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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Links - 27th November 2019 (2) (Trans Mania [including Drag])

JK Rowling Confirms Stance Against Transgender Women - "While the LGBT community and our allies have stood back and watched a rather ominous narrative form around JK Rowling, it has been without any direct confirmation or statement from the author herself. It’s as if she is conditioning the world to accept it rather than rebuke it. First she stuck her toe in the water, was caught, claimed it was a misunderstanding and we accepted that. Then, she persisted to do the same things… again and again.Finally, we have some confirmation of Rowling’s stance against the transgender community. She has followed one of the most hateful and aggressive anti-trans radical feminists on Twitter, Magdalen Berns... Twitter has postured itself as something of a safe-house for TERF’s"
Liking tweets and following people on Twitter is blasphemy to trans activists
Time for her to write a story revealing that Harry Potter was transsexual all along
How fitting that since trans mania is about gaslighting, this person imagines that Twitter loves 'TERFs' despite their support for trans mania
Happily the top comments are all slamming the author - even from a transwoman

Transgender book for TEENS includes account of 6-year-old performing oral sex and ‘liking it’ - "A transgender book for teens which contains graphic descriptions of oral sex carried out by children as young as six is being promoted in the youth sections of local libraries, according to Kirralie Smith, director of Binary Australia.The book, Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out, tells the story of six young adults and their journey to embracing transgenderism."

ACLU: Peter Meijer discriminated against Down Syndrome drag act - "The ACLU of Michigan has filed a civil rights complaint against congressional candidate Peter Meijer for allegedly discriminating against drag performers with Down Syndrome.Meijer would not allow the UK-based troupe Drag Syndrome to use his Tanglefoot Building in Grand Rapids during the ArtPrize Project 1 exhibitions, questioning whether the performers could provide consent... The ACLU contends that Meijer is relying on harmful stereotypes about disabled people.Meijer told the Free Press that he was worried about "the risk of perception of exploitation," a view he said is shared by disability advocates. He plans to challenge the complaint. "
We're reaching new levels of wokeness that shouldn't be possible

VIDEO: Undercover moms expose graphic Teen Pride public library event, then get doxxed by Antifa - "Two concerned mothers who attended a recent “Teen Pride” celebration at a public library in Renton, Washington, told The College Fix that they have now been doxxed for their efforts to expose the event, which included a graphic dance by a drag queen and the distribution of other adult sex and gender materials... although library officials promised it would be family friendly, it was anything but that. The women and some of their allies attending the event in a somewhat undercover capacity were able to capture on film a large amount of the pride festivities at the Renton Public Library — including the graphic performance of a drag queen — before police were called to escort some of the moms out.In the performance, the drag queen was seen removing a skirt at the start and then dancing in scantily clad clothing to the tune of the song “Like a Girl.” The drag queen sang in part, “If you feel like a girl, then you real like a girl. Do your thing, run the whole damn world.” The song ended with various expletives. “I witnessed kids in that show and in the following panel that couldn’t have been more than ten”... she saw young people at the event under the age of 18 who were not accompanied by adults despite a library official saying that would not be allowed. Meanwhile, another mom added that Planned Parenthood representatives there spoke about its “gender reformation services” that involve “giving testosterone and progesterone to young people” and they were hoping to offer them to children under 18 without parental consent. The event also boasted gift cards for breast binders, one of the tools that many transgender men use to attempt to make their bodies into more of a traditionally masculine shape... Emerald City Antifa began to dox the women, tweeting: “To reiterate today, we had two queerphobic adults filming kids going in and out of the bathrooms at Teen Pride event at Renton Public library… We’ll post link in thread, please help us identify these pervs... “When we went out to the parking lot… We’re standing there talking and this man was photographing us. He started yelling at us and filming us and he said, ‘I’m putting your picture on Twitter. I’m filming your license plate. I’m going to make sure everybody knows who you are, you hateful bigot.’ And then we were surrounded and there are four men filming us and they are kind of circling us like wolves”... “We who have good intentions to protect our children from this indoctrination have become the enemy”"

Snipers Defend Drag Queen Story Hour From Mom-Led Protest - "A SWAT team of two snipers was stationed on the roof of a public library in Spokane, Washington June 15. Their mission, along with 30-40 police officers, was to defend Drag Queen Story Hour from 300 concerned mothers and allies protesting the event... Pastor Afhsin Yaghtin of New Covenant Baptist Church was arrested for obstructing an officer after he told police he should be allowed to protest next to the library, instead of across the street in the designated protest space for 500 Mom Strong... She believes the significant armed presence for the story hour could be a result of the counter-protest organization, 500 Drag Queen Strong, filing false police reports that her group made death threats against them.Bohach says the allegations of death threats made by members of 500 Mom Strong are completely false. She told the Daily Caller that instead, women from 500 Mom Strong have “received several death threats.”... “She casts off her clothing in front of two and three-year-olds and four-year-olds, with her hairy armpits and her huge breasts pouring out of her minimal top, and now she’s gonna read this story,” Herndon said, describing a moment in which drag queen Andrea Tate removed an outer layer of clothing during the story time"

Library Deletes Photos of Children Fondling Drag Queens During ‘Story Hour’ - "A public library has deleted photos of small children lying on top of drag queens and fondling their false breasts at a Drag Queen Story Hour.Multnomah County Library, the library system serving Portland, Oregon, quietly removed from Flickr the photos of the Drag Queen Story Hour that took place at St. John’s Library and then circulated on Facebook, leading to a backlash."

Swedish State Agency Uses Money of Dead Citizens to Fund Drag Shows - "The Swedish Inheritance Fund, which manages the wealth of deceased Swedes with no heirs, will be using the money of dead Swedes to fund drag queen shows... In Dallas, another drag queen event stirred controversy when it was revealed that one of the drag queens was reading a story entitled What Colour is Your Underwear? to young children"

WATCH: Drag queen teaches kids to ‘twerk’ at library story hour - "A drag queen in the United Kingdom was caught on camera teaching small children at a library story hour how to perform the sexually-suggestive dance move called "twerking."Mama G is a cross-dressing man and drag artist who “has appeared at libraries, theatres, bookshops and cafes all over the UK,” according to the Petite Pantos theater company. Devon Libraries promoted his Story Hour events in North Devon as “sharing tales that celebrate being who you are & loving who you want.”...
“My children would have found this alarming and confusing, and probably have been put off books for life,” Diana Toynbee said.
'If you think it's normal for a 300 pound bearded man dressed like a demon clown twerking in front of the children while telling them "you can be boys or girls kids!" And then they bring out the drag kids so they can twerk and be handed dollars bills.. so brave so beautiful?'
'Bloke dressed normally teaching children to twerk - lock him up. Bloke in drag doing it- stunning and brave.'...
After the controversy broke out, Mama G changed his Twitter profile so only approved followers can see it, but not before critics saved screenshots – including one of a tweet in which Mama G appears to ask children to send him their email addresses."

Mass Resistance Uncovers A THIRD "Story Time" Drag Queen With A Criminal Record - "after uncovering numerous social media posts by Richardson alluding to homosexual sex, sado-masochism, and other repulsive behaviors (see below), MassResistance’s Austin Chapter testified before the Austin City Council... David Lee Richardson, aka “Miss Kitty Litter,” was arrested and convicted of offering sex for money – prostitution – in 1996."

Drag Queen Flashes Crotch to Children During "Story Hour" Event - "Over the course of the last few years, we’ve been hammered with the narrative that a “drag queen story hour” is a way to teach tolerance and acceptance to young children about different ways of life. However, we’ve also seen what happens behind the scenes, and it’s not pretty.Drag queens have been on video putting on strip dances in front of children and cursing with them in the room to boot. They’ve also put aside some time to allow these children to crawl all over them... “Sasha Sota” flashed children his crotch by parting his legs under his skirt. In the picture, you can see him in full costume with a little girl sitting in front of him. The one named Gemini also showed up in a skin-tight, not-proper-for-kids costume."
What "equality" and "being a decent human being" look like

Mother of Child Drag Queen Complains Pedophile is Sexualizing Her Son - "The mom of Desmond Naples, aka Desmond is Amazing, is appalled that a convicted pedophile says he finds her son "sexy" and "hot" and sexualizes his performances. Desmond has been making headlines since he was just 10-year-old for his drag queen "performances.""

The Rise of ‘Drag Kids’—and the Death of Gay Culture - "the CBC—Canada’s public television network—ran a lavishly publicized documentary about “four kid drag queens as they prepare to slay on Montreal stage.” This was marketed as child-friendly content. Indeed, the CBC promoted the documentary, titled Drag Kids, on its “CBC Kids News” channel as a fun look at children who “sashay their way into the spotlight.”For me, as a gay man, watching the documentary was traumatic. The interviewed parents defend themselves against accusations they are abusing their children by encouraging them to dress up in drag. But to do so, the parents must purport to separate drag from sex and sexuality, which is simply ahistorical... [This] actually brought tears to my eyes—though not for the reasons you might think. I cried not because of the homophobia directed against that little boy for dressing in drag. No, I cried instead because we now inhabit a culture that denies our real gay history of gender revolt—from the British “Molly Houses” of the 18th century (where homosexual men dressed up and held mock weddings and birthings), to the drag queens who threw the first rocks at Stonewall and invented gay liberation.I thought a lot about that. And then I decided that as a gay man and drag queen, it was time to just, well, give up. After years of propaganda to the effect that sex is meaningless and “gender expression” is all that matters, it’s now official: Gay is gone... In early gay pride parades, men proudly carried signs marked with slogans such as “pansy power,” and “dykes on bikes” (lesbians on motorcycles) led the march. There had always been “queens” and “trade” in gay culture (effeminate men and masculine ones); and lesbian culture was even more openly obsessed with the typology of “butches’ and “femmes.”... It was about 2005 when my queer friends began to gossip about what we called ‘the disappearing lesbian.” It seemed that all of a sudden there were hardly any butch dykes, but a whole lot more “trans men.” My older butch lesbian friends complained about it, asking, “Doesn’t anybody want to be a butch lesbian anymore? Are they all taking hormones and cutting their breasts off?”... As a lifelong drag queen, I know that it is silly to pretend that drag has no sexual connotation. But as someone who has been observing the slow death of gay culture for many years, I also know that this is not a new phenomenon, but rather just the end point in a cultural process that has turned the reality of gay men and women into an abstraction promoted by a gender-studies workshop. Children should be encouraged to dress up and play as they wish, of course. But the parents who appear in the documentary want to have their cake and eat it, too: They want to allow their male children to act effeminately, but without acknowledging the connection to gayness—since gayness cannot stand in isolation from sexual orientation; which itself cannot stand in isolation from desire."
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