Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Links - 20th November 2019 (2)
Sleeping with Your Smartphone: How to Break the 24-7 Habit and Change the Way you Work - "What started as an experiment with a six-person team at The Boston Consulting Group—one of the world's elite management consulting firms—triggered a global initiative that eventually spanned more than 900 BCG teams in 30 countries across five continents. These teams confronted their nonstop workweeks and changed the way they worked, becoming more efficient and effective. The result? Employees were more satisfied with their work-life balance and with their work in general. And the firm was better able to recruit and retain employees. Clients also benefited—often in unexpected ways"
‘Can't even read it anymore’: Pete Buttigieg is right, the LGBT media is garbage - "Buttigieg told the radio host that he “can’t even read the LGBT media anymore” because it’s all "too gay, not gay enough, wrong kind of gay."“All I know is that life became a lot easier when I just started allowing myself to be myself, and I’ll let other people write up whether I’m ‘too this’ or ‘too that,’” Buttigieg said... The LGBT media is basically a joke. Its extremist, sexually libertine, left-wing content is not really representative of many actual gay people outside of San Francisco coffee shops or New York City gay bars."
David Cameron Is Sorry. Really, Really Sorry. - The New York Times - "“There are some people who will never forgive me for holding a referendum,” he said. “There are also a large number of people who were fed up that we kept getting promised referendums, and they were never consulted, and the E.U. had changed massively during our time of membership.”"
Google paid female director less: gender-discrimination lawsuit - "An engineering director for Google is suing the firm, claiming she was paid less and denied a promotion because she’s a woman, then was demoted for complaining.Ulku Rowe, a former managing director for JPMorgan currently working in Google’s Cloud unit, “has played a critical leadership role in building Google Cloud’s offering in financial services”"
Good Optics - Posts - "Melissa Barnett @melissa_lbi replying to @pgorski: This week, dumpsters were filled with books that should have left decades ago @TWPSchools and replaced with engaging, relevant, culturally diverse literature."
When liberals burn books
Eddie 🛸 on Twitter - "Kung Fu Kassy @Kassyworms: "My 5 year old niece saw the blue deer on my shirt and was like ”awww it’s a boy deer!” I took the opportunity to be like ”Or it can be a girl deer! Girls like blue too, Olivia” She stared at me and was like "I said it’s a boy because it has antlers.” Take my degree away now.""
Racist London bus attack shows woman in hijab shouting abuse - "This shocking footage shows a woman in a hijab tell an Indian male bus passenger that he ‘stinks of curry’... Referring to an area in London, mobile phone video shows the woman scream at the man: ‘You smell of curry, dumb b**tard. Go back to your f**king Southall slum.’"
Of course, if it'd been a white person doing it, the media would be totally obsessed
Column: Jeff Bezos becomes the first CEO to break his pledge to dump the 'shareholder value' model - Los Angeles Times - "The most important question left by the recent pledge by nearly 200 major corporations to place their workers, customers, suppliers and communities ahead of their shareholders was: How will we know that the companies are adhering to the pledge?Jeff Bezos, a signatory to the statement issued Aug. 19 by the Business Roundtable, and chief executive of Amazon and its subsidiary Whole Foods, has shown how we’ll know when companies are reneging. One signal would be cutting benefits for part-time employees. That’s exactly what Whole Foods just did... Stiglitz observed that although the corporation’s first responsibility is to pay its taxes, the signatories included CEOs of some of the nation’s most notorious tax avoiders, including Apple and Amazon. Many others were supporters, whether explicitly or tacitly, of the 2017 tax cuts, which were aimed at corporations and the wealthy."
Stefan Molyneux on Twitter - "I am fighting white supremacy. Millions of people move to white countries because they do not believe they can achieve freedom, wealth, and security at home. If you believe that only white countries can be free, you are a white supremacist. Fight supremacy – fix your countries"
Mom Received 5-Year-Sentence After Falsifying Son’s School District and Twice Selling Drugs - "Correction: The original version of this article falsely stated that Tanya McDowell was sentenced to five years in prison solely after larceny conviction for falsifying her son’s address to get him into a neighboring school district. The sentence, which came after a plea agreement, actually encompassed three crimes to which McDowell pleaded guilty: Larceny and two counts of sale of narcotics.
Felicity Huffman‘s 14-day sentence has brought back into the spotlight a case where a Connecticut mom received a five-year sentence for falsifying her son’s residence to get him into a neighboring school district as well as selling drugs on two occasions. Critics have pointed out the discrepancy in the sentences, but the cases are different... DeJoseph, referencing McDowell’s drug convictions, tells PEOPLE, “These cases are so dissimilar as to be comparing apples to motor oil.”"
A lot of people - and even many media outlets - were and still are promoting the fake news that she got a much heavier sentence than Felicity Huffman because of racism
Women are flocking to plastic surgeons to fix 'resting bitch face' - "It’s because of a public shift in focus from the upper to lower face — “popularized by the Kardashians,” he says, and their affinity for lip injections.He says selfies are also a factor: They force people to “look down at their phone, [which] accentuates the resting bitch face.”"
Women Are Paying for 'Designer Nipples' So They Can Look More Like Kendall Jenner - "They apparently love how the 22-year-old supermodel regularly goes braless, with her nipples high beaming through semi-sheer tops. It's making women whose nipples aren't regularly erect or pointed, but otherwise fine, kinda jealous."
Seeing Spider/Antman Movies Lessen Fear of Bugs? - "The study is: ” ‘Spidey Can’: Preliminary Evidence Showing Arachnophobia Symptom Reduction Due to Superhero Movie Exposure,” Yaakov S.G. Hoffman, Shani Pitcho-Prelorentzos, Lia Ring, and Menachem Ben-Ezra, Frontiers in Psychiatry, epub 2019"
Chinese tourist sorry for scuba tank ‘pranks’ on diving trip in Philippines - "A Chinese tourist
has apologised for closing the valves on two divers’ scuba tanks while they were diving on a group trip to the Philippines, saying it was “just a prank”."
AI learned to use tools after nearly 500 million games of hide and seek - MIT Technology Review - "Through playing a simple game of hide and seek hundreds of millions of times, two opposing teams of AI agents developed complex hiding and seeking strategies that involved tool use and collaboration"
'Battlefield V' Embraces Social Justice Revisionism, Bombs Miserably - "One of this year’s most discussed World War II first-person shooting games, Electronic Arts’ Battlefield V, now appears to be destined towards commercial failure after its developers chose to include a theme of social-justice related historical revisionism in the game’s content. Fans of the historically themed first-person shooter Battlefield series reacted with disapproval when the initial trailer for the new game was released. Many were given the impression that the series had abandoned any pretense of historical realism with the bizarre trailer was seen, featuring anachronistic elements such as prosthetic limbs and women as frontline combat soldiers... The refusal of EA and DICE(Battlefield‘s developer) to listen to the concerns of their own consumer base became even more obvious when the latter seemed to passive-aggressively mock the historical objections at a launch party for the game, flashing quotes across a screen such as “Feminazies are trying to ruin Battlefield” and a monotonous display of “White men! White men! White men!”... Any pretense of historical realism was completely abandoned in an element of the game’s single player component, when the player plays as a female Norwegian resistance fighter in a real life sabotage operation which was undertaken by men, exclusively. The de facto writing out of the men who participated in a plot to cripple Germany’s nuclear development program raised accusations of blatant disrespect... It’s being heavily outperformed in sales by its closest competitor, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and sources indicate that early sales of Battlefield V lag well behind those of its predecessor, the World War I-themed Battlefield 1."
Get woke...
Battlefield V Video Exposes DICE's SJW Historical Revisionism - "basically, the only time DICE decided to attempt some measure of accuracy was for non-white characters.Worse yet is that — as pointed out by American Krogan — the story is depicted in Battlefield V with all the modern day sensibilities of the Left’s vision of racism.Battlefield V attempts to portray the African fighters as being treated like second-class soldiers by the white Frenchmen... there’s lots of virtue signaling, with the Africans being portrayed as more virtuous and moralistic compared to the German soldiers"
Gillette backflips on ‘toxic masculinity’ with new firefighter ad - "Razor brand Gillette says it is “shifting the spotlight from social issues to local heroes” after an ad delving into “toxic masculinity” caused a customer backlash... Parent company P&G last month took a nearly $12 billion ($US8 billion) writedown in the value of the 118-year-old shaving business it purchased in 2005 for $84 billion ($US57 billion).While the company blamed the writedown primarily on a strengthening US dollar, it said the non-cash impairment charge was also due to increased competition and a shrinking market for razors as men shave less frequently... Conservative critics were quick to connect the writedown to the brand’s recent push into progressive social issues, which rival Schick has pointedly mocked with a series of lighthearted ads taglined “The Man I Am”."
Women’s magazines are more progressive than ever – and they’re all closing down | Yomi Adegoke - "The demise of women’s mags would once have been met with jubilation by some feminists. Although they were a space for women in the media, they were often a toxic one: the circling of celebrity cellulite, the reinforcement of white beauty standards, the endless sex tips focused on every orgasm but your own, only further entrenched misogyny. But, by and large, this is not a representation of women’s magazines today. The closure of Teen Vogue’s print publication was met with widespread outrage, after we had watched the magazine mature into a politically engaged tome for pubescent readers who cared about fashion, but also wanted to ensure that the climate crisis hadn’t scorched the world in which it could exist... The sad thing is that the current purge is happening at a time when women’s magazines are less sexist and more progressive than they ever have been. Last year’s September issues made history with virtually every one featuring a black cover star. Some may argue that change came too late, but even magazines that only ever had a feminist agenda haven’t been immune – websites such as Rookie, the Toast and the Hairpin no longer exist."
If only someone could imagine that there might be a connection between the two phenomena
Atheists Are Willing to Pay to Avoid Hearing "Thoughts and Prayers" from Christians - "while for Christians, the remark is welcome—especially if it comes from a member of the clergy—atheists and agnostics were "prayer averse," preferring to avoid religious sentiments in times of tragedy."
Musings of the Regressive Left - "Criticizing feminism cheat code: say white women instead of women. Feminist’s anti-white prejudice is stronger than their defense of everything female"
"*Women suck* - Upset face
*White women suck* - Happy face"
‘Can't even read it anymore’: Pete Buttigieg is right, the LGBT media is garbage - "Buttigieg told the radio host that he “can’t even read the LGBT media anymore” because it’s all "too gay, not gay enough, wrong kind of gay."“All I know is that life became a lot easier when I just started allowing myself to be myself, and I’ll let other people write up whether I’m ‘too this’ or ‘too that,’” Buttigieg said... The LGBT media is basically a joke. Its extremist, sexually libertine, left-wing content is not really representative of many actual gay people outside of San Francisco coffee shops or New York City gay bars."
David Cameron Is Sorry. Really, Really Sorry. - The New York Times - "“There are some people who will never forgive me for holding a referendum,” he said. “There are also a large number of people who were fed up that we kept getting promised referendums, and they were never consulted, and the E.U. had changed massively during our time of membership.”"
Google paid female director less: gender-discrimination lawsuit - "An engineering director for Google is suing the firm, claiming she was paid less and denied a promotion because she’s a woman, then was demoted for complaining.Ulku Rowe, a former managing director for JPMorgan currently working in Google’s Cloud unit, “has played a critical leadership role in building Google Cloud’s offering in financial services”"
Good Optics - Posts - "Melissa Barnett @melissa_lbi replying to @pgorski: This week, dumpsters were filled with books that should have left decades ago @TWPSchools and replaced with engaging, relevant, culturally diverse literature."
When liberals burn books
Eddie 🛸 on Twitter - "Kung Fu Kassy @Kassyworms: "My 5 year old niece saw the blue deer on my shirt and was like ”awww it’s a boy deer!” I took the opportunity to be like ”Or it can be a girl deer! Girls like blue too, Olivia” She stared at me and was like "I said it’s a boy because it has antlers.” Take my degree away now.""
Racist London bus attack shows woman in hijab shouting abuse - "This shocking footage shows a woman in a hijab tell an Indian male bus passenger that he ‘stinks of curry’... Referring to an area in London, mobile phone video shows the woman scream at the man: ‘You smell of curry, dumb b**tard. Go back to your f**king Southall slum.’"
Of course, if it'd been a white person doing it, the media would be totally obsessed
Column: Jeff Bezos becomes the first CEO to break his pledge to dump the 'shareholder value' model - Los Angeles Times - "The most important question left by the recent pledge by nearly 200 major corporations to place their workers, customers, suppliers and communities ahead of their shareholders was: How will we know that the companies are adhering to the pledge?Jeff Bezos, a signatory to the statement issued Aug. 19 by the Business Roundtable, and chief executive of Amazon and its subsidiary Whole Foods, has shown how we’ll know when companies are reneging. One signal would be cutting benefits for part-time employees. That’s exactly what Whole Foods just did... Stiglitz observed that although the corporation’s first responsibility is to pay its taxes, the signatories included CEOs of some of the nation’s most notorious tax avoiders, including Apple and Amazon. Many others were supporters, whether explicitly or tacitly, of the 2017 tax cuts, which were aimed at corporations and the wealthy."
Stefan Molyneux on Twitter - "I am fighting white supremacy. Millions of people move to white countries because they do not believe they can achieve freedom, wealth, and security at home. If you believe that only white countries can be free, you are a white supremacist. Fight supremacy – fix your countries"
Mom Received 5-Year-Sentence After Falsifying Son’s School District and Twice Selling Drugs - "Correction: The original version of this article falsely stated that Tanya McDowell was sentenced to five years in prison solely after larceny conviction for falsifying her son’s address to get him into a neighboring school district. The sentence, which came after a plea agreement, actually encompassed three crimes to which McDowell pleaded guilty: Larceny and two counts of sale of narcotics.
Felicity Huffman‘s 14-day sentence has brought back into the spotlight a case where a Connecticut mom received a five-year sentence for falsifying her son’s residence to get him into a neighboring school district as well as selling drugs on two occasions. Critics have pointed out the discrepancy in the sentences, but the cases are different... DeJoseph, referencing McDowell’s drug convictions, tells PEOPLE, “These cases are so dissimilar as to be comparing apples to motor oil.”"
A lot of people - and even many media outlets - were and still are promoting the fake news that she got a much heavier sentence than Felicity Huffman because of racism
Women are flocking to plastic surgeons to fix 'resting bitch face' - "It’s because of a public shift in focus from the upper to lower face — “popularized by the Kardashians,” he says, and their affinity for lip injections.He says selfies are also a factor: They force people to “look down at their phone, [which] accentuates the resting bitch face.”"
Women Are Paying for 'Designer Nipples' So They Can Look More Like Kendall Jenner - "They apparently love how the 22-year-old supermodel regularly goes braless, with her nipples high beaming through semi-sheer tops. It's making women whose nipples aren't regularly erect or pointed, but otherwise fine, kinda jealous."
Seeing Spider/Antman Movies Lessen Fear of Bugs? - "The study is: ” ‘Spidey Can’: Preliminary Evidence Showing Arachnophobia Symptom Reduction Due to Superhero Movie Exposure,” Yaakov S.G. Hoffman, Shani Pitcho-Prelorentzos, Lia Ring, and Menachem Ben-Ezra, Frontiers in Psychiatry, epub 2019"
Chinese tourist sorry for scuba tank ‘pranks’ on diving trip in Philippines - "A Chinese tourist
has apologised for closing the valves on two divers’ scuba tanks while they were diving on a group trip to the Philippines, saying it was “just a prank”."
AI learned to use tools after nearly 500 million games of hide and seek - MIT Technology Review - "Through playing a simple game of hide and seek hundreds of millions of times, two opposing teams of AI agents developed complex hiding and seeking strategies that involved tool use and collaboration"
'Battlefield V' Embraces Social Justice Revisionism, Bombs Miserably - "One of this year’s most discussed World War II first-person shooting games, Electronic Arts’ Battlefield V, now appears to be destined towards commercial failure after its developers chose to include a theme of social-justice related historical revisionism in the game’s content. Fans of the historically themed first-person shooter Battlefield series reacted with disapproval when the initial trailer for the new game was released. Many were given the impression that the series had abandoned any pretense of historical realism with the bizarre trailer was seen, featuring anachronistic elements such as prosthetic limbs and women as frontline combat soldiers... The refusal of EA and DICE(Battlefield‘s developer) to listen to the concerns of their own consumer base became even more obvious when the latter seemed to passive-aggressively mock the historical objections at a launch party for the game, flashing quotes across a screen such as “Feminazies are trying to ruin Battlefield” and a monotonous display of “White men! White men! White men!”... Any pretense of historical realism was completely abandoned in an element of the game’s single player component, when the player plays as a female Norwegian resistance fighter in a real life sabotage operation which was undertaken by men, exclusively. The de facto writing out of the men who participated in a plot to cripple Germany’s nuclear development program raised accusations of blatant disrespect... It’s being heavily outperformed in sales by its closest competitor, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and sources indicate that early sales of Battlefield V lag well behind those of its predecessor, the World War I-themed Battlefield 1."
Get woke...
Battlefield V Video Exposes DICE's SJW Historical Revisionism - "basically, the only time DICE decided to attempt some measure of accuracy was for non-white characters.Worse yet is that — as pointed out by American Krogan — the story is depicted in Battlefield V with all the modern day sensibilities of the Left’s vision of racism.Battlefield V attempts to portray the African fighters as being treated like second-class soldiers by the white Frenchmen... there’s lots of virtue signaling, with the Africans being portrayed as more virtuous and moralistic compared to the German soldiers"
Gillette backflips on ‘toxic masculinity’ with new firefighter ad - "Razor brand Gillette says it is “shifting the spotlight from social issues to local heroes” after an ad delving into “toxic masculinity” caused a customer backlash... Parent company P&G last month took a nearly $12 billion ($US8 billion) writedown in the value of the 118-year-old shaving business it purchased in 2005 for $84 billion ($US57 billion).While the company blamed the writedown primarily on a strengthening US dollar, it said the non-cash impairment charge was also due to increased competition and a shrinking market for razors as men shave less frequently... Conservative critics were quick to connect the writedown to the brand’s recent push into progressive social issues, which rival Schick has pointedly mocked with a series of lighthearted ads taglined “The Man I Am”."
Women’s magazines are more progressive than ever – and they’re all closing down | Yomi Adegoke - "The demise of women’s mags would once have been met with jubilation by some feminists. Although they were a space for women in the media, they were often a toxic one: the circling of celebrity cellulite, the reinforcement of white beauty standards, the endless sex tips focused on every orgasm but your own, only further entrenched misogyny. But, by and large, this is not a representation of women’s magazines today. The closure of Teen Vogue’s print publication was met with widespread outrage, after we had watched the magazine mature into a politically engaged tome for pubescent readers who cared about fashion, but also wanted to ensure that the climate crisis hadn’t scorched the world in which it could exist... The sad thing is that the current purge is happening at a time when women’s magazines are less sexist and more progressive than they ever have been. Last year’s September issues made history with virtually every one featuring a black cover star. Some may argue that change came too late, but even magazines that only ever had a feminist agenda haven’t been immune – websites such as Rookie, the Toast and the Hairpin no longer exist."
If only someone could imagine that there might be a connection between the two phenomena
Atheists Are Willing to Pay to Avoid Hearing "Thoughts and Prayers" from Christians - "while for Christians, the remark is welcome—especially if it comes from a member of the clergy—atheists and agnostics were "prayer averse," preferring to avoid religious sentiments in times of tragedy."
Musings of the Regressive Left - "Criticizing feminism cheat code: say white women instead of women. Feminist’s anti-white prejudice is stronger than their defense of everything female"
"*Women suck* - Upset face
*White women suck* - Happy face"
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