"The Accidental Conductor is about the story of a self-made musician. The Young Artist Award recipient of 2006 started out his music career without any formal training until he reached 30 years of age. Although he majored in Physics, his passion for music drove him to take chances with each little opportunity that came his way. He was, perhaps, the only conductor whose choirs have twice won the highest national accolade of Best Choir of the Year without him having a single piano lesson in his life.
This book tells of how he grew up in a conservative average family, took a unique path to his tertiary education, and eventually became a full-fledged musician in the choral world — although it was a slight deviation from his childhood dream of becoming an opera singer."
The Accidental Conductor by Toh Ban Sheng can be bought from Armour Publishing (S$16) or Popular (S$15.41)