Thursday, April 25, 2019
Links - 25th April 2019 (2)
Parents of Peter Zhu, dead West Point cadet, can keep his sperm to continue family name in accordance with Chinese tradition - "his parents say they only have one chance of “fulfilling Peter’s wishes and preserving his incredible legacy” – by retrieving their only child’s sperm and saving it... the Zhus asked medical professionals at Westchester about a procedure they had never done before: postmortem sperm retrieval."
In Singapore, even wanting to egg a minister gets you in trouble with the police - "In 2001, Britain’s former deputy prime minister John Prescott punched a protester in North Wales who had hurled an egg at him during an election campaign."
Bertha Henson - Will police investigate me if I say: a. I am going... - "Will police investigate me if I say:
a. I am going to paint the town red (vandalism)
b. Throw pearls before swine (littering)
c. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs (elderly abuse)
d. Kill two/three/four birds with one stone (animal abuse)
e. Throw a lot of smoke when I talk (especially along Orchard Road)
f. Have egg all over my face (self-harm)
g. Elbow my way to the front (assault)
h. Rain curses on someone (causing flooding)
i. I just swallowed a whole lot of crap (attempted suicide - oops. No more a crime!)
j. I handed someone a poisoned chalice (attempted murder)
k. That there would be fireworks at the meeting (which is not allowed unless it's National Day or officially sanctioned)"
Support for gays, Hamas at NY's LGBT Center sparks fury - "The Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QAIA) group unlawfully occupied New York City’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center last week, to protest its refusal to rent space to the fiercely anti-Israel group... While the LGBT Center’s management has consistently declined to comment on the radical anti-Israel rhetoric of QAIA and its support for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, what has been airbrushed out of the controversy is Hamas’s violent campaign against gays.Dr. Shimon Samuels, the international director for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told the Post on Saturday that QAIA is ignoring Hamas’s violent homophobia. “It is complicity by omission and stupidity,” Samuels said. QAIA is “defending homophobia and the enemies of democracy.”... What is perhaps not common knowledge among members of the LGBT community are the positions of Hamas toward the West and LGBT communities. Hamas cofounder Mahmoud Zahar has said, “You in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept homosexuality. And now you criticize us?”... Zahar blasted rights for gays in Israel and said, “Are these the laws for which the Palestinian street is waiting? For us to give rights to homosexuals and to lesbians, a minority of perverts and the mentally and morally sick?”... Phyllis Chesler, a professor emerita of psychology and women’s studies at City University of New York, termed the activists “Queers for Jihad.” “The members of QAIA seem to know nothing about real apartheid which is Islamic gender and religious apartheid... They are scapegoating democratic and gayfriendly Israel for the enormous sins and crimes of the Muslim world”"
This Little "Game Of Thrones" Detail About Daenerys' Hair Is So Badass - "her braids have multiplied over the seasons as she's won more battles"
Joe Biden Advocates For Men To Become Feminists
The Screen - Posts - "@Alyssa_Milano: I am proud to call Joe Biden a friend. He has been a leader and a champion on fighting violence against women for many years, and I have been fortunate to accompany him to events with survivors where he has listened to their stories, empathized with them, and comforted them."
Lisa Pacino @VLPacino: "You're deranged. And to think you were in the forefront of the "Me Too movement." This is so disturbing. Have you been abducted? Does someone have you in a basement locked in a torture cage? Are they forcing you to Tweet? Are they asking for ransom? Why would they do such things?"
Joe Biden, Lady Gaga team up for sexual assault PSA
A history of Joe Biden's most touchy-feely moments - "The revelation last week of Joe Biden’s creepy encounter with a young female politician was is hardly the first time the 76-year-old has been accused of being too touchy-feely with women.Topping the Post’s Gallery of Biden’s Greatest Hit-ons was the time he grabbed the shoulders of Stephanie Carter from behind and whispered in her ear while her hubby Ash Carter gave his 2015 Secretary of Defense acceptance speech.He awkwardly groped the waist of The Hill’s Amie Parnes at a 2013 holiday party. During a 2012 campaign stop in Ohio he sat so close to a biker chick his forehead touched her temple.The latest accusations — launched amid an international women’s empowerment movement and as Biden is weighing a run for president — were made by former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores in a New York Magazine report published Friday."
Male feminists strike again
"Joe Biden: When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth"
Garbage Human VII - Posts - "Joe Biden's affectionate, physical style with women comes under scrutiny"
"Mike Pence doesn't dine alone with other women. And we're all shocked."
Brighton NHS racial equality boss is sacked for discrimination against white coworker - "An NHS racial equality boss was sacked from her £100,000-a-year job for allegedly telling a colleague he was 'everything she despised in a white manager'.Dr Vivienne Lyfar-Cissé, 58, was fired from her role at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust for harassing a white coworker because of his race."
Lucas Lynch - Not useful for leftist activism. That is exactly... - "Why do many people don't consider Othman occupation of Baghdad as colonialism?"
"Not useful for leftist activism. That is exactly the faultline along which leftists make "colonialism" the greatest evil of greatest concern in the world, and the cause of all our problems."
Garbage Human VII - Posts - Vice: "Trump is letting companies get away with paying women less than men"
Vice: "UK Companies are going to be forced to reveal the difference between what they pay men and women"
"Vice Media has agreed to pay $1.88 million to settle discrimination claims with about 675 female employees who were allegedly paid less than their male colleagues"
Higher education: Are Indians global leaders in publishing for fake journals? - "Indian universities consistently fare poorly in world university rankings. No Indian institution ranks among the top 200 worldwide and only a few figure among the top 500. This is in large part due to the relatively low quantity and lack of high quality research and publications in journals by faculty members. But growing insistence on research by the government has created a new problem: publications in predatory or fake journals... India is “one of the biggest global hubs” for predatory publishing... “India tops submissions in predatory journals.”... 62% of stand-alone fake journals are published in India and Indian researchers contributed (only) 2,592 articles of a total of 24,840 (10.4%). On the face of it, this seems to make Indian contributions less impressive except for the fact that the numbers are very high relative to the total research output of Indian researchers... the share of publications in fake journals by Indian academics is as high as 10% of the country’s total research output."
Exploring the History of the the Veiled Virgin Sculpture by Giovanni Strazza - "For millennia, sculptors have worked in marble, a medium favored for its softness and translucence. These characteristics make the metamorphic rock particularly suited for pieces requiring intricate detail, including anatomical subtleties and flowing drapery. One sculpture that perfectly illustrates both of these instances is The Veiled Virgin, a 19th-century work by Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza."
The Screen - Posts - "The Charging Bull represents aggressive financial optimism and prosperity.
Fearless Girl literally stands against that, as a feminist statement.
Feminism is averse to financial optimism and prosperity. Feminism is Marxism in a dress."
"So there's a monument to the suicidal hubris of modern women & their inability to discern their actual abilities vs. their inflated egos"
George Souvlis - true story. - "The essence of liberalism in one photo:
We welcome
All races
All religions
All countries of origin
All sexual orientations
All genders
We stand with you
You are safe here"
"Restrooms are for customer use only""
EU’s Parliament Signs Off on Disastrous Internet Law: What Happens Next? - "In a stunning rejection of the will of five million online petitioners, and over 100,000 protestors this weekend, the European Parliament has abandoned common-sense and the advice of academics, technologists, and UN human rights experts, and approved the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive in its entirety."
And the elites will continue to denounce "populist" anti-EU sentiment
Segments of Random Thoughts - "Macron gets away with this because he is pro-status quo, pro-EU, anti-Brexit and anti-populist. If an Eastern European leader did this, it would be all over the news, there would be liberal fury, and the EU would be imposing sanctions."
On deploying the army against the yellow vests
Boys-only wall of fame at Shirebrook Academy 'a gimmick' - "Members of a feminist group have criticised a boys-only wall of fame for pupils as a "detrimental gimmick".The scheme at Shirebrook Academy, in Derbyshire, aims to address male pupils' "persistent underperformance".Vice principal Andy Gilbert said the school wanted to "change the traditional male culture".However, Feminist Friends of Nottingham said it was wrong to single out boys rather than celebrating the achievement of all pupils.Mr Gilbert said male pupils at the school performed worse than girls in a "whole range of measures"."
Yet, we are told, feminists are for men
Presumably if you criticise the celebration of female achievements you're an incel and a misogynist
Feminist MP Layla Moran admits to being the latest female perpetrator of domestic violence in Parliament - "In September 2016 we reported on how Labour’s Domestic violence spokesperson Sarah Champion MP had received a police caution as a result of her domestic violence against her husband. Astonishingly, Champion kept her job (she certainly has some hands-on experience in the field!) and was widely praised by her feminist colleagues for talking about her unprovoked attack on her husband, with the likes of famous misandrist Jess Phillips jumping in to support her almost instantly.Today, we learn that Lib Dem MP Layla Moran also has hands-on experience when it comes to domestic violence... As with Champion, Moran has no shortage of people coming out to support her and even praise her actions! Those praising her “courage” already include Baroness Meral Hussain-Ece, a fellow Lib Dem and someone who apparently has “zero tolerance of racism” yet plenty of tolerance of violence against men. Lib Dem Councillor Nick da Costa goes further still, suggesting Moran was not only “brave” but in fact an ”inspiration” for talking about her attack on her partner, with his comment receiving 18 “likes” so far from Lib Dems and feminists. The parallels don’t end there. Both Champion and Moran blatantly victim blame for their unprovoked attacks on their partners, with Moran using the pathetic and nonsensical excuse that she had assaulted her partner because she “felt threatened”. If you genuinely feel threatened by someone you flee and or seek help, you don’t assault them...
Moran herself stated in Parliament that:
“Violence against women is still ubiquitous. It still happens in our society and on our streets, and it should absolutely be called out.”"
In Singapore, even wanting to egg a minister gets you in trouble with the police - "In 2001, Britain’s former deputy prime minister John Prescott punched a protester in North Wales who had hurled an egg at him during an election campaign."
Bertha Henson - Will police investigate me if I say: a. I am going... - "Will police investigate me if I say:
a. I am going to paint the town red (vandalism)
b. Throw pearls before swine (littering)
c. Teach your grandmother to suck eggs (elderly abuse)
d. Kill two/three/four birds with one stone (animal abuse)
e. Throw a lot of smoke when I talk (especially along Orchard Road)
f. Have egg all over my face (self-harm)
g. Elbow my way to the front (assault)
h. Rain curses on someone (causing flooding)
i. I just swallowed a whole lot of crap (attempted suicide - oops. No more a crime!)
j. I handed someone a poisoned chalice (attempted murder)
k. That there would be fireworks at the meeting (which is not allowed unless it's National Day or officially sanctioned)"
Support for gays, Hamas at NY's LGBT Center sparks fury - "The Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QAIA) group unlawfully occupied New York City’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center last week, to protest its refusal to rent space to the fiercely anti-Israel group... While the LGBT Center’s management has consistently declined to comment on the radical anti-Israel rhetoric of QAIA and its support for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, what has been airbrushed out of the controversy is Hamas’s violent campaign against gays.Dr. Shimon Samuels, the international director for the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told the Post on Saturday that QAIA is ignoring Hamas’s violent homophobia. “It is complicity by omission and stupidity,” Samuels said. QAIA is “defending homophobia and the enemies of democracy.”... What is perhaps not common knowledge among members of the LGBT community are the positions of Hamas toward the West and LGBT communities. Hamas cofounder Mahmoud Zahar has said, “You in the West do not live like human beings. You do not even live like animals. You accept homosexuality. And now you criticize us?”... Zahar blasted rights for gays in Israel and said, “Are these the laws for which the Palestinian street is waiting? For us to give rights to homosexuals and to lesbians, a minority of perverts and the mentally and morally sick?”... Phyllis Chesler, a professor emerita of psychology and women’s studies at City University of New York, termed the activists “Queers for Jihad.” “The members of QAIA seem to know nothing about real apartheid which is Islamic gender and religious apartheid... They are scapegoating democratic and gayfriendly Israel for the enormous sins and crimes of the Muslim world”"
This Little "Game Of Thrones" Detail About Daenerys' Hair Is So Badass - "her braids have multiplied over the seasons as she's won more battles"
Joe Biden Advocates For Men To Become Feminists
The Screen - Posts - "@Alyssa_Milano: I am proud to call Joe Biden a friend. He has been a leader and a champion on fighting violence against women for many years, and I have been fortunate to accompany him to events with survivors where he has listened to their stories, empathized with them, and comforted them."
Lisa Pacino @VLPacino: "You're deranged. And to think you were in the forefront of the "Me Too movement." This is so disturbing. Have you been abducted? Does someone have you in a basement locked in a torture cage? Are they forcing you to Tweet? Are they asking for ransom? Why would they do such things?"
Joe Biden, Lady Gaga team up for sexual assault PSA
A history of Joe Biden's most touchy-feely moments - "The revelation last week of Joe Biden’s creepy encounter with a young female politician was is hardly the first time the 76-year-old has been accused of being too touchy-feely with women.Topping the Post’s Gallery of Biden’s Greatest Hit-ons was the time he grabbed the shoulders of Stephanie Carter from behind and whispered in her ear while her hubby Ash Carter gave his 2015 Secretary of Defense acceptance speech.He awkwardly groped the waist of The Hill’s Amie Parnes at a 2013 holiday party. During a 2012 campaign stop in Ohio he sat so close to a biker chick his forehead touched her temple.The latest accusations — launched amid an international women’s empowerment movement and as Biden is weighing a run for president — were made by former Nevada lawmaker Lucy Flores in a New York Magazine report published Friday."
Male feminists strike again
"Joe Biden: When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth"
Garbage Human VII - Posts - "Joe Biden's affectionate, physical style with women comes under scrutiny"
"Mike Pence doesn't dine alone with other women. And we're all shocked."
Brighton NHS racial equality boss is sacked for discrimination against white coworker - "An NHS racial equality boss was sacked from her £100,000-a-year job for allegedly telling a colleague he was 'everything she despised in a white manager'.Dr Vivienne Lyfar-Cissé, 58, was fired from her role at the Brighton and Sussex University Hospital NHS Trust for harassing a white coworker because of his race."
Lucas Lynch - Not useful for leftist activism. That is exactly... - "Why do many people don't consider Othman occupation of Baghdad as colonialism?"
"Not useful for leftist activism. That is exactly the faultline along which leftists make "colonialism" the greatest evil of greatest concern in the world, and the cause of all our problems."
Garbage Human VII - Posts - Vice: "Trump is letting companies get away with paying women less than men"
Vice: "UK Companies are going to be forced to reveal the difference between what they pay men and women"
"Vice Media has agreed to pay $1.88 million to settle discrimination claims with about 675 female employees who were allegedly paid less than their male colleagues"
Higher education: Are Indians global leaders in publishing for fake journals? - "Indian universities consistently fare poorly in world university rankings. No Indian institution ranks among the top 200 worldwide and only a few figure among the top 500. This is in large part due to the relatively low quantity and lack of high quality research and publications in journals by faculty members. But growing insistence on research by the government has created a new problem: publications in predatory or fake journals... India is “one of the biggest global hubs” for predatory publishing... “India tops submissions in predatory journals.”... 62% of stand-alone fake journals are published in India and Indian researchers contributed (only) 2,592 articles of a total of 24,840 (10.4%). On the face of it, this seems to make Indian contributions less impressive except for the fact that the numbers are very high relative to the total research output of Indian researchers... the share of publications in fake journals by Indian academics is as high as 10% of the country’s total research output."
Exploring the History of the the Veiled Virgin Sculpture by Giovanni Strazza - "For millennia, sculptors have worked in marble, a medium favored for its softness and translucence. These characteristics make the metamorphic rock particularly suited for pieces requiring intricate detail, including anatomical subtleties and flowing drapery. One sculpture that perfectly illustrates both of these instances is The Veiled Virgin, a 19th-century work by Italian sculptor Giovanni Strazza."
The Screen - Posts - "The Charging Bull represents aggressive financial optimism and prosperity.
Fearless Girl literally stands against that, as a feminist statement.
Feminism is averse to financial optimism and prosperity. Feminism is Marxism in a dress."
"So there's a monument to the suicidal hubris of modern women & their inability to discern their actual abilities vs. their inflated egos"
George Souvlis - true story. - "The essence of liberalism in one photo:
We welcome
All races
All religions
All countries of origin
All sexual orientations
All genders
We stand with you
You are safe here"
"Restrooms are for customer use only""
EU’s Parliament Signs Off on Disastrous Internet Law: What Happens Next? - "In a stunning rejection of the will of five million online petitioners, and over 100,000 protestors this weekend, the European Parliament has abandoned common-sense and the advice of academics, technologists, and UN human rights experts, and approved the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive in its entirety."
And the elites will continue to denounce "populist" anti-EU sentiment
Segments of Random Thoughts - "Macron gets away with this because he is pro-status quo, pro-EU, anti-Brexit and anti-populist. If an Eastern European leader did this, it would be all over the news, there would be liberal fury, and the EU would be imposing sanctions."
On deploying the army against the yellow vests
Boys-only wall of fame at Shirebrook Academy 'a gimmick' - "Members of a feminist group have criticised a boys-only wall of fame for pupils as a "detrimental gimmick".The scheme at Shirebrook Academy, in Derbyshire, aims to address male pupils' "persistent underperformance".Vice principal Andy Gilbert said the school wanted to "change the traditional male culture".However, Feminist Friends of Nottingham said it was wrong to single out boys rather than celebrating the achievement of all pupils.Mr Gilbert said male pupils at the school performed worse than girls in a "whole range of measures"."
Yet, we are told, feminists are for men
Presumably if you criticise the celebration of female achievements you're an incel and a misogynist
Feminist MP Layla Moran admits to being the latest female perpetrator of domestic violence in Parliament - "In September 2016 we reported on how Labour’s Domestic violence spokesperson Sarah Champion MP had received a police caution as a result of her domestic violence against her husband. Astonishingly, Champion kept her job (she certainly has some hands-on experience in the field!) and was widely praised by her feminist colleagues for talking about her unprovoked attack on her husband, with the likes of famous misandrist Jess Phillips jumping in to support her almost instantly.Today, we learn that Lib Dem MP Layla Moran also has hands-on experience when it comes to domestic violence... As with Champion, Moran has no shortage of people coming out to support her and even praise her actions! Those praising her “courage” already include Baroness Meral Hussain-Ece, a fellow Lib Dem and someone who apparently has “zero tolerance of racism” yet plenty of tolerance of violence against men. Lib Dem Councillor Nick da Costa goes further still, suggesting Moran was not only “brave” but in fact an ”inspiration” for talking about her attack on her partner, with his comment receiving 18 “likes” so far from Lib Dems and feminists. The parallels don’t end there. Both Champion and Moran blatantly victim blame for their unprovoked attacks on their partners, with Moran using the pathetic and nonsensical excuse that she had assaulted her partner because she “felt threatened”. If you genuinely feel threatened by someone you flee and or seek help, you don’t assault them...
Moran herself stated in Parliament that:
“Violence against women is still ubiquitous. It still happens in our society and on our streets, and it should absolutely be called out.”"
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