Tuesday, April 02, 2019
Links - 2nd April 2019 (1) (Christchurch mosque shootings)
bellingcat - Shitposting, Inspirational Terrorism, and the Christchurch Mosque Massacre - "In “The Great Replacement” repeats a variety of “white genocide” talking points, and claims his murder of several dozen Muslims is because they are “invaders” outbreeding the white race. All the evidence we have suggests these are, more or less, the shooter’s beliefs.But this manifesto is a trap itself, laid for journalists searching for the meaning behind this horrific crime. There is truth in there, and valuable clues to the shooter’s radicalization, but it is buried beneath a great deal of, for lack of a better word, “shitposting”...
Here is what the author wrote immediately below the section crediting Owens for his radicalization. In it, he jokes that “Spyro the Dragon 3”, a video game, taught him “ethno-nationalism”"
The Christchurch Shooter's Manifesto Is Meant to Troll - "Significant portions of the manifesto appear to be an elaborate troll, written to prey on the mainstream media’s worst tendencies"
Kellyanne Conway: people should read New Zealand mosque shooter’s manifesto
Of course, we should let Vox and other media outlets tell us what it says instead so we don't need to read it and be contaminated.
Chelsea Clinton's Sister Souljah Moment - "The attempt by students at New York University to blame Chelsea Clinton for the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand is a shocking marker of the temper of our times. At a vigil for the 49 persons killed by a self-described “racist” and “ethno-nationalist eco-fascist,” students accused Ms. Clinton of having stoked the killer’s hatred because — wait for it — she recently criticized anti-Semitism... “Forty-nine people died because of the rhetoric you put out there.” It was apparently a reference to Ms. Clinton’s condemnation of the anti-Jewish remarks of, among others, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar... One of the highest profile figures to spring to Ms. Clinton’s defense was Donald Trump Jr. “It’s sickening to see people blame @ChelseaClinton for the NZ attacks because she spoke out against anti-Semitism,” he tweeted. “We should all be condemning anti-Semitism & all forms of hate. Chelsea should be praised for speaking up.” Good for him.How, though, did that go down? According to the Washington Post, the president of the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden, a longtime Clinton ally, accused the junior Mr. Trump of trying to sow discord among Democrats... It’s gotten to the point where a leader of the center-left intelligentsia can’t even find it within herself to accept a message defending Ms. Clinton — if it’s from a Trump. We’re tempted to call all this Ms. Clinton’s own Sister Souljah Moment. That’s a reference to the famous incident in 1992, when presidential candidate Bill Clinton rebuked the political activist Sister Souljah for asking, after the Los Angeles riots that year, “why not have a week and kill white people?” Mr. Clinton had suggested her words were analogous to the language of the Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke."
This suggests that anti-Semitism is intrinsic to Muslim identity
VIDEO: Leftist NYU Students Blame Chelsea Clinton For Christchurch Terror Attack Because She Condemned Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism - "Esor, who describes herself as a "Jewish leftist, organizer & known in alt-right circles as 'antifa chick R*se.;" then posted a video of her "best friend" lashing into Clinton, telling the pregnant mother that "it’s a disgrace that she came to the vigil, calling out Chelsea’s Islamophobia and hypocrisy.""
Chelsea Clinton blamed by students for causing New Zealand shootings - "Other students who circled around started snapping in support, a show of solidarity instead of clapping."
New Zealand suspect Brenton Tarrant worked at a gym and traveled to Pakistan and Turkey - "The Australian man charged with murder in connection with terrorist shootings at two New Zealand mosques that left dozens dead was a frequent traveler who spent time in Pakistan, Turkey and Bulgaria, among other countries in recent years... the owner of the Osho Thang Hotel in Nagar, in Pakistan's northernmost Gilgit-Baltistan region, said Tarrant had visited his hotel in October 2018. The hotel owner, who did not want to be named for security reasons, described Tarrant as a "regular tourist.""All I remember was that he was a fan of local food. He would leave the hotel in the morning and would come back in the evenings""
Such a far right racist that he travelled to many brown countries
Jerry Coyne on Twitter - "It turns out that Leen
Dweik, the Palestinian NYU student who accosted Chelsea Clinton over her criticism of Ilhan Omar, is a hateful bigot who wants to destroy Israel. Have a look at Dweik's now deleted anti-Semitic, homophobic, and anti-French tweets"
New Zealand’s ghoulish opportunists - "The Western media class has reached a new low. The blame game they’ve been playing in the aftermath of the racist mass murder in New Zealand has been ghoulish and deeply disturbing. The bodies of the 50 murdered Muslims were barely cold before various observers, activists and leftists were naming and shaming those people who they think ‘laid the ground’ for this atrocity. And it apparently includes everyone from alt-right agitators to any mainstream newspaper columnist who has raised so much as a peep of criticism about radical Islam. What we have here is one of the most cynical exploitations of mass murder in recent years: the callous and censorious use of a barbaric assault to settle political and in some cases personal scores. Using the recently dead to underscore your own petty political agenda is the behaviour of the amoral and authoritarian. What has been extraordinary in the aftermath of the deranged racist slaughter in two mosques in New Zealand has been the way the chattering classes in Western countries have instructed us to do the kind of thing they tell us not to do in the wake of acts of Islamist terror... the instruction from our betters has been the same every time. Don’t get angry, they say. Don’t exaggerate the threat of terrorism, they counsel. And don’t dare suggest that any book or idea, whether it is the Koran itself or pamphlets handed out at more questionable mosques, contributed to this attack. ‘These killers have nothing to do with Islam’, as the tiresome, silencing mantra goes. Our role after Islamist terror is to manage our anger, put politics on hold, lay a flower or two, and then go back to our everyday lives. ‘Don’t look back in anger’, as the anthem went after Manchester. This time the response could not be more different... The first striking thing about this blame game is how much its morbid practitioners sound like McCarthyites and other 20th-century authoritarians. Just as that old breed of tyrant would respond to difficult or horrific events by searching for some piece of literature or idea to blame them on, so the new exploiters of mass murder are holding up certain newspaper columnists and right-wing shock jocks as ‘facilitators’ of the new hate and the new barbarism. They are even drawing up lists of names... The second striking thing about the response to the attack in New Zealand is the double standards it has exposed. Not all terror is treated equally. We know that for sure now... anyone who protested against Islamist terror – whether it was the Football Lads’ Alliance or ordinary people who wondered out loud about the wisdom of mass-immigration policies – was instantly denounced as the real propagator of hatred... Back then, I remember being told during media discussions that you are more likely to die getting out of the bath than in a terror attack. ‘Calm down’, was the message to anyone who suggested mobilising against far-right religious terror movements... they do not have a consistently humanistic response to the mass destruction of life, but rather judge each act according to whether it will boost their identitarian narrative or harm it"
"Punching up" is a good thing, of course
No, the tabloids don’t treat white terrorists differently - "back in 2015, Jihadi John, infamous ISIS executioner, was revealed to be Mohammed Emwazi, a British Muslim from west London. And, as one tweeter pointed out, a headline in the Mail described him as a ‘polite’ and ‘angelic schoolboy’. The Sun published a childhood photo of Emwazi on its front page, and quoted a charity boss describing him as ‘a beautiful man’. A Mirror headline described him as a ‘caring friend who brought Haribo sweets and ice cream to friends in hospital’. The real double standard in response to terrorism is not to be found in the tabloid press, but more often on the left. Take the response to ISIS bride Shamima Begum, who was complicit in the genocide and mass rape of Yazidis. Many on the left humanised Begum and downplayed her responsibility for her actions, claiming she was groomed and perhaps even a victim of ISIS. Some admitted being nearly moved to tears by the public’s justifiable anger with Begum and her horrific crimes. How’s that for humanising terrorists or their sympathisers?"
SJWCentral - Posts - "Osman Faruqi: "Mediocre white people: they should be in the bin but instead they own everything and are every fucking where"
"The white people are getting fucked Yas, it's happening"
'"I feel so sad. We begged you to stop amplifying and normalising hatred and racism. But you told us we were 'politically correct' and 'freedom of speech was more important.
The more you gave the far-right a platform, the more powerful they got. We begged you.'"
Kirralie Smith NSW - Posts - "It staggers me that when a Muslim commits an atrocity the media, politicians and their cronies all cry "mental health issues" or "lone wolf" - yet when a white supremicist or eco-fascist does the same thing it is a cold, calculated act of terrorism. The thing is - all are cold, calculated acts of terrorism DRIVEN by violent, barbaric ideologies. Either the left need to call recent events in NZ the act of a person with 'mental health issues' and a 'lone wolf' or they need to apologise to every single one of us for the dreadful spin they have put on Islamic acts of terrorism in the past. They won't do either. They are hyporcites... Some bloke called Mark Issenman emailed me over the weekend. He said, "Why are you so afraid? And if you are not, you should be. Keep on spewing your little white stories . Time and common sense will quiet your racist homophobic mouth. Hopefully for you that will be enough."I get similar threats weekly"
ZeroHavens - Posts - "4chan is now banned in New Zealand and Forbes ran an article asking Cloudflare to deplatform 8chan but Facebook and Twitter ( the sites the shooter posted his weaponry he killed 50 ppl with onto and Where he live streamed the killings from) are going to be untouched and unscathed.
Mark my words folks
Billionaire oligarchs in Silicon Valley are above the court of law or public opinion that makes them accountable"
Further Fallout from Christchurch - "-When an evil white supremacist who says he intensely dislikes conservatism and Trump, praises communist China, and calls himself an eco-fascist goes on a killing spree, just about every politician, media outlet and “expert” will insist that basically all conservatives and Christians share in the responsibility for this massacre. We should do all we can to restrict and shut down these sorts of folks. This is now standard operating procedure. But let me look at some of the specific bits of fallout from this tragedy. You might have seen on the news last night that Australian mosques had an ‘open day’ in which non-Muslims could pay a visit. That’s nice, but what routinely goes on in many mosques was likely NOT what was on display then, but a rather sanitised and Western-friendly version of events. For example, there were likely no sermons in Arabic calling for the death of infidels as can often be the case. Um, why are such special open days even needed? If everything is sweetness and light in Western mosques, then why not have them open to the public all the time?... Indeed, did you know that one of the mosques attacked did in fact produce jihadists? The Al Noor mosque which appears to be a relatively small congregation gave us Christopher Havard and al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones... Only acceptable PC views will be allowed. The move to get rid of Fraser Anning from Parliament is another prime example of this... We are now learning that the authorities in various Australian states have ‘right-wing’ watch lists. Both Victoria and NSW have them, it has been reported. Both focus on ‘right-wing terrorism’. I note that nothing was said about keeping an eye on radical left-wing groups however"
Maajid Nawaz - Posts - "Just like ISIS, the USSR exploited crises and tragedies like the one in New Zealand to publish lists of political opponents branded ‘enemies of the people’, only to PURGE them from society to satisfy the blood lust of the frenzied mob and conveniently remove their critics. It started with Chelsea Clinton, and will end with anyone they disagree with. See the #RegressiveLeft pro-Islamist alliance"
After Christchurch, Remember the Victims, But Resist the Urge to Blame - "In Australia the attack has been blamed on the Australian media, in Britain the British media, in the US on Donald Trump. The tragedy has become fuel for the fire of the internal culture wars of each country—domestic culture wars that are draining our finite reserves of mutual social trust. The disruptive nature of the internet has been compared many times to the disruption caused by the printing press. And the frightening realisation one has when making this analogy is that the printing press precipitated hundreds of years of religious wars... We must also not jump to conclusions about the inherently racist nature of Australian society. One-quarter of Australia’s population was born overseas, one half of all Australians has a parent who was born overseas and one-fifth of Australians speak a language other than English at home. Sixty percent of migrants say they feel a great sense of belonging... Portraying Australia as an irredeemably racist nation is not a good strategy for bringing communities together. We don’t foster cohesion by apportioning blame to others. We foster cohesion by emphasising our sameness and our shared values."
Nate Thayer - The New Zealand neo-Nazi shooter visited North Korea... - "The New Zealand neo-Nazi shooter visited North Korea recently with a "friendship" tour group seen here in this photo. Kudos to the excellent https://www.facebook.com/nknewsorg/ for digging this intriguing angle out. You can't make this stuff up..."
William Yang on Twitter - "A poll on #WeChat showing how over 2000 #Chinese respondents react to the shooting in #christchurch. In one of the questions, over 56% of them feel extremely sympathetic after reading his manifesto while more than 60% view the event as a revenge rather than terrorist attack"
"Well, now we know why he liked china..."
Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - "Quran: kill the unbelievers.
Guy: *kills unbelievers*
"This had nothing to do with the quran, religion of peace!"
Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life: get your life in order and take some responsibility for your actions.
Guy: *racially motivated terrorism*
"This must be that book! Ban it!""
Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life removed from Whitcoulls following Christchurch terror attack - "ACT Party leader David Seymour told Newshub he isn't impressed."You don't fight neo-Nazism by suppressing reading and books. Anyone who knows any history knows that's the opposite of how you fight these kind of ideas," said Seymour."A self-help book is an incredibly strange thing to suppress"... 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos does not contain the word 'Islam' and only contains the word 'Muslim' once, but not in a negative context."
Lucas Lynch - Inconsistency in ethics is one helluva drug.... - Slate: "It's wrong to blame Somali Americans for the Ohio State attack"
Also Slate: "After Christchurch, we need more blame, not less. The Christchurch Shootings Should Implicate All White Australians"
"Inconsistency in ethics is one helluva drug.
Collective guilt based on skin color or ethnic origin is racism. Throw it in the garbage."
New Zealand’s prime minister won’t name the Christchurch mosque shooter
"Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself"
Anger as Jesus reference removed from New Zealand parliamentary prayer - "Protesters have descended on New Zealand’s parliament this week to demand the speaker reinstate references to Jesus Christ in the parliamentary prayer.Since taking over the role in November last year, Labour’s Trevor Mallard has dropped any reference to Jesus in the prayer which opens the start of every session.Mallard said he wanted to make the prayer more inclusive for all parliamentarians and the tweak was a “compromise”."
New Zealand broadcasts Islamic call to prayer to honor 50 who died in mosque attack
My issue with Kiwis being encouraged to wear headscarves in solidarity - "I am a Muslim woman. I am from Pakistan. I am almost 22 years old.I saw that there has been a movement for Kiwis to wear headscarves on Friday in solidarity with the Muslim community. I am deeply touched by the sentiment, and by the endless love and support that not only my community, but I personally, have received.I do, however, take issue with #headscarfforharmony, which (while meant with the kindest of intentions) reflects Orientalist ideologies. There are many, many Muslim women who do not veil. We do not wear a hijab, a burka, a niqab, a chador – not because we have chosen actively to unveil, or because we or our families have been influenced by Western culture, but because veiling is not an inherent part of Islam. It is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran. The choice is therefore not whether to not veil, rather the choice is to veil.These women do not fit into the Orientalist narrative of Islam, being neither Westernised, and therefore “liberated from their oppressive religion”, nor shrouded beneath a veil or headscarf. They are entirely overlooked – they are not mentioned in any literature that I could find, not by Muslim or non-Muslim writers... In earlier times, Muslim women were depicted as sexually active and exotic, when Western women were meant to be demure and pious. Now Western women are meant to be liberated and sexually free, Muslim women are portrayed as repressed and ignorant; the termagant has been swapped for a slave."
Addendum: How come cultural appropriation here is not just okay but a good thing?
New Zealand Mosque Chairman Claims Mossad Organized Shooting - "Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar mosque, asserted that Mossad funded the gunman’s attack against mosques in Christchurch and that it was “Zionist business” at a rally in Auckland for the shooting victims organized by Love Aotearoa Hate Racism. Members of New Zealand’s Jewish community and witnesses of Bhamji’s speech denounced his accusations, calling them “hateful.”"
Women's March leader shares post linking 'American Jewish Establishment' to New Zealand mosque attacks - "Bob Bland on March 17 shared a post from Jesse Rabinowitz, a social justice advocate, who wrote: “The same language and hate that folks spew against Sisters Linda Sarsour and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) killed 54 Muslims in New Zealand. You can’t stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and simultaneously disavow Muslim women for speaking their truths. American Jewish Establishment, I’m looking at you.”"
Lucas Lynch - Notice how people didn't gratuitously start wearing... - "Notice how people didn't gratuitously start wearing yarmulkes to show solidarity with the Jewish community in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue attacks?
And it would have been odd if they did."
Facebook Bans Jewish Veteran After Exposé of Jim Jefferies' Deceptive Editing - "Jewish-Australian military veteran Avi Yemini claims that Facebook has banned him from its platform following his publishing of an exposé on Comedy Central comedian Jim Jefferies... Yemini was worried about the interview being edited selectively so he set up his phone to record the whole conversation. Jefferies interviewed Yemini some months ago, but only published the video recently following the shooting at the Christchurch mosque in New Zealand. In fact, The Jim Jefferies Show appears to imply that the interview took place after the shooting. Jefferies discusses many issues with Yemini, but mainly focuses on the topics of Islam and Australian migration laws."
Avi Yemini 🇦🇺🇮🇱 on Twitter - "Let me get this straight:
1. @jimjefferies and @ComedyCentral create a defamatory video about me & post it on Facebook.
2. I respond by uploading secret footage that proves it was #FakeNews.
3. My video is deleted & my page BANNED.
4. Their defamatory video stays.
Seems legit."
Man charged over egg attack on Jeremy Corbyn - "A man has been charged with assault after Jeremy Corbyn was hit from behind with an egg during a visit to a mosque in London on Sunday... The Labour MP Jess Phillips tweeted after the Corbyn incident: “Acts of violence against politicians, loses your argument, lessens your cause and demeans our democracy. It’s also just horrid. Don’t do it. If you don’t agree with him raise your voice not your fists.”"
Yet egg boy in Australia (over the New Zealand Canterbury attack) got hailed as a hero. Presumably because he had the Right Opinions
Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - "I really do fear for my country at this point.
A single terrorist attack, and we've capitulated to the terrorist, to the Islamic faith, and to every virtue signalling authoritarian who doesn't understand the nature of western civilization.
We're banning guns, we're banning books, and now we're talking about changing the names of Rugby teams because 'the crusaders' might offend the Muslim community."
Alishba Zarmeen - Rihanna chose to go back to Chris brown after he... - "Rihanna chose to go back to Chris brown after he beat her to a pulp.
Is she free to go back to him? Absolutely.
SHOULD she go back to him?
Is her choice a feminist choice?
THOSE are the questions we must ask.
The choice to wear the hijab is no different... In Pakistan, for example, men took this as validation that putting imposing restrictions on women is the right thing to do because “even these white women did it!”The hijab is not just an article of clothing. It’s an ideology and lifestyle that teaches women to internalize patriarchy, slut-shaming, victim-blaming (it comes from the Islamic concept of “awrah” and that women’s attractiveness can lead men to do “sinful” acts therefore she must hide herself), being secondary to men (the Quran LITERALLY states that ‘women are a degree below men’), and more."
Saw a video of a young man talking to Jacinda... - Mujahidin Zulkiffli - "Saw a video of a young man talking to Jacinda Arden and how he wishes that one day she will embrace Islam.
That’s the problem that started the whole problem isn’t it?
We see this quite often back home too. When a non-Muslim is seen to act in good manner, embraces goodwill and compassion, we want to convert them.
Some would justify this as a compassion for the good folks because Islam is the only way to heaven and to avoid hell.
That’s the problem that started the whole problem isn’t it?
Instead of us Muslims doing good deeds, promoting goodwill, embracing humanity and diversity, we promote fear of hell, we promote 72 virgins, we impose our values on others and when we see others doing better than us, we want them to join us...
I remember my guru told me of a story of how the prophet prayed to God that one of 2 Amru (Umar) to join Islam. (Sahih At Tirmidhi) Both of them were enemies of Islam then.
Umar Al Khattab later joined, while the other Amru (Abu Jahal) remained one of the fiercest enemies of Islam till his death, killed in battle against Muslims.
The prophet didn’t tell any of them of his wishes. He knew how not to be condescending.
Why can’t we follow our own prophet that we claim to love, that we bear witness as the Messenger of Allah 9 times a day in our prayers?...
We blame it on Islamophobia but who cause Islamophobia in the first place if not Muslims?"
Meme - "Imagine if Someone Shot Up a Bunch of Mexicans in America and the Next Day Trump Held a Press Conferencee Wearing a Sombrero
If You Wear Anything on Your Head to Show You Are Culturally Sensitive It’s Okay?"
Ocasio-Cortez Lectures White Americans After New Zealand Attacks - "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has outdone herself in response to deadly shootings Friday at two New Zealand mosques. After bizarrely criticizing offers of “thoughts and prayers,” the New York Democrat sought to link the terrorist attack to President Donald Trump, saying that he had defunded federal programs “to fight the spread of white supremacist hate groups.” Thusly began a Twitter lecture to white Americans on their potential culpability in white supremacist violence... This was not the first time Ocasio-Cortez has sought to “educate” white men on Twitter.Earlier this month, in defense of anti-Israel comments by fellow freshman Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ocasio-Cortez explained how she “calls in” – as opposed to calls out – “white or male allies” for bigotry, including “antisemitism, anti-blackness, homophobia, racism.” She has also previously offered offered social-media courses on cooking and self-care."
Everything bad is Trump and white people's faults
Banning Evil: In the Shadow of Christchurch, Quasi-Religious Myths Can Lead Us Astray - "Hitler copied much of his anti-Semitic conspiracism from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a tragically popular hoaxed document purporting to record the proceedings of a secret meeting of Jews plotting global domination. Nor was the Protocols itself conceived out of thin air: It was plagiarized from Biarritz, a luridly anti-Semitic 19th-century novel; and a propaganda tract called Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, which had been written by a French lawyer as an act of protest against Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte; both of which, in turn, drew on anti-Semitic tropes going back to Roman times. So if you’re looking to root out and ban the political ideology that produces Jew hatred, you’re going to have to purge whole library shelves. The same goes for Islamophobia, anti-black racism, and virtually every other kind of bigotry you could name. And yet, there are those who argue that mass censorship is justified in the name of heading off hateful indoctrination... It is true that PewDiePie once used the N-word during a video game competition (and then apologized profusely for doing so). He also has used brief audio and video snippets of Nazi imagery as part of satirical responses to attacks against him that he lampooned as melodramatic. The idea that any of this betrays PewDiePie as a closet white supremicist is absurd. Even without Change.org’s urging, YouTube already has demonetized the videos of such avowedly anti-racist and anti-supremacist moderates as Dave Rubin and Gad Saad, as well as anti-anti-Semite conservatives such as Dennis Prager. YouTube is acting on an ideological hair trigger: If there were any evidence whatsoever that PewDiePie had expressed real Nazi sympathies, he would have been axed from the platform long ago. Responding to evil by banning random controversial authors or YouTubers is completely irrational. But that doesn’t make it inexplicable. Manifestations of great evil provoke a desire to do something—anything—to reestablish moral order. Remember when millions of people tweeted #BringBackOurGirls after the terrorist organization Boko Haram kidnapped dozens of Nigerian students in 2014? Murderous rapists don’t give a fig about being mobbed on Twitter. But it made people feel useful for an instant—as if they had done something. We all entertain some version of this instinct in times of tragedy—a reflex satirized by The Onion in the days after 9/11 with the headline Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake. Intertwined with this instinct is the idea that there is some abstract force called evil that exists in the cosmos, a force that we are all called upon to confront and defeat... Ironically, Baumeister found that the myth of evil existing as a standalone force may, itself, lead societies to become more violent: “The myth encourages people to believe that they are good and will remain good no matter what, even if they perpetrate severe harm on their opponents. Thus, the myth of pure evil confers a kind of moral immunity on people who believe in it…belief in the myth is itself one recipe for evil, because it allows people to justify violent and oppressive actions. It allows evil to masquerade as good.”.. Campaigns aimed at banning evil in its own (mythical) right almost always include efforts to ban evil speech—or even, as in the aftermath of the New Zealand mass murder, speech from someone who has not said anything remotely evil, but is seen, in some vague sense, to be contaminated by evil. When western societies were religious, evil speech was tantamount to anti-Christian speech. In a secular age, we call it “hate speech,” a reformulation that does nothing to solve the always contentious issue of distinguishing between evil speech and free speech, and the problem of who gets to decide where one ends and the other begins."
This explains other moral panics too
Meme - "The guy's manifesto makes it clear why he said "Subscribe to PewDiePie". It's because he wants to create division and conflict: he wants the media to go after PewDiePie and his fans; and he wants to accelerate the culture war. Everything about the attack was cultivated for that end, from the choice of victims, to the weapons, to the people he references. He knows Felix won't approve of his actions. and he knows Felix wants nothing to do with him. He is associating himself with PewDiePie because he wants to see Felix condemned with that association; he wants the mainstream media to run with the narrative that PewDiePie and his supporters are allright. or fascist adjacent. If the media falls for the bait then we'll see the murderer's ultimate plan fulfilled Youtube, Twitter. and Facebook will likely be his unwitting pawns as they crackdown on "problematic" people like PewDiePie. If this isn't addressed. then the murders will have not only been a horrific crime, but they will have also been mission success from the perspective of the killers. They cannot be allowed to succeed. so It is actually important here that the regular combatants in the culture war lay down their weapons and refuse to fight over this. If they don't. then the killers will get exactly what they want"
Ideology Was Behind the Christchurch Tragedy - "A funny thing happened after the tragedy of Christchurch: Everyone discovered, all at once, that ideology matters. Four years ago, commentators were contorting themselves to attribute jihadism to politics, social conditions, abnormal psychology—anything but the spread of wicked beliefs that lead, more or less directly, to violence. Ideology for thee but not for me. Imagine the contempt any thinking person would feel for someone whose reaction to Christchurch was to wonder whether a few Muslim street hoods had once roughed up the shooter, or if during his trip to Pakistan the authorities had given him a hard time at the airport. Did he have trouble getting a job? Feel unsettled by modernity? The objections to these explanations occur to us as quickly as they are uttered. People get banged up, mistreated, and passed over for jobs all the time, for good and bad reasons, and do not resort to mass murder. Unsettled by modernity? Take a number... I regret that the commentators post-Christchurch are imitating Gorka’s main virtue as well as his signature flaw. The transposition is astonishing. Gorka treats Hezbollah like al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood like Hizb al-Tahrir—all different Islamist groups, with salient resemblances; his post-Christchurch doppelgängers seem ready to treat Tarrant like Trump, and Trump like Tarrant. In The New York Times, Omer Aziz accused the neuroscientist and atheist Sam Harris, as well as the Canadian psychologist and lobster enthusiast Jordan Peterson, of complicity in mass murder for objecting to what they argued are overbroad applications of the word Islamophobia. C. J. Werleman, a columnist for Middle East Eye, tweeted last weekend that “ISIS appeals to roughly 0.0000001% of Muslims,” whereas “right-wing extremism represents the views and attitudes of roughly 30-40% of white people.” If we cannot distinguish Harris and Peterson from Richard Spencer, let alone Brenton Tarrant, then our problems are bad indeed. (Among those problems is arithmetic: 0.0000001 percent of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims is 1.8 Muslims, a substantial undercount of ISIS’s adherents, even when you round up to a whole number.)"
Only white people are - or can be - motivated by ideology!
Here is what the author wrote immediately below the section crediting Owens for his radicalization. In it, he jokes that “Spyro the Dragon 3”, a video game, taught him “ethno-nationalism”"
The Christchurch Shooter's Manifesto Is Meant to Troll - "Significant portions of the manifesto appear to be an elaborate troll, written to prey on the mainstream media’s worst tendencies"
Kellyanne Conway: people should read New Zealand mosque shooter’s manifesto
Of course, we should let Vox and other media outlets tell us what it says instead so we don't need to read it and be contaminated.
Chelsea Clinton's Sister Souljah Moment - "The attempt by students at New York University to blame Chelsea Clinton for the massacre of Muslims in New Zealand is a shocking marker of the temper of our times. At a vigil for the 49 persons killed by a self-described “racist” and “ethno-nationalist eco-fascist,” students accused Ms. Clinton of having stoked the killer’s hatred because — wait for it — she recently criticized anti-Semitism... “Forty-nine people died because of the rhetoric you put out there.” It was apparently a reference to Ms. Clinton’s condemnation of the anti-Jewish remarks of, among others, Congresswoman Ilhan Omar... One of the highest profile figures to spring to Ms. Clinton’s defense was Donald Trump Jr. “It’s sickening to see people blame @ChelseaClinton for the NZ attacks because she spoke out against anti-Semitism,” he tweeted. “We should all be condemning anti-Semitism & all forms of hate. Chelsea should be praised for speaking up.” Good for him.How, though, did that go down? According to the Washington Post, the president of the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden, a longtime Clinton ally, accused the junior Mr. Trump of trying to sow discord among Democrats... It’s gotten to the point where a leader of the center-left intelligentsia can’t even find it within herself to accept a message defending Ms. Clinton — if it’s from a Trump. We’re tempted to call all this Ms. Clinton’s own Sister Souljah Moment. That’s a reference to the famous incident in 1992, when presidential candidate Bill Clinton rebuked the political activist Sister Souljah for asking, after the Los Angeles riots that year, “why not have a week and kill white people?” Mr. Clinton had suggested her words were analogous to the language of the Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke."
This suggests that anti-Semitism is intrinsic to Muslim identity
VIDEO: Leftist NYU Students Blame Chelsea Clinton For Christchurch Terror Attack Because She Condemned Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism - "Esor, who describes herself as a "Jewish leftist, organizer & known in alt-right circles as 'antifa chick R*se.;" then posted a video of her "best friend" lashing into Clinton, telling the pregnant mother that "it’s a disgrace that she came to the vigil, calling out Chelsea’s Islamophobia and hypocrisy.""
Chelsea Clinton blamed by students for causing New Zealand shootings - "Other students who circled around started snapping in support, a show of solidarity instead of clapping."
New Zealand suspect Brenton Tarrant worked at a gym and traveled to Pakistan and Turkey - "The Australian man charged with murder in connection with terrorist shootings at two New Zealand mosques that left dozens dead was a frequent traveler who spent time in Pakistan, Turkey and Bulgaria, among other countries in recent years... the owner of the Osho Thang Hotel in Nagar, in Pakistan's northernmost Gilgit-Baltistan region, said Tarrant had visited his hotel in October 2018. The hotel owner, who did not want to be named for security reasons, described Tarrant as a "regular tourist.""All I remember was that he was a fan of local food. He would leave the hotel in the morning and would come back in the evenings""
Such a far right racist that he travelled to many brown countries
Jerry Coyne on Twitter - "It turns out that Leen
Dweik, the Palestinian NYU student who accosted Chelsea Clinton over her criticism of Ilhan Omar, is a hateful bigot who wants to destroy Israel. Have a look at Dweik's now deleted anti-Semitic, homophobic, and anti-French tweets"
New Zealand’s ghoulish opportunists - "The Western media class has reached a new low. The blame game they’ve been playing in the aftermath of the racist mass murder in New Zealand has been ghoulish and deeply disturbing. The bodies of the 50 murdered Muslims were barely cold before various observers, activists and leftists were naming and shaming those people who they think ‘laid the ground’ for this atrocity. And it apparently includes everyone from alt-right agitators to any mainstream newspaper columnist who has raised so much as a peep of criticism about radical Islam. What we have here is one of the most cynical exploitations of mass murder in recent years: the callous and censorious use of a barbaric assault to settle political and in some cases personal scores. Using the recently dead to underscore your own petty political agenda is the behaviour of the amoral and authoritarian. What has been extraordinary in the aftermath of the deranged racist slaughter in two mosques in New Zealand has been the way the chattering classes in Western countries have instructed us to do the kind of thing they tell us not to do in the wake of acts of Islamist terror... the instruction from our betters has been the same every time. Don’t get angry, they say. Don’t exaggerate the threat of terrorism, they counsel. And don’t dare suggest that any book or idea, whether it is the Koran itself or pamphlets handed out at more questionable mosques, contributed to this attack. ‘These killers have nothing to do with Islam’, as the tiresome, silencing mantra goes. Our role after Islamist terror is to manage our anger, put politics on hold, lay a flower or two, and then go back to our everyday lives. ‘Don’t look back in anger’, as the anthem went after Manchester. This time the response could not be more different... The first striking thing about this blame game is how much its morbid practitioners sound like McCarthyites and other 20th-century authoritarians. Just as that old breed of tyrant would respond to difficult or horrific events by searching for some piece of literature or idea to blame them on, so the new exploiters of mass murder are holding up certain newspaper columnists and right-wing shock jocks as ‘facilitators’ of the new hate and the new barbarism. They are even drawing up lists of names... The second striking thing about the response to the attack in New Zealand is the double standards it has exposed. Not all terror is treated equally. We know that for sure now... anyone who protested against Islamist terror – whether it was the Football Lads’ Alliance or ordinary people who wondered out loud about the wisdom of mass-immigration policies – was instantly denounced as the real propagator of hatred... Back then, I remember being told during media discussions that you are more likely to die getting out of the bath than in a terror attack. ‘Calm down’, was the message to anyone who suggested mobilising against far-right religious terror movements... they do not have a consistently humanistic response to the mass destruction of life, but rather judge each act according to whether it will boost their identitarian narrative or harm it"
"Punching up" is a good thing, of course
No, the tabloids don’t treat white terrorists differently - "back in 2015, Jihadi John, infamous ISIS executioner, was revealed to be Mohammed Emwazi, a British Muslim from west London. And, as one tweeter pointed out, a headline in the Mail described him as a ‘polite’ and ‘angelic schoolboy’. The Sun published a childhood photo of Emwazi on its front page, and quoted a charity boss describing him as ‘a beautiful man’. A Mirror headline described him as a ‘caring friend who brought Haribo sweets and ice cream to friends in hospital’. The real double standard in response to terrorism is not to be found in the tabloid press, but more often on the left. Take the response to ISIS bride Shamima Begum, who was complicit in the genocide and mass rape of Yazidis. Many on the left humanised Begum and downplayed her responsibility for her actions, claiming she was groomed and perhaps even a victim of ISIS. Some admitted being nearly moved to tears by the public’s justifiable anger with Begum and her horrific crimes. How’s that for humanising terrorists or their sympathisers?"
SJWCentral - Posts - "Osman Faruqi: "Mediocre white people: they should be in the bin but instead they own everything and are every fucking where"
"The white people are getting fucked Yas, it's happening"
'"I feel so sad. We begged you to stop amplifying and normalising hatred and racism. But you told us we were 'politically correct' and 'freedom of speech was more important.
The more you gave the far-right a platform, the more powerful they got. We begged you.'"
Kirralie Smith NSW - Posts - "It staggers me that when a Muslim commits an atrocity the media, politicians and their cronies all cry "mental health issues" or "lone wolf" - yet when a white supremicist or eco-fascist does the same thing it is a cold, calculated act of terrorism. The thing is - all are cold, calculated acts of terrorism DRIVEN by violent, barbaric ideologies. Either the left need to call recent events in NZ the act of a person with 'mental health issues' and a 'lone wolf' or they need to apologise to every single one of us for the dreadful spin they have put on Islamic acts of terrorism in the past. They won't do either. They are hyporcites... Some bloke called Mark Issenman emailed me over the weekend. He said, "Why are you so afraid? And if you are not, you should be. Keep on spewing your little white stories . Time and common sense will quiet your racist homophobic mouth. Hopefully for you that will be enough."I get similar threats weekly"
ZeroHavens - Posts - "4chan is now banned in New Zealand and Forbes ran an article asking Cloudflare to deplatform 8chan but Facebook and Twitter ( the sites the shooter posted his weaponry he killed 50 ppl with onto and Where he live streamed the killings from) are going to be untouched and unscathed.
Mark my words folks
Billionaire oligarchs in Silicon Valley are above the court of law or public opinion that makes them accountable"
Further Fallout from Christchurch - "-When an evil white supremacist who says he intensely dislikes conservatism and Trump, praises communist China, and calls himself an eco-fascist goes on a killing spree, just about every politician, media outlet and “expert” will insist that basically all conservatives and Christians share in the responsibility for this massacre. We should do all we can to restrict and shut down these sorts of folks. This is now standard operating procedure. But let me look at some of the specific bits of fallout from this tragedy. You might have seen on the news last night that Australian mosques had an ‘open day’ in which non-Muslims could pay a visit. That’s nice, but what routinely goes on in many mosques was likely NOT what was on display then, but a rather sanitised and Western-friendly version of events. For example, there were likely no sermons in Arabic calling for the death of infidels as can often be the case. Um, why are such special open days even needed? If everything is sweetness and light in Western mosques, then why not have them open to the public all the time?... Indeed, did you know that one of the mosques attacked did in fact produce jihadists? The Al Noor mosque which appears to be a relatively small congregation gave us Christopher Havard and al-Qaida recruit Daryl Jones... Only acceptable PC views will be allowed. The move to get rid of Fraser Anning from Parliament is another prime example of this... We are now learning that the authorities in various Australian states have ‘right-wing’ watch lists. Both Victoria and NSW have them, it has been reported. Both focus on ‘right-wing terrorism’. I note that nothing was said about keeping an eye on radical left-wing groups however"
Maajid Nawaz - Posts - "Just like ISIS, the USSR exploited crises and tragedies like the one in New Zealand to publish lists of political opponents branded ‘enemies of the people’, only to PURGE them from society to satisfy the blood lust of the frenzied mob and conveniently remove their critics. It started with Chelsea Clinton, and will end with anyone they disagree with. See the #RegressiveLeft pro-Islamist alliance"
After Christchurch, Remember the Victims, But Resist the Urge to Blame - "In Australia the attack has been blamed on the Australian media, in Britain the British media, in the US on Donald Trump. The tragedy has become fuel for the fire of the internal culture wars of each country—domestic culture wars that are draining our finite reserves of mutual social trust. The disruptive nature of the internet has been compared many times to the disruption caused by the printing press. And the frightening realisation one has when making this analogy is that the printing press precipitated hundreds of years of religious wars... We must also not jump to conclusions about the inherently racist nature of Australian society. One-quarter of Australia’s population was born overseas, one half of all Australians has a parent who was born overseas and one-fifth of Australians speak a language other than English at home. Sixty percent of migrants say they feel a great sense of belonging... Portraying Australia as an irredeemably racist nation is not a good strategy for bringing communities together. We don’t foster cohesion by apportioning blame to others. We foster cohesion by emphasising our sameness and our shared values."
Nate Thayer - The New Zealand neo-Nazi shooter visited North Korea... - "The New Zealand neo-Nazi shooter visited North Korea recently with a "friendship" tour group seen here in this photo. Kudos to the excellent https://www.facebook.com/nknewsorg/ for digging this intriguing angle out. You can't make this stuff up..."
William Yang on Twitter - "A poll on #WeChat showing how over 2000 #Chinese respondents react to the shooting in #christchurch. In one of the questions, over 56% of them feel extremely sympathetic after reading his manifesto while more than 60% view the event as a revenge rather than terrorist attack"
"Well, now we know why he liked china..."
Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - "Quran: kill the unbelievers.
Guy: *kills unbelievers*
"This had nothing to do with the quran, religion of peace!"
Jordan Peterson's 12 rules for life: get your life in order and take some responsibility for your actions.
Guy: *racially motivated terrorism*
"This must be that book! Ban it!""
Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules for Life removed from Whitcoulls following Christchurch terror attack - "ACT Party leader David Seymour told Newshub he isn't impressed."You don't fight neo-Nazism by suppressing reading and books. Anyone who knows any history knows that's the opposite of how you fight these kind of ideas," said Seymour."A self-help book is an incredibly strange thing to suppress"... 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos does not contain the word 'Islam' and only contains the word 'Muslim' once, but not in a negative context."
Lucas Lynch - Inconsistency in ethics is one helluva drug.... - Slate: "It's wrong to blame Somali Americans for the Ohio State attack"
Also Slate: "After Christchurch, we need more blame, not less. The Christchurch Shootings Should Implicate All White Australians"
"Inconsistency in ethics is one helluva drug.
Collective guilt based on skin color or ethnic origin is racism. Throw it in the garbage."
New Zealand’s prime minister won’t name the Christchurch mosque shooter
"Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself"
Anger as Jesus reference removed from New Zealand parliamentary prayer - "Protesters have descended on New Zealand’s parliament this week to demand the speaker reinstate references to Jesus Christ in the parliamentary prayer.Since taking over the role in November last year, Labour’s Trevor Mallard has dropped any reference to Jesus in the prayer which opens the start of every session.Mallard said he wanted to make the prayer more inclusive for all parliamentarians and the tweak was a “compromise”."
New Zealand broadcasts Islamic call to prayer to honor 50 who died in mosque attack
My issue with Kiwis being encouraged to wear headscarves in solidarity - "I am a Muslim woman. I am from Pakistan. I am almost 22 years old.I saw that there has been a movement for Kiwis to wear headscarves on Friday in solidarity with the Muslim community. I am deeply touched by the sentiment, and by the endless love and support that not only my community, but I personally, have received.I do, however, take issue with #headscarfforharmony, which (while meant with the kindest of intentions) reflects Orientalist ideologies. There are many, many Muslim women who do not veil. We do not wear a hijab, a burka, a niqab, a chador – not because we have chosen actively to unveil, or because we or our families have been influenced by Western culture, but because veiling is not an inherent part of Islam. It is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran. The choice is therefore not whether to not veil, rather the choice is to veil.These women do not fit into the Orientalist narrative of Islam, being neither Westernised, and therefore “liberated from their oppressive religion”, nor shrouded beneath a veil or headscarf. They are entirely overlooked – they are not mentioned in any literature that I could find, not by Muslim or non-Muslim writers... In earlier times, Muslim women were depicted as sexually active and exotic, when Western women were meant to be demure and pious. Now Western women are meant to be liberated and sexually free, Muslim women are portrayed as repressed and ignorant; the termagant has been swapped for a slave."
Addendum: How come cultural appropriation here is not just okay but a good thing?
New Zealand Mosque Chairman Claims Mossad Organized Shooting - "Ahmed Bhamji, chairman of the Mt Roskill Masjid E Umar mosque, asserted that Mossad funded the gunman’s attack against mosques in Christchurch and that it was “Zionist business” at a rally in Auckland for the shooting victims organized by Love Aotearoa Hate Racism. Members of New Zealand’s Jewish community and witnesses of Bhamji’s speech denounced his accusations, calling them “hateful.”"
Women's March leader shares post linking 'American Jewish Establishment' to New Zealand mosque attacks - "Bob Bland on March 17 shared a post from Jesse Rabinowitz, a social justice advocate, who wrote: “The same language and hate that folks spew against Sisters Linda Sarsour and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) killed 54 Muslims in New Zealand. You can’t stand in solidarity with the Muslim community and simultaneously disavow Muslim women for speaking their truths. American Jewish Establishment, I’m looking at you.”"
Lucas Lynch - Notice how people didn't gratuitously start wearing... - "Notice how people didn't gratuitously start wearing yarmulkes to show solidarity with the Jewish community in the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue attacks?
And it would have been odd if they did."
Facebook Bans Jewish Veteran After Exposé of Jim Jefferies' Deceptive Editing - "Jewish-Australian military veteran Avi Yemini claims that Facebook has banned him from its platform following his publishing of an exposé on Comedy Central comedian Jim Jefferies... Yemini was worried about the interview being edited selectively so he set up his phone to record the whole conversation. Jefferies interviewed Yemini some months ago, but only published the video recently following the shooting at the Christchurch mosque in New Zealand. In fact, The Jim Jefferies Show appears to imply that the interview took place after the shooting. Jefferies discusses many issues with Yemini, but mainly focuses on the topics of Islam and Australian migration laws."
Avi Yemini 🇦🇺🇮🇱 on Twitter - "Let me get this straight:
1. @jimjefferies and @ComedyCentral create a defamatory video about me & post it on Facebook.
2. I respond by uploading secret footage that proves it was #FakeNews.
3. My video is deleted & my page BANNED.
4. Their defamatory video stays.
Seems legit."
Man charged over egg attack on Jeremy Corbyn - "A man has been charged with assault after Jeremy Corbyn was hit from behind with an egg during a visit to a mosque in London on Sunday... The Labour MP Jess Phillips tweeted after the Corbyn incident: “Acts of violence against politicians, loses your argument, lessens your cause and demeans our democracy. It’s also just horrid. Don’t do it. If you don’t agree with him raise your voice not your fists.”"
Yet egg boy in Australia (over the New Zealand Canterbury attack) got hailed as a hero. Presumably because he had the Right Opinions
Logic, Empathy, Honesty - Posts - "I really do fear for my country at this point.
A single terrorist attack, and we've capitulated to the terrorist, to the Islamic faith, and to every virtue signalling authoritarian who doesn't understand the nature of western civilization.
We're banning guns, we're banning books, and now we're talking about changing the names of Rugby teams because 'the crusaders' might offend the Muslim community."
Alishba Zarmeen - Rihanna chose to go back to Chris brown after he... - "Rihanna chose to go back to Chris brown after he beat her to a pulp.
Is she free to go back to him? Absolutely.
SHOULD she go back to him?
Is her choice a feminist choice?
THOSE are the questions we must ask.
The choice to wear the hijab is no different... In Pakistan, for example, men took this as validation that putting imposing restrictions on women is the right thing to do because “even these white women did it!”The hijab is not just an article of clothing. It’s an ideology and lifestyle that teaches women to internalize patriarchy, slut-shaming, victim-blaming (it comes from the Islamic concept of “awrah” and that women’s attractiveness can lead men to do “sinful” acts therefore she must hide herself), being secondary to men (the Quran LITERALLY states that ‘women are a degree below men’), and more."
Saw a video of a young man talking to Jacinda... - Mujahidin Zulkiffli - "Saw a video of a young man talking to Jacinda Arden and how he wishes that one day she will embrace Islam.
That’s the problem that started the whole problem isn’t it?
We see this quite often back home too. When a non-Muslim is seen to act in good manner, embraces goodwill and compassion, we want to convert them.
Some would justify this as a compassion for the good folks because Islam is the only way to heaven and to avoid hell.
That’s the problem that started the whole problem isn’t it?
Instead of us Muslims doing good deeds, promoting goodwill, embracing humanity and diversity, we promote fear of hell, we promote 72 virgins, we impose our values on others and when we see others doing better than us, we want them to join us...
I remember my guru told me of a story of how the prophet prayed to God that one of 2 Amru (Umar) to join Islam. (Sahih At Tirmidhi) Both of them were enemies of Islam then.
Umar Al Khattab later joined, while the other Amru (Abu Jahal) remained one of the fiercest enemies of Islam till his death, killed in battle against Muslims.
The prophet didn’t tell any of them of his wishes. He knew how not to be condescending.
Why can’t we follow our own prophet that we claim to love, that we bear witness as the Messenger of Allah 9 times a day in our prayers?...
We blame it on Islamophobia but who cause Islamophobia in the first place if not Muslims?"
Meme - "Imagine if Someone Shot Up a Bunch of Mexicans in America and the Next Day Trump Held a Press Conferencee Wearing a Sombrero
If You Wear Anything on Your Head to Show You Are Culturally Sensitive It’s Okay?"
Ocasio-Cortez Lectures White Americans After New Zealand Attacks - "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has outdone herself in response to deadly shootings Friday at two New Zealand mosques. After bizarrely criticizing offers of “thoughts and prayers,” the New York Democrat sought to link the terrorist attack to President Donald Trump, saying that he had defunded federal programs “to fight the spread of white supremacist hate groups.” Thusly began a Twitter lecture to white Americans on their potential culpability in white supremacist violence... This was not the first time Ocasio-Cortez has sought to “educate” white men on Twitter.Earlier this month, in defense of anti-Israel comments by fellow freshman Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ocasio-Cortez explained how she “calls in” – as opposed to calls out – “white or male allies” for bigotry, including “antisemitism, anti-blackness, homophobia, racism.” She has also previously offered offered social-media courses on cooking and self-care."
Everything bad is Trump and white people's faults
Banning Evil: In the Shadow of Christchurch, Quasi-Religious Myths Can Lead Us Astray - "Hitler copied much of his anti-Semitic conspiracism from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a tragically popular hoaxed document purporting to record the proceedings of a secret meeting of Jews plotting global domination. Nor was the Protocols itself conceived out of thin air: It was plagiarized from Biarritz, a luridly anti-Semitic 19th-century novel; and a propaganda tract called Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, which had been written by a French lawyer as an act of protest against Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte; both of which, in turn, drew on anti-Semitic tropes going back to Roman times. So if you’re looking to root out and ban the political ideology that produces Jew hatred, you’re going to have to purge whole library shelves. The same goes for Islamophobia, anti-black racism, and virtually every other kind of bigotry you could name. And yet, there are those who argue that mass censorship is justified in the name of heading off hateful indoctrination... It is true that PewDiePie once used the N-word during a video game competition (and then apologized profusely for doing so). He also has used brief audio and video snippets of Nazi imagery as part of satirical responses to attacks against him that he lampooned as melodramatic. The idea that any of this betrays PewDiePie as a closet white supremicist is absurd. Even without Change.org’s urging, YouTube already has demonetized the videos of such avowedly anti-racist and anti-supremacist moderates as Dave Rubin and Gad Saad, as well as anti-anti-Semite conservatives such as Dennis Prager. YouTube is acting on an ideological hair trigger: If there were any evidence whatsoever that PewDiePie had expressed real Nazi sympathies, he would have been axed from the platform long ago. Responding to evil by banning random controversial authors or YouTubers is completely irrational. But that doesn’t make it inexplicable. Manifestations of great evil provoke a desire to do something—anything—to reestablish moral order. Remember when millions of people tweeted #BringBackOurGirls after the terrorist organization Boko Haram kidnapped dozens of Nigerian students in 2014? Murderous rapists don’t give a fig about being mobbed on Twitter. But it made people feel useful for an instant—as if they had done something. We all entertain some version of this instinct in times of tragedy—a reflex satirized by The Onion in the days after 9/11 with the headline Not Knowing What Else To Do, Woman Bakes American-Flag Cake. Intertwined with this instinct is the idea that there is some abstract force called evil that exists in the cosmos, a force that we are all called upon to confront and defeat... Ironically, Baumeister found that the myth of evil existing as a standalone force may, itself, lead societies to become more violent: “The myth encourages people to believe that they are good and will remain good no matter what, even if they perpetrate severe harm on their opponents. Thus, the myth of pure evil confers a kind of moral immunity on people who believe in it…belief in the myth is itself one recipe for evil, because it allows people to justify violent and oppressive actions. It allows evil to masquerade as good.”.. Campaigns aimed at banning evil in its own (mythical) right almost always include efforts to ban evil speech—or even, as in the aftermath of the New Zealand mass murder, speech from someone who has not said anything remotely evil, but is seen, in some vague sense, to be contaminated by evil. When western societies were religious, evil speech was tantamount to anti-Christian speech. In a secular age, we call it “hate speech,” a reformulation that does nothing to solve the always contentious issue of distinguishing between evil speech and free speech, and the problem of who gets to decide where one ends and the other begins."
This explains other moral panics too
Meme - "The guy's manifesto makes it clear why he said "Subscribe to PewDiePie". It's because he wants to create division and conflict: he wants the media to go after PewDiePie and his fans; and he wants to accelerate the culture war. Everything about the attack was cultivated for that end, from the choice of victims, to the weapons, to the people he references. He knows Felix won't approve of his actions. and he knows Felix wants nothing to do with him. He is associating himself with PewDiePie because he wants to see Felix condemned with that association; he wants the mainstream media to run with the narrative that PewDiePie and his supporters are allright. or fascist adjacent. If the media falls for the bait then we'll see the murderer's ultimate plan fulfilled Youtube, Twitter. and Facebook will likely be his unwitting pawns as they crackdown on "problematic" people like PewDiePie. If this isn't addressed. then the murders will have not only been a horrific crime, but they will have also been mission success from the perspective of the killers. They cannot be allowed to succeed. so It is actually important here that the regular combatants in the culture war lay down their weapons and refuse to fight over this. If they don't. then the killers will get exactly what they want"
Ideology Was Behind the Christchurch Tragedy - "A funny thing happened after the tragedy of Christchurch: Everyone discovered, all at once, that ideology matters. Four years ago, commentators were contorting themselves to attribute jihadism to politics, social conditions, abnormal psychology—anything but the spread of wicked beliefs that lead, more or less directly, to violence. Ideology for thee but not for me. Imagine the contempt any thinking person would feel for someone whose reaction to Christchurch was to wonder whether a few Muslim street hoods had once roughed up the shooter, or if during his trip to Pakistan the authorities had given him a hard time at the airport. Did he have trouble getting a job? Feel unsettled by modernity? The objections to these explanations occur to us as quickly as they are uttered. People get banged up, mistreated, and passed over for jobs all the time, for good and bad reasons, and do not resort to mass murder. Unsettled by modernity? Take a number... I regret that the commentators post-Christchurch are imitating Gorka’s main virtue as well as his signature flaw. The transposition is astonishing. Gorka treats Hezbollah like al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood like Hizb al-Tahrir—all different Islamist groups, with salient resemblances; his post-Christchurch doppelgängers seem ready to treat Tarrant like Trump, and Trump like Tarrant. In The New York Times, Omer Aziz accused the neuroscientist and atheist Sam Harris, as well as the Canadian psychologist and lobster enthusiast Jordan Peterson, of complicity in mass murder for objecting to what they argued are overbroad applications of the word Islamophobia. C. J. Werleman, a columnist for Middle East Eye, tweeted last weekend that “ISIS appeals to roughly 0.0000001% of Muslims,” whereas “right-wing extremism represents the views and attitudes of roughly 30-40% of white people.” If we cannot distinguish Harris and Peterson from Richard Spencer, let alone Brenton Tarrant, then our problems are bad indeed. (Among those problems is arithmetic: 0.0000001 percent of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims is 1.8 Muslims, a substantial undercount of ISIS’s adherents, even when you round up to a whole number.)"
Only white people are - or can be - motivated by ideology!
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