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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Being Racist by Pointing Out Racism

So-called anti-racism activists like to incredulously complain that pointing out racism is considered racist.

Well, there's a racist way to point out racism, and a non-racist way to point out racism.

Consider the two following examples:

Person A: "I applied for a job requiring you to speak Chinese. I am a Malay who speaks Chinese. I was rejected because I am Malay. Singaporean Chinese are all racist scum. They are all immigrants who should go home anyway. Better yet, they should all be sent to the gas chamber!"

Person B: "I applied for a job requiring you to speak Chinese. I am a Malay who speaks Chinese. I was rejected because I am Malay. I was a victim of racism. I am not the only non-Chinese person to which this has happened"

Person A and Person B are both pointing out racism, but clearly one is racist and the other is not (unless you adopt the whole "racism = power + privilege" doublespeak, but that's another story).
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