Sunday, August 02, 2020
Links - 2nd August 2020 (1) (Male 'Privilege')
KeepRocking on Twitter - "Can you imagine that all this time Amber Heard has been running around being an actual human rights ambassador, all while there were actual audio tapes of her admitting to abuse and shamelessly gaslighting Johnny Depp. The nerve. THE NERVE #JusticeForJohnnyDepp"
"It doesn't surprise me, sadly. It took me over 10 years to get away from my abusive ex-wife. And even then, I was told that if a man had written the letters she wrote to me, he'd be in jail, but because she was a woman, there was nothing anyone could do."
Amber Heard exposed in new audio 'nobody will believe a white male' - "“See how many people believe you,” Amber Heard laughs at Johnny Depp for claiming he’s a domestic violence victim. She claims that the courts will take her side because she’s a beautiful young woman and not and old white guy. “Men can’t be victims of domestic violence”... Johnny Depp has already lost his role as the iconic Disney character, Captain Jack Sparrow, in the beloved family movie series Pirates of the Caribbean after Amber Heard made allegations him calling him an abusive, wife-beating, womaniser. Amber Heard continues to have a successful career in Hollywood despite being exposed admitting to punching Johnny Depp in a previously released audio tape... Johnny Depp is currently suing Amber Heard in a 50 million dollar defamation suit and promises more to drop more audio tapes exposing Amber heard in the coming months."
Amber Heard must be a feminist, because she is very aware of Depp's "male privilege" and "white privilege"
Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots and pans on tape - "Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots, pans and vases in an explosive audio confession... The Aquaman actress, 33, opens up about her violent tantrums in a series of taped conversations the estranged couple made in 2015 as they tried to talk through their marriage problems... Heard - an ambassador for women's rights and outspoken domestic violence advocate - taunts Depp for fleeing the late night dust-up, telling him: 'You are such a baby. Grow the f**k up Johnny.'... 'I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical abuse on each other,' an exasperated Depp pleads in the recording... But Heard - who filed for divorce in May 2016 accusing Depp of beating her during their toxic 18-month marriage - warns: 'I can't promise you I won't get physical again. God I f**king sometimes get so mad I lose it.'Depp filed his $50 million defamation suit in Virginia after Heard penned an op-ed for the Washington Post detailing her experiences as an alleged domestic violence victim. 'I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out,' she wrote in the December 2018 article, which didn't mention the Pirates of the Caribbean actor by name. Depp claimed, nonetheless, that it implicated him as the abuser, damaging his reputation and causing him to lose his prized role of Captain Jack Sparrow.His suit says he's the victim of an 'elaborate hoax' instigated by Heard to generate positive publicity and advance her career... The pair married in February 2015 but split less than two years later when Heard had a restraining order slapped on Depp over claims he threw a cellphone in her face at their downtown Los Angeles loft.Heard claimed police had evidence of the May 27, 2016 attack but two LAPD officers later said in a deposition that they found nothing to suggest a crime took place... Heard accuses Depp of taking her for granted, behaving like a 'vacation husband' and 'splitting' every time they have an argument.Depp complains he's forced to leave when she becomes 'manic and angry', telling Heard: 'I'm not going be in a physical f**king altercation with you... you f**king hit me last night.'He goes on to add: 'I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the f**k else at me.'Heard responds: 'That's different. That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur.'Just because I've thrown pots and pans does not mean you cannot come and knock on my door. '... A spokeswoman for Heard accused Depp of 'vindictively' leaking the tape and trying to victim-blame their client."
This is amazing. Exposing an abuser is 'victim blaming'. Clearly men are always abusers and women are always victims
Amber Heard could face up to 3 years in prison for fake evidence - "She hired a Private Investigator who has failed to dig up any dirt on the 56-year-old actor, and her appeal to have the case dismissed has officially been rejected. That means that Johnny Depp has sufficient evidence against Amber Heard and the judges will most likely rule in his favour... Amber Heard claimed that Johnny Depp beat her and left her with two black eyes, however, Johnny Depp alleges to have evidence proving that those injuries were fake.In 2019 Amber Heard’s personal stylist, Samantha McMillen, went on record stating that she believes that her black eyes were fake... In the state of California fake injuries can be considered falsified evidence and California law does not look favourably upon any person who prepares or offers false evidence in any court proceeding... The maximum sentence for submitting false evidence is 3 years in a federal prison. However, it is unlikely that, even if this charge is pursued, Heard will face any prison time.This is not the first time she has submitted falsified documents or has been faced with jail time. In 2016 Heard plead guilty for supplying falsified documents when she smuggled her two dogs into Australia.The false documents charge carries a maximum penalty of a year in peison and a fine over AUD$10,000 ($7,650), but Magistrate Bernadette Callaghan sentenced Heard instead to a one-month good behaviour bond. Maintaining she paid a AU$1,000 fine if she commits any offences in Australia over the next month."
When Women Are The Abuser: What We Learned From Amber Heard - "People often say there is nothing useful we can learn from Hollywood celebrities. I disagree. There’s always something you can learn from celebs - namely what not to do if you want to be happy... Normally, it would be in bad taste for us to scrutinize the private life of couples who are going through a rough patch in their relationship. But in this case, the court of public opinion is open to us since Amber Heard penned her op-ed in The Washington Post condemning domestic violence, in which she stated “how institutions protect men accused of abuse.”...
1. Don’t be belligerent.
2. Don’t treat your partner like a subordinate...
if she treated her husband that way, then just imagine how she’ll treat helpless children as a mother. There is no peace or joy in living with an emotionally frenzied parent. Their children will live in fear and grow up having anxiety issues.
3. Don’t use gaslighting to manipulate your spouse...
“I’m sorry that I didn’t, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you’re not punched. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you’re fine. I did not hurt you. I did not punch you. I was hitting you.”
….I have no words. This sounds almost as psychotic as Mullahs from backward, Islamofascist countries approving the beating of wives, but only with a “small stick” to instill fear. Worst is, on top of the abuse, she was also gaslighting Depp to make it seem like he was the one who was imagining things.
4. Don’t be vulgar.
5. Don’t use violence...
Amber Heard’s justification of violence against Depp [is] even more disturbing when she refers to herself as an animal - “You poke an animal enough, it is eventually, it doesn’t matter how friendly it is, it’s not cool.”
6. Don’t belittle or mock your partner...
Whenever I’ve come across a happy family, I’ve noticed how it was the women who had set the tone of the household’s happiness. So the phrase “happy wife, happy life” does have some ground in reality (at least from my personal observation).The husbands who are happily married are also those who are treated with love, respect, and affection at home. As you must realize, your home needs to be a happy, comfortable, and loving place for your love life to thrive. This may be a “cringey” thing to hear since the idea of a love-filled, happy marriage has fallen out of fashion in our increasingly militant feminist, “I don’t need no man!” culture. But you know what is more cringe-worthy? A wife berating her husband like Amber Heard did."
MGTOW Worldwide - Posts - ""Women owe 67% of the student loan debt because the men, once again, have not stepped up to provide for their education. Men need to stop whining and be men."
"The days of men being a plough-horse for ugnrateful nagging women is over. You've got equality now, women can pay their own damn debts."
Equality means men providing for women
If women get degrees, or worse, graduate degrees in something that doesn't pay the bills, apparently it's men's fault
22-year-old mother arrested for sexual relations with boy, 12, she met in online game - "According to Yahoo Japan, the boy’s mother sent worried emails during this time, but Rika coached the boy on how to reply the mother so as to put her at ease... Reports on the case speculate that since this is the defendant’s first offense, she will be determined guilty but let out on probation."
Taylor Brooks Boyles Found Not Guilty of Having Sex With Student - "A former middle school teacher who argued that it was unconstitutional to charge her for having sex with a student was found not guilty on Thursday, according to multiple reports.Taylor Brooks Boyles, 30, was acquitted by a jury despite the existence of a videotape in which the former math teacher told police she’d had sex with the student, a high school senior and star of the basketball team... Under Alabama law, it is a crime for authority figures, such as school teachers, to engage in sex with victims, even if they are over the age of consent."
Bronx teacher who performed oral sex on 14-year-old gets 10 years probation, avoids jail, keeps teaching certificate - "A Bronx high school teacher who admitted to performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student won’t face jail time — and she might even return to the classroom.Dori Myers, 30, last month pleaded guilty to criminal sex act for the Nov. 2016 incident at her former workplace, New School for Leadership and the Arts in Kingsbridge, where she taught social studies... Judge Michael Obus sentenced the woman to 10 years' probation and found her to be a Level 1 sex offender. Prosecutors had asked the judge to sentence Myers to a minimum of two years in prison."
Dad with breast cancer 'rejected from support groups because he's a man' - "David McCallion, 55, was diagnosed with the illness shortly before his 30th wedding anniversary and even his own doctor assumed that his wife was the patient when they talked about the diagnosis. Facing a mastectomy, and being left to feel as though ‘real men’ don’t get breast cancer, he turned online to try and get support.But, he was told that he could not join because he was a man and it would prevent other members from opening up about their own concerns... Every year 390 men are diagnosed as having the condition in the UK and 80 of them die"
He should just have identified as a trans woman and if they'd still refused, accused them of transphobia
Katie Anne Castel, who threw a knife an her husband and killed him, appeals nine-year sentence - "A woman who threw a knife into her husband's chest and killed him after he arrived home late from work has appealed her nine-year manslaughter sentence."
Renson Seow - "Violence has no gender."She may well have had legitimate grievances about her partner's conduct..." - read - She was driven to it....Why is it OK to suggest some people have been driven to commit domestic violence?No photo description available."
"So... read the case. Where's the outrage? Where's the Brock Turner style attempt to make the judge resign? Where are the protests?(Crickets)In this age, weaponized victimhood (metoo, exaggerated gender pay gap, "microaggressions", mental labour) is the mechanism that make things move, regardless of merit.Men are used to being silent, taking it on the chin, and carrying on, but perhaps it is high time that men start voicing out when things are not fair."
If a man hits a woman, he's an asshole
If a woman hits a man, it's because he's an asshole
The Double Standard - "Donald Trump gives International Men’s Day message to women Donald Trump shocked a school in Hawaii with a surprise visit, asking the women to honor the men in their lives. Trump, visited the school Friday to offer an International Men’s Day message. “You have your fathers, brothers, boyfriends, friends in your life, honor them,” he said. “Make sure that they are feeling valued and respected. And let’s all just rally together to make International Men’s Day something that is not just on one day, but frankly feels like every day of the year.” The surprise visit took place at the Admiral Arthur W. Radford High School in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The community was the site of the sacrifice of hundreds of men fighting for freedom and protecting their families during the famous attack in WW2. In one of his duties as President of the United States, Trump urged the girls in the school assembly of 700 students to “continue to value and appreciate the men in your lives and also set the example for some women who are not seeing it that same way.” The President asked for a female volunteer to offer her thoughts on the importance of International Men’s Day. Alisha Okoye, 16, raced to the stage, greeting him with what appeared to be an air kiss to his cheek. “He really is tall!” she said as she took the podium. Trump gave her a hug and later praised her “incredible poise.” Outraged by this article? You should be just as outraged over the original:"
Peter Shawn Taylor: When it comes to well-being, women do far better than men - "It has recently become popular within progressive circles to decry the role that gross domestic product and other economic metrics exert over our lives. Excessive focus on purely financial measures, we’re told, misses the underlying truth about standards of living. A better measure of life, we are told, should focus on what makes people truly happy, covering such things as health, social interaction, community involvement and personal growth... Across the 18 categories considered by the OECD, men outperform women in only four — most of which are old-school GDP-style indicators covering such things as earnings and rates of employment.In six categories, there’s no discernible difference between the sexes, including self-reported health, overall life satisfaction and student skills in science. The real story, however, lies in the eight categories where Canadian women perform noticeably better than men.Of these, life expectancy is the most significant. Living standards don’t matter much if you’re dead, and the four-year gender gap in Canadian life expectancy — 84 for women, 79.9 for men — ought to be considered the most important gap of all. Rest assured that if women died earlier than men, the gender death gap would be a core component of every International Women’s Day, and a perpetual scandal. Women are also more likely to report more time spent engaged in congenial social interactions and feel their views are better reflected by government. This seems noteworthy, given the popular International Women’s Day refrain about the lack of gender parity among elected officials. Perhaps gender representation does not correlate with gender influence.On several other categories, women do so much better than men that the results run off the edge of the chart, including the likelihood of being murdered, committing suicide or dying as a result of alcohol or drug use. The recent levelling off in life expectancy in Canada is almost entirely attributable to the rise in opioid deaths among young men.Finally, the greatest difference between men and women reported by the OECD concerns the deleterious effects of working long hours. Job strain is also significantly worse for men than women. We can assume this is largely because women prefer part-time work, which pays less but is often more personally satisfying, because it leaves room for other pursuits. While the standard feminist interpretation considers this sort of unequal workplace data to be evidence of a patriarchal conspiracy, adopting a well-being approach to living standards puts working to excess and climbing the corporate ladder in an entirely different light. Here, it is a detriment to happiness.This raises a rather complicated philosophical dilemma: should women continue to seek full equality with men in the workplace, knowing that such an achievement will be associated with a rather dramatic reduction in well-being? More to the point, what really matters in life? What we can say for sure is that compared to women, men work too hard, are more likely to die young and violently, don’t get as much social time and often feel excluded from government. Someday we might want to set aside some time to reflect on these glaring inequities."
PINK HEDONIST on Twitter - "“Why are there so few female CEO’s?”
Wrong question.
How many women are willing to:
- work 80 hours a week?
- be on the ‘job’ 24 hours everyday, answering client calls at 4 am if needed
- never take no for an answer & be hyper disagreeable
- neglect children & husband"
Complex on Twitter - "Lyndsey Sherrod Bates, a former special education teacher in Alabama has pleaded guilty to having sex with two students. She was sentenced to time served and three years of probation"
More teachers are having sex with their students. Here’s how schools can stop them. - The Washington Post - "In Texas, home to the largest number of teacher sexual misconduct cases in the country, investigations into alleged inappropriate teacher-student relationships has grown 27 percent over the past three years, to 179. Kentucky schools reported more than 45 sexual relationships between teachers and students in 2011, up from 25 just a year earlier. And a surge has been reported in Alabama, where the state investigated 31 cases during the year ending July 2013, nearly triple the number it had investigated just four years earlier... two things have become popular and had a massive effect on the prevalence of sexual misconduct in schools: social media and text messaging... Last year, at least 281 school employees — 36 percent of those accused or convicted of an inappropriate relationship with a student – were reported to have used social media to start or continue those relationships. I suspect the percentage actually is significantly higher, since news accounts don’t always reveal when social media was a factor in these interactions."
Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Students? - "In 2014, Abbott said, two-thirds of reported teacher-related sexual misconduct cases with students involved men; that means one-third of the cases involved female teachers.If Abbott’s statistics are accurate, it would represent an enormous increase from just a decade ago, when female teachers accounted for as little as four percent of reported sex crimes involving students"
The women demonised for championing men's rights - "Alison Bushell, 57, from Suffolk, runs a social work consultancy.
Britain's family courts are engaged in practices that separate fathers from their children, knowingly or not, Alison believes. She says: 'The pressure groups springing up, some of which are advising the Ministry of Justice on domestic violence cases, have an anti-male agenda.' In 20 years as a statutory social worker she saw a lack of effort to keep families together and an 'airbrushing out' of many dads... In England there were more than 3,600 beds in safe houses for women in 2017, but just 20 for men...
Belinda Brown, 54, is a social anthropologist and co-founder of Men For Tomorrow. A widow with two children, she lives in London...
'Most men work extremely hard to provide for their families, often at considerable cost to themselves. For women to ignore these sacrifices and instead blame men for all the problems in the world, it's divisive and damaging to gender cohesion.'...
Erin Pizzey, 80, founded women's charity Refuge. She is now a patron of the charity Families Need Fathers. She lives in South London and is divorced with two children.
'I'm all for equality of the sexes,' Erin Pizzey says.'But equality isn't the endgame for those feminists who believe women would be far better off without men.'This may sound odd coming from the founder of the first women's refuge... Erin became a pariah, as she insisted many female victims were also violent.'Of the first 100 women who came into my refuge, 62 were as violent or more violent than the men they had left,' she says.'Therefore, domestic violence can't be a gender issue, it can't be just men, because we girls are just as badly affected.'She became a hate figure for saying so. 'They branded me a 'victim blamer'. 'After a bomb scare, the police suggested my post be sent to them for inspection.'In the Seventies, she tried to set up a refuge for men, with little success. 'The rich men who were willing to fund my projects for women refused to give any money to male victims.'... 'I am fighting for my son, my grandsons and my great grandsons, so that they might have a future where men are no longer demonised.'"
Simon Lanham stabbed by his girlfriend faces double standards - "Simon Lanham, now 42, was stabbed five times by his then-girlfriend, Sheree Maxfield... During his stay in hospital he claims one doctor said; 'So mate, we are all dying to know did you deserve it?'... Mr Lanham said that the stabbing wasn't the first time he was physically attacked by his partner. From around three months into the relationship his partner would run at him from behind, jump onto him and 'bite his trapeze muscle'... Sheree Maxfield was ordered to serve a three year community corrections order after the assault by a judge from the Supreme Court of Victoria.'You were fortunate indeed that you did not kill your victim. The offence is one which ordinarily would demand a term of immediate imprisonment, and a substantial term at that.The judge went on to explain that Maxfield would see a reduced sentence because she 'clearly' has 'a mild intellectual disability'."
Male privilege!
Construction company allowed to 'discriminate' based on sex - "A labour-hire provider will be allowed to discriminate based on sex in a bid to employ more women to build transport infrastructure for the Queensland government.Protech Personnel Pty Ltd sought an exemption from the Anti-Discrimination Act to allow it to target recruitment for women. At the moment it recruits 9 per cent of women in non-traditional roles."
Chart of the day: For every 100 girls/women….. | American Enterprise Institute - AEI - "The data in the table show that on many, many measures of: a) educational, behavioral and mental health outcomes, b) alcohol, drug addiction, and drug overdoses, c) suicide, murder, violent crimes, and incarceration, d) job fatalities and e) homelessness, boys and men are faring much worse than girls and women. And yet despite the fact that boys and men are at so much greater risk than girls and women on so many different measures, those significant gender disparities that disproportionately and adversely affect men get almost no attention. In fact, it’s girls and women who get a disproportionate amount of attention, resources, and financial support...
There are hundreds of single-sex, girl-only summer (and other) STEM programs at universities all over the country that illegally discriminate against boys in violation of Title IX’s prohibition of sex discrimination, including sex discrimination against males. More than 70 of those programs are currently being challenged for violating Title IX and more than 30 programs are now subject to federal investigations for civil rights violations. At least six of those programs have either been discontinued, supplemented with boy-only programs, or converted to co-ed programs open to students of all gender identities."
Women get to be "plus-sized," but men are overweight. And not good enough for them. : fatlogic - "Plus-Sized women admit they aren't attracted to overweight men"
If" it were the other way around the men would be slammed for hypocrisy. As usual only women get to have standards
Gad Saad - Posts - "I’m watching a @cnn report on how apparently countries run by women have performed better than those run by those run by “disgusting toxic pathologies” known as men. Noble Female @SamanthaJPower explained why: Women are driven by both empathy and rigor.
Imagine for a moment if a man were to make a similar statement about women. He would have been fired, ostracized, insulted, ruined. But, insult men and it is perfectly progressive."
Teachers 'give higher marks to girls' - "An OECD report on gender in education, across more than 60 countries, found that girls receive higher marks compared with boys of the same ability.Researchers suggest girls are better behaved in class and this influences how teachers perceive their work.Differences in school results can sometimes "have little to do with ability"... Teachers are said to reward "organisational skills, good behaviour and compliance" rather than objectively marking pupils' work.The findings suggested that teachers needed to be aware of "gender bias".It also raised questions about whether this really benefited girls."Is it a good thing? Maybe in the short run, you get a better school certificate," said the OECD's education director, Andreas Schleicher."In the long run, the world is going to penalise you because the labour market doesn't pay you for your school marks, it pays you for what you can do.""
Perpetrators vs victims | Understanding the difference | Changing for Good - "In seeking to minimise and justify their violence, some men will claim to be a victim of violence from their female partner, yet actually be perpetrators of violence. We also recognise that men may be genuine victims of violence from a female partner."
From MensLine Australia
Anyone talking about women claiming to be victims of violence would be smeared as a misogynist
More men are killed than women, so why focus on violence against women? - "Violence against women is unique, and entrenched in our society, where she and many other experts note that social structures “perpetuate and maintain gender inequalities.” The term “femicide” isn’t meant to convey women are being killed more often than men, Dawson says.“It’s about underscoring that when women and girls are killed, it is in ways that are very distinct from the ways in which men and boys are killed and, therefore, prevention requires an approach that recognizes those differences.”It’s about power, says Nadine Wathen, a Western University professor and Canada research chair in mobilizing knowledge on gender-based violence... Overall, more men are murdered: 485 in 2017 versus 173 women... The way men are murdered almost always has “nothing to do with [intimate] relationships and power-based crime,” Moghadami says, which is why violence against women warrants a national action plan as opposed to an action plan that doesn’t distinguish between genders. Look at the media and the work researchers have been doing on violence against men and boys, says Dawson, and you’ll see stories about them that are never accompanied by, “why aren’t you focusing on women and girls?” It’s all about the context: “The subject of violence against women makes people uncomfortable,” says Dawson, which might be because of who is perpetrating the violence... One of the questions that keeps her up at night is how to better explain this to the men in her life who want equality but don’t always see their actions, including things like interrupting women frequently when they speak, through an equity lens.“The people who are more marginalized need a bit of extra resourcing at the front end to get us to equal outcomes.” Ultimately, Dawson says, she doesn’t think there would be such a backlash to researchers and media reports that focus on violence against women “if our society valued women and girls.”... “Those who deny this are choosing to ignore this reality for a specific purpose.”"
Basically men are evil. Which is why though many more men are murdered, we must focus on women
'Domestic violence against men is real': Woman walks free from court after car she was driving hit and killed her boyfriend - leaving his shattered mother weeping in rage - "Ms Oates was given bail on Sunday by the Hobart Magistrates Court, enraging Mr Wise's mother Faith Tkalac.She claimed if it he, as a man, who had breached the FVO he would still be in jail.'I don't understand this, domestic violence against men is real... my son is never going to walk through my door again,' she said.'My son most definitely wouldn't be bailed [if the roles were reversed].'
Texas teacher AVOIDS prison after pleading guilty to rape - "A Texas teacher was sentenced to no time behind bars and kept off the sex offender registry despite confessing to having inappropriate sexual relationships with two of her students. Haeli Wey, a 29-year-old teacher from Austin, was given 10 years of probation and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service after one of her students said the two had sex more than 10 times over the course of a two-month period and another detailed how she seduced him in a public park... District Judge David Wahlberg let her walk free after a sentencing hearing that lasted less than four minutes... her lawyer said her behavior was the result of a personal tragedy she had suffered at the time.Larry Sauer, who represented the disgraced teacher, said that while his client accepted full responsibility for her actions, she was distraught at that time having recently witnessed the death of a teenager at Austin Ridge Bible Church, where she worked as a camp counselor over the summer."
The Honey Badger Radio official Facebook group - "Woman who stabbed husband to death has sentence reduced"
"Good. Women are always judged more harshly than men."
Woman Who Falsely Accused A 13-Year-Old Of Rape And Allegedly Distributed Child Porn And Groomed A Teenage Girl For Sex Gets NO Jail Time - "She was facing five years in prison (still a short amount of time for what she did) for the computer charge. Instead, she will serve 18 months on home confinement while the remaining three-and-a-half years were suspended with probation. She also received one year of home confinement for each of the false reports she made to police, but her sentences are to be served concurrently, meaning she only received two years of home confinement for falsely accusing a teenager of rape, possessing child pornography, and allegedly forcing a teenage girl to perform sex acts. Shannon’s plea deal led to five additional charges being dropped, and most infuriating of all, she won’t have to register as a sex offender. No man in a similar position would get such a deal."
Lauren Chen on Twitter - "If more women die than men: Men are oppressing women If more men die than women: Women are just naturally superior to men Funny how that works out"
Yet if more ethnic minorities die...
Man who set up camera to catch a ghost instead catches girlfriend's affair with his 16-year-old son - " The woman was sentenced to a year in jail with a six months suspended sentence on condition of good behaviour"
Alleged photos
Helai Toorpakai's answer to What are some commonly accepted double standards? - Quora - "I've noted that women can generally get away with slapping men, because they're women, and we're supposed to think it's alright, and even cute, in Jane's case.In movies, it's pretty okay to have a scene like this. You could never have one with a mortal man slapping the Goddess of Thunder though (or any man slapping a woman), just because he “had missed her so much that he couldn't believe she was real”. Or even better, because she took so long to come back to Earth to meet him, after she was done fighting great battles across the galaxy/universe.Why then is it acceptable for Jane to slap Thor? People obviously speak about feminism, and equal roles for women in movies, but turn a blind eye on this. It's actually not even turning a blind eye, because that would imply you at least think it is wrong. And I'm a girl saying this!"
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry. But of course we know feminism isn't really about equality, but women's rights, so.
Comment: "The thing about the Captain America scene that makes it so bad is not just the violence, but the motive, and the context. The double-standard here is manifold. Peggy isn’t just being violent she’s also being disturbingly possessive. She literally acts like Steve belongs to her, getting so infuriated at the mere possibility he might be involved with someone else she literally fires a gun at him.Worse since we know Peggy is a trained operative and expert shooter she would have had it drilled into her skull that you don’t fire, no you don’t even draw a gun or even take the safety off unless you’re at a range with clear lines of fire or in a combat situation. To do otherwise would be to invite serious disciplinary action, and if such a breach involved actually opening fire in a crowded, sealed room, or even threatening to you might literally be shot-dead then and there.Seriously opening fire without warning like that in a military context is the sort of thing that is likely to have you facing a court martial if it didn’t get you killed, but she does it anyway, and all because she thought (wrongly) that the guy she a crush on had kissed some other girl. Something he had every right to do. Yet we’re all supposed chuckle at the unresolved sexual tension instead of wondering what kind of psycho reacts like this instead of using their words."
Ex-Ravens cheerleader sentenced for rape of 15-year-old boy - "Ex-Ravens cheerleader Molly Shattuck must spend every other weekend in a Delaware work-release detention center for nearly two years, a judge decided in sentencing her for having raped a 15-year-old boy in Bethany Beach... The mother and father of the victim asked Superior Court Judge E. Scott Bradley to sentence Shattuck to more than just probation time.“What she did to my son is heinous. The fact that she paraded her pedophilia in front of her own son is even more disturbing,” the mother said. “Any adult who rapes a child deserves to be in prison. Please hold her accountable.”... Deputy Attorney General John Donahue pressed Bradley for a sentence of more than just probation, noting the guidelines called for a sentence between zero and 22 months. “This is a classic case of grooming behavior,” Donahue said. “This was not a momentary lapse in judgment.” The law, he said, makes no distinction between adult men and adult women who sexually abuse minor children... “The competing interests in this case have been very difficult to weigh,” Bradley said, noting both the victim’s pain — the boy’s father said the family considered moving away from Maryland to avoid scrutiny and embarrassment — and Shattuck’s long fall from a privileged perch in society after her arrest."
Weekend detention for rape.
Woman Avoids Jail After Sex With Dad in Competition With Sister - "A Nebraska woman will not go to jail despite marrying her father as part of a competition with her half-sister to have sex with their dad first... Samantha Kershner, 21, met her biological father, Travis Fieldgrove, 40, at the age of 17 after begging her mother to learn the identify of her father in order to meet him."
Sexism aside, love apparently isn't love
Americans who owe child support won't get stimulus checks - "If you owe back taxes of other debt to the government that's not a problem, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Finance Committee and key author of the stimulus bill said.The legislation "turns off nearly all administrative offsets that ordinarily may reduce tax refunds for individuals who have past tax debts, or who are behind on other payments to federal or state governments, including student loan payments""
Apparently not in the wording of the bill, but still.
Ex-dinner lady who had sex with 14-year-old boy spared prison spell because it would have put her four children into foster care - "the pair played a sex game on New Year’s Eve in 2014 where the ‘loser’ had to massage the back of the ‘winner’.The mum-of-four, who often had sex with the boy after drinking sessions, denied all the charges but was found guilty on seven of them when she was tried last year... Defending Spragg, her lawyer Rufus Taylor said she was a vulnerable single mother and had suffered a recent bereavement as well as a miscarriage.He said: “This relationship gave her some sort of self-worth.”"
Woman cries 'isolation is getting to me' after stabbing boyfriend and cutting up his clothes - "A healthcare assistant cut her boyfriends clothes before stabbing him in the hand in a drunken row.Michelle Ashcroft, 31, attacked Zac Cheetham at her home in the early hours of the morning.She then rang the police and confessed to stabbing him, before telling officers she had used a kitchen knife.However, Mr Cheetham said it was actually a pair of scissors and refused to make a police statement.Ashcroft was spared jail after explaining she was under a lot of pressure during the coronavirus pandemic... When arrested and interviewed, Ashcroft said they were drinking, then "everything kicked off" but she didn't know why.She said she felt sick when shown police bodycam footage of his injury and couldn't remember why she cut up his clothes... Ashcroft, who admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and criminal damage, has two previous convictions for three offences.The court heard they included a battery and a criminal damage, at which point Ashcroft started crying... "it's a case that seems unlikely to have come to the attention of the police at all, had it not been for Miss Ashcroft's call to the police."In my submission that demonstrates her remorse. It's clearly an incident that paints her in a poor light."Judge Flewitt said: "It's the second conviction for violence isn't it. Eventually somebody is going to send her to prison."Ms Willmott said Ashcroft was fined for her past offences, meaning she didn't receive any support from the Probation Service.She said her client faced "difficulties" and the public and Ashcroft would benefit if she was given help... "The reason that you did that was because you had been drinking too much and the reason as I understand it you had been drinking too much was because you were under a great deal of pressure."
Strange, usually having been drinking is an aggravating factor
Financial crisis caused 5,000 suicides - "The stresses of recession and unemployment triggered by the global financial crash of 2008 led to a spike in suicides among men in Europe and North America... there was very little change in suicide levels among women."
Student who stabbed boyfriend loses appeal against sentence - "An Oxford University medical student who avoided jail after stabbing her boyfriend with a bread knife has lost an appeal against her suspended sentence.Lavinia Woodward, 25, attacked her then partner after she had been drinking at her university accommodation at Christ Church college. She was given a 10-month prison term suspended for 18 months after admitting unlawful wounding last September at Oxford crown court... Woodward challenged her sentence at the court of appeal. Her lawyers argued the exceptional circumstances of her case, including her mental health difficulties, meant she could have been given a conditional discharge or a fine. Jim Sturman QC said the suspended sentence has affected her ability to find work. “I appreciate it would be an exceptional course, but she is an exceptional candidate”... A character reference from a former professor at Oxford said she was the most talented undergraduate he had seen in his laboratory over the past 25 years. The court heard she had made an observation while studying that had led to the founding of a research department at the university."
Amazing he even appealed
"It doesn't surprise me, sadly. It took me over 10 years to get away from my abusive ex-wife. And even then, I was told that if a man had written the letters she wrote to me, he'd be in jail, but because she was a woman, there was nothing anyone could do."
Amber Heard exposed in new audio 'nobody will believe a white male' - "“See how many people believe you,” Amber Heard laughs at Johnny Depp for claiming he’s a domestic violence victim. She claims that the courts will take her side because she’s a beautiful young woman and not and old white guy. “Men can’t be victims of domestic violence”... Johnny Depp has already lost his role as the iconic Disney character, Captain Jack Sparrow, in the beloved family movie series Pirates of the Caribbean after Amber Heard made allegations him calling him an abusive, wife-beating, womaniser. Amber Heard continues to have a successful career in Hollywood despite being exposed admitting to punching Johnny Depp in a previously released audio tape... Johnny Depp is currently suing Amber Heard in a 50 million dollar defamation suit and promises more to drop more audio tapes exposing Amber heard in the coming months."
Amber Heard must be a feminist, because she is very aware of Depp's "male privilege" and "white privilege"
Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots and pans on tape - "Amber Heard admits to 'hitting' ex-husband Johnny Depp and pelting him with pots, pans and vases in an explosive audio confession... The Aquaman actress, 33, opens up about her violent tantrums in a series of taped conversations the estranged couple made in 2015 as they tried to talk through their marriage problems... Heard - an ambassador for women's rights and outspoken domestic violence advocate - taunts Depp for fleeing the late night dust-up, telling him: 'You are such a baby. Grow the f**k up Johnny.'... 'I left last night. Honestly, I swear to you because I just couldn't take the idea of more physicality, more physical abuse on each other,' an exasperated Depp pleads in the recording... But Heard - who filed for divorce in May 2016 accusing Depp of beating her during their toxic 18-month marriage - warns: 'I can't promise you I won't get physical again. God I f**king sometimes get so mad I lose it.'Depp filed his $50 million defamation suit in Virginia after Heard penned an op-ed for the Washington Post detailing her experiences as an alleged domestic violence victim. 'I became a public figure representing domestic abuse, and I felt the full force of our culture's wrath for women who speak out,' she wrote in the December 2018 article, which didn't mention the Pirates of the Caribbean actor by name. Depp claimed, nonetheless, that it implicated him as the abuser, damaging his reputation and causing him to lose his prized role of Captain Jack Sparrow.His suit says he's the victim of an 'elaborate hoax' instigated by Heard to generate positive publicity and advance her career... The pair married in February 2015 but split less than two years later when Heard had a restraining order slapped on Depp over claims he threw a cellphone in her face at their downtown Los Angeles loft.Heard claimed police had evidence of the May 27, 2016 attack but two LAPD officers later said in a deposition that they found nothing to suggest a crime took place... Heard accuses Depp of taking her for granted, behaving like a 'vacation husband' and 'splitting' every time they have an argument.Depp complains he's forced to leave when she becomes 'manic and angry', telling Heard: 'I'm not going be in a physical f**king altercation with you... you f**king hit me last night.'He goes on to add: 'I'm not the one who throws pots and whatever the f**k else at me.'Heard responds: 'That's different. That's different. One does not negate the other. That's irrelevant, that's a complete non sequitur.'Just because I've thrown pots and pans does not mean you cannot come and knock on my door. '... A spokeswoman for Heard accused Depp of 'vindictively' leaking the tape and trying to victim-blame their client."
This is amazing. Exposing an abuser is 'victim blaming'. Clearly men are always abusers and women are always victims
Amber Heard could face up to 3 years in prison for fake evidence - "She hired a Private Investigator who has failed to dig up any dirt on the 56-year-old actor, and her appeal to have the case dismissed has officially been rejected. That means that Johnny Depp has sufficient evidence against Amber Heard and the judges will most likely rule in his favour... Amber Heard claimed that Johnny Depp beat her and left her with two black eyes, however, Johnny Depp alleges to have evidence proving that those injuries were fake.In 2019 Amber Heard’s personal stylist, Samantha McMillen, went on record stating that she believes that her black eyes were fake... In the state of California fake injuries can be considered falsified evidence and California law does not look favourably upon any person who prepares or offers false evidence in any court proceeding... The maximum sentence for submitting false evidence is 3 years in a federal prison. However, it is unlikely that, even if this charge is pursued, Heard will face any prison time.This is not the first time she has submitted falsified documents or has been faced with jail time. In 2016 Heard plead guilty for supplying falsified documents when she smuggled her two dogs into Australia.The false documents charge carries a maximum penalty of a year in peison and a fine over AUD$10,000 ($7,650), but Magistrate Bernadette Callaghan sentenced Heard instead to a one-month good behaviour bond. Maintaining she paid a AU$1,000 fine if she commits any offences in Australia over the next month."
When Women Are The Abuser: What We Learned From Amber Heard - "People often say there is nothing useful we can learn from Hollywood celebrities. I disagree. There’s always something you can learn from celebs - namely what not to do if you want to be happy... Normally, it would be in bad taste for us to scrutinize the private life of couples who are going through a rough patch in their relationship. But in this case, the court of public opinion is open to us since Amber Heard penned her op-ed in The Washington Post condemning domestic violence, in which she stated “how institutions protect men accused of abuse.”...
1. Don’t be belligerent.
2. Don’t treat your partner like a subordinate...
if she treated her husband that way, then just imagine how she’ll treat helpless children as a mother. There is no peace or joy in living with an emotionally frenzied parent. Their children will live in fear and grow up having anxiety issues.
3. Don’t use gaslighting to manipulate your spouse...
“I’m sorry that I didn’t, uh, uh, hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you. Babe, you’re not punched. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you’re fine. I did not hurt you. I did not punch you. I was hitting you.”
….I have no words. This sounds almost as psychotic as Mullahs from backward, Islamofascist countries approving the beating of wives, but only with a “small stick” to instill fear. Worst is, on top of the abuse, she was also gaslighting Depp to make it seem like he was the one who was imagining things.
4. Don’t be vulgar.
5. Don’t use violence...
Amber Heard’s justification of violence against Depp [is] even more disturbing when she refers to herself as an animal - “You poke an animal enough, it is eventually, it doesn’t matter how friendly it is, it’s not cool.”
6. Don’t belittle or mock your partner...
Whenever I’ve come across a happy family, I’ve noticed how it was the women who had set the tone of the household’s happiness. So the phrase “happy wife, happy life” does have some ground in reality (at least from my personal observation).The husbands who are happily married are also those who are treated with love, respect, and affection at home. As you must realize, your home needs to be a happy, comfortable, and loving place for your love life to thrive. This may be a “cringey” thing to hear since the idea of a love-filled, happy marriage has fallen out of fashion in our increasingly militant feminist, “I don’t need no man!” culture. But you know what is more cringe-worthy? A wife berating her husband like Amber Heard did."
MGTOW Worldwide - Posts - ""Women owe 67% of the student loan debt because the men, once again, have not stepped up to provide for their education. Men need to stop whining and be men."
"The days of men being a plough-horse for ugnrateful nagging women is over. You've got equality now, women can pay their own damn debts."
Equality means men providing for women
If women get degrees, or worse, graduate degrees in something that doesn't pay the bills, apparently it's men's fault
22-year-old mother arrested for sexual relations with boy, 12, she met in online game - "According to Yahoo Japan, the boy’s mother sent worried emails during this time, but Rika coached the boy on how to reply the mother so as to put her at ease... Reports on the case speculate that since this is the defendant’s first offense, she will be determined guilty but let out on probation."
Taylor Brooks Boyles Found Not Guilty of Having Sex With Student - "A former middle school teacher who argued that it was unconstitutional to charge her for having sex with a student was found not guilty on Thursday, according to multiple reports.Taylor Brooks Boyles, 30, was acquitted by a jury despite the existence of a videotape in which the former math teacher told police she’d had sex with the student, a high school senior and star of the basketball team... Under Alabama law, it is a crime for authority figures, such as school teachers, to engage in sex with victims, even if they are over the age of consent."
Bronx teacher who performed oral sex on 14-year-old gets 10 years probation, avoids jail, keeps teaching certificate - "A Bronx high school teacher who admitted to performing oral sex on her 14-year-old student won’t face jail time — and she might even return to the classroom.Dori Myers, 30, last month pleaded guilty to criminal sex act for the Nov. 2016 incident at her former workplace, New School for Leadership and the Arts in Kingsbridge, where she taught social studies... Judge Michael Obus sentenced the woman to 10 years' probation and found her to be a Level 1 sex offender. Prosecutors had asked the judge to sentence Myers to a minimum of two years in prison."
Dad with breast cancer 'rejected from support groups because he's a man' - "David McCallion, 55, was diagnosed with the illness shortly before his 30th wedding anniversary and even his own doctor assumed that his wife was the patient when they talked about the diagnosis. Facing a mastectomy, and being left to feel as though ‘real men’ don’t get breast cancer, he turned online to try and get support.But, he was told that he could not join because he was a man and it would prevent other members from opening up about their own concerns... Every year 390 men are diagnosed as having the condition in the UK and 80 of them die"
He should just have identified as a trans woman and if they'd still refused, accused them of transphobia
Katie Anne Castel, who threw a knife an her husband and killed him, appeals nine-year sentence - "A woman who threw a knife into her husband's chest and killed him after he arrived home late from work has appealed her nine-year manslaughter sentence."
Renson Seow - "Violence has no gender."She may well have had legitimate grievances about her partner's conduct..." - read - She was driven to it....Why is it OK to suggest some people have been driven to commit domestic violence?No photo description available."
"So... read the case. Where's the outrage? Where's the Brock Turner style attempt to make the judge resign? Where are the protests?(Crickets)In this age, weaponized victimhood (metoo, exaggerated gender pay gap, "microaggressions", mental labour) is the mechanism that make things move, regardless of merit.Men are used to being silent, taking it on the chin, and carrying on, but perhaps it is high time that men start voicing out when things are not fair."
If a man hits a woman, he's an asshole
If a woman hits a man, it's because he's an asshole
The Double Standard - "Donald Trump gives International Men’s Day message to women Donald Trump shocked a school in Hawaii with a surprise visit, asking the women to honor the men in their lives. Trump, visited the school Friday to offer an International Men’s Day message. “You have your fathers, brothers, boyfriends, friends in your life, honor them,” he said. “Make sure that they are feeling valued and respected. And let’s all just rally together to make International Men’s Day something that is not just on one day, but frankly feels like every day of the year.” The surprise visit took place at the Admiral Arthur W. Radford High School in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The community was the site of the sacrifice of hundreds of men fighting for freedom and protecting their families during the famous attack in WW2. In one of his duties as President of the United States, Trump urged the girls in the school assembly of 700 students to “continue to value and appreciate the men in your lives and also set the example for some women who are not seeing it that same way.” The President asked for a female volunteer to offer her thoughts on the importance of International Men’s Day. Alisha Okoye, 16, raced to the stage, greeting him with what appeared to be an air kiss to his cheek. “He really is tall!” she said as she took the podium. Trump gave her a hug and later praised her “incredible poise.” Outraged by this article? You should be just as outraged over the original:"
Peter Shawn Taylor: When it comes to well-being, women do far better than men - "It has recently become popular within progressive circles to decry the role that gross domestic product and other economic metrics exert over our lives. Excessive focus on purely financial measures, we’re told, misses the underlying truth about standards of living. A better measure of life, we are told, should focus on what makes people truly happy, covering such things as health, social interaction, community involvement and personal growth... Across the 18 categories considered by the OECD, men outperform women in only four — most of which are old-school GDP-style indicators covering such things as earnings and rates of employment.In six categories, there’s no discernible difference between the sexes, including self-reported health, overall life satisfaction and student skills in science. The real story, however, lies in the eight categories where Canadian women perform noticeably better than men.Of these, life expectancy is the most significant. Living standards don’t matter much if you’re dead, and the four-year gender gap in Canadian life expectancy — 84 for women, 79.9 for men — ought to be considered the most important gap of all. Rest assured that if women died earlier than men, the gender death gap would be a core component of every International Women’s Day, and a perpetual scandal. Women are also more likely to report more time spent engaged in congenial social interactions and feel their views are better reflected by government. This seems noteworthy, given the popular International Women’s Day refrain about the lack of gender parity among elected officials. Perhaps gender representation does not correlate with gender influence.On several other categories, women do so much better than men that the results run off the edge of the chart, including the likelihood of being murdered, committing suicide or dying as a result of alcohol or drug use. The recent levelling off in life expectancy in Canada is almost entirely attributable to the rise in opioid deaths among young men.Finally, the greatest difference between men and women reported by the OECD concerns the deleterious effects of working long hours. Job strain is also significantly worse for men than women. We can assume this is largely because women prefer part-time work, which pays less but is often more personally satisfying, because it leaves room for other pursuits. While the standard feminist interpretation considers this sort of unequal workplace data to be evidence of a patriarchal conspiracy, adopting a well-being approach to living standards puts working to excess and climbing the corporate ladder in an entirely different light. Here, it is a detriment to happiness.This raises a rather complicated philosophical dilemma: should women continue to seek full equality with men in the workplace, knowing that such an achievement will be associated with a rather dramatic reduction in well-being? More to the point, what really matters in life? What we can say for sure is that compared to women, men work too hard, are more likely to die young and violently, don’t get as much social time and often feel excluded from government. Someday we might want to set aside some time to reflect on these glaring inequities."
PINK HEDONIST on Twitter - "“Why are there so few female CEO’s?”
Wrong question.
How many women are willing to:
- work 80 hours a week?
- be on the ‘job’ 24 hours everyday, answering client calls at 4 am if needed
- never take no for an answer & be hyper disagreeable
- neglect children & husband"
Complex on Twitter - "Lyndsey Sherrod Bates, a former special education teacher in Alabama has pleaded guilty to having sex with two students. She was sentenced to time served and three years of probation"
More teachers are having sex with their students. Here’s how schools can stop them. - The Washington Post - "In Texas, home to the largest number of teacher sexual misconduct cases in the country, investigations into alleged inappropriate teacher-student relationships has grown 27 percent over the past three years, to 179. Kentucky schools reported more than 45 sexual relationships between teachers and students in 2011, up from 25 just a year earlier. And a surge has been reported in Alabama, where the state investigated 31 cases during the year ending July 2013, nearly triple the number it had investigated just four years earlier... two things have become popular and had a massive effect on the prevalence of sexual misconduct in schools: social media and text messaging... Last year, at least 281 school employees — 36 percent of those accused or convicted of an inappropriate relationship with a student – were reported to have used social media to start or continue those relationships. I suspect the percentage actually is significantly higher, since news accounts don’t always reveal when social media was a factor in these interactions."
Why Are So Many Female Teachers Sleeping With Students? - "In 2014, Abbott said, two-thirds of reported teacher-related sexual misconduct cases with students involved men; that means one-third of the cases involved female teachers.If Abbott’s statistics are accurate, it would represent an enormous increase from just a decade ago, when female teachers accounted for as little as four percent of reported sex crimes involving students"
The women demonised for championing men's rights - "Alison Bushell, 57, from Suffolk, runs a social work consultancy.
Britain's family courts are engaged in practices that separate fathers from their children, knowingly or not, Alison believes. She says: 'The pressure groups springing up, some of which are advising the Ministry of Justice on domestic violence cases, have an anti-male agenda.' In 20 years as a statutory social worker she saw a lack of effort to keep families together and an 'airbrushing out' of many dads... In England there were more than 3,600 beds in safe houses for women in 2017, but just 20 for men...
Belinda Brown, 54, is a social anthropologist and co-founder of Men For Tomorrow. A widow with two children, she lives in London...
'Most men work extremely hard to provide for their families, often at considerable cost to themselves. For women to ignore these sacrifices and instead blame men for all the problems in the world, it's divisive and damaging to gender cohesion.'...
Erin Pizzey, 80, founded women's charity Refuge. She is now a patron of the charity Families Need Fathers. She lives in South London and is divorced with two children.
'I'm all for equality of the sexes,' Erin Pizzey says.'But equality isn't the endgame for those feminists who believe women would be far better off without men.'This may sound odd coming from the founder of the first women's refuge... Erin became a pariah, as she insisted many female victims were also violent.'Of the first 100 women who came into my refuge, 62 were as violent or more violent than the men they had left,' she says.'Therefore, domestic violence can't be a gender issue, it can't be just men, because we girls are just as badly affected.'She became a hate figure for saying so. 'They branded me a 'victim blamer'. 'After a bomb scare, the police suggested my post be sent to them for inspection.'In the Seventies, she tried to set up a refuge for men, with little success. 'The rich men who were willing to fund my projects for women refused to give any money to male victims.'... 'I am fighting for my son, my grandsons and my great grandsons, so that they might have a future where men are no longer demonised.'"
Simon Lanham stabbed by his girlfriend faces double standards - "Simon Lanham, now 42, was stabbed five times by his then-girlfriend, Sheree Maxfield... During his stay in hospital he claims one doctor said; 'So mate, we are all dying to know did you deserve it?'... Mr Lanham said that the stabbing wasn't the first time he was physically attacked by his partner. From around three months into the relationship his partner would run at him from behind, jump onto him and 'bite his trapeze muscle'... Sheree Maxfield was ordered to serve a three year community corrections order after the assault by a judge from the Supreme Court of Victoria.'You were fortunate indeed that you did not kill your victim. The offence is one which ordinarily would demand a term of immediate imprisonment, and a substantial term at that.The judge went on to explain that Maxfield would see a reduced sentence because she 'clearly' has 'a mild intellectual disability'."
Male privilege!
Construction company allowed to 'discriminate' based on sex - "A labour-hire provider will be allowed to discriminate based on sex in a bid to employ more women to build transport infrastructure for the Queensland government.Protech Personnel Pty Ltd sought an exemption from the Anti-Discrimination Act to allow it to target recruitment for women. At the moment it recruits 9 per cent of women in non-traditional roles."
Chart of the day: For every 100 girls/women….. | American Enterprise Institute - AEI - "The data in the table show that on many, many measures of: a) educational, behavioral and mental health outcomes, b) alcohol, drug addiction, and drug overdoses, c) suicide, murder, violent crimes, and incarceration, d) job fatalities and e) homelessness, boys and men are faring much worse than girls and women. And yet despite the fact that boys and men are at so much greater risk than girls and women on so many different measures, those significant gender disparities that disproportionately and adversely affect men get almost no attention. In fact, it’s girls and women who get a disproportionate amount of attention, resources, and financial support...
There are hundreds of single-sex, girl-only summer (and other) STEM programs at universities all over the country that illegally discriminate against boys in violation of Title IX’s prohibition of sex discrimination, including sex discrimination against males. More than 70 of those programs are currently being challenged for violating Title IX and more than 30 programs are now subject to federal investigations for civil rights violations. At least six of those programs have either been discontinued, supplemented with boy-only programs, or converted to co-ed programs open to students of all gender identities."
Women get to be "plus-sized," but men are overweight. And not good enough for them. : fatlogic - "Plus-Sized women admit they aren't attracted to overweight men"
If" it were the other way around the men would be slammed for hypocrisy. As usual only women get to have standards
Gad Saad - Posts - "I’m watching a @cnn report on how apparently countries run by women have performed better than those run by those run by “disgusting toxic pathologies” known as men. Noble Female @SamanthaJPower explained why: Women are driven by both empathy and rigor.
Imagine for a moment if a man were to make a similar statement about women. He would have been fired, ostracized, insulted, ruined. But, insult men and it is perfectly progressive."
Teachers 'give higher marks to girls' - "An OECD report on gender in education, across more than 60 countries, found that girls receive higher marks compared with boys of the same ability.Researchers suggest girls are better behaved in class and this influences how teachers perceive their work.Differences in school results can sometimes "have little to do with ability"... Teachers are said to reward "organisational skills, good behaviour and compliance" rather than objectively marking pupils' work.The findings suggested that teachers needed to be aware of "gender bias".It also raised questions about whether this really benefited girls."Is it a good thing? Maybe in the short run, you get a better school certificate," said the OECD's education director, Andreas Schleicher."In the long run, the world is going to penalise you because the labour market doesn't pay you for your school marks, it pays you for what you can do.""
Perpetrators vs victims | Understanding the difference | Changing for Good - "In seeking to minimise and justify their violence, some men will claim to be a victim of violence from their female partner, yet actually be perpetrators of violence. We also recognise that men may be genuine victims of violence from a female partner."
From MensLine Australia
Anyone talking about women claiming to be victims of violence would be smeared as a misogynist
More men are killed than women, so why focus on violence against women? - "Violence against women is unique, and entrenched in our society, where she and many other experts note that social structures “perpetuate and maintain gender inequalities.” The term “femicide” isn’t meant to convey women are being killed more often than men, Dawson says.“It’s about underscoring that when women and girls are killed, it is in ways that are very distinct from the ways in which men and boys are killed and, therefore, prevention requires an approach that recognizes those differences.”It’s about power, says Nadine Wathen, a Western University professor and Canada research chair in mobilizing knowledge on gender-based violence... Overall, more men are murdered: 485 in 2017 versus 173 women... The way men are murdered almost always has “nothing to do with [intimate] relationships and power-based crime,” Moghadami says, which is why violence against women warrants a national action plan as opposed to an action plan that doesn’t distinguish between genders. Look at the media and the work researchers have been doing on violence against men and boys, says Dawson, and you’ll see stories about them that are never accompanied by, “why aren’t you focusing on women and girls?” It’s all about the context: “The subject of violence against women makes people uncomfortable,” says Dawson, which might be because of who is perpetrating the violence... One of the questions that keeps her up at night is how to better explain this to the men in her life who want equality but don’t always see their actions, including things like interrupting women frequently when they speak, through an equity lens.“The people who are more marginalized need a bit of extra resourcing at the front end to get us to equal outcomes.” Ultimately, Dawson says, she doesn’t think there would be such a backlash to researchers and media reports that focus on violence against women “if our society valued women and girls.”... “Those who deny this are choosing to ignore this reality for a specific purpose.”"
Basically men are evil. Which is why though many more men are murdered, we must focus on women
'Domestic violence against men is real': Woman walks free from court after car she was driving hit and killed her boyfriend - leaving his shattered mother weeping in rage - "Ms Oates was given bail on Sunday by the Hobart Magistrates Court, enraging Mr Wise's mother Faith Tkalac.She claimed if it he, as a man, who had breached the FVO he would still be in jail.'I don't understand this, domestic violence against men is real... my son is never going to walk through my door again,' she said.'My son most definitely wouldn't be bailed [if the roles were reversed].'
Texas teacher AVOIDS prison after pleading guilty to rape - "A Texas teacher was sentenced to no time behind bars and kept off the sex offender registry despite confessing to having inappropriate sexual relationships with two of her students. Haeli Wey, a 29-year-old teacher from Austin, was given 10 years of probation and ordered to complete 200 hours of community service after one of her students said the two had sex more than 10 times over the course of a two-month period and another detailed how she seduced him in a public park... District Judge David Wahlberg let her walk free after a sentencing hearing that lasted less than four minutes... her lawyer said her behavior was the result of a personal tragedy she had suffered at the time.Larry Sauer, who represented the disgraced teacher, said that while his client accepted full responsibility for her actions, she was distraught at that time having recently witnessed the death of a teenager at Austin Ridge Bible Church, where she worked as a camp counselor over the summer."
The Honey Badger Radio official Facebook group - "Woman who stabbed husband to death has sentence reduced"
"Good. Women are always judged more harshly than men."
Woman Who Falsely Accused A 13-Year-Old Of Rape And Allegedly Distributed Child Porn And Groomed A Teenage Girl For Sex Gets NO Jail Time - "She was facing five years in prison (still a short amount of time for what she did) for the computer charge. Instead, she will serve 18 months on home confinement while the remaining three-and-a-half years were suspended with probation. She also received one year of home confinement for each of the false reports she made to police, but her sentences are to be served concurrently, meaning she only received two years of home confinement for falsely accusing a teenager of rape, possessing child pornography, and allegedly forcing a teenage girl to perform sex acts. Shannon’s plea deal led to five additional charges being dropped, and most infuriating of all, she won’t have to register as a sex offender. No man in a similar position would get such a deal."
Lauren Chen on Twitter - "If more women die than men: Men are oppressing women If more men die than women: Women are just naturally superior to men Funny how that works out"
Yet if more ethnic minorities die...
Man who set up camera to catch a ghost instead catches girlfriend's affair with his 16-year-old son - " The woman was sentenced to a year in jail with a six months suspended sentence on condition of good behaviour"
Alleged photos
Helai Toorpakai's answer to What are some commonly accepted double standards? - Quora - "I've noted that women can generally get away with slapping men, because they're women, and we're supposed to think it's alright, and even cute, in Jane's case.In movies, it's pretty okay to have a scene like this. You could never have one with a mortal man slapping the Goddess of Thunder though (or any man slapping a woman), just because he “had missed her so much that he couldn't believe she was real”. Or even better, because she took so long to come back to Earth to meet him, after she was done fighting great battles across the galaxy/universe.Why then is it acceptable for Jane to slap Thor? People obviously speak about feminism, and equal roles for women in movies, but turn a blind eye on this. It's actually not even turning a blind eye, because that would imply you at least think it is wrong. And I'm a girl saying this!"
Power relations means never having to say you're sorry. But of course we know feminism isn't really about equality, but women's rights, so.
Comment: "The thing about the Captain America scene that makes it so bad is not just the violence, but the motive, and the context. The double-standard here is manifold. Peggy isn’t just being violent she’s also being disturbingly possessive. She literally acts like Steve belongs to her, getting so infuriated at the mere possibility he might be involved with someone else she literally fires a gun at him.Worse since we know Peggy is a trained operative and expert shooter she would have had it drilled into her skull that you don’t fire, no you don’t even draw a gun or even take the safety off unless you’re at a range with clear lines of fire or in a combat situation. To do otherwise would be to invite serious disciplinary action, and if such a breach involved actually opening fire in a crowded, sealed room, or even threatening to you might literally be shot-dead then and there.Seriously opening fire without warning like that in a military context is the sort of thing that is likely to have you facing a court martial if it didn’t get you killed, but she does it anyway, and all because she thought (wrongly) that the guy she a crush on had kissed some other girl. Something he had every right to do. Yet we’re all supposed chuckle at the unresolved sexual tension instead of wondering what kind of psycho reacts like this instead of using their words."
Ex-Ravens cheerleader sentenced for rape of 15-year-old boy - "Ex-Ravens cheerleader Molly Shattuck must spend every other weekend in a Delaware work-release detention center for nearly two years, a judge decided in sentencing her for having raped a 15-year-old boy in Bethany Beach... The mother and father of the victim asked Superior Court Judge E. Scott Bradley to sentence Shattuck to more than just probation time.“What she did to my son is heinous. The fact that she paraded her pedophilia in front of her own son is even more disturbing,” the mother said. “Any adult who rapes a child deserves to be in prison. Please hold her accountable.”... Deputy Attorney General John Donahue pressed Bradley for a sentence of more than just probation, noting the guidelines called for a sentence between zero and 22 months. “This is a classic case of grooming behavior,” Donahue said. “This was not a momentary lapse in judgment.” The law, he said, makes no distinction between adult men and adult women who sexually abuse minor children... “The competing interests in this case have been very difficult to weigh,” Bradley said, noting both the victim’s pain — the boy’s father said the family considered moving away from Maryland to avoid scrutiny and embarrassment — and Shattuck’s long fall from a privileged perch in society after her arrest."
Weekend detention for rape.
Woman Avoids Jail After Sex With Dad in Competition With Sister - "A Nebraska woman will not go to jail despite marrying her father as part of a competition with her half-sister to have sex with their dad first... Samantha Kershner, 21, met her biological father, Travis Fieldgrove, 40, at the age of 17 after begging her mother to learn the identify of her father in order to meet him."
Sexism aside, love apparently isn't love
Americans who owe child support won't get stimulus checks - "If you owe back taxes of other debt to the government that's not a problem, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Finance Committee and key author of the stimulus bill said.The legislation "turns off nearly all administrative offsets that ordinarily may reduce tax refunds for individuals who have past tax debts, or who are behind on other payments to federal or state governments, including student loan payments""
Apparently not in the wording of the bill, but still.
Ex-dinner lady who had sex with 14-year-old boy spared prison spell because it would have put her four children into foster care - "the pair played a sex game on New Year’s Eve in 2014 where the ‘loser’ had to massage the back of the ‘winner’.The mum-of-four, who often had sex with the boy after drinking sessions, denied all the charges but was found guilty on seven of them when she was tried last year... Defending Spragg, her lawyer Rufus Taylor said she was a vulnerable single mother and had suffered a recent bereavement as well as a miscarriage.He said: “This relationship gave her some sort of self-worth.”"
Woman cries 'isolation is getting to me' after stabbing boyfriend and cutting up his clothes - "A healthcare assistant cut her boyfriends clothes before stabbing him in the hand in a drunken row.Michelle Ashcroft, 31, attacked Zac Cheetham at her home in the early hours of the morning.She then rang the police and confessed to stabbing him, before telling officers she had used a kitchen knife.However, Mr Cheetham said it was actually a pair of scissors and refused to make a police statement.Ashcroft was spared jail after explaining she was under a lot of pressure during the coronavirus pandemic... When arrested and interviewed, Ashcroft said they were drinking, then "everything kicked off" but she didn't know why.She said she felt sick when shown police bodycam footage of his injury and couldn't remember why she cut up his clothes... Ashcroft, who admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and criminal damage, has two previous convictions for three offences.The court heard they included a battery and a criminal damage, at which point Ashcroft started crying... "it's a case that seems unlikely to have come to the attention of the police at all, had it not been for Miss Ashcroft's call to the police."In my submission that demonstrates her remorse. It's clearly an incident that paints her in a poor light."Judge Flewitt said: "It's the second conviction for violence isn't it. Eventually somebody is going to send her to prison."Ms Willmott said Ashcroft was fined for her past offences, meaning she didn't receive any support from the Probation Service.She said her client faced "difficulties" and the public and Ashcroft would benefit if she was given help... "The reason that you did that was because you had been drinking too much and the reason as I understand it you had been drinking too much was because you were under a great deal of pressure."
Strange, usually having been drinking is an aggravating factor
Financial crisis caused 5,000 suicides - "The stresses of recession and unemployment triggered by the global financial crash of 2008 led to a spike in suicides among men in Europe and North America... there was very little change in suicide levels among women."
Student who stabbed boyfriend loses appeal against sentence - "An Oxford University medical student who avoided jail after stabbing her boyfriend with a bread knife has lost an appeal against her suspended sentence.Lavinia Woodward, 25, attacked her then partner after she had been drinking at her university accommodation at Christ Church college. She was given a 10-month prison term suspended for 18 months after admitting unlawful wounding last September at Oxford crown court... Woodward challenged her sentence at the court of appeal. Her lawyers argued the exceptional circumstances of her case, including her mental health difficulties, meant she could have been given a conditional discharge or a fine. Jim Sturman QC said the suspended sentence has affected her ability to find work. “I appreciate it would be an exceptional course, but she is an exceptional candidate”... A character reference from a former professor at Oxford said she was the most talented undergraduate he had seen in his laboratory over the past 25 years. The court heard she had made an observation while studying that had led to the founding of a research department at the university."
Amazing he even appealed
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