiltrated, and often stoked, by the presence of various groups who unite under the banner of ‘Antifa’. Like ‘Black Lives Matter’, these groups rely on the good nature of a public who are likely to interpret their name literally. After all, only a fascist would complain about anti-fascism. Even Mara Liasson, national political correspondent for NPR, fell for this basic rhetorical trick when she described the Normandy landing of more than 150,000 Allied troops as the ‘biggest Antifa rally in history’. Activist singer Billy Bragg posted an image of Winston Churchill captioned simply with ‘ANTIFA’. That protesters this week defaced the statue of Churchill in Parliament Square and branded him a ‘racist’ shows the incoherence of much of what is going on. To return to our common ground: not only is fascism vanishingly rare in the UK, but you would be hard pushed to find anyone who isn’t wholeheartedly opposed to fascism. We are all anti-fascist, which makes Antifa’s claim to be resisting a popular tyrannous force seem about 80 years out of date. The difference is that most of us understand that pepper-spraying a Trump supporter, or striking a UKIP voter over the head with a bike lock, doesn’t put us in the same bracket as those who fought actual fascists at Cable Street in 1936... our failure to instil critical thinking in our educational systems has led to many of the problems we face in today’s society. To make the case for measured and reasonable discussion of these sensitive issues is to open oneself up to entirely unfounded charges of racism. In such circumstances, most people would rather acquiesce for the sake of an easy life. We have even seen those who have raised questions about the wisdom of permitting mobs to destroy public landmarks being accused of endorsing the slave trade... we have seen a media and political class who are not interested in serious debate about the aims of the protesters, but would rather uncritically declare their fealty for fear of being mischaracterised... Hannah Arendt criticised the ‘rather fashionable’ tendency among white liberals to accept collective guilt, which she described as ‘the best possible safeguard against the discovery of culprits’. In this, she was articulating something that we all instinctively know. ‘Where all are guilty, no one is’... we must feel able to discuss movements such as Black Lives Matter critically, and not simply assume that its objectives are straightforwardly encapsulated by its name. How many people know, for instance, that part of the Black Lives Matter manifesto is a commitment to ‘dismantle cisgender privilege’ and ‘disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another’? The movement, in other words, is not solely about standing up to racism, a goal that anyone with an intact moral compass would share. Look carefully at the messages of the graffiti and the placards on many of these protests. Yes, we all agree that black lives matter, but can we really say the same for ‘all cops are bastards’ or ‘fuck Madeleine McCann’? That we have reached the point at which the majority of people are genuinely afraid of having difficult conversations is a tragedy for everyone... we are right to risk standing up for the values of a liberal democracy in the maelstrom of a seemingly endless culture war."

UKTV to reinstate Fawlty Towers episode The Germans - "An episode of the classic 1970s sitcom Fawlty Towers is set to be reinstated on a BBC-owned streaming service after the service removed it because it contained “racial slurs”... The decision was criticised by John Cleese, who cowrote the show and played its main character, misanthropic hotel owner Basil Fawlty. The episode included a scene in which Major Gowen, a regular guest at the hotel, uses racist language in relation to an anecdote about the West Indies cricket team.Cleese told The Age newspaper: “If you put nonsense words into the mouth of someone you want to make fun of, you’re not broadcasting their views, you’re making fun of them. The major was an old fossil left over from decades before. We were not supporting his views, we were making fun of them. If they can’t see that – if people are too stupid to see that – what can one say?”He said there was a “really admirable feeling that we must make our society less discriminatory”, but said: “A lot of the people in charge now at the BBC just want to hang on to their jobs. If a few people get excited, they pacify them rather than standing their ground as they would have done 30 or 40 years ago.”.. In an apparent reference to the removal of comedy programmes from its streaming services, Cleese had criticised BBC bosses in a series of tweets. He said that those tasked with making decisions at the corporation were “cowardly and gutless and contemptible”.The broadcaster was run by a mixture of “marketing people and petty bureaucrats”, he added."
Liberals complain that criticising racism is called racist (even when it is racist), but are unable to recognise satire as criticism of racism

Puget Sound Socialist Party - "A version of this statue exists at the Emancipation Memorial in Washington D.C., and at Lincoln and Booth in Boston.
Fact: The monument in D.C. was paid for entirely by former slaves.
Fact: The fasces, a long-time symbol of fascism, is prominently displayed on the plinth. (yes, we are aware that it meant other things in the past, and what it represents now is a fascist symbol that MAYBE shouldn't be displayed on a monument of a white man towering above a Black slave?)
Fact: The following is a real quote from Abraham Lincoln in a letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862.
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
We know communists are ignorant of history after all - that's why they still push communism

Brendan O'Neill - "So this week started with the toppling of a statue of a slave trader and ended with a school in Sussex ditching its plan to name one of its houses after JK Rowling because she has committed the thoughtcrime of believing that people with penises are men, not women. What a deranged week it has been. Statues attacked, comedy classics erased from streaming services, people cancelled for wrongthink on everything from the bullshit idea of white privilege to the nonsense of genderfluidity. Anyone who thinks this has anything to do with George Floyd needs to give their head a shake. His death is merely being exploited by an emboldened woke mob that wants to cleanse the public sphere of every idea and image it finds offensive. It’s time for a big public pushback against these loonies."

Brendan O'Neill - "I did a radio discussion today about tearing down statues and the person I was up against said that certain statues make him feel upset and therefore they should be removed. “Why should I feel unhappy walking down the street?” This is the narcissism of wokeness summed up. They really do believe they have the right to glide through life without ever encountering a difficult idea, an offensive image, a dodgy statue. Anything that makes them feel bad, or which simply challenges their worldview, must be swept aside. Ban speakers I disagree with, drag down monuments I disapprove of, censor comedians I find offensive. They want the whole world to be a Safe Space. Well, safe for them and people who share their views — but dangerous for the rest of us who would always run the risk of being cancelled or purged.This is why the statue thing matters: not because anyone cares about a monument to a slave trader, but because this is part of a broader arrogant belief that we need a woke cleansing of the entire public sphere. It’s statues being dragged down now; it will be people later."
"Where they burn books, they will too in the end burn people" is another example of the "myth" of the slippery slope

Economist Urged to Drop Post Atop Journal After Criticizing Black Lives Matter - WSJ - "A prominent economist faced pressure from others in his field to step down from an editing post because of comments he made criticizing the Black Lives Matter and Defund the Police movements, reflecting some of the turmoil roiling economics and other professions following the recent police killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis.The sparring this week between critics and defenders of University of Chicago economist Harald Uhlig, the lead editor of the Journal of Political Economy, comes during national protests over police brutality and discussions about racial inequality and policing practices... “Time for sensible adults to enter back into the room and have serious, earnest, respectful conversations about it all,” Mr. Uhlig wrote. “We need more police, we need to pay them more, we need to train them better,” he added. Backlash grew quickly on Twitter, including demands from prominent and rank-and-file economists for Mr. Uhlig’s resignation from the publication, which describes itself as “one of the oldest and most prestigious journals in economics.”"
When even economics gets attacked by SJWs wanting to destroy academic freedom

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "During a Black Lives Matter protest a white woman threw a Molotov cocktail at a police vehicle, when she was arrested she blamed a black man for giving her the explosive. She got it from a white man.She lost the narrative somewhere along the way...“When 27-year-old Samantha Shader was first arrested for allegedly throwing a Molotov cocktail at police, she told detectives that the supplies—including glass bottles—were given to her by a group of Black men and women, according to federal court records.”“But weeks later, on Friday, police arrested a white man who admitted to providing the materials, 29-year-old Timothy Amerman.”"

white supremacy culture | Culturally Responsive Leadership
Resources for teachers to indoctrinate their students into hating white people

Nathan Cofnas on Twitter - "1745: David Hume denied a job at the University of Edinburgh because of his controversial views on religion (he was seen as an atheist).
2020: University of Edinburgh is being pressured to rename the "David Hume Tower" because of his (now) controversial views on race."
"institutions etc could save a lot of time and money if they just renamed everything using numbers, ie, Tower 14; there could be secret maps, hidden plaques, etc with donors' names on the buildings, available only to the elect, donors etc would love it, would feel very exclusive"
"Just finished his essay on morals, surprised he hasn't been cancelled for pointing out men and women have different moral imperatives"
"Predictable, yet weird.  What do we learn about people's mentality if they condemn an 18thC man for a few racist words, yet want to canonise Nyerere, a 20thC man who - great though he may have been in some ways - also impoverished and abused the human rights of millions?"

What's Really Going on in Seattle? - "Are they peaceful protests or are they riots? Bonneville’s KTTH-AM Seattle host Jason Rantz was in the middle of the mayhem for ten hours...
It was a riot. It wasn’t a peaceful protest. When you set fire to five construction trailers, ransack and destroy a Starbucks, throw a munition at a police station, and spend your afternoon hurling rocks, water bottles, and other items at cops, it ceases being peaceful. Anyone who treats this as just a run of the mill protest, or claims it’s just a few bad apples, are either lying or simply don’t know what they’re talking about. There have been peaceful protests. This wasn’t one of them... Locally, radio and TV covered it well, highlighting the destruction and how out of control it got. The Seattle Times, however, was embarrassing in their coverage. They downplayed the violence significantly, they implied police were to blame, and took 14 paragraphs before they even got to the arson, and 18 paragraphs before they got to the munition attack... Nationally, the only meaningful and honest coverage I’ve seen consistently is from FOX News. I’ve been on Tucker Carlson Tonight, FOX News at Night, Neil Cavuto Coast to Coast, and the Daily Briefing for weeks covering what’s happening and why. MSNBC and CNN have leaned on Mayor Jenny Durkan as a guest, who is trying to turn this into a Seattle vs Trump issue. It’s not. We had three riots in one week. That is out of control and it has nothing to do with Trump."

Sargon of Akkad - Posts - "Black Lives Matter mural in Chicago defaced to say 'All Lives Matter'"
"Don't they know? Only Black Lives Matter."

'White Lives Matter' written on California street 3 days after Black Lives Matter mural vandalized
Too bad they didn't stick to something that's verifiably not vandalism, like tearing down historic statues
It's all their fault for violently protesting. They should have stuck to "mostly peaceful" protests, like burning down businesses

Meme - "Considering racism is a mental illness, should racists be disqualified from voting until they complete a re-education program? If no, please explain why you are RACIST."
"I think they shouldn't be able to breathe the same air as Anyone"!"
Also mirrored
Nothing is too much in the pursuit of "anti-racism"

FORMULA ONE FAKE: Lewis Hamilton’s ‘Black Privilege’ Revealed By ‘Former Friend’ - "A FORMER Friend of Lewis Hamilton has accused the Formula 1 racer of ‘Black Privilege’ following his public endorsement of the far-left Marxist Black Lives Matter UK group.The man said: “I was there when Lewis Hamilton was in go-karts. He was handed everything because he stood out because of his colour.”"

Noel Jackson - "I often hear the argument that we can't hold Antifa accountable for the violence that Antifa perpetrates because there is no Antifa "membership card," more or less.I say that is bullshit propaganda that dumb people use to shill for the terrorist group they are not-so-secretly supporting.There are many known Antifa cells, there are many known Antifa tactics, there is a known Antifa uniform, there are known Antifa protocols, there is known Antifa symbology, and lastly but more importantly: there are MANY known Antifa terrorists.As in, there is no question, we know certain people are Antifa and we know they commit massive amounts of violence.Keep in mind I'm not talking about dumb kids who leave their mommy's house for the first time dressed in all black and they cover their face and try to punch a white guy because he might be a Trump supporter and the news told them to. Those people are absolutely violent shitheads that should be locked up, but they aren't terrorists.I'm talking about REAL terrorists who plan terror actions in the name of Antifa.So here are some ultra violent Antifa terrorists:
Caleb Perkins
Kai Russo
Finbar Slonim
These three guys^ are more or less an Antifa hit squad, they have financial backers, controllers, and lawyers on call who will bail them out of any situation they get into. These guys meet every definition of the word terrorist... *more names*... So I'm going to stop this post here. This was 20 minutes of research, and I'm not a detective or law enforcement officer of any kind, I'm just a guy, and look how easy it was for me to find this stuff.Now, if I can find this stuff, why can't law enforcement? Most of these people have been filmed multiple times committing violence on camera, that's material evidence right there. Law enforcement could cut the head off the Antifa snake right now by just arresting the people on this list alone and offering them deals if they turned over a few other high level Antifa terrorists.I get it, group labeling Antifa a terror faction is dangerous, we don't want law enforcement ruining the lives of 18 year old kids who are going to regret their actions in a year or two, but the people I have listed here are cold blooded terrorists who want Americans dead or hospitalized. Why not just focus on them? Morally, what is wrong with arresting the organizers and the people directing the violence?"
"Meme: "Sorry pal, our movement is DecentralisedTM therefore you literally CANNOT criticise it"

Policing the Police: The Impact of "Pattern-or-Practice" Investigations on Crime - "This paper provides the first empirical examination of the impact of federal and state "Pattern-or-Practice" investigations on crime and policing. For investigations that were not preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force, investigations, on average, led to a statistically significant reduction in homicides and total crime. In stark contrast, all investigations that were preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force have led to a large and statistically significant increase in homicides and total crime. We estimate that these investigations caused almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies. The leading hypothesis for why these investigations increase homicides and total crime is an abrupt change in the quantity of policing activity. In Chicago, the number of police-civilian interactions decreased by almost 90% in the month after the investigation was announced. In Riverside CA, interactions decreased 54%. In St. Louis, self-initiated police activities declined by 46%. Other theories we test such as changes in community trust or the aggressiveness of consent decrees associated with investigations -- all contradict the data in important ways."
More proof for the Ferguson effect

The Associated Press on Twitter - "Still reeling from the coronavirus pandemic and protests over the George Floyd killing, cities around the nation are facing another challenge: a surge in shootings that has left dozens dead. Experts say the spike in violence defies easy explanation."
"When you neuter law enforcement, release hardened criminals from jail, institute "zero bail" to catch and release criminals immediately, this is what happens.  It is only difficult for idiots living in a dreamworld to understand.  To the rest of us it's pretty damned simple."
"defies explanation?  Have the not seen cities like NYC that have cut funding to police, and seen a spike in shootings?  Wow, no correlation there.   Face with rolling eyes"
"Weird.  Probably nothing to do with the media and lefts vilification of the police."
"You have to be kidding me. Anybody with half a brain saw this coming. Anarchy on the streets of multiple American cities...endorsed and encouraged anarchy at that. And you wonder why we have an increase in crime and violence?!?!?! Good Lord!!!!"

BLM Toronto leader believes white people are sub-human, calls them 'genetic defects' - "A social media post has resurfaced from a Black Lives Matter Toronto co-founder in which she apparently argues that white people are “sub-human” and are “recessive genetic defects.” Yusra Khogali wrote the post on what appears to be her Facebook and attempted to use a genetic explanation involving melanin production to explain why white people are “defects.”"
"A charming message from the head of BLM Tornoto, who has been honored (a few years ago) by the city of Ontario for exemplary leadership."...
"“Whiteness is not humxness,” reads the statement. “in fact, white skin is sub-humxn.”  “White ppl are recessive genetic defects. this is factual,” the post later says. “white ppl need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves. black ppl simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to.”  Khogali says that white people have a “higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors” which suppresses melanin production adding that melanin is important for a number of things such as strong bones, intelligence, vision and hearing. She adds, “melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy.”  In another post, Khogali tweeted, "Plz Allah give me the strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today."  After being criticized for the tweet Khogali responded by saying, "I am not a public official. I am not a police officer. The state does not entrust me with violent weaponry. I have never contributed to the mass targeting of a community. All I have done is used a turn of phrase, a rhetorical flourish, to voice my frustration and dared to be a person calling for justice.""
I guess Khogali herself gives us a good reason why BLM shouldn't get any power

BLM: rebels without a cause - "In a few short weeks, more black people have died from the chaotic and indiscriminate violence, excused by leftist media and politicians, than unarmed black people at the hands of the supposedly racist police in the whole of 2019... I referred to studies from Harvard, Washington State University and the City University of New York, which all suggested that police in the US do not shoot blacks more than whites. In fact, the evidence suggested they are less likely to shoot black suspects. More recent research bears out these findings. A 2019 study by researchers from Michigan State University, drawing on data compiled by the Washington Post and the Guardian, also found no evidence of anti-black tendencies in fatal police shootings.It is often noted that there are higher rates of blacks being shot by police when blacks are considered as a proportion of the US population. And this is true... Nevertheless, as the Washington Post has shown, while more blacks than whites are shot by police, when considered as a proportion of the US population, ‘the number of black and unarmed people fatally shot by police has declined since 2015’. Indeed, the number of blacks killed by police has fallen by 5.9 per cent since then, compared to just 0.3 per cent for whites, who still make up nearly half of all those killed by police.The statistics certainly cast a considerable amount of doubt on the now mainstream media narrative of systemic police racism. Chicago has been at the centre of recent BLM protests, so it’s worth looking at it in some detail. In 2019, there were around 500 homicides in Chicago. As of mid-June this year, there have been over 250 homicides. They have consisted mainly of young black men, killed by other young black men. Amazingly, Chicago police solve under 30 per cent of these murders. Is Chicago systemically racist? Hardly. It is one of the largest cities in the US. It is almost exactly a third black, a third white and a third Hispanic. It has been governed exclusively by Democrats since before the Second World War, and now has a black female city mayor in Lori Lightfoot, a black female district attorney in Kim Foxx, and a black superintendent of police in David Brown.It seems odd for BLM to be protesting in Chicago, of all places, about systemic racism. The facts suggest that if saving black lives is your chief priority, you ought to be demanding more policing and better leadership, rather than less policing and more leaders who happen to be black, as BLM does. Moreover, why does BLM never protest about the thousands of black people murdered each year? Why does it only protest when white police officers are involved? And why is it that many refuse to acknowledge the fact that crime is a problem overrepresented in the black community?The answer seems to be that for the likes of BLM, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the chief concern is not black lives. Rather, it is to instil the narrative that the US is racist. As Booker T Washington noted over a hundred years ago, ‘there is a certain class of race problem-solvers who don’t want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out, they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public’. Unfortunately, there is a lack of will in either the media or politics to challenge this dishonest narrative about the extent of racism in America.  Instead, many black commentators, scholars, politicians and celebrities like Thomas Sowell, Walter E Williams, Larry Elder, Ben Carson, Brandon Tatum, Candace Owens, Denzel Washington, and Morgan Freeman, who advocate proven remedies such as personal responsibility, reducing single-parent family rates and the introduction of school vouchers, are called Uncle Toms, sell-outs and worse. The Democrats have behaved particularly badly. Having sown the seeds of racial resentment in recent years, they are now reaping the harvest. Democrat-run cities, which account for 19 of the top 20 most violent cities in the US, are precisely the places where defunding the police is being floated as the ‘solution’... There are currently 36 black mayors of cities with over 40,000 residents in the US, and 16 of these are in cities where blacks are a minority, including Chicago, Dallas and the capital Washington, DC. Of today’s nine Supreme Court Justices, Clarence Thomas is black, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Jewish, Samuel Alito is a second-generation Italian, and Sonia Sotomayor is Hispanic American. And black people dominate the lucrative sports, music and entertainment industries... In a debate on reparations, the late, great Christopher Hitchens defined racists not as those who discriminate, but precisely those who are unable to discriminate between individuals. Instead, the racist prefers to see individuals as groups, based on arbitrary markers like skin pigmentation.This is exactly what the so-called anti-racists are doing... The latest anti-racist lynching of America shows how much damage can be done by well-meaning people who follow narratives rather than facts, and who treasure feelings over truths. The road to hell is indeed paved with good intentions."

Lucas Lynch - "Remember when many now justifying the looting thought a white kid smirking at a Native American man was a deadly menace?"
"Remember how we demand censorship for tweets seen as “fomenting and inciting violence” but all of a sudden fail to demand the same when blue checked liberals and celebrities tweeted out support for the riots and to “burn it all down?”"
"Smirking + being white = deadly menace
Looting + being intersectional = justice"
"Remember politicians asked you to stay home and practice social distancing but are now demanding you to take the streets?"
"He was grimacing."
"These are also the same people who say 'words are violence'."

The Yaboiposting - Posts - John Boyega: "Don’t waste time tweeting "you need to talk about police brutality against white people" go for one of your celeb coons for that. That Star Wars movie got you lot all the way fucked up. I am staying on topic. We are addressing a specific issue."
"“I expect White people to care about me to the same extent I DONT care about them!”"

Michael Tracey on Twitter - Amazon: "The inequitable and brutal treatment of Black people in our country must stop. Together we stand in solidarity with the Black community — our employees, customers, and partners — in the fight against systematic racism and injustice"
"Maybe if the country's most powerful corporations can adopt your "subversive" racial rhetoric without a second thought, your rhetoric is not actually subversive"
It's 100% a coincidence that this serves to distracts attention from actual shady shit that does go on - perpetuated by them

No doubt emboldened by the failure of state governments to enforce the law, activists are now plotting to tear down monuments of Captain Cook. This is why it was such a mistake to try and appease the mob, if you give them an inch they will take a mile. If our weak Premiers don't enforce the law how can you expect these ratbags to respect the law? Have we really reached the point where we need to have police guard the monuments of Australian heroes 24/7? Judging by just a few of these comments taken from social media we might have too! If we don't start demanding our state governments stand up to these activists and their lies, we will wind up watching as our history is torn down before our very eyes."

British anti-racism protestors call for destruction of Giza Pyramids

Nomadic Nomad Memes - Posts - "White man: "God... The history of my people is horrific.... I don't know how other nations of the world will ever forgive us" Mongolian man: "I wonder where we'll erect the next Chinggis Khaan statue
Is glorifying Genghis Khan fighting colonialism and white supremacy?

Uber Eats offers free delivery from restaurants owned and run by black people - "Khosrowshahi also reiterated Uber’s commitment to creating a “community that treats everyone equally and with dignity” and said the company does not tolerate “discrimination, harassment, or racism” on its platform... Uber’s announcement comes as numerous companies have pledged their commitment to supporting the black community amid ongoing protests against police brutality and racism in the US following the death of George Floyd"
Some races are more equal than others

Candace Owens - "Unbelievably, after raising $205,000 in 8 hours, GoFundMe suspended my campaign to raise money for the Parkside Cafe in Alabama. At their discretion, they deemed that raising funds to help save a conservative cafe that was being boycotted by a leftist mob, constituted "intolerance"... Meanwhile, they continue to allow funds to be raised to bail the very people that are looting and destroying these small businesses, out of jail.This honestly breaks my heart. Once again, conservatives and Trump supporters must adapt to a world that tells us that our very existence is unacceptable. That our ideas, thoughts, and now even our charitable efforts are unacceptable. That threatening, boycotting, and cancelling us is somehow permissible.The mob wants me to give up. Since my video this week reached 100 million people worldwide, I have had to deal with hundreds of anonymous death threats, plus the public posting of my address with a call to action for people to show up at my front door. Their obvious hope is that I will be bullied into silence. But it will never happen. In fact, I consider the mob to be my muse. They inspire me every single day get louder, to fight harder, and to create with even more conviction. If we can't campaign on their leftist websites, then we need to create our own."

Common Sense Extremists - Posts - Unitarian Univeralist church sign: "Black lives matter" *everything on fire*
"Unless you know better, the most likely explanation is this was set by a right-wing agitator."
Comments: "And then they say “rioting is language of the unheard. Rioting is justified. This is how you get change”“But still, this is the work of right wing agitators”.So just to confirm, in general, it’s okay, but this particular one is right wing agitatorS. Wouldn’t that mean it’s okay because he feels unheard?"
"So you’re actually claiming the Kenosha rioters are rightwing?
"Of course. The roaming bands of conservatives burning things down. "
"These are the same people that believe Trump is stealing mailboxes to prevent mail-in voting."
"Don’t they know the right wing is to busy working and raising kids?"
""Thinking that the Jewish people are behind everything? Nazis are such silly conspiracy theorists!" "Anything bad done by the left? Oh, that's just the worldwide neo-nazi network working against us..."And that's how you spot an extremist."
Comment (elsewhere): "[A] described the phenomenon before. Schrodinger's protester. A violent rioter is always a provocateur or covert cop until he is shot by cops, whereby the wave function collapses and he becomes an innocent peaceful protester."

Jordan Rachel on Twitter - "Remember that time republicans rioted, beat democrat voters, destroyed property, and torched American flags? ME NEITHER."

Michigan business owner under fire for 'ghetto' BLM post - "A Michigan business owner is being blasted as a racist over a Facebook post claiming the Black Lives Matter movement is reinforcing “ghetto stereotypes”... “The entire country is sick of your sh-t,” the shared post read. “Sick of the lawlessness, sick of the riots, sick of the threats and demands. The only thing you’ve managed to accomplish in all of this is to live up to the ghetto stereotypes. Congratulations.”"
Apparently there are no ghetto stereotypes

The Free Speech Union on Twitter - "Twitter shouldn't have censored the Tweet from one of the British leaders of BLM saying she wanted to enslave white people. In a free society, we should be able to see the views of political activists so we can make an informed decision about whether to support them or not."

Antifa’s American insurgency | Spectator USA - "We are witnessing glimmers of the full insurrection the far-left has been working toward for decades. The killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis was merely a pre-text for radicals to push their ambitious insurgency. In a matter of hours, after the video of Floyd began circulating the internet, militant antifa cells across the country mobilized to Minnesota to aid Black Lives Matter rioters. Law enforcement and even the state National Guard have struggled to respond in Minnesota.Portland, Oakland, Los Angeles, Dallas and Atlanta are just some of the other cities waking up and finding smoldering ruins where businesses once operated. Nearly 30 other cities experienced some form of mass protest or violent rioting. At least three people have been killed so far.  Antifa, the extreme anarchist-communist movement, has rioting down to an art. The first broken window is the blood in the water for looters to move in. When the looting is done, those carrying flammable chemicals start fires to finish the job. Footage recorded in Minneapolis and other cities show militants dressed in black bloc— the antifa uniform — wielding weapons like hammers or sticks to smash windows. You see their graffiti daubed on smashed up buildings: FTP means ‘Fuck the Police’; ACAB stands for ‘All Cops Are Bastards’; 1312 is the numerical code for ACAB.  Last night, rioters reached the gates of the White House, possibly the most secure location on Earth. There, they chipped away at the barriers piece-by-piece while law enforcement struggled to respond. One Secret Service officer reportedly had a brick thrown at his head. Footage recorded at the scene showed him blood-soaked. Police were eventually able to repel masked rioters by using pepper spray and tear gas. That worked, for now.The militants uprising across the country want a revolution and they don’t care who or what has to be destroyed in the process. If their comrades die, they are elevated as martyrs in propaganda. Death is celebrated. At its core, BLM is a revolutionary Marxist ideology. Alicia Garza, Opal Tometi and Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s founders, are self-identified Marxists who make no secret of their worship of communist terrorists and fugitives, like Assata Shakur. They want the abolishment of law enforcement and capitalism. They want regime change and the end of the rule of law. Antifa has partnered with Black Lives Matter, for now, to help accelerate the break down of society.The US is getting a small preview of the anarchy antifa has been agitating, training and preparing for. Ending law enforcement is a pre-condition for antifa and BLM’s success in monopolizing violence. Those who are harmed first are the weak and vulnerable, the people who cannot protect themselves. Small business owners in Minnesota pleaded for mercy, even putting up signs and messages in support of the rioters, but to no avail. The destruction of businesses we’re witnessing across the US is not mere opportunism by looters. It plays a critical role in antifa and BLM ideology. Their stated goal is to abolish capitalism. To do that, they have to make economic recovery impossible. Antifa sees a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to exploit an economically weakened America during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s Going Down, one of the most popular antifa blogs in North America, tweeted"

Natural History Museum to review potentially 'offensive' Charles Darwin collection - "An internal review, sanctioned in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, has led to an audit into some rooms, statues, and collected items that could potentially cause offence.It warns that collections which some may find “problematic” could include specimens gathered by Darwin, whose voyage to the Galapagos Island on HMS Beagle was cited by a curator as one of Britain’s many “colonialist scientific expeditions”. Museum bosses are now desperately seeking to address what some staff believe are “legacies of colonies, slavery and empire” by potentially renaming, relabelling, or removing these traces in the institution... Legacies that may fall foul of the shift in opinion might be the exotic birds of Darwin and Captain Robert Fitzroy, as their shared journey to South American was “enable greater British control” of the region, according to the paper shared with staff.The great naturalist Darwin also has a statue in the museum's main hall, and a large wing named after him. There could also be calls for specimens gathered by Sir Joseph Banks to be addressed, as the botanist sailed with Captain James Cook on the Endeavor voyage in the service of the British Empire.The ceiling of the grand Hintze Hall, where Hope the blue whale’s skeleton hangs, could also be problematic for staff.The painted ceiling contains visual depictions of plants “like cotton, tea and tobacco” which were “the plants that fuelled the British Empire's economy”... The presence of a statue depicting Thomas Henry Huxley, known as Darwin’s Bulldog, could be questioned due to the scientist’s racial theories. The museum holds one of the largest collections of items gathered by Carl Linnaeus, the Swedish scientist who devised the Latin naming system of different species.He thought Africans "indolent", and his naming system could be seen as erasing indigenous terms for specimens then collected and renamed by European naturalists.The flora specimins of British Museum founding father Sir Hans Sloane, who benefited from slavery in Jamaica, also form a large part of the collection.Historical assemblages of items like Sir Hans’ Jamaican collection could be reviewed by the institution."
First they came for the Confederate Generals...

Everyday words and phrases that have racist connotations - ""Master bedrooms" were more widely implemented in American homes after World War II, intended to give working parents a private space within their own homes, Trelora notes.While it's unclear whether the term is rooted in American slavery on plantations, it evokes that history...
Blacklist/whitelist: In tech, a blacklist refers to a directory of specific elements, such as email addresses, IP addresses or URLs, that are blocked. A whitelist, by contrast, is made up of elements that are allowed. Though the origins of those terms don't appear to be directly connected to race, some argue that they reinforce notions that black=bad and white=good...
The Masters Tournament: It's one of the four major tournaments on the PGA tour and is usually called simply, "the Masters."... The name appears to have been a reference to golfers with great skills, but its connotations have brought the name under scrutiny...
Peanut gallery: The phrase typically refers to the cheapest seats in a theater, and is informally used to describe critics or hecklers...
Grandfathered in: This legal term broadly refers to the "grandfather clause" adopted by seven Southern states during the Reconstruction Era... Now, "grandfathered in" means that a person or company are exempt from following new laws, but "grandfather clause" in its original context disenfranchised Black Americans for decades...
Blackball, black mark: The terms both imply wrongdoing. If you bear a black mark, you've done something that people hold against you. If you've been blackballed, you've been banned from joining an organization because of something you've done.The phrases didn't originate in times of slavery, but the use of "black" to describe things that are wrong is subconsciously racialized, according to Douglas Longshore, a UCLA researcher who published a study in 1979 on color connotations and race."
More grievance mongering and 1984 language engineering

‘Kindergarten Cop’ screening cut for ‘romanticizing’ police in Portland

Common Sense Extremists - Posts - "Rest in power Summer Taylor.They were killed last night in Seattle after a man drove his car into a #BlackLivesMatterdemonstration. Summer was 24 years old."
"Wait, so since the driver was black and the victim was white we don't put race in the headline. Got it."
"How do you fail to notice that internalized racism caused a man to murder innocent people with his car simply because they dared say black people are people. Clearly racism is the underlying issue here no matter the race of the racist."

Rioters Burn, Loot Minneapolis After Murder Suspect Kills Himself - "More rioting broke out in Minneapolis after a murder suspect ran from police and then shot himself when officers caught up with him... despite the fact that police released video of the incident about 90 minutes after it happened that proved the suspect died by suicide, Black Lives Matter activists immediately gathered at the scene and began rioting"

The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "McCarthy: "There is no place for QAnon in the Republican Party""
"Republicans have spent more time calling out their own supporters than the mobs looting and destroying American cities."

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "A permanent $50,000 memorial to George Floyd, probably including a statute and a street named after him, will soon be erected in Minneapolis. Some residents - in comments and a different piece - suggest naming a school after him. Thoughts?"
Deleted tweet: "Why not name the county drug rehab facility after him?"

These protests have nothing to do with racism - "The UK BLM protests are not about racial injustice. It is one thing to march ‘in solidarity’ and to demand justice. But what we are seeing here is a concerted effort to construct an all-encompassing mythology about what it means to be black in the world today – one that essentialises the black experience to be one of racism, oppression and victimisation, irrespective of any facts to the contrary. This pseudo-radical movement robs people of their agency and manipulates the goodwill of others. The attempt by these protesters to compare race relations in America to those in Britain is ridiculous and insulting. The two countries have vastly different histories and contexts... Despite polls consistently showing high levels of trust in police and faith in British democracy among black people in the UK, and despite the current cabinet being among the most diverse ever, BLM activists are determined to argue that British society is riddled with racism... the diversity of BAME voices on these issues is being erased. There are many different ideas of what progress, equality and fairness looks like, and how we could achieve those goals. But the one-dimensional narrative about white privilege, systemic racism and black victimhood is purported to be self-evidently true and indisputable. Several misleading statistics have been used to paint a picture of the UK as a racist society. One example is deaths in police custody. In reality, as the BBC has noted, ‘over the past 10 years, 163 people have died in or following police custody in England and Wales’. Of the 163, 13 were black. In fact, over the past 10 years, ‘a white individual who has been arrested was about 25 per cent more likely to die in custody than a black individual who had been arrested’... According to the Institute for Public Policy Research, the proportion of British-Nigerian pupils who gained 5 A*–C grades at GCSE (including maths and English) in 2010-11 was 21.8 percentage points higher than the England mean of 56.9 per cent, and much higher than the attainment of white British and British Jamaican children... BAME on-screen representation is at a ‘remarkable’ 23 per cent — this figure is actually higher than the BAME share of the British general population, which is estimated to be 14 per cent... groups of white people at protests are kneeling, apologising and begging for forgiveness for actions they did not commit, in a depressing display of self-flagellation and white guilt. It’s embarrassing. And it does absolutely nothing to move society forward. No ideas or policies are being offered – there is just virtue-signalling, power games and a pathetic spectacle that will only breed resentment and lead to a further descent into social disorientation... Anti-racism is no longer about fighting for the right of all people to be seen as individuals. It has become a corporation-endorsed movement about making meaningless gestures that do little to address complex issues... If you want to change society, start with yourself, start at home. I do not need to be told that my life matters. I know that my life matters, and I do not define my self-worth by the validation of others. White people owe me nothing and I expect nothing from them, other than basic respect for me as a human being."

Why did the protests over George Floyd turn into mass hysteria? - "One of the most distinctive things about the eruption of Black Lives Matter protests across the world is the speed with which they were endorsed by virtually every powerful institution and individual. From Hollywood to the churches, from big business to public-health officials, the word is out: support for BLM is essential, and in some cases mandatory... There is something perplexing about the way that elite institutions and powerful people are falling over themselves to be on the side of the angels. It is almost as if they have concluded that unless they act with haste in relation to supporting BLM, they will be in trouble. In some cases, institutions and companies have gone so far as to attack other businesses and individuals who appear to have strayed from the party line... As black actor Terry Crews has also discovered, only one point of view is allowed right now. He got called out for tweeting that ‘defeating white supremacy without white people creates black supremacy’. He was widely denounced. It is very difficult for a celebrity to hold or express genuine personal opinions these days. As one report notes, ‘People are urging celebrities to support Black Lives Matter online or stop posting entirely’... when even grown-ups behave like naughty children and ask for forgiveness for getting their words wrong, imagine the impact this censorious culture will have on actual children... When young children are faced with the demand to conform or else, it is clear that a powerful mood of illiberal intolerance is sweeping our societies. Threatened with being ostracised, children as young as 11 and 12 now feel compelled to fall in line. Suddenly, the term ‘peer pressure’ has acquired a whole new dimension... The language of intolerance is most strikingly expressed in the phrase ‘silence is violence’, or ‘white silence is violence’... the people who are most ferociously saying ‘silence is violence’ are not actually encouraging people to voice their views. What they’re really saying is that you are allowed to express one view – the view that accords with our doctrine. That is why even many people who have stated that they are against racism have been shut down. It is not enough to hate racism – if you are a white person, you must also acknowledge that you are complicit in all crimes committed against black people. Until white individuals acknowledge their privilege and signal their willingness to re-educate themselves, they remain on the wrong side of history. So the demand ‘silence is violence’ does not represent a call for discussion and debate; rather, it is a demand for linguistic conformity to a non-negotiable truth. It is actually about silencing those who disagree with the BLM narrative... The climate of groupthink has now become a kind of mass psychosis among white people desperate to communicate that they ‘get it’. We have seen videos of groups of white people getting on their knees and begging for forgiveness for their sins. These disturbing images resemble a medieval ritual of self-abasement. All that is missing is actual self-flagellation. At times, the impulse of self-loathing has given rise to a frenzy of moralistic outrage. The sight of Jacob Frey, the mayor of Minneapolis, subjecting himself to the humiliation of an angry crowd shouting ‘shame, shame, shame’ confirms that we now have an epidemic of hysteria. The walk of shame being done by Frey and others, reminiscent of a scene from Game of Thrones, is not simply a response to racial injustice. More importantly, it is a testimony to the moral disorientation of American society. The pulling down of the statue of slave trader Edward Colston in Bristol confirms that anti-racist protest has become meshed with an outburst of mass psychosis. What was really disturbing was not the actual tearing down of the statue but what happened afterwards. The statue was dragged through some streets before being thrown in the river. It was almost as if what was being dragged was a person rather than a statue. As I watched, a thought fleetingly rushed through my head: ‘What are they going to do next – open up Colston’s grave and rid the world of any trace of his existence?’ Mass hysteria, which is often an extreme example of groupthink, tends to disappear as fast as it emerges. But today, matters might be different. Today’s prevailing climate of intolerance is deep-rooted. The zeitgeist of intolerance that has already been institutionalised in higher education is now spreading through the rest of society. It will overwhelm our lives unless we have the courage to challenge its attempts to dictate what we may say and what we may think."

Mark Dice on Twitter - "Has anyone told them by rioting and looting they’re actually reinforcing the biggest “stereotypes” they want people to stop applying to them?"

Blaming Trump for the riots is a Democratic disaster | Spectator USA - "After months of trying to spin the nationwide unrest as ‘mostly peaceful’ or ignoring it entirely, Democrats have discovered some fresh messaging: the riots are violent and they’re Trump’s fault.Joe Biden seized on this new storyline during a campaign speech in Pittsburgh on Monday, telling voters that Trump is ‘stoking violence in our cities.’... To hear Democrats recap the riots, however, they were peaceful until white supremacist Trump supporters got involved. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler called antifa violence in Portland a ‘myth’ when approached about the subject in June. Mayor Muriel Bowser bragged in her Democratic National Convention speech about creating ‘Black Lives Matter Plaza’ in Washington, DC for the protesters, but did not mention some of those protesters torched the historic St John’s church outside of the White House. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan  described her city’s ‘autonomous zone’, which was forcibly taken over by armed protesters and where a black teenager would later be shot dead, as a ‘block party atmosphere’. Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded to the toppling of a statue of Christopher Columbus by giving a wave of her hand: ‘people will do what they do’. Rep. Ayanna Pressley went several steps further than her peers, encouraging ‘unrest in the streets’ during an MSNBC interview in August. No one blamed her for the Americans who were pulled out of their cars and pummeled for daring to drive on streets blocked by protesters.Biden’s running mate, Kamala Harris, promoted a bail fund intended for protesters in Minnesota. This would be disturbing enough considering the level of violence propagated by many of those protesters, but it’s even worse when you look at the other individuals who received those funds. One went on to assault a bar owner who was left with a traumatic brain injury after his release, another was charged with stabbing a friend for refusing sex, a third was charged with sexual assault and kidnapping, and a fourth charged with shooting at police. Biden denounced looting and rioting during a speech on June 2, but simultaneously blamed Trump and the police for escalating tensions. It was as absurd a statement then as it is now. Trump repeatedly offered federal assistance to governors and mayors as their cities were burned and looted. Biden must be in favor of allowing such violence to continue if he decries quelling rioting and restoring order as ‘escalation’. The Democrats in charge of those cities must have the same mindset, as many repeatedly declined the President’s offer of help... The consequences of allowing the riots to continue unabated are clear: homicide rates in 27 major American cities were up 21 percent in aggregate from May to June. It wasn’t until late August, after months of civil unrest that showed little sign of slowing, that local residents began arming themselves in a bid to defend their properties from destruction. This was a response to violence, not the creation of it. Citizens who watched as police around the country were told to stand down or were chased and burned out of their own precincts cannot be blamed for taking matters into their own hands when the state has failed them... So why, after months of his fellow party members denying and downplaying the summer of violence, did Biden unleash a speech in a swing state placing the blame squarely on Trump? Well, the polls are no longer in the Democrats’ favor. Support for Black Lives Matter has plummeted in swing states. Biden is underperforming when compared to Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Even Minnesota looks like it could be in play for Trump. These are all states where high turnout in rural and suburban areas — whose residents likely fear riots coming to their streets — could hand the election to Trump. The Biden campaign has presumably seen this trend and realized that allowing Trump to set the tone on being anti-violence is a losing strategy.Cue Biden asking people if they feel safer under Trump and portending ominously, ‘Does anyone believe there will be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected?’ Does that count as escalation? Because it sure sounds like a threat."

'I have a right to make sure that my home is secure': Chicago bans protesters from mayor's block - "Chicago police barred protesters from demonstrating outside the home of Mayor Lori Lightfoot... On Aug. 10, Chicago officials made the decision to raise bridges to the city's downtown in an attempt to prevent looting from occurring in the city's center. One jewelry and gift shop owner told the Chicago Tribune that city officials "have to get a hold of the city again." As she stood in front of her business, with its windows smashed, she said, "I feel like we are under attack and under siege.""
It's only good to protest outside Republicans' houses

Chicago Shootings Continue Amid Protests, Police Union Chief Now Asking Trump For Federal Help To Quell Violence - "“If you really wanted to help the city, let’s start with the fact that you would weigh in, Mr. President, on common sense… gun reform,” Lightfoot said. “It makes no sense that people from Chicago can go across the border to Indiana and buy military-grade weapons and bring them back to our city and kill our children.” The gun laws have not changed since the city’s last spike in violence, in 2016."

Chicago looters smash Ronald McDonald House with sick kids inside - "The charity says more than 30 families, as well as some sick children with them, were left “frightened” by those who smashed windows as they ransacked the Windy City during Monday’s chaotic crime spree... At least 13 cops were injured in violent clashes with looters, with 100 arrests. It started amid reports that a teen had been shot by cops, although police later said it was a 20-year-old man who had first fired at officers as he fled arrest.Ariel Atkins, a Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer, cheered the looting, calling it a “reparation.”'

VIDEO: Coordinated Attack By Antifa Leaves 49 Chicago Officers Injured - "The Chicago Police Department (CPD) released video of the mayhem at Grant Park on Friday when 49 officers were injured by antifa hurling bottles, fireworks, and other projectiles at them in what officials described as a planned “mob action” to hurt police... the head of Chicago’s police union called Mayor Lori Lightfoot a “complete failure” and asked President Trump “to help save Chicago”"
Strange, since according to liberals, antifa does not exist and violent people are all "far right extremists" or "police agitators". This is some 4D chess going on here

WATCH: Chicago Police Release Video Of ‘Antifa’ Using Protest As Cover, Changing To All Black, Arming Against Cops

Black Lives Matter Holds Rally Supporting Individuals Arrested in Chicago Looting Monday - "“I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats,” Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, said. “That makes sure that person has clothes.”... “That is reparations,” Atkins said. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.”"
Strange how we are told that BLM is not responsible for looting

Chicago Black Lives Matter Activist Reflects On Looting - "Ariel Atkins: A lot of people are really attacking our pages. They’re like, ‘Oh, you support the looters.’ And yeah, we do, 100%. That’s reparations. And like however people choose to protest, especially if it was definitely in line with what happened with the shooting, which would be powerful to see people reacting … without organizers just being like, ‘We’re angry and this is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna take the power back.’...
What do you say to people who argue looting undermines Black Lives Matter’s message?
Atkins: I think that those people are forgetting the way that history has ever worked. The way that history has worked, the way that we’ve ever gotten wins, has never been through peaceful protests alone, and I will say with quotes, “peaceful protests.” Winning has come through revolts. Winning has come through riots. Winning has come through constant, constant work. … The only people that can undermine our movement are the police, our oppressors, and then us when we don’t believe in the people that we’re fighting with. If we are constantly trying to tell each other exactly the right way to do it, as opposed to finding ways to support each other and get that collective win, that is undermining. I don’t undermine my movement.
What do you think of Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s comments about the looting?
Atkins: This is the same woman who literally said, ‘Well, I haven’t heard anybody in real life say defund the police’ when you go to her block and there are people that literally have signs in their window that say defund the police, when people are literally protesting outside of her house every day screaming defund the police, and then when they’re protesting outside of her office. So, you know, she can just say anything she wants. … The whole idea of criminality is based on racism anyway, because criminality is punishing people for things that they have needed to do to survive or just the way that society has affected them with white supremacist B.S. So it’s like her deciding what is criminal and what isn’t.'"

Controversial Black Lives Matter leader remains defiant as support ebbs away - "To be fair to Joshua Virasami, a key leader of the UK’s Black Lives Matter movement, he has never attempted to hide his politics.For the past decade Mr Virasami has made little secret of his hatred for capitalism, the police, the media, greedy landlords, airports, and Tories.But now the 30-year-old activist and his fellow BLM leaders face a hemorrhaging of support and accusations of hijacking George Floyd's death after they tweeted attacks on Israel, and calls to “defund the police”... The account of the semi-official UK branch of the US movement on Twitter, recognised by the social media site with a blue tick, declared in December 2016 that “prisons and detention centres should be abolished”... In an article for a left wing website, he argued in favour of rioting on Britain’s streets’ saying: “We must situate the riot as a legitimate and necessarily violent form of protest in the struggle for freedom within racial capitalism."In another he wrote: “Anti-racism is anti-capitalist, and vice versa. There are no two ways around it.” And despite support for his campaign draining away in recent days over its political activism, Mr Virasami has been unrepentant."
If even Twitter verifies the account, liberals who refuse to believe anything bad about BLM will still claim that a verified BLM account saying something inconvenient doesn't mean anything

VIDEO: BLM Protesters Mob, Shoot At Vehicle That Refuses To Stop - "A vehicle attempted to drive through Black Lives Matter protest blocking the street on Monday in Provo, Utah and was shot at as they slowly moved through the crowd... Immediately after the shots are fired, the vehicle quickly begins speeding through the crowd, even as more members of the mob attempt to throw themselves in front of the vehicle."

Black Lives Matter Chapter Co-Founder Demands White People Give Up Their Homes - "The Louisville, KY, co-founder and organizer for Black Lives Matter, Charlotte Helm, drafted a list of requests for white people for things she believed should change... change up your will, just in case any of your inheritors espouse problematic views. She demands: “White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.” Other requests involve getting “racists” fired, before bringing up the diminutive manhood of men accused of racism... In 2015, one of the BLM movements co-founders, Patreese Cullors, admitted that they were “trained Marxists” in an interview."

Black Americans Have a Message for Democrats: Not Being Trump Is Not Enough - The New York Times - "It dawned on Sierra Moore, 24, who attended the protests carrying a homemade sign that read “No Justice, No Peace,” that she and her grandmother have been protesting the same issues over the course of a century... “If you want change in America, go and register to vote,” said Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms of Atlanta, but interviews with activists and leading Democratic figures including Stacey Abrams of Georgia, the longtime civil rights leader and former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson, and Representative Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, flipped that typical framework: If Democrats want people to vote, party leaders need to listen to why people are angry... the former vice president, one of the Senate architects of the modern criminal justice system, cannot confront racism without addressing systemic inequalities, and he cannot address systemic inequalities by simply returning to a pre-Trump America."
Clearly, a century worth of grievances are Trump's (or Republicans') fault, even if people live in solidly Democratic cities/states
One accompanying photo is amusing, showing a lack of social distancing and masks

Tim Young on Twitter - "Finding the black person in this Black Lives Matter photo is harder than most Where's Waldos."

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Should we remove controversial statues? - "‘Three major demands are in their Manifesto. Removing symbols of colonialism was only one of them. They were also talking about the decolonization of the curriculum, and about improving the rates of recruitment of black students and staff. Now, campaigners, anti racist campaigners in higher education have been talking about the curriculum and students and staff demographics for many years, if not decades, but it was only when they started talking about the statue that these demands hit the front pages of newspapers and media.’...
‘I said that I thought the Rhodes trust was doing fantastically good work. And I did that on the basis of having stood alongside Nelson Mandela, at a conference in Westminster Hall with Tony Blair and Bill Clinton in 2003. At which he said how strongly he supported the trust. He then said, in 2008, we had set up already something called the Mandela Rhodes trust, to help heal the divisions... he went through all the preamble of the South African constitution to underline this point, and finishing signing the agreement between the Mandela trust and Rhodes, he said, looking at a photograph of Cecil Rhodes: Cecil, you and I are going to have to work together now. Now, if it was, all the problems associated with, with Cecil Rhodes’ history, if it was all right for Mandela, then I have to say it's pretty well alright for me…
There is a bit of hypocrisy, as Mary beard said, the last time round, in Oxford, taking money for 100 scholars a year, a hundred, about a fifth of them from Africa, to come to Oxford, and then saying we want to throw the Rhodes statue, wherever it is, and you were very honest about that earlier, in the Thames. I mean, we have to-’...
'There's a group of young undergraduates who I welcome, who go around the University, have a guided tour showing people, the places which were got through slavery or for other aspects of our history which, which people don't... approve of. But take my case. I was a colonial governor. I was the last colonial governor. I recognized, not least in my last speech when I left Hong Kong, that we'd acquired Hong Kong in appalling circumstances, which nobody could conceive would be justified today. But there was, we did some good things in Hong Kong. So that millions of refugees from Communist China came there. And almost every aspect of history, you have to look at, you have to look at both sides. And normally there is more than more than two sides as, as Simon Sharma was saying earlier, where do you place Gladstone? Where do you what do you do about Jans Mutts? What do you about, do about Cranwell? My family were potato famine Irish immigrants. I've walked underneath Cromwell's statue going into the Houses of Parliament for years, what am I supposed to think about it? What is a visiting Irish politician supposed to think about it? These are incredibly complicated issues. And we actually have to have a sensible discussion. And I'm pleased that it is turning into a discussion, not into acts of violence'"
Of course, we are still told that saying that destroying statues of slaveholders is only the beginning, this is the "myth" of the "slippery slope" Looks like Mandela needs to be cancelled for enabling white supremacy, since he was for reconciliation instead of destroying everything BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, Tuesday’s business with Dominic O'Connell (link unavailable) - “One of Britain's top business schools, the Cass Business School in central London, is going to drop Cass from its name. It adopted that name just 18 years ago, after Sir John Cass, who was part of the early development of the British slave trade... [I asked] them why given Cass's pivotal role in the slave trade, the university had not dropped the name sooner
‘We genuinely didn't know. When the money was accepted in 2002, the due diligence would have been done on the Cass foundation, not on the name itself.’
‘But you must have known between now and 2002.’
‘No, no, no, we didn't. If you look now, of course, it's all over the internet. You look on the Wikipedia page, and you'll see on the, the section for Sir John Cass, it’s mentioned of the link with the, with the slave trade, but that was added on on the ninth of June.’
‘I was looking at your website earlier, and it suggests that 70% of your students are from the black, Asian, or the minority background’...
‘That's true for our undergraduates, yes, and about a quarter of our staff are BAME as well’”
Sounds like all the BAMEs members of the organisation weren’t alienated by the name (what we’re told is behind underrepresentation of “minorities” in whatever area). Either they didn’t know about Cass either (which means grievance mongers actually "harmed" them) and/or their school having the name of someone who did something now considered wrong more than 300 years later is not an issue to them

By the end of his life, Martin Luther King realized the validity of violence | by Hanif Abdurraqib
More than one person has thrown this mischevous article at me to claim that Martin Luther King Jr, in the last year of his life, supported riots. One person even proclaimed that to ay that he was against riots is whitewashing. Naturally, this is dishonest quote-mining

King's challenge to the nation's social scientists - " In September, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr., was only 38-years-old but already president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize when he took the podium at APA's Annual Convention in Washington, D.C.A re-reading of his powerful address today captures the urgent tone of the 60s, as he cajoled the nation's social scientists to 'tell it like it is.' In fact, to APA's membership, whom he addressed as 'concerned friends of good will,' his plea for help in changing a society 'poisoned to its soul by racism,' seems now ever more poignant in light of the tragedy that struck only seven months later...
"I believe we will have to find the militant middle between riots on the one hand and weak and timid supplication for justice on the other hand. That middle ground, I believe, is civil disobedience. It can be aggressive but nonviolent; it can dislocate but not destroy"
"Urban riots... may be deplored"
"They are a distorted form of social protest"
"Looting... [is how] the Negro [is] abusing property rights"
"A profound judgment of today's riots was expressed by Victor Hugo a century ago. He said, 'If a soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.'"
"It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crime"
"We ask Negroes to abide by the law"
"Negroes are moved by a suicide instinct in riots"
"we must reaffirm our belief in building a democratic society, in which blacks and whites can live together as brothers"
"We must never adjust ourselves to the madness of militarism, and the self-defeating effects of physical violence"
"It is no longer a choice between violence and nonviolence, it is either nonviolence or nonexistence""
MLK's actual speech

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