Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Choice bits from 2014's IPS Survey on Race, Religion and Language
In yesterday's post I dealt with The Myth of Abrahamic Fundamentalism in Singapore
Today I will highlight other choice bits from the Institute of Policy Studies' Survey on Race, Religion and Language from 2014 (Pack 1, CNA Pack, Working Paper), many of which challenge liberal talking points:
- Chinese identify less with their ancestral homelands than Malays, Indians or Others
- Race is least important to Chinese people's sense of identity (but very important to Malays)
- Religion is least important to Chinese people's sense of identity (by a huge margin) (but hugely important to Malays)
- A negligible number of Singaporeans want to be identified as "Singaporean" on their ICs instead of their races (only those identified as Chinese and Indians even registered with this preference at 0.1% and 0.5% respectively)
- 70.6% think that "The government is responsible for racial and religious harmony in Singapore"
- Fewer Singaporean Chinese (29.3%) than other races (40.x%) think the government should do more to curb the use of Singlish
- Malays are the only group with a majority (67.9%) thinking "We need more legislation and policies to safeguard racial and religious harmony"
- 23.5% of Chinese support government affirmative action by race (and 25.5% of Malays oppose it)
- A plurality of university educated Malays (38.5%) oppose government affirmative action by race
- Only 34% of Chinese think that "the needs of the majority race should be looked after first before the needs of the minority races."
- 39% of Malays think that "Minorities have been getting too demanding in their push for their racial/cultural rights" (vs 29% of Chinese - so Malays are more "racist" than Chinese)
- The majority would rather not know about racial disparities in the form of "race based public information when it [comes] to crime, educational performance or social problems" (i.e. the ostrich mentality)
- Chinese are more interested in Malay and Indian culture than the reverse ("Taken an interest in understanding the culture of those who are of this race")
- Those with "lower levels of multiculturalism" are "Likely to self label themselves as more racist" (i.e. self perception seems valid)
- "Less than a quarter of Indians and Malays indicated that most Singaporean Chinese were very or moderately racist"
- Just as many people think "Not sharing a seat with/sitting beside a person of another race" is acceptable/never acceptable as "Making jokes about another race in the company of friends" (?!)
- 37% support racial stereotyping in language (37% thought "Speaking with a person of a different race in a language they may not be familiar with instead of in English." was never acceptable)
- A quarter think that they may face accusations of racism for policing bad behavior
- A slight majority of Singaporean Chinese think it's okay to have a Singaporean Malay (53%) or Singaporean Indian (60%) Prime Minister
- Malays would rather than a Singaporean Chinese (86%) Prime Minister than a Singaporean Indian (75%) one
- Indians would rather than a Singaporean Chinese (88%) Prime Minister than a Singaporean Malay (70%) one. Interestingly only 89% wanted a Singaporean Indian Prime Minister. This together with the point above suggest that Chinese are seen as more neutral than Malays or Indians - even by Malays and Indians
- Only 33% of Malays and 36% of Indians felt they had ever been racially discriminated against. And 17% of Chinese reported that too
- Two thirds of respondents felt that "Talking about racial issues causes unnecessary tension" and "It is very hard to discuss issues related to race without someone gettingoffended"
- "half of respondents (including minorities) cited that minorities are being over-sensitive about racial issues")
- Taoism is bleeding adherents ("Taoists by birth made up a significant proportion of those who chose to convert to other religions"
- 14.7% of those with no religion who were not born into that religious state reported that "The path I have taken gives me greater meaning in life"
- Friends and family are a big reason people convert to Christianity
- Only 30.7% of Muslims, 25.9% of Protestants and 25.4% of Catholics think that "religious groups should have more rights than they currently have". And 20% of those with no religion agree
- 71.5% of respondents think that "increasing religiosity among religious groups could harm religious harmony"
- Muslims are the most likely (70.8%) to think a police report should be filed "When someone posts something on the Internet poking fun at racial or religious groups" but 57.2% of all groups think this, even those with no religious affiliation
- Muslims (71.3%) and Protestants (71.9%) are the most likely to think a police report should be filed "When someone
insults another racial or religious group in a public setting" but all religions have at least 60% agreeing
- Buddhists are the most chill religious group, with the least numbers wanting to go to the police on racial-religious matters
- Many Muslims and Christians (and especially Catholics) don't believe in Satan
- Many Catholics don't believe in hell
- Many Catholics and Muslims believe in reincarnation; many Hindus and Buddhists don't
- 21.2% of the non-religiously affiliated believe that God exists. Even more have other supernatural beliefs
- 46.1% of Protestants, 29.5% of Catholics and 28.2% of Muslims believe to be a good person you need to "Convert others to your religious faith" (numbers are 16.5% for Buddhism and lower for all other named religions)
- A quarter to a third of people irrespective of religious affiliation believe to be a good person you need to "consume or use fewer goods". Protestants were the most environmentally conscious
- A majority of people with religious affiliation believe "virtuous and good people (regardless of religious beliefs)" will go to heaven (Protestantism at 33.9% was a distinct exception)
- Protestants and Muslims are a lot more affected by and disapprove of apostate friends/family than the rest ("religious beliefs is more disconcerting among religious groups where there are higher levels of religious participation and identity."
- "a quarter of [Muslims and Christians] may not see their religion as wielding a great influence over their lives"
- "less than 10% of respondents reported that they had been often upset by overt incidents of religious tension in the past two years"
Today I will highlight other choice bits from the Institute of Policy Studies' Survey on Race, Religion and Language from 2014 (Pack 1, CNA Pack, Working Paper), many of which challenge liberal talking points:
- Chinese identify less with their ancestral homelands than Malays, Indians or Others
- Race is least important to Chinese people's sense of identity (but very important to Malays)
- Religion is least important to Chinese people's sense of identity (by a huge margin) (but hugely important to Malays)
- A negligible number of Singaporeans want to be identified as "Singaporean" on their ICs instead of their races (only those identified as Chinese and Indians even registered with this preference at 0.1% and 0.5% respectively)
- 70.6% think that "The government is responsible for racial and religious harmony in Singapore"
- Fewer Singaporean Chinese (29.3%) than other races (40.x%) think the government should do more to curb the use of Singlish
- Malays are the only group with a majority (67.9%) thinking "We need more legislation and policies to safeguard racial and religious harmony"
- 23.5% of Chinese support government affirmative action by race (and 25.5% of Malays oppose it)
- A plurality of university educated Malays (38.5%) oppose government affirmative action by race
- Only 34% of Chinese think that "the needs of the majority race should be looked after first before the needs of the minority races."
- 39% of Malays think that "Minorities have been getting too demanding in their push for their racial/cultural rights" (vs 29% of Chinese - so Malays are more "racist" than Chinese)
- The majority would rather not know about racial disparities in the form of "race based public information when it [comes] to crime, educational performance or social problems" (i.e. the ostrich mentality)
- Chinese are more interested in Malay and Indian culture than the reverse ("Taken an interest in understanding the culture of those who are of this race")
- Those with "lower levels of multiculturalism" are "Likely to self label themselves as more racist" (i.e. self perception seems valid)
- "Less than a quarter of Indians and Malays indicated that most Singaporean Chinese were very or moderately racist"
- Just as many people think "Not sharing a seat with/sitting beside a person of another race" is acceptable/never acceptable as "Making jokes about another race in the company of friends" (?!)
- 37% support racial stereotyping in language (37% thought "Speaking with a person of a different race in a language they may not be familiar with instead of in English." was never acceptable)
- A quarter think that they may face accusations of racism for policing bad behavior
- A slight majority of Singaporean Chinese think it's okay to have a Singaporean Malay (53%) or Singaporean Indian (60%) Prime Minister
- Malays would rather than a Singaporean Chinese (86%) Prime Minister than a Singaporean Indian (75%) one
- Indians would rather than a Singaporean Chinese (88%) Prime Minister than a Singaporean Malay (70%) one. Interestingly only 89% wanted a Singaporean Indian Prime Minister. This together with the point above suggest that Chinese are seen as more neutral than Malays or Indians - even by Malays and Indians
- Only 33% of Malays and 36% of Indians felt they had ever been racially discriminated against. And 17% of Chinese reported that too
- Two thirds of respondents felt that "Talking about racial issues causes unnecessary tension" and "It is very hard to discuss issues related to race without someone gettingoffended"
- "half of respondents (including minorities) cited that minorities are being over-sensitive about racial issues")
- Taoism is bleeding adherents ("Taoists by birth made up a significant proportion of those who chose to convert to other religions"
- 14.7% of those with no religion who were not born into that religious state reported that "The path I have taken gives me greater meaning in life"
- Friends and family are a big reason people convert to Christianity
- Only 30.7% of Muslims, 25.9% of Protestants and 25.4% of Catholics think that "religious groups should have more rights than they currently have". And 20% of those with no religion agree
- 71.5% of respondents think that "increasing religiosity among religious groups could harm religious harmony"
- Muslims are the most likely (70.8%) to think a police report should be filed "When someone posts something on the Internet poking fun at racial or religious groups" but 57.2% of all groups think this, even those with no religious affiliation
- Muslims (71.3%) and Protestants (71.9%) are the most likely to think a police report should be filed "When someone
insults another racial or religious group in a public setting" but all religions have at least 60% agreeing
- Buddhists are the most chill religious group, with the least numbers wanting to go to the police on racial-religious matters
- Many Muslims and Christians (and especially Catholics) don't believe in Satan
- Many Catholics don't believe in hell
- Many Catholics and Muslims believe in reincarnation; many Hindus and Buddhists don't
- 21.2% of the non-religiously affiliated believe that God exists. Even more have other supernatural beliefs
- 46.1% of Protestants, 29.5% of Catholics and 28.2% of Muslims believe to be a good person you need to "Convert others to your religious faith" (numbers are 16.5% for Buddhism and lower for all other named religions)
- A quarter to a third of people irrespective of religious affiliation believe to be a good person you need to "consume or use fewer goods". Protestants were the most environmentally conscious
- A majority of people with religious affiliation believe "virtuous and good people (regardless of religious beliefs)" will go to heaven (Protestantism at 33.9% was a distinct exception)
- Protestants and Muslims are a lot more affected by and disapprove of apostate friends/family than the rest ("religious beliefs is more disconcerting among religious groups where there are higher levels of religious participation and identity."
- "a quarter of [Muslims and Christians] may not see their religion as wielding a great influence over their lives"
- "less than 10% of respondents reported that they had been often upset by overt incidents of religious tension in the past two years"
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