Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Links - 4th September 2019 (2) (US Border Crisis)
US deportations of Europeans could exceed last fiscal year - "From Oct. 2, 2016 through June 24, more than 1,300 Europeans have been removed, compared with 1,450 during all of federal fiscal year 2016 — the last under President Barack Obama. The agency didn’t provide estimates broken down by calendar year.In San Jose, California, an HIV-positive Russian asylum seeker faces possible deportation after overstaying his visa. In Chicago, Polish and Irish community groups say they’re seeing inquiries about immigration and citizenship-related services surge as people seek legal protections.And in Boston, John Cunningham, a well-known Irishman who had overstayed his visa by 14 years, was sent back to Ireland last week, sending shivers through the city’s sizeable Irish expat community."
So much for claims that immigration law is racist because white people don't get targeted - under Trump more (presumably) white people were deported than under Obama
Generous Joe: More “Free” Healthcare For Illegals Needed - "The question was this: “Do you think that undocumented immigrants who are in this country and are law-abiding should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid for example?”Answered Biden, “Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That's why I think we need more clinics in this country.”Biden forgot to put “free” before clinics, but anyway, the candidate then suggested that Americans who disagree likely have a nasty hang-up about the border-jumping illegals who lie with the facility of Pinocchio when they apply for “asylum.”“A significant portion of undocumented folks in this country are there because they overstayed their visas,” he continued. “It’s not a lot of people breaking down gates coming across the border,” he falsely averred.Then came the inevitable. “We” need to watch what we say about all those “undocumented folks.”“The biggest thing we’ve got to do is tone down the rhetoric,” he continued, because that “creates fear and concern” and ends in describing “undocumented folks” in “graphic, unflattering terms.”Biden thinks those “undocumented folks” are citizens"
There's a video but people are still claiming Biden was taken out of context
It's The Only Country Where Undocumented Migrants Have The Same Health Care Rights As Citizens - "In Thailand, migrants — who account for more than 6 percent of the country's 67.1 million population — are able to immediately buy and access the country's universal health care.It's the only country in the world where migrants there illegally have the same health care rights as nationals... A combination of factors led the Thai government to contemplate a system that gave migrants equal health care. By 2005, migrant workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia accounted for 5 percent of all labor forces within Thailand, according to the International Labour Organization. The government recognized the migrants' contribution to the economy, considered access to health care a human right and was concerned that the lack of proper care for this vulnerable population would allow for communicable diseases that had already been controlled in Thailand to spread once again... Initially, migrants would pay 2,800 THB (about $78) for an annual health insurance card. After the program successfully enrolled its starting target of 300,000 migrant subscribers, the yearly premium dropped to 2,100 THB ($58). Today, more than 1.3 million migrants — approximately a third of Thailand's migrant population — are enrolled in the health care system... 'many hospitals refuse to sell migrants health care because taking care of all these sick migrant workers could make the hospitals go bankrupt'... While the 28 countries of the European Union provide universal health coverage for nationals, few offer migrants equal coverage. In Germany or Sweden, for instance, migrants in the country illegally can only access emergency services."
For some reason, some liberals think a lot of European countries provide free healthcare to illegal immigrants, but even Thailand makes them pay
ICE claims more illegals were deported under Obama than Trump - "Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump’s presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama’s early deportation record, according to new internal Department of Homeland Security figures... Under the Obama administration, ICE deported more than 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009 through 2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012 — prompting critics to dub Trump’s predecessor “the deporter in chief.” The numbers then dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.Under Trump, by comparison, ICE deportations dropped to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then inched up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year, as of June... And while deportations have dropped, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border, mostly Central American families seeking asylum in the US, has soared to levels not seen in a decade — as the president’s promise to build a wall remains unfulfilled and border workers are overwhelmed by the crisis."
Deportation is only wrong when Republicans do it
Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "If you want to know why conservatives don’t trust the media, compare their treatment of AOC to their treatment of Trump. Both say ridiculous and false things regularly. One is rabidly defended by our journalistic firefighting brigade. The other is called a Hitlerian liar."
Ocasio-Cortez Compares Mandatory Math Classes To Concentration Camps | The Babylon Bee - ""Kids are, like, being forced to learn numbers and do, like, long division," she said. "And even short and medium-sized division. This is basically what happened in the Holocaust. Math teachers are, like, pretty much fascists. We should call them Add-Olf Hitler. You know, because of the additioning they make us do.""This isn't happening in the '40s either---this is happening in 2019," she added as she began trying to cook some instant noodles in the microwave. "We are basically living in Nazi Germany now."Ocasio-Cortez was forced to cut off her live stream after smoke began billowing out of her microwave."
Tim Pool on Twitter - "So let me get this straight. People are flying from Angola to Brazil, then traveling North through Central America and Mexico to get in line for a "concentration camp?"
Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "Remember, the U.S. is a country where immigrants, especially non-whites come for a better life, as well as being the most racist and most evil country against non-whites... enslaving and murdering them."
Record number of African migrants coming to Mexican border - "Undaunted by a dangerous journey over thousands of miles, people fleeing economic hardship and human rights abuses in African countries are coming to the U.S.-Mexico border in unprecedented numbers, surprising Border Patrol agents more accustomed to Spanish-speaking migrants."
Reasons Immigrants were turned away - "Immigrants were turned away if they:
-were sick in any way
-had a criminal record
-if they didn't seem like they would be able to have a job in America...
Ellis Island was also called "heart break Island" This is because some immigrants who were turned away had to take that shameful boat ride back to their homelands. They felt like rejects, and many families were separated this way
For those who keep citing the poem on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
Family Separation Is Not the Holocaust - "The Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents brought a flood of comparisons to the Holocaust. Some described the facilities used to hold the children as “concentration camps.” ICE officials have been called Nazis. President Trump and those around him have been described as Hitler and kapos. Former CIA Director Michael Hayden posted a picture of the entrance to Birkenau with the message, “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”... This is an instance of a broader problem. Since the 1990s, as interest in the Holocaust has grown, Holocaust analogies have proliferated. Some have been patently absurd... It is important, though, to distinguish between methods and objectives. Apartheid aimed to economically, socially, and legally humiliate and degrade black people, keeping them in a subservient position. If some were lynched, shot, or killed in some manner that was entirely acceptable, but the objective was not mass murder. The Holocaust, by contrast, was designed to murder an entire group on an entire continent. It did not matter if the Jews designated for death were providing a useful service to Nazi Germany. When it came time to kill them, they were murdered. It is not a question of competitive suffering, but of historical accuracy. Conflating the two periods diminishes the specific, unique horror of each particular crime, and impedes our ability to understand them on their own terms.The same applies to conflating the Holocaust with the family-separation policy enacted by the Trump administration along the southern border of the United States. People are being concentrated in camps, but the contemporary camps bear little resemblance to the camps in Nazi Germany in which people were beaten, tortured, starved, and often killed... Moreover, even taken on its own, narrow terms, the analogy is mistaken. The Nazis aimed not at separation, but extermination. When there were mass shootings, children were not typically separated from parents; they generally kept them together so as not to alarm them"
By Deborah Lipstadt, Professor of Holocaust history at Emory University. Presumably liberals will mock her for being ignorant of history
John Kiehne for State Representative - "Just so you know...
(From Encyclopedia Britannica)
"Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. They are also to be distinguished from refugee camps or detention and relocation centres for the temporary accommodation of large numbers of displaced persons.""
Occupy Hypocrisy - Posts - "Hey, white Americans. What would you do if you crossed over into Canada and we separated you from you children and put them into camps? serious question #ConcentrationCamps"
"I don't cross into other countries illegally."
Surprise surprise, she made her account private
Ocasio-Cortez Refuses Invite To Visit Concentration Camps With Holocaust Survivor - "socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declined an invitation from a Holocaust remembrance group to visit Nazi concentration camps with a Holocaust survivor, suggesting that it was part of a "far-right" scheme designed for "political gain."... "We at From The Depths, have brought over 100 international parliamentarians to visit the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination camps, parliamentarians from across the political spectrum, including over 20 Representatives of the United States Congress, both Republicans and Democrats alike," Daniels wrote in the invitation to Ocasio-Cortez. "From The Depths is the only foundation dealing with Holocaust memory, memorial and education run entirely by millennials, we feel that this would be great opportunity for you to learn more about this horrendous past, and understand how it impacts lives and education until today." "In the invitation, Daniels wrote: "The opportunity you will have of visiting the German Nazi Concentration Camps along with Mr. Mosberg, a 93 year old survivor of history's most brutal genocidal regime, will enable you to become a witness of a witness, something that our generation will sadly be the last to do, as result of the fact that the survivors are passing away at an ever increasing rate," Daniels concluded. "We await your response and look forward to learning together with you about this painful history.""
Apparently the left never does things (e.g. ludicrous Holocaust dog whistling) for political gain
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invited by Polish MP to see concentration camps - "Polish MP Tarcynski Dominik has invited US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit Poland following her remarks in which she compared migrant detention camps on the United States’ southern border to Nazi-era “concentration camps”... "With this letter," he wrote, "I am formally inviting @AOC to come to Poland, where Adolf Hitler set up the worst chain of concentration camps the world has ever seen, so that she may see that scoring political points with enflamed rhetoric is unacceptable in our contemporary Western societies."... Dominik explained that under German-Nazi occupation, "a number of concentration camps were set up in my country, Poland.""It has caused a deep wound that persists on our proud Polish and European history that we must deal with every single day, and that we reaffirm to one another can never be forgotten, and never allowed to happen again," he continued. “This is why when someone cheapens the history, or uses it for political point-scoring, we become agitated and upset.”“You speak often of bipartisanship, and I feel this is one area in particular where we can begin to live that ideal.”... Following major backlash from several Jewish groups and politicians, as well as a call from House GOP leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy for the congresswoman to apologize for her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter on Wednesday night to defend her actions."
Polish lawmaker schools Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the Holocaust - "It's odd, of course, that people would willingly jump international borders and surrender to Border Patrol agents with the full knowledge that such a ghastly fate was next for them. National Socialist death camps didn't work that way... Tarcynski could extend a similar letter to Rep. Ilhan Omar, who's circulating a video to claim that the U.S. is heading toward "death camps" as well... Omar, like Ocasio-Cortez, is rather well known for her anti-Semitic statements. Now that both of them are claiming that migrant processing centers are identical to National Socialist death camps, it rather signals that the pair of them are seeking a political twofer: to diminish the significance of the Holocaust, which is a major aim of all anti-Semites, and to elevate the detention centers as indistinguishable."
Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks on Concentration Camp Remark, Blames Liz Cheney - "After a considerable amount of backlash for accusing the United States of running concentration camps on the southern border (and repeatedly doubling down on that claim), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now backtracking on her original statement, blaming Rep. Liz Cheney for making the comparison of concentration camps to the Holocaust. In addition to the backlash she’s received, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has received (and turned down) multiple invites to visit and tour actual concentration camps so she can get educated on what they really were and why her comparison was irresponsible. Perhaps attempting to pin the blame on Liz Cheney was the best strategy her staff could come up with, but it rings hollow, as it was Ocasio-Cortez who originally told her followers on Instagram, “The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. And.. umm… If that doesn’t bother you… I don’t… [unintelligble] I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something”... Actual Holocaust survivors also took issue with AOC’s disgraceful comparison. Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to Holocaust victims, also tweeted the following:
.@AOC Concentration camps assured a slave labor supply to help in the Nazi war effort, even as the brutality of life inside the camps helped assure the ultimate goal of "extermination through labor."Learn about concentration camps #Holocaust #History"
Democrats make U-turn on calling border a 'manufactured crisis' - "Democrats have done a U-turn on their claim from earlier this year that President Trump’s concern about illegal immigration at the southern border was a “manufactured crisis.”... Earlier this year, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump of exaggerating problems at the border to stoke fear among Americans and distract from the turmoil of his own administration."
Why are families being separated at the border? - "When adults are detained and prosecuted in the criminal justice system for immigration offenses, their children cannot, by law, be housed with them in criminal jails, so the family unit is separated... DHS has also pointed to intelligence suggesting that unrelated children were often smuggled with migrants to avoid detention, meaning the zero-tolerance policy prevents those offenders from abusing the system...
Is this a new immigration enforcement policy?
Not completely... The Obama administration also used family separation when they prosecuted immigration offenses as a deterrent against illegal border crossings after 2014 as more children and families fled violence in Central American countries."
The liberal solution seems to be to not prosecute adults with children for immgiration offences. Which is a great incentive to bring children with you (even if they aren't yours)
Damning New Photos Emerge of Ocasio-Cortez Crying at the Border - "After photos of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visiting the southern border went viral this week, additional angles surfaced revealing what the New York Democrat was really crying over: an empty parking lot... A black-and-white photo indicated that the fence wasn’t as impenetrable as it initially appeared... detention facilities do stand on the property the protestors had gathered outside of. But he said “they don’t appear to be within eyeshot of AOC’s vantage point, at least not close enough to see children ‘caged’ as she describes. In both directions the nearest building is barely visible. ” He added: “Perhaps that explains the tears. With a limited campaign budget, AOC didn’t have a lot of room for missed photo-op.” Despite her frequent proclamations of concern for migrant children, Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday defied her party by voting against a bill to provide $4.5 billion in emergency border funding. She was one of just four liberal Democrats to do so, saying, “Throwing more money at the very organizations committing human rights abuses—and the very Administration directing these human rights abuses—is not a solution.”"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "There are no words that adequately describe the absurdity of our southern border. It is an epic failure of governance that was created by all three branches of government... In 1997, the government entered into a court ordered agreement (Flores) that required children be released promptly from custody into the care of someone... In 2012, President Obama announce DACA - a plan to allow young illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In 2014, Obama announced plans to expand the program. The flow of families illegally migrating to America increased.The increase of incarcerated families brought court challenges. and in 2015, a court ruled that the Obama administration was violating the Flores agreement by keeping children incarcerated with their parents. Children had to be released into the care of someone else within 20 days of being apprehended. The Obama administration responded by (mostly) releasing families instead of holding them until their hearings.Enter Trump. Unhappy with ‘catch and release’ he ordered that the parents be kept in custody - the famous family separation debacle. This attempt to discourage the use of children to gain entry into the country failed as the court’s ordered it to end. With economic hardships happening in Central America, word for around that bringing a child into the U.S. and claiming asylum was the golden ticket to enter"
Rio Grande drowning: Woman watched her husband and daughter die - "The bodies of Oscar Alberto Martínez and his 23-month-old daughter, Angie Valeria, lie face down in murky waters littered with reeds and discarded beer bottles. Their heads are wrapped in a black T-shirt, and her tiny right arm is draped over his shoulders.The shocking image captured Monday was a grim reminder of the dangerous journey migrants take to get to the United States... Martinez arrived along with his wife, young daughter and a brother at a migrant camp in Matamoros on Sunday, hoping for an appointment to receive political asylum from the US... They wanted to have their own home, [their mother] Ramírez said. "That was what motivated them," she said... The victim's wife said they had obtained a humanitarian visa from the Mexican government... The two deaths promoted Salvadoran Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexandra Hill to beg citizens to stay in the country and work with the government as it tries to resolve the economic issues that push so many to leave"
It's amazing how many red flags there are, but people still claim they were refugees and blame Trump for the deaths as if he forced them to skip the queue and swim across the river (ignoring the safe third country principle). Of course many people are ignorant of international refugee law and imagine that crime is a valid reason to seek asylum, but that isn't even the case here. Though some accept that this was economic migration but immediately pivot to say that desperate people need to be let in (presumably the whole of the Third World needs to be allowed to move to the First World)
Butthurt Liberals - Posts - "I'll just illegally enter a foreign country and knowingly put my children in danger"
"Fucking Trump"
Border drowning: Migrant dad and daughter die in Rio Grande - "Noting the Rio Grande currents can be “rapid” and “rough”, Mr Trump said if the US had the right laws, “those people wouldn’t be coming up … they wouldn’t be trying.”“They (Democrats) want to have open borders, and open borders mean crime, and open borders mean people drowning in the rivers. And it’s a very dangerous thing... On Sunday, two months after entering Mexico, they arrived at a migrant centre to make the formal request for political asylum. But La Jordana reports the office was closed for the weekend. Mr Martinez decided to try his luck crossing the river at Matamoros, not far from the Mexican east coast."
Border Patrol Official: Central Americans Entering U.S. With Contagious Health Conditions - "many of those people are sick, he said, a situation that forces Border Patrol agents to divert from their main mission... "Those people realize that as long as they're being apprehended by us, they are still likely to be released on their own recognizance. That's because the country, the U.S. government as a whole, does not have the detention and removal capability to hold them in custody until their immigration hearing."When they know that they are going to be released, even though they're caught, it serves as a huge draw to enter this country illegally.""So they want to get apprehended," Bartiromo said. She was reporting from the El Paso border sector and watched several family unit cross into the U.S."Yeah, they're not trying to get away," Hull said. "They know that we're basically -- a period of time, they are going to be held in custody and then they're going to be released and continue on to all parts of the United States."Bartiromo said one of the illegal aliens she spoke with told her she wasn't fleeing from danger:"You know, yesterday when we were talking with some of the migrants, I asked one woman, I said, why are you here? She said 'asylum, asylum.' She spoke Spanish, and I said 'Oh, well what's happening there? Did they try to hurt you?' She said, well actually, I just want to get opportunity for my daughter. So they are seeing America as just an opportunity for their families. It's not necessarily that they're fleeing."That's exactly right," Hull said. "A lot of people refer to all of these family units as asylum seekers but that's really not the case. Matter of fact, most of those that we encounter when they're caught at this step in the process, they don't indicate fear of return. They indicate they want better opportunity.""
Nrthern Triangle Migrant Flow Study: Final Report - "Asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras represent a significant part of migrants entering the United States... Adult asylum seekers have primarily been driven by economic motivations, and juvenile migrants by economic opportunities and reunification with family , and evidence on the impact of crime and violence on juvenile and adult flows is mixed . Mexico does not offer enough gain in economic opportunities and reduction in exposure to crime and violence to justify the costs of migration , and juvenile migrants require family members and networks already present in the destination country that do not exist in Mexico"
Feds in Southern Arizona turn attention to family fraud at border - "As thousands of migrant families from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador seek asylum in the United States, federal agencies in Southern Arizona are turning their attention to migrants who pose as families to better their chances of being released from custody... Homeland Security Investigations... will start a pilot project at two border cities to take biometrics of children if special agents suspect the children are being “rented” out by smugglers... Maynor Velasquez Molina paid $130 to the family of an 8-year-old boy so he could pretend the boy was his son when they entered the United States... A special agent with HSI interviewed Velasquez, who reportedly said “he had looked for a child in Guatemala to cross the United States/Mexico international border with as he was told that it was easier to get into the United States with a child,” the special agent wrote in the complaint... Migrant families often are released on their own recognizance in Southern Arizona and told to meet with immigration authorities after they arrive at the residence of their sponsor, usually a friend or family member, elsewhere in the United States.Individual adults, on the other hand, are more likely to face criminal prosecution or deportation."
“Recycling” of Children in El Paso | U.S. Customs and Border Protection - "U.S. Border Patrol agents from El Paso Sector working in conjunction with agents from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and officers from CBP’s Office of Field Operations (OFO) identify at least one local case in which children are possibly being recycled and forced to undertake the treacherous journey from Central America to the United States."
Asylum Decisions and Denials Jump in 2018 - "Fiscal year 2018 broke records for the number of decisions (42,224) by immigration judges granting or denying asylum. Denials grew faster than grants, pushing denial rates up as well. The 42,224 decisions represented a 40 percent jump from decisions during FY 2017, and an 89 percent increase over the number of asylum decisions of two years ago... In 65.0 percent of these decisions this past year asylum was denied. This is the sixth year in a row that denial rates have risen"
On average, from FY2001 to FY2018, the majority of asylum claims were denied. But this excludes those who didn't apply for asylum, and those whose claims of credible fear were judged non-credible
Credible Fear | Homeland Security
In FY2016, in 80% of cases credible fear was found. But for Guatemala and Mexico the rate was only in the 60s
Media Savages Trump for Saying Exactly What Obama Said in 2014 [Video] - "Since Congress has refused to aid Trump in his effort to secure the border via a wall, his administration instead implemented a “zero tolerance” policy that strictly enforced existing laws for those illegal immigrants detained after crossing the border illegally.A consequence of that policy — which stems from court precedent set in 1997 — was that children are temporarily detained in separate facilities while their parents are processed and prosecuted for illegal entry, often to be reunited later once the process is completed.Of course, the anti-Trump liberal media has acted as if this policy was ripped straight from Hitler’s playbook of Nazi tactics and is the most horrific policy ever … utterly ignoring the fact that it was essentially a more strict continuation of stated (though not always enforced) policies under the administration of former President Barack Obama... Set aside for a moment the fact that those children and families were encouraged to make the dangerous trek through Mexico to the U.S. in large part because of Obama’s policies and hints of amnesty, and just consider what he actually said in the interview.“Our message absolutely is, don’t send your children unaccompanied, on trains or through a bunch of smugglers,” Obama said. “We don’t even know how many of these kids don’t make it, and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking, or killed because they fell off a train … we have no way of tracking that.”“So that is our direct message to the families in Central America: Do not send your children to the border,” Obama reiterated. “If they do make it, they’ll be sent back. More importantly, they may not make it,” he added."
2014: Obama says crime and poverty do not justify an asylum claim - YouTube
Ryan Fournier on Twitter - "Imagine illegally entering another country and being angry that their detention centers weren’t up to your standards. 🤣"
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Confronted On Her Claim Migrants Drinking From Toilet - "Ocasio-Cortez's unsubstantiated claim was met with instant pushback, as border reporter Anna Giaritell reported: "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., screamed at federal law enforcement agents 'in a threatening manner' during a visit to a U.S. Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas, Monday afternoon and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed it.""13 other House Democrats as well as their aides were in the room," Giaritelli added. "I'm told only Rep. Ocasio-Cortez reacted in this manner.""
WATCH: Protesters at ICE facility in Aurora pull down American flag and raise Mexican flag
Clearly, if you are upset about this you are racist
Rapid DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with kids - "An Immigration and Customs Enforcement pilot of new rapid DNA testing at the border has found that nearly a third of those tested were not biologically related to the children in their custody.ICE conducted the pilot for a few days earlier this month in El Paso and McAllen, Texas, finding about 30 per cent of those tested were not related to the children they claimed were their own... some migrants did refuse the test and admit that they were not related to the children they were with, when they learned their claim would be subjected to DNA proof... some migrants did refuse the test and admit that they were not related to the children they were with, when they learned their claim would be subjected to DNA proof. Current U.S. law and policy means that Central Americans who cross the border illegally with children can claim asylum and avoid any lengthy detention in most cases"
Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for end to Customs and Border Protection - ""We know that they have spoken in the most vile ways about immigrants. We know that they have certain views of what brown and black people deserve," Omar explained. "And so we should be having a conversation about eliminating their existence [and] reforming the agencies that deal with the most vulnerable, who are children and women... Omar previously called for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She also backed Ocasio-Cortez's claim that the U.S. is essentially "running concentration camps" along the southern border."
Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter - "So are we just going to pretend that a left wing terrorist who was radicalised by AOC & Ilhan Omar’s rhetoric trying to kill a bunch of border patrol workers didn’t happen? The media swept that under the rug pretty quick, didn’t they?"
Fareed Zakaria: "It Pains Me To Say This," But Trump Was Right About Asylum System - "Asylum is meant to be granted to a very small number of people in extreme circumstances. Not as a substitute for the process of immigration itself. Yet, the two have gotten mixed up. As the Atlantic's David Frum has pointed out, the idea of a right to asylum is a relatively recent one dating to the early years of the Cold War. Guilt ridden over the rejection of many Jewish refugees during World War II the U.N. created a right of asylum to protect those who are fleeing regimes where they would be killed our imprisoned because of their identity or beliefs. This standard has gotten broader and broader over the years.And now includes threats of gang warfare and domestic violence. These looser criteria coupled with the reality that this is a safe way to enter the U.S. have made the asylum system easy to abuse. Applications from Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans have surged even though the murder rate in their countries has been cut in half... If things continue to spiral downward and America's southern border seems out of control, Trump's tough rhetoric and hard line stance will become increasingly attractive to the public.Keep in mind, that the rise of populism in the Western world is almost everywhere tied to fears of growing out of control immigration"
So much for claims that immigration law is racist because white people don't get targeted - under Trump more (presumably) white people were deported than under Obama
Generous Joe: More “Free” Healthcare For Illegals Needed - "The question was this: “Do you think that undocumented immigrants who are in this country and are law-abiding should be entitled to federal benefits like Medicare, Medicaid for example?”Answered Biden, “Look, I think that anyone who is in a situation where they are in need of health care, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented, we have an obligation to see that they are cared for. That's why I think we need more clinics in this country.”Biden forgot to put “free” before clinics, but anyway, the candidate then suggested that Americans who disagree likely have a nasty hang-up about the border-jumping illegals who lie with the facility of Pinocchio when they apply for “asylum.”“A significant portion of undocumented folks in this country are there because they overstayed their visas,” he continued. “It’s not a lot of people breaking down gates coming across the border,” he falsely averred.Then came the inevitable. “We” need to watch what we say about all those “undocumented folks.”“The biggest thing we’ve got to do is tone down the rhetoric,” he continued, because that “creates fear and concern” and ends in describing “undocumented folks” in “graphic, unflattering terms.”Biden thinks those “undocumented folks” are citizens"
There's a video but people are still claiming Biden was taken out of context
It's The Only Country Where Undocumented Migrants Have The Same Health Care Rights As Citizens - "In Thailand, migrants — who account for more than 6 percent of the country's 67.1 million population — are able to immediately buy and access the country's universal health care.It's the only country in the world where migrants there illegally have the same health care rights as nationals... A combination of factors led the Thai government to contemplate a system that gave migrants equal health care. By 2005, migrant workers from Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia accounted for 5 percent of all labor forces within Thailand, according to the International Labour Organization. The government recognized the migrants' contribution to the economy, considered access to health care a human right and was concerned that the lack of proper care for this vulnerable population would allow for communicable diseases that had already been controlled in Thailand to spread once again... Initially, migrants would pay 2,800 THB (about $78) for an annual health insurance card. After the program successfully enrolled its starting target of 300,000 migrant subscribers, the yearly premium dropped to 2,100 THB ($58). Today, more than 1.3 million migrants — approximately a third of Thailand's migrant population — are enrolled in the health care system... 'many hospitals refuse to sell migrants health care because taking care of all these sick migrant workers could make the hospitals go bankrupt'... While the 28 countries of the European Union provide universal health coverage for nationals, few offer migrants equal coverage. In Germany or Sweden, for instance, migrants in the country illegally can only access emergency services."
For some reason, some liberals think a lot of European countries provide free healthcare to illegal immigrants, but even Thailand makes them pay
ICE claims more illegals were deported under Obama than Trump - "Immigration and Customs Enforcement has deported more immigrants this fiscal year than any full fiscal year of Trump’s presidency, but has yet to come close to Obama’s early deportation record, according to new internal Department of Homeland Security figures... Under the Obama administration, ICE deported more than 385,000 each year in fiscal years 2009 through 2011, and hit a high of 409,849 in fiscal 2012 — prompting critics to dub Trump’s predecessor “the deporter in chief.” The numbers then dropped to below 250,000 in fiscal years 2015 and 2016.Under Trump, by comparison, ICE deportations dropped to 226,119 in fiscal 2017, then inched up to over 250,000 in fiscal 2018 and hit a Trump administration high of 282,242 this fiscal year, as of June... And while deportations have dropped, the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border, mostly Central American families seeking asylum in the US, has soared to levels not seen in a decade — as the president’s promise to build a wall remains unfulfilled and border workers are overwhelmed by the crisis."
Deportation is only wrong when Republicans do it
Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "If you want to know why conservatives don’t trust the media, compare their treatment of AOC to their treatment of Trump. Both say ridiculous and false things regularly. One is rabidly defended by our journalistic firefighting brigade. The other is called a Hitlerian liar."
Ocasio-Cortez Compares Mandatory Math Classes To Concentration Camps | The Babylon Bee - ""Kids are, like, being forced to learn numbers and do, like, long division," she said. "And even short and medium-sized division. This is basically what happened in the Holocaust. Math teachers are, like, pretty much fascists. We should call them Add-Olf Hitler. You know, because of the additioning they make us do.""This isn't happening in the '40s either---this is happening in 2019," she added as she began trying to cook some instant noodles in the microwave. "We are basically living in Nazi Germany now."Ocasio-Cortez was forced to cut off her live stream after smoke began billowing out of her microwave."
Tim Pool on Twitter - "So let me get this straight. People are flying from Angola to Brazil, then traveling North through Central America and Mexico to get in line for a "concentration camp?"
Being Classically Liberal - Posts - "Remember, the U.S. is a country where immigrants, especially non-whites come for a better life, as well as being the most racist and most evil country against non-whites... enslaving and murdering them."
Record number of African migrants coming to Mexican border - "Undaunted by a dangerous journey over thousands of miles, people fleeing economic hardship and human rights abuses in African countries are coming to the U.S.-Mexico border in unprecedented numbers, surprising Border Patrol agents more accustomed to Spanish-speaking migrants."
Reasons Immigrants were turned away - "Immigrants were turned away if they:
-were sick in any way
-had a criminal record
-if they didn't seem like they would be able to have a job in America...
Ellis Island was also called "heart break Island" This is because some immigrants who were turned away had to take that shameful boat ride back to their homelands. They felt like rejects, and many families were separated this way
For those who keep citing the poem on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
Family Separation Is Not the Holocaust - "The Trump administration’s policy of separating children from their parents brought a flood of comparisons to the Holocaust. Some described the facilities used to hold the children as “concentration camps.” ICE officials have been called Nazis. President Trump and those around him have been described as Hitler and kapos. Former CIA Director Michael Hayden posted a picture of the entrance to Birkenau with the message, “Other governments have separated mothers and children.”... This is an instance of a broader problem. Since the 1990s, as interest in the Holocaust has grown, Holocaust analogies have proliferated. Some have been patently absurd... It is important, though, to distinguish between methods and objectives. Apartheid aimed to economically, socially, and legally humiliate and degrade black people, keeping them in a subservient position. If some were lynched, shot, or killed in some manner that was entirely acceptable, but the objective was not mass murder. The Holocaust, by contrast, was designed to murder an entire group on an entire continent. It did not matter if the Jews designated for death were providing a useful service to Nazi Germany. When it came time to kill them, they were murdered. It is not a question of competitive suffering, but of historical accuracy. Conflating the two periods diminishes the specific, unique horror of each particular crime, and impedes our ability to understand them on their own terms.The same applies to conflating the Holocaust with the family-separation policy enacted by the Trump administration along the southern border of the United States. People are being concentrated in camps, but the contemporary camps bear little resemblance to the camps in Nazi Germany in which people were beaten, tortured, starved, and often killed... Moreover, even taken on its own, narrow terms, the analogy is mistaken. The Nazis aimed not at separation, but extermination. When there were mass shootings, children were not typically separated from parents; they generally kept them together so as not to alarm them"
By Deborah Lipstadt, Professor of Holocaust history at Emory University. Presumably liberals will mock her for being ignorant of history
John Kiehne for State Representative - "Just so you know...
(From Encyclopedia Britannica)
"Concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, exploitation, or punishment, usually by executive decree or military order. Persons are placed in such camps often on the basis of identification with a particular ethnic or political group rather than as individuals and without benefit either of indictment or fair trial. Concentration camps are to be distinguished from prisons interning persons lawfully convicted of civil crimes and from prisoner-of-war camps in which captured military personnel are held under the laws of war. They are also to be distinguished from refugee camps or detention and relocation centres for the temporary accommodation of large numbers of displaced persons.""
Occupy Hypocrisy - Posts - "Hey, white Americans. What would you do if you crossed over into Canada and we separated you from you children and put them into camps? serious question #ConcentrationCamps"
"I don't cross into other countries illegally."
Surprise surprise, she made her account private
Ocasio-Cortez Refuses Invite To Visit Concentration Camps With Holocaust Survivor - "socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) declined an invitation from a Holocaust remembrance group to visit Nazi concentration camps with a Holocaust survivor, suggesting that it was part of a "far-right" scheme designed for "political gain."... "We at From The Depths, have brought over 100 international parliamentarians to visit the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination camps, parliamentarians from across the political spectrum, including over 20 Representatives of the United States Congress, both Republicans and Democrats alike," Daniels wrote in the invitation to Ocasio-Cortez. "From The Depths is the only foundation dealing with Holocaust memory, memorial and education run entirely by millennials, we feel that this would be great opportunity for you to learn more about this horrendous past, and understand how it impacts lives and education until today." "In the invitation, Daniels wrote: "The opportunity you will have of visiting the German Nazi Concentration Camps along with Mr. Mosberg, a 93 year old survivor of history's most brutal genocidal regime, will enable you to become a witness of a witness, something that our generation will sadly be the last to do, as result of the fact that the survivors are passing away at an ever increasing rate," Daniels concluded. "We await your response and look forward to learning together with you about this painful history.""
Apparently the left never does things (e.g. ludicrous Holocaust dog whistling) for political gain
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez invited by Polish MP to see concentration camps - "Polish MP Tarcynski Dominik has invited US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to visit Poland following her remarks in which she compared migrant detention camps on the United States’ southern border to Nazi-era “concentration camps”... "With this letter," he wrote, "I am formally inviting @AOC to come to Poland, where Adolf Hitler set up the worst chain of concentration camps the world has ever seen, so that she may see that scoring political points with enflamed rhetoric is unacceptable in our contemporary Western societies."... Dominik explained that under German-Nazi occupation, "a number of concentration camps were set up in my country, Poland.""It has caused a deep wound that persists on our proud Polish and European history that we must deal with every single day, and that we reaffirm to one another can never be forgotten, and never allowed to happen again," he continued. “This is why when someone cheapens the history, or uses it for political point-scoring, we become agitated and upset.”“You speak often of bipartisanship, and I feel this is one area in particular where we can begin to live that ideal.”... Following major backlash from several Jewish groups and politicians, as well as a call from House GOP leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy for the congresswoman to apologize for her remarks, Ocasio-Cortez took to Twitter on Wednesday night to defend her actions."
Polish lawmaker schools Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez about the Holocaust - "It's odd, of course, that people would willingly jump international borders and surrender to Border Patrol agents with the full knowledge that such a ghastly fate was next for them. National Socialist death camps didn't work that way... Tarcynski could extend a similar letter to Rep. Ilhan Omar, who's circulating a video to claim that the U.S. is heading toward "death camps" as well... Omar, like Ocasio-Cortez, is rather well known for her anti-Semitic statements. Now that both of them are claiming that migrant processing centers are identical to National Socialist death camps, it rather signals that the pair of them are seeking a political twofer: to diminish the significance of the Holocaust, which is a major aim of all anti-Semites, and to elevate the detention centers as indistinguishable."
Ocasio-Cortez Backtracks on Concentration Camp Remark, Blames Liz Cheney - "After a considerable amount of backlash for accusing the United States of running concentration camps on the southern border (and repeatedly doubling down on that claim), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now backtracking on her original statement, blaming Rep. Liz Cheney for making the comparison of concentration camps to the Holocaust. In addition to the backlash she’s received, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has received (and turned down) multiple invites to visit and tour actual concentration camps so she can get educated on what they really were and why her comparison was irresponsible. Perhaps attempting to pin the blame on Liz Cheney was the best strategy her staff could come up with, but it rings hollow, as it was Ocasio-Cortez who originally told her followers on Instagram, “The U.S. is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps. And.. umm… If that doesn’t bother you… I don’t… [unintelligble] I want to talk to the people that are concerned enough with humanity to say that ‘never again’ means something”... Actual Holocaust survivors also took issue with AOC’s disgraceful comparison. Yad Vashem, Israel’s official memorial to Holocaust victims, also tweeted the following:
.@AOC Concentration camps assured a slave labor supply to help in the Nazi war effort, even as the brutality of life inside the camps helped assure the ultimate goal of "extermination through labor."Learn about concentration camps #Holocaust #History"
Democrats make U-turn on calling border a 'manufactured crisis' - "Democrats have done a U-turn on their claim from earlier this year that President Trump’s concern about illegal immigration at the southern border was a “manufactured crisis.”... Earlier this year, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump of exaggerating problems at the border to stoke fear among Americans and distract from the turmoil of his own administration."
Why are families being separated at the border? - "When adults are detained and prosecuted in the criminal justice system for immigration offenses, their children cannot, by law, be housed with them in criminal jails, so the family unit is separated... DHS has also pointed to intelligence suggesting that unrelated children were often smuggled with migrants to avoid detention, meaning the zero-tolerance policy prevents those offenders from abusing the system...
Is this a new immigration enforcement policy?
Not completely... The Obama administration also used family separation when they prosecuted immigration offenses as a deterrent against illegal border crossings after 2014 as more children and families fled violence in Central American countries."
The liberal solution seems to be to not prosecute adults with children for immgiration offences. Which is a great incentive to bring children with you (even if they aren't yours)
Damning New Photos Emerge of Ocasio-Cortez Crying at the Border - "After photos of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez visiting the southern border went viral this week, additional angles surfaced revealing what the New York Democrat was really crying over: an empty parking lot... A black-and-white photo indicated that the fence wasn’t as impenetrable as it initially appeared... detention facilities do stand on the property the protestors had gathered outside of. But he said “they don’t appear to be within eyeshot of AOC’s vantage point, at least not close enough to see children ‘caged’ as she describes. In both directions the nearest building is barely visible. ” He added: “Perhaps that explains the tears. With a limited campaign budget, AOC didn’t have a lot of room for missed photo-op.” Despite her frequent proclamations of concern for migrant children, Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday defied her party by voting against a bill to provide $4.5 billion in emergency border funding. She was one of just four liberal Democrats to do so, saying, “Throwing more money at the very organizations committing human rights abuses—and the very Administration directing these human rights abuses—is not a solution.”"
Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts - "There are no words that adequately describe the absurdity of our southern border. It is an epic failure of governance that was created by all three branches of government... In 1997, the government entered into a court ordered agreement (Flores) that required children be released promptly from custody into the care of someone... In 2012, President Obama announce DACA - a plan to allow young illegal immigrants to stay in the country. In 2014, Obama announced plans to expand the program. The flow of families illegally migrating to America increased.The increase of incarcerated families brought court challenges. and in 2015, a court ruled that the Obama administration was violating the Flores agreement by keeping children incarcerated with their parents. Children had to be released into the care of someone else within 20 days of being apprehended. The Obama administration responded by (mostly) releasing families instead of holding them until their hearings.Enter Trump. Unhappy with ‘catch and release’ he ordered that the parents be kept in custody - the famous family separation debacle. This attempt to discourage the use of children to gain entry into the country failed as the court’s ordered it to end. With economic hardships happening in Central America, word for around that bringing a child into the U.S. and claiming asylum was the golden ticket to enter"
Rio Grande drowning: Woman watched her husband and daughter die - "The bodies of Oscar Alberto Martínez and his 23-month-old daughter, Angie Valeria, lie face down in murky waters littered with reeds and discarded beer bottles. Their heads are wrapped in a black T-shirt, and her tiny right arm is draped over his shoulders.The shocking image captured Monday was a grim reminder of the dangerous journey migrants take to get to the United States... Martinez arrived along with his wife, young daughter and a brother at a migrant camp in Matamoros on Sunday, hoping for an appointment to receive political asylum from the US... They wanted to have their own home, [their mother] Ramírez said. "That was what motivated them," she said... The victim's wife said they had obtained a humanitarian visa from the Mexican government... The two deaths promoted Salvadoran Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexandra Hill to beg citizens to stay in the country and work with the government as it tries to resolve the economic issues that push so many to leave"
It's amazing how many red flags there are, but people still claim they were refugees and blame Trump for the deaths as if he forced them to skip the queue and swim across the river (ignoring the safe third country principle). Of course many people are ignorant of international refugee law and imagine that crime is a valid reason to seek asylum, but that isn't even the case here. Though some accept that this was economic migration but immediately pivot to say that desperate people need to be let in (presumably the whole of the Third World needs to be allowed to move to the First World)
Butthurt Liberals - Posts - "I'll just illegally enter a foreign country and knowingly put my children in danger"
"Fucking Trump"
Border drowning: Migrant dad and daughter die in Rio Grande - "Noting the Rio Grande currents can be “rapid” and “rough”, Mr Trump said if the US had the right laws, “those people wouldn’t be coming up … they wouldn’t be trying.”“They (Democrats) want to have open borders, and open borders mean crime, and open borders mean people drowning in the rivers. And it’s a very dangerous thing... On Sunday, two months after entering Mexico, they arrived at a migrant centre to make the formal request for political asylum. But La Jordana reports the office was closed for the weekend. Mr Martinez decided to try his luck crossing the river at Matamoros, not far from the Mexican east coast."
Border Patrol Official: Central Americans Entering U.S. With Contagious Health Conditions - "many of those people are sick, he said, a situation that forces Border Patrol agents to divert from their main mission... "Those people realize that as long as they're being apprehended by us, they are still likely to be released on their own recognizance. That's because the country, the U.S. government as a whole, does not have the detention and removal capability to hold them in custody until their immigration hearing."When they know that they are going to be released, even though they're caught, it serves as a huge draw to enter this country illegally.""So they want to get apprehended," Bartiromo said. She was reporting from the El Paso border sector and watched several family unit cross into the U.S."Yeah, they're not trying to get away," Hull said. "They know that we're basically -- a period of time, they are going to be held in custody and then they're going to be released and continue on to all parts of the United States."Bartiromo said one of the illegal aliens she spoke with told her she wasn't fleeing from danger:"You know, yesterday when we were talking with some of the migrants, I asked one woman, I said, why are you here? She said 'asylum, asylum.' She spoke Spanish, and I said 'Oh, well what's happening there? Did they try to hurt you?' She said, well actually, I just want to get opportunity for my daughter. So they are seeing America as just an opportunity for their families. It's not necessarily that they're fleeing."That's exactly right," Hull said. "A lot of people refer to all of these family units as asylum seekers but that's really not the case. Matter of fact, most of those that we encounter when they're caught at this step in the process, they don't indicate fear of return. They indicate they want better opportunity.""
Nrthern Triangle Migrant Flow Study: Final Report - "Asylum seekers from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras represent a significant part of migrants entering the United States... Adult asylum seekers have primarily been driven by economic motivations, and juvenile migrants by economic opportunities and reunification with family , and evidence on the impact of crime and violence on juvenile and adult flows is mixed . Mexico does not offer enough gain in economic opportunities and reduction in exposure to crime and violence to justify the costs of migration , and juvenile migrants require family members and networks already present in the destination country that do not exist in Mexico"
Feds in Southern Arizona turn attention to family fraud at border - "As thousands of migrant families from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador seek asylum in the United States, federal agencies in Southern Arizona are turning their attention to migrants who pose as families to better their chances of being released from custody... Homeland Security Investigations... will start a pilot project at two border cities to take biometrics of children if special agents suspect the children are being “rented” out by smugglers... Maynor Velasquez Molina paid $130 to the family of an 8-year-old boy so he could pretend the boy was his son when they entered the United States... A special agent with HSI interviewed Velasquez, who reportedly said “he had looked for a child in Guatemala to cross the United States/Mexico international border with as he was told that it was easier to get into the United States with a child,” the special agent wrote in the complaint... Migrant families often are released on their own recognizance in Southern Arizona and told to meet with immigration authorities after they arrive at the residence of their sponsor, usually a friend or family member, elsewhere in the United States.Individual adults, on the other hand, are more likely to face criminal prosecution or deportation."
“Recycling” of Children in El Paso | U.S. Customs and Border Protection - "U.S. Border Patrol agents from El Paso Sector working in conjunction with agents from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and officers from CBP’s Office of Field Operations (OFO) identify at least one local case in which children are possibly being recycled and forced to undertake the treacherous journey from Central America to the United States."
Asylum Decisions and Denials Jump in 2018 - "Fiscal year 2018 broke records for the number of decisions (42,224) by immigration judges granting or denying asylum. Denials grew faster than grants, pushing denial rates up as well. The 42,224 decisions represented a 40 percent jump from decisions during FY 2017, and an 89 percent increase over the number of asylum decisions of two years ago... In 65.0 percent of these decisions this past year asylum was denied. This is the sixth year in a row that denial rates have risen"
On average, from FY2001 to FY2018, the majority of asylum claims were denied. But this excludes those who didn't apply for asylum, and those whose claims of credible fear were judged non-credible
Credible Fear | Homeland Security
In FY2016, in 80% of cases credible fear was found. But for Guatemala and Mexico the rate was only in the 60s
Media Savages Trump for Saying Exactly What Obama Said in 2014 [Video] - "Since Congress has refused to aid Trump in his effort to secure the border via a wall, his administration instead implemented a “zero tolerance” policy that strictly enforced existing laws for those illegal immigrants detained after crossing the border illegally.A consequence of that policy — which stems from court precedent set in 1997 — was that children are temporarily detained in separate facilities while their parents are processed and prosecuted for illegal entry, often to be reunited later once the process is completed.Of course, the anti-Trump liberal media has acted as if this policy was ripped straight from Hitler’s playbook of Nazi tactics and is the most horrific policy ever … utterly ignoring the fact that it was essentially a more strict continuation of stated (though not always enforced) policies under the administration of former President Barack Obama... Set aside for a moment the fact that those children and families were encouraged to make the dangerous trek through Mexico to the U.S. in large part because of Obama’s policies and hints of amnesty, and just consider what he actually said in the interview.“Our message absolutely is, don’t send your children unaccompanied, on trains or through a bunch of smugglers,” Obama said. “We don’t even know how many of these kids don’t make it, and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking, or killed because they fell off a train … we have no way of tracking that.”“So that is our direct message to the families in Central America: Do not send your children to the border,” Obama reiterated. “If they do make it, they’ll be sent back. More importantly, they may not make it,” he added."
2014: Obama says crime and poverty do not justify an asylum claim - YouTube
Ryan Fournier on Twitter - "Imagine illegally entering another country and being angry that their detention centers weren’t up to your standards. 🤣"
WATCH: Ocasio-Cortez Confronted On Her Claim Migrants Drinking From Toilet - "Ocasio-Cortez's unsubstantiated claim was met with instant pushback, as border reporter Anna Giaritell reported: "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., screamed at federal law enforcement agents 'in a threatening manner' during a visit to a U.S. Border Patrol facility in El Paso, Texas, Monday afternoon and refused to tour the facility, according to two people who witnessed it.""13 other House Democrats as well as their aides were in the room," Giaritelli added. "I'm told only Rep. Ocasio-Cortez reacted in this manner.""
WATCH: Protesters at ICE facility in Aurora pull down American flag and raise Mexican flag
Clearly, if you are upset about this you are racist
Rapid DNA testing reveals a THIRD of migrants faked family relationship with kids - "An Immigration and Customs Enforcement pilot of new rapid DNA testing at the border has found that nearly a third of those tested were not biologically related to the children in their custody.ICE conducted the pilot for a few days earlier this month in El Paso and McAllen, Texas, finding about 30 per cent of those tested were not related to the children they claimed were their own... some migrants did refuse the test and admit that they were not related to the children they were with, when they learned their claim would be subjected to DNA proof... some migrants did refuse the test and admit that they were not related to the children they were with, when they learned their claim would be subjected to DNA proof. Current U.S. law and policy means that Central Americans who cross the border illegally with children can claim asylum and avoid any lengthy detention in most cases"
Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for end to Customs and Border Protection - ""We know that they have spoken in the most vile ways about immigrants. We know that they have certain views of what brown and black people deserve," Omar explained. "And so we should be having a conversation about eliminating their existence [and] reforming the agencies that deal with the most vulnerable, who are children and women... Omar previously called for the elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). She also backed Ocasio-Cortez's claim that the U.S. is essentially "running concentration camps" along the southern border."
Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter - "So are we just going to pretend that a left wing terrorist who was radicalised by AOC & Ilhan Omar’s rhetoric trying to kill a bunch of border patrol workers didn’t happen? The media swept that under the rug pretty quick, didn’t they?"
Fareed Zakaria: "It Pains Me To Say This," But Trump Was Right About Asylum System - "Asylum is meant to be granted to a very small number of people in extreme circumstances. Not as a substitute for the process of immigration itself. Yet, the two have gotten mixed up. As the Atlantic's David Frum has pointed out, the idea of a right to asylum is a relatively recent one dating to the early years of the Cold War. Guilt ridden over the rejection of many Jewish refugees during World War II the U.N. created a right of asylum to protect those who are fleeing regimes where they would be killed our imprisoned because of their identity or beliefs. This standard has gotten broader and broader over the years.And now includes threats of gang warfare and domestic violence. These looser criteria coupled with the reality that this is a safe way to enter the U.S. have made the asylum system easy to abuse. Applications from Hondurans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans have surged even though the murder rate in their countries has been cut in half... If things continue to spiral downward and America's southern border seems out of control, Trump's tough rhetoric and hard line stance will become increasingly attractive to the public.Keep in mind, that the rise of populism in the Western world is almost everywhere tied to fears of growing out of control immigration"
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