Monday, February 11, 2019
Asian Americans Asiansplaining to Asians
A: I don't really like talking bout this but I'd like to ask any Asians living in US and UK.....
What makes you feel like you have the right to gatekeep who gets to enjoy Asian things if actual Asians who live in Asia don't have the same concerns
B: Back in my time all this SJW stuff didn’t exist (it was before England got Americanised) and race was almost a non-issue. It’s become very different, I’d admit and I’m still struggling to understand it myself
What are they angry about anyways? White people liking anime? K-Pop? Durian?
A: normally stuff like that and or if white people celebrate Asian festivals
Me: I read an article where this Asian American saying he didn't care what Asian Asians said and they had no right to criticise his sjw antics because they weren't minorities
*posts link to I Don’t Care if Asians in Asia Aren’t Offended by Offensive Asian Portrayals in Hollywood Movies
"You claim it is important for you to see yourselves in media, but your parents could not even be bothered to teach you the language of the media that would show you just that, and you do not care to learn it either. You are like white americans who think they are german or irish, but know nothing of such countries. Like are just like those white americans. Rootless, desperately seeking a connection to the land beneath your feet even as you sit on a continent to which you are an alien."
"Like always it comes down to Americans thinking that the planet revolves around them."
"All of this is pretty much you being butthurt and triggered because you haven’t been noticed by Hollywood senpai, boo…fucking…hoo."
A: if anything that makes me more annoyed with them. You as an Asian American chooses not to consume Asian media and wants American media to conform to you
Me: Yeah I'm very ashamed of Asian American sjws
The best part is that they're on the chopping block after whitey
C: Likewise, their opinion doesn't mean jack shit so they have zero rights to get all offended on our behalf and go all sjw apeshit when something happens overseas that doesn't sit well with their views.
D: Is that "Love Life of an Asian Guy"?
I smashed his face in for saying he has greater authority on Asian culture because he is a minority.
He blocked me from his page for pointing out the culture he purports himself to be an authority on? WE ARE LIVING IT. Not some Americanised adaptation of it. We ARE Asian Culture.
Hurt his ego enough to show how xenophobic and racist his sorry SJW Ass really is that he had to retreat into the echo chamber.
Man... these people sound exactly the same. Almost like they are repeating the same script from a database. Kind of like NPCs. =D
Original article:
I Don’t Care if Asians in Asia Aren’t Offended by Offensive Asian Portrayals in Hollywood Movies
"Wes Anderson’s latest film ISLE OF DOGS opens this weekend and though it has received mostly positive reviews, some people who have seen it (and even liked it) are calling Anderson out for cultural appropriation and furthering stereotypes.
ISLE OF DOGS is an animated feature that takes place in a dystopian Japanese city called Megasaki and while the human characters are voiced by Japanese actors speaking in their native language, the dogs are voiced by non-Japanese names including Scarlett Johansson, Bryan Cranston, and Ed Norton speaking in English.
One of the most vocal critics of Anderson’s embracing of cultural stereotypes is LA Times reviewer Justin Chang who wrote: “It’s in the director’s handling of the story’s human factor that his sensitivity falters, and the weakness for racial stereotyping that has sometimes marred his work comes to the fore…Much of the Japanese dialogue, especially Atari’s, has been pared down to simple statements that non-speakers can figure out based on context and facial expressions…The dogs, for their part, all speak clear American English, which is ridiculous, charming and a little revealing; all these coy linguistic layers amount to their own form of marginalization, effectively reducing the hapless, unsuspecting people of Megasaki to foreigners in their own city.”
Now, I have not seen ISLE OF DOGS yet so I’m not here to weigh in on the film itself although as I’ve blogged before, just based on the “Orientalist” poster and Anderson’s standing as probably the whitest filmmaker in Hollywood, I’m already suspicious. Nor am I going to discuss the racist backlash folks like Chang and Yamato have received online for daring to criticize an indie darling like Anderson. Sadly, I don’t think anyone should be surprised by that anymore.
Nope, what I’m here to address today are comments like these:
Replying to @jenyamato @JustinCChang
I do not think you understand what cultural appropriation means. Please educate yourself and rewatch the trailer, as a Japanese citizen born in Japan I do not by any means take offense to the this movie trailer. I am ashamed that you and I share the same blood."
Replying to @jenyamato @JustinCChang
As asian in Asia, I am not offended. People are allowed to have their own interpretation, it is fun and make curious what other people think about Asia from their own perspective. Its creativity roots in its personality. There is no static view a culture and everyone should abide"
Because every time a Hollywood movie comes out that’s set in Asia and stars white people in a problematic way (i.e. whitewashing, yellow face, white heroes saving the helpless Asian people, etc…), there’s always Asian people in Asia who have to point out that they aren’t offended and, in many cases, even happy that those films exist which leads to racist assholes using those arguments to point out that Asian Americans are wrong to be outraged ’cause if real Asians aren’t offended, what’s the problem?
So while Asian Americans decried the whitewashed casting of Scarlett Johansson in the American adaptation of the Japanese manga GHOST IN THE SHELL, Japanese fans thought it was cool (according to one Japanese fan: “She was very cool. I loved her in THE AVENGERS, and I wanted to see this because she was in it. If they had done a Japanese live-action version, they would have probably cast some silly idol [girl-band member].”). When Matt Damon heroically stepped up to save China from marauding alien invaders in THE GREAT WALL, Asian Americans cried foul, but the Chinese praised the decision even to go so far as to point out how awesome Damon’s calligraphy skills (which he learned for the movie) were. And when Tom Cruise beat out all the Japanese contenders to become THE LAST SAMURAI, the Japanese made the film a massive hit expressing both flattery and pride that a star of Cruise’s stature would appear in a film set in Japan.
And my response to all this is simple: I don’t give a fuck if Asians in Asia aren’t offended by offensive Asian portrayals in Hollywood movies. I support my brothers and sisters back in the motherland as much as anyone, but when it comes to this issue, their opinions don’t matter.
Why? Because they grew up and live in countries where they are the majority–where all the people around them look like they do. Because their native movies and TV shows are full of people who not only look like them, but are portrayed in all their three-dimensional glory: as heroes, villains, lovers, fighters, killers, healers, winners, losers–all types of humans experiencing the full breadth of humanity and emotions.
Unlike Asian Americans who rarely see themselves represented in Hollywood and when they do, it’s often as stereotypes or minor figures solely existing to support the white leads.
Asians in Asia didn’t grow up with the same representation problem, so why would they be qualified to accurately speak on this issue? They can enjoy and even be flattered by films like ISLE OF DOGS or THE GREAT WALL because those are just blips–curiosities–to them. They can think a movie where Matt Damon saves China is cool because they already have hundreds of other movies where Chinese heroes do the same thing. They already see themselves reflected in their own media every day–that’s their reality. Like with white people in America, they are in a position of cultural privilege and can afford to choose not to be offended.
Not so for Asian Americans. So when a film like ISLE OF DOGS comes along that could’ve provided better representation, it matters to us in a way that our Asian counterparts wouldn’t understand.
So with all due respect to my peeps in Asia, if a Hollywood movie comes out that’s set in Asia that Asian Americans have an issue with and you feel the need to speak publicly about how you’re personally not offended by it, just shut the fuck up.
And to all the racist trolls who use those reactions from Asians who don’t have a problem with the film to make the racist argument that the film in question isn’t racist, fuck you too."
What makes you feel like you have the right to gatekeep who gets to enjoy Asian things if actual Asians who live in Asia don't have the same concerns
B: Back in my time all this SJW stuff didn’t exist (it was before England got Americanised) and race was almost a non-issue. It’s become very different, I’d admit and I’m still struggling to understand it myself
What are they angry about anyways? White people liking anime? K-Pop? Durian?
A: normally stuff like that and or if white people celebrate Asian festivals
Me: I read an article where this Asian American saying he didn't care what Asian Asians said and they had no right to criticise his sjw antics because they weren't minorities
*posts link to I Don’t Care if Asians in Asia Aren’t Offended by Offensive Asian Portrayals in Hollywood Movies
"You claim it is important for you to see yourselves in media, but your parents could not even be bothered to teach you the language of the media that would show you just that, and you do not care to learn it either. You are like white americans who think they are german or irish, but know nothing of such countries. Like are just like those white americans. Rootless, desperately seeking a connection to the land beneath your feet even as you sit on a continent to which you are an alien."
"Like always it comes down to Americans thinking that the planet revolves around them."
"All of this is pretty much you being butthurt and triggered because you haven’t been noticed by Hollywood senpai, boo…fucking…hoo."
A: if anything that makes me more annoyed with them. You as an Asian American chooses not to consume Asian media and wants American media to conform to you
Me: Yeah I'm very ashamed of Asian American sjws
The best part is that they're on the chopping block after whitey
C: Likewise, their opinion doesn't mean jack shit so they have zero rights to get all offended on our behalf and go all sjw apeshit when something happens overseas that doesn't sit well with their views.
D: Is that "Love Life of an Asian Guy"?
I smashed his face in for saying he has greater authority on Asian culture because he is a minority.
He blocked me from his page for pointing out the culture he purports himself to be an authority on? WE ARE LIVING IT. Not some Americanised adaptation of it. We ARE Asian Culture.
Hurt his ego enough to show how xenophobic and racist his sorry SJW Ass really is that he had to retreat into the echo chamber.
Man... these people sound exactly the same. Almost like they are repeating the same script from a database. Kind of like NPCs. =D
Original article:
I Don’t Care if Asians in Asia Aren’t Offended by Offensive Asian Portrayals in Hollywood Movies
"Wes Anderson’s latest film ISLE OF DOGS opens this weekend and though it has received mostly positive reviews, some people who have seen it (and even liked it) are calling Anderson out for cultural appropriation and furthering stereotypes.
ISLE OF DOGS is an animated feature that takes place in a dystopian Japanese city called Megasaki and while the human characters are voiced by Japanese actors speaking in their native language, the dogs are voiced by non-Japanese names including Scarlett Johansson, Bryan Cranston, and Ed Norton speaking in English.
One of the most vocal critics of Anderson’s embracing of cultural stereotypes is LA Times reviewer Justin Chang who wrote: “It’s in the director’s handling of the story’s human factor that his sensitivity falters, and the weakness for racial stereotyping that has sometimes marred his work comes to the fore…Much of the Japanese dialogue, especially Atari’s, has been pared down to simple statements that non-speakers can figure out based on context and facial expressions…The dogs, for their part, all speak clear American English, which is ridiculous, charming and a little revealing; all these coy linguistic layers amount to their own form of marginalization, effectively reducing the hapless, unsuspecting people of Megasaki to foreigners in their own city.”
Now, I have not seen ISLE OF DOGS yet so I’m not here to weigh in on the film itself although as I’ve blogged before, just based on the “Orientalist” poster and Anderson’s standing as probably the whitest filmmaker in Hollywood, I’m already suspicious. Nor am I going to discuss the racist backlash folks like Chang and Yamato have received online for daring to criticize an indie darling like Anderson. Sadly, I don’t think anyone should be surprised by that anymore.
Nope, what I’m here to address today are comments like these:
Replying to @jenyamato @JustinCChang
I do not think you understand what cultural appropriation means. Please educate yourself and rewatch the trailer, as a Japanese citizen born in Japan I do not by any means take offense to the this movie trailer. I am ashamed that you and I share the same blood."
Replying to @jenyamato @JustinCChang
As asian in Asia, I am not offended. People are allowed to have their own interpretation, it is fun and make curious what other people think about Asia from their own perspective. Its creativity roots in its personality. There is no static view a culture and everyone should abide"
Because every time a Hollywood movie comes out that’s set in Asia and stars white people in a problematic way (i.e. whitewashing, yellow face, white heroes saving the helpless Asian people, etc…), there’s always Asian people in Asia who have to point out that they aren’t offended and, in many cases, even happy that those films exist which leads to racist assholes using those arguments to point out that Asian Americans are wrong to be outraged ’cause if real Asians aren’t offended, what’s the problem?
So while Asian Americans decried the whitewashed casting of Scarlett Johansson in the American adaptation of the Japanese manga GHOST IN THE SHELL, Japanese fans thought it was cool (according to one Japanese fan: “She was very cool. I loved her in THE AVENGERS, and I wanted to see this because she was in it. If they had done a Japanese live-action version, they would have probably cast some silly idol [girl-band member].”). When Matt Damon heroically stepped up to save China from marauding alien invaders in THE GREAT WALL, Asian Americans cried foul, but the Chinese praised the decision even to go so far as to point out how awesome Damon’s calligraphy skills (which he learned for the movie) were. And when Tom Cruise beat out all the Japanese contenders to become THE LAST SAMURAI, the Japanese made the film a massive hit expressing both flattery and pride that a star of Cruise’s stature would appear in a film set in Japan.
And my response to all this is simple: I don’t give a fuck if Asians in Asia aren’t offended by offensive Asian portrayals in Hollywood movies. I support my brothers and sisters back in the motherland as much as anyone, but when it comes to this issue, their opinions don’t matter.
Why? Because they grew up and live in countries where they are the majority–where all the people around them look like they do. Because their native movies and TV shows are full of people who not only look like them, but are portrayed in all their three-dimensional glory: as heroes, villains, lovers, fighters, killers, healers, winners, losers–all types of humans experiencing the full breadth of humanity and emotions.
Unlike Asian Americans who rarely see themselves represented in Hollywood and when they do, it’s often as stereotypes or minor figures solely existing to support the white leads.
Asians in Asia didn’t grow up with the same representation problem, so why would they be qualified to accurately speak on this issue? They can enjoy and even be flattered by films like ISLE OF DOGS or THE GREAT WALL because those are just blips–curiosities–to them. They can think a movie where Matt Damon saves China is cool because they already have hundreds of other movies where Chinese heroes do the same thing. They already see themselves reflected in their own media every day–that’s their reality. Like with white people in America, they are in a position of cultural privilege and can afford to choose not to be offended.
Not so for Asian Americans. So when a film like ISLE OF DOGS comes along that could’ve provided better representation, it matters to us in a way that our Asian counterparts wouldn’t understand.
So with all due respect to my peeps in Asia, if a Hollywood movie comes out that’s set in Asia that Asian Americans have an issue with and you feel the need to speak publicly about how you’re personally not offended by it, just shut the fuck up.
And to all the racist trolls who use those reactions from Asians who don’t have a problem with the film to make the racist argument that the film in question isn’t racist, fuck you too."
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