Sunday, February 16, 2020
Do the vast majority of people actually think the trans movement is ridiculous?
Do the vast majority of people actually think the trans movement is ridiculous? : GenderCritical
"people are pandering to trans people so much it spins my head. At a women's conference in my location this weekend the main topic is transgendered rights -- for a women's conference! But if you read the anonymous comments on mainstream outlets articles about trans issues it seems to me I may not be as out of step with the times as I feel on this issue. Most people don't believe there are suddenly a bunch of people born the wrong gender do they?"
"Yes they do. I’ve been speaking to more people about it, and finding out that most people are sick of hearing about “gender identity” and think the whole thing is completely ridiculous and insane. These aren’t religious, conservative people either... they’re all atheist/agnostic/apathetic about religion, left-leaning people."
"I'm a journalist and the AP stylebook now says that reporters should just identify the subject of their article as the gender they self-perceive themselves to be with no qualifier necessary.So transgenderism is now treated the same as race in journalism -- you only clarify if it is relevant to the story.(The youtube shooter was reported to be a female, for instance).I'm a journalist. I report facts, not fiction. It seems like this craziness is quite prevalent to even be affirmed by one of the largest and preeminent news organization in the world."
"the press is publishing false information, and has agreed to do so. You see it so many times when anyone runs a story about a "woman" (generally involved in crime) accompanied by a picture of a man. It's so blatant. How can the press just decide that their guidelines are to lie?"
"we are in the middle of an election here in Canada. I’ve been showing acquaintances and coworkers Morgane Oger’s Twitter profile picture, after reading them his twitter bio. I always keep a neutral tone as I read it to them. Every single time, as I show them his photo, their jaws drop open in disbelief, and they start to laugh. Nobody ACTUALLY believes that he is a woman. They think it’s hysterical and a complete farce that people actually play along with his delusions. People who aren’t involved and immersed in this gender ideology naturally think it’s insane."
"Ask them why they think prisons are sex segregated in the first place. They know exactly why, you can judge how shit a person they are by whether they pretend not to. You could also ask them if it’d ok to lock up pedophiles with children because many perpetrators of sexual assault on kids are other kids. Then follow up by letting them know that there have already been examples of men who raped babies being locked up in a prison with a mother and baby unit."
"I thought public health was safe from this until I started seeing preferred pronouns pop up in people's e-mails. I don't know how we can support the cognitive dissonance of a biologically-based, population-based, scientific approach to health with a philosophically-based, individualistic approach to health? I guess we're seeing it in rising HIV rates..."
"And, you know: Donald Trump got elected president. It should be obvious that extreme progressive ideals are not universally held outside of certain internet bubbles, and I'm not sure it helps liberal political parties when they pretend otherwise."
"And this is precisely why they’re going after children. Indoctrinating them early in school. Children will literally believe anything. You tell them there’s 200 genders and the tooth fairy collects their teeth from under their pillow, anything is plausible in their mind."
"I got "cancelled" after making comments on social media where I stood up for women's rights to their own sports. Shortly after making these comments, I met a group of friends out for dinner where the subject came up. Apparently, immediately after dinner, one of my "friends" IM'd everyone else in the group about how the conversation had "triggered" her (she's not even trans FFS) & that she would be unfriending me on Facebook because she didn't need that kind of "negativity" in her life. She is one of most self-centered & negative people I know. A few weeks later, I actually noticed I was unfriended & politely messaged her to ask if I had done something to offend her. She didn't have the guts to respond, just preferred to try to cause drama for me. I learned about the group IM later. Good riddance."
"Look up narcissistic triangulation. It's a common (and abusive) strategy that narcissists use to boost their own status at the expense of someone else's. Rather than dealing with you directly, she tells everyone else that you're a horrible person in order to make herself look virtuous. They do this either with other individuals or with groups."
"The left... has turned repressing one's feelings of revulsion and disgust into a virtue in and of itself. This virtue is often called "tolerance", and we generally consider it a good thing. And being against discrimination is typically derived from this tolerance.But it's easy for people who grok this dynamic to abuse it and manipulate people with leftist tendencies by turning everything into a matter of "tolerance". Once you express it in these terms, there's no defense on the left -- whatever is being proposed in terms of tolerance or non-exclusion or anti-discrimination has to be accepted, because after all, we're the tolerant people!"
"In numerous states, it's illegal for minors to use tanning beds because they don't have the mental capacity to foresee the long term effects (like skin cancer and premature aging) of using them from a young age. It's the same reason we don't allow them to have cigarettes and booze. But we're supposed to believe that kids as young as nine are informed and mature enough to consent to being permanently castrated and sterilized before they've even hit puberty."
"A number of left/feminist spaces were commandeered by a few noisy a-holes who insisted on centering themselves and their issues, and a lot of bloggers catered to them rather than setting boundaries and rules of engagement. Feminist spaces seem particularly prone to this, as so much feminist politics is all about the personal = political and everyone's experience is valid, etc. No one can argue with anyone's subjectivity, so the thinking goes.Come to think of it, feminist blogs 5-10 years ago is where I first saw some of the first signals of the bonkers trans activism that we see commonly now on social media: complaints about feminist Mary Daly, who died about 8 years ago; complaints about the Vagina Monologues being produced on college campuses because it's "transphobic," etc.I do think a general peaking is underway however. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I say the more coverage like the LGBTQIA++ Dem candidates' town hall, the better. Show more Americans what narcissistic injury looks like!"
"many TIMs are fetishists who get off on forcing strangers to participate in their fetish"
"in my world (I teach at an Australian university) the two biggest threats to "free speech" /academic freedom are the trans right movements and China. Want to lose your career? Say something TERF-y or something anti-China, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."
"I'm not sure where I read it, but someone posted that her pronouns were terf/terfself & almost sprayed my computer screen with diet Coke"
"I used to not care because I truly thought that there were only a very small number of trans people and that they all passed, etc. I had no idea how big this movement would become and that most TIMs are just misogynists who wear womanface to get into women's spaces and abuse women. It should have occurred to me, but at the time I did not think that many men wanted to be women. Being a woman sucks. I just assumed very few people born a man would volunteer to be a woman.However, at the time I did not know what AGP was, or that these men were going to be "lesbians" or that they were pornsick and sex-obsessed."
[Ed: AGP = Auto Erotic Gynephilia ]
"I think most people don’t actually even understand how deep it goes, because they aren’t directly impacted by it and don’t have to. My girlfriend is not vocal about anything political. If you ask her how she feels about trans people and transphobia she is quick to condemn it and say that she supports trans rights. However when I ask her if she’d ever consider dating a trans woman, as a lesbian, her answer is no, personally she would not. She didn’t even understand that that made her “transphobic” by the standards employed today. This is the real issue in my eyes. What counts as transphobia to TRAs is much stricter than the standard that the general public holds. So TRAs cry transphobia against lesbians, or “TERFs” and the general public gets this idea that we hate trans people and want them to die, when the reality is that our views on the issue are likely way more aligned with the mainstream, who is not forced to defend their views and therefore not compelled to think too deeply about the actual arguments and implications. This is why I have an issue with the weaponized and disingenuous use of the TERF label. It’s the equivalent of crying “homophobia” on someone who feels uncomfortable if they encounter gay people dry humping in a public space. You can object to someone’s behavior and values without objecting to their identity, but the two get conflated way too often."
"That used to be my attitude. I have no reason to care about what people do in their bedrooms. If it doesn't have any public policy implications, why should I give a shit? But that's a really flawed assumption. The TRAs are heavily pushing public policy changes. In my state, gender identity is a protected class. I'm a guy. By some very popular interpretations of the law, I can possibly stroll into the women's bathroom and just "identify" as a woman and no one can say shit about it. That makes me really nervous about the safety of every female family member of mine or my girlfriend. I can't complain about this under my real name or I risk getting fired. I try to support the cause as best I can but it's difficult."
"I'm in the 'if it doesn't hurt anybody who cares' camp generally too but when you have a seven inch schlong and you're trying to dictate to me what being a woman means and you're going to kick my ass in track because you're competing in women's sport, we have problems."
"The media and the democratic elite are very much at odds with the general public on this. They’re in for a rude awakening if they try and push this on people. We’ll end up with someone worse than trump."
"As a former libfem who towed the line pretty heavily, the line of thinking was always "it costs zero dollars to not be a jerk." Now ACTUALLY believing the gender games was, of course, super ridiculous and I didn't understand it even then. But I didn't want to be MEAN to these POOR PEOPLE. Over time, it became clearer and clearer that there WAS a huge cost to entertaining these delusions, and so it was easier for me to start to challenge the notion that it was costing me nothing to validate someone's misogynistic view of womanhood."
"I wish global warming or starving kids had a lobby as powerful as trans folks"
"I watched in horror as my boss told a story about his buddy beating up a trans woman in the bar and he laughed the entire time telling us this. At no point did he get punished or talked to about it. My other coworkers constantly make attack helicopter or silence of the lambs jokes. I had to stop a coworker from screaming slurs and insults across the road at a TW. I work entirely with men. But I never once saw a TRA go after any of them. Never."
"That's because TRAs know men would kick their asses if they tried that. They'd much rather go after feminist women who tend to be physically smaller and weaker than they are. How Brave and Stunning of them! /eyeroll"
"people are pandering to trans people so much it spins my head. At a women's conference in my location this weekend the main topic is transgendered rights -- for a women's conference! But if you read the anonymous comments on mainstream outlets articles about trans issues it seems to me I may not be as out of step with the times as I feel on this issue. Most people don't believe there are suddenly a bunch of people born the wrong gender do they?"
"Yes they do. I’ve been speaking to more people about it, and finding out that most people are sick of hearing about “gender identity” and think the whole thing is completely ridiculous and insane. These aren’t religious, conservative people either... they’re all atheist/agnostic/apathetic about religion, left-leaning people."
"I'm a journalist and the AP stylebook now says that reporters should just identify the subject of their article as the gender they self-perceive themselves to be with no qualifier necessary.So transgenderism is now treated the same as race in journalism -- you only clarify if it is relevant to the story.(The youtube shooter was reported to be a female, for instance).I'm a journalist. I report facts, not fiction. It seems like this craziness is quite prevalent to even be affirmed by one of the largest and preeminent news organization in the world."
"the press is publishing false information, and has agreed to do so. You see it so many times when anyone runs a story about a "woman" (generally involved in crime) accompanied by a picture of a man. It's so blatant. How can the press just decide that their guidelines are to lie?"
"we are in the middle of an election here in Canada. I’ve been showing acquaintances and coworkers Morgane Oger’s Twitter profile picture, after reading them his twitter bio. I always keep a neutral tone as I read it to them. Every single time, as I show them his photo, their jaws drop open in disbelief, and they start to laugh. Nobody ACTUALLY believes that he is a woman. They think it’s hysterical and a complete farce that people actually play along with his delusions. People who aren’t involved and immersed in this gender ideology naturally think it’s insane."
"Ask them why they think prisons are sex segregated in the first place. They know exactly why, you can judge how shit a person they are by whether they pretend not to. You could also ask them if it’d ok to lock up pedophiles with children because many perpetrators of sexual assault on kids are other kids. Then follow up by letting them know that there have already been examples of men who raped babies being locked up in a prison with a mother and baby unit."
"I thought public health was safe from this until I started seeing preferred pronouns pop up in people's e-mails. I don't know how we can support the cognitive dissonance of a biologically-based, population-based, scientific approach to health with a philosophically-based, individualistic approach to health? I guess we're seeing it in rising HIV rates..."
"And, you know: Donald Trump got elected president. It should be obvious that extreme progressive ideals are not universally held outside of certain internet bubbles, and I'm not sure it helps liberal political parties when they pretend otherwise."
"And this is precisely why they’re going after children. Indoctrinating them early in school. Children will literally believe anything. You tell them there’s 200 genders and the tooth fairy collects their teeth from under their pillow, anything is plausible in their mind."
"I got "cancelled" after making comments on social media where I stood up for women's rights to their own sports. Shortly after making these comments, I met a group of friends out for dinner where the subject came up. Apparently, immediately after dinner, one of my "friends" IM'd everyone else in the group about how the conversation had "triggered" her (she's not even trans FFS) & that she would be unfriending me on Facebook because she didn't need that kind of "negativity" in her life. She is one of most self-centered & negative people I know. A few weeks later, I actually noticed I was unfriended & politely messaged her to ask if I had done something to offend her. She didn't have the guts to respond, just preferred to try to cause drama for me. I learned about the group IM later. Good riddance."
"Look up narcissistic triangulation. It's a common (and abusive) strategy that narcissists use to boost their own status at the expense of someone else's. Rather than dealing with you directly, she tells everyone else that you're a horrible person in order to make herself look virtuous. They do this either with other individuals or with groups."
"The left... has turned repressing one's feelings of revulsion and disgust into a virtue in and of itself. This virtue is often called "tolerance", and we generally consider it a good thing. And being against discrimination is typically derived from this tolerance.But it's easy for people who grok this dynamic to abuse it and manipulate people with leftist tendencies by turning everything into a matter of "tolerance". Once you express it in these terms, there's no defense on the left -- whatever is being proposed in terms of tolerance or non-exclusion or anti-discrimination has to be accepted, because after all, we're the tolerant people!"
"In numerous states, it's illegal for minors to use tanning beds because they don't have the mental capacity to foresee the long term effects (like skin cancer and premature aging) of using them from a young age. It's the same reason we don't allow them to have cigarettes and booze. But we're supposed to believe that kids as young as nine are informed and mature enough to consent to being permanently castrated and sterilized before they've even hit puberty."
"A number of left/feminist spaces were commandeered by a few noisy a-holes who insisted on centering themselves and their issues, and a lot of bloggers catered to them rather than setting boundaries and rules of engagement. Feminist spaces seem particularly prone to this, as so much feminist politics is all about the personal = political and everyone's experience is valid, etc. No one can argue with anyone's subjectivity, so the thinking goes.Come to think of it, feminist blogs 5-10 years ago is where I first saw some of the first signals of the bonkers trans activism that we see commonly now on social media: complaints about feminist Mary Daly, who died about 8 years ago; complaints about the Vagina Monologues being produced on college campuses because it's "transphobic," etc.I do think a general peaking is underway however. Maybe I'm just an optimist, but I say the more coverage like the LGBTQIA++ Dem candidates' town hall, the better. Show more Americans what narcissistic injury looks like!"
"many TIMs are fetishists who get off on forcing strangers to participate in their fetish"
"in my world (I teach at an Australian university) the two biggest threats to "free speech" /academic freedom are the trans right movements and China. Want to lose your career? Say something TERF-y or something anti-China, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."
"I'm not sure where I read it, but someone posted that her pronouns were terf/terfself & almost sprayed my computer screen with diet Coke"
"I used to not care because I truly thought that there were only a very small number of trans people and that they all passed, etc. I had no idea how big this movement would become and that most TIMs are just misogynists who wear womanface to get into women's spaces and abuse women. It should have occurred to me, but at the time I did not think that many men wanted to be women. Being a woman sucks. I just assumed very few people born a man would volunteer to be a woman.However, at the time I did not know what AGP was, or that these men were going to be "lesbians" or that they were pornsick and sex-obsessed."
[Ed: AGP = Auto Erotic Gynephilia ]
"I think most people don’t actually even understand how deep it goes, because they aren’t directly impacted by it and don’t have to. My girlfriend is not vocal about anything political. If you ask her how she feels about trans people and transphobia she is quick to condemn it and say that she supports trans rights. However when I ask her if she’d ever consider dating a trans woman, as a lesbian, her answer is no, personally she would not. She didn’t even understand that that made her “transphobic” by the standards employed today. This is the real issue in my eyes. What counts as transphobia to TRAs is much stricter than the standard that the general public holds. So TRAs cry transphobia against lesbians, or “TERFs” and the general public gets this idea that we hate trans people and want them to die, when the reality is that our views on the issue are likely way more aligned with the mainstream, who is not forced to defend their views and therefore not compelled to think too deeply about the actual arguments and implications. This is why I have an issue with the weaponized and disingenuous use of the TERF label. It’s the equivalent of crying “homophobia” on someone who feels uncomfortable if they encounter gay people dry humping in a public space. You can object to someone’s behavior and values without objecting to their identity, but the two get conflated way too often."
"That used to be my attitude. I have no reason to care about what people do in their bedrooms. If it doesn't have any public policy implications, why should I give a shit? But that's a really flawed assumption. The TRAs are heavily pushing public policy changes. In my state, gender identity is a protected class. I'm a guy. By some very popular interpretations of the law, I can possibly stroll into the women's bathroom and just "identify" as a woman and no one can say shit about it. That makes me really nervous about the safety of every female family member of mine or my girlfriend. I can't complain about this under my real name or I risk getting fired. I try to support the cause as best I can but it's difficult."
"I'm in the 'if it doesn't hurt anybody who cares' camp generally too but when you have a seven inch schlong and you're trying to dictate to me what being a woman means and you're going to kick my ass in track because you're competing in women's sport, we have problems."
"The media and the democratic elite are very much at odds with the general public on this. They’re in for a rude awakening if they try and push this on people. We’ll end up with someone worse than trump."
"As a former libfem who towed the line pretty heavily, the line of thinking was always "it costs zero dollars to not be a jerk." Now ACTUALLY believing the gender games was, of course, super ridiculous and I didn't understand it even then. But I didn't want to be MEAN to these POOR PEOPLE. Over time, it became clearer and clearer that there WAS a huge cost to entertaining these delusions, and so it was easier for me to start to challenge the notion that it was costing me nothing to validate someone's misogynistic view of womanhood."
"I wish global warming or starving kids had a lobby as powerful as trans folks"
"I watched in horror as my boss told a story about his buddy beating up a trans woman in the bar and he laughed the entire time telling us this. At no point did he get punished or talked to about it. My other coworkers constantly make attack helicopter or silence of the lambs jokes. I had to stop a coworker from screaming slurs and insults across the road at a TW. I work entirely with men. But I never once saw a TRA go after any of them. Never."
"That's because TRAs know men would kick their asses if they tried that. They'd much rather go after feminist women who tend to be physically smaller and weaker than they are. How Brave and Stunning of them! /eyeroll"
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