Day 14 - 26th October - Albi: Jardin du Palais de la Berbie (Part 2)
Next was the cathedral treasury.

Crowned, seated Virgin and Child


St Martianne hand reliquary

St Cecilia Hand Reliquary

Another reliquary

Infant Jesus giving keys to St Peter

Châsse said to be St Ursula's (Wikipedia: "A chasse or box reliquary is a shape commonly used in medieval metalwork for reliquaries and other containers")


Crowned Saint, Head of Woman

Repentance of St Peter
I went to look at the Musée Toulouse-Lautrec, but it was closed for 20 minutes more - a sign said they were at lunch. Of course.

Apparently when you go to the toilet you are crucified
I decided to have lunch too.

Set lunch

Other sets. I like "Le Gourmet" - basically choose anything from the menu
I tried the Suze. It was a bit more pleasant than pastis (which is very strong). Anyway it was €4 (Coke was €3).

Aumônière de Chèvre. Literally this means pouch of goat's cheese, but an Aumônière was also a belt pouch in the Middle Ages

Dos de Colin (Hake back)

Blanc Mangé
I went back to the museum and in the store I saw Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec's style. As I suspected it was not pleasant, so I skipped the museum.

Musée Toulouse-Lautrec



Cathedral and Museum from Square

On the Bishop's Palace, home to the Museum

Rue d'Engueysse


Pont Vieux (old bridge)

Cathedral from other side

On the Old Bridge

Rue de la Grande Cote

"Numidian" place (presumably serving Libyan food)
This was the third African place I'd seen this day. Too bad I hadn't seen it earlier or I might've lunched here.

Quay where in 1763 the Archbishop raised this quay on top of the old ramparts


On the Quai Choiseul
I then went to look at the Museum's garden, which was:

"Remarkable Garden"
Surprisingly, I quite agreed. I liked the garden.

Left side


On the palace

Old Bridge from garden

Sheltered walkway

Cathedral from garden

Boy running

City of Albi

The gardens and palace for the blind

"Remarkable Garden" is an official government classification. Okay.

No picnicing in the garden

Austere cathedral walls

Pigeons, fountain

Cathedral entrance from below


I was amused that Le Petit Train was still running in late October. Albeit with doors to keep the chill out.

Interesting thing sketched on the cathedral exterior

On cathedral
The bell tower was part of fortifications separating Albi from Castelviel. This is probably a better explanation for the cathedral's exterior austerity than Cathar sensibilities.

Bonjour ma belle
(not the official name)

Rue de l'Oulmet

Carnaval poster - they are electing a Queen though it's in February.

Joan of Arc I presume
I then returned to Toulouse.