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Saturday, January 23, 2010

"Where a calculator on the ENIAC is equipped with 18,000 vacuum tubes and weighs 30 tons, computers in the future may have only 1,000 vaccuum tubes and perhaps weigh 1.5 tons." - unknown, Popular Mechanics, March 1949


Thoughts: I want to emigrate too
See below for English translation

想法: 我也想移民
联合早报, 2009年12月27日
















Thoughts: I want to migrate too
Li Huimin
Lianhe Zaobao

In the past, some parents uprooted their families and migrated to Australia because their children were being tormented by the slings and arrows of the Chinese language. Recently, the thought of migration has crossed my mind, but it is not academic inaptitude that induces these thoughts of flight. It cannot be denied that some of my reasons for emigration are influenced by the zeitgeist.

I know some friends who have successfully flown the coop. Some have gone to Canada, and even more have become Australian Permanent Residents, and are very happy there. Previously, another friend planned to emmigrate to Australia with his whole family, and invited me to a talk on immigration to know more about it. At the time, although I was a little curious, I wasn't too interested. At the same time though, a friend who had already emigrated to Australia showed me some photos of his life via the Internet. The photos of the Great Outdoors were amazing.

Re-examining my life, the drudgery of my daily life hit me. When I needed a breath of fresh air, I would head to Bukit Timah Hill or the seaside to relax on the weekends, but I would be mired in a sea of people around me, and be unable to enjoy any peace and quiet. With resentment in my heart, I logged on to the Australian Immigration Agency's Website, thinking of Australia's open plains and azure seas. However, the website had no such appealing images, but only application forms that left me bemused. I didn't read the website carefully, but gleaned that I would have to take a test of English proficiency before going any further.

The English proficiency test was not as terrifying as I had expected it to be. The oral component was simpler than the written component, and it was more like chatting with the British examiner. She asked me if I was thinking of emigrating to Australia, which startled me. She continued, saying that many people taking the test, both Singaporeans and residents of other nationalities, wanted to migrate there. She asked, "Is Singapore such a shithole?" I told her even if it was a shithole people might not want to migrate; perhaps there was a lack of joie de vivre, and many people think Singapore has a stifling environment.

Reportedly, there're only 1,000 outstanding Singaporeans who give up their citizenships annually. Now I surmise that this statistic does not include emigrants who are not considered "outstanding", or those who have taken up permanent residency overseas.

Luckily, I passed my English proficiency test. However, since there was too much bureaucracy, I had to find a migration consultant to help me. Explaining the various types of visas to me, he told me that I had best apply within the next year, since the high number of immigrants would result in the government tightening entry requirements. Also, the application process would take 1-2 years, and I might not necessarily make it. After hearing everything, I had a headache.

In truth, I've never been to Australia, and only know that "here be kangaroos", and that there're many mountains and great scenery; at the time I was clueless. Eventually I spake the words hidden in my heart of hearts, "I have no faith in the PAP". My migration consultant was not the least bit surprised. It turned out that many of those in whose footsteps I was following had voiced the same sentiments.

Naturally, I do not presume to question the Men In White's (MIW) ability to govern, but when we, in order to blindly pursue economic growth, in quick succession:

i) Engineer the Chinese language curriculum to benefit from China's rise
ii) Urge people to understand India
iii) Have the "Speak Good English Movement", fearing that others will not understand our English, which will imperil competitiveness
iv) Open Casinos and promote the Arts for economic purposes

What bandwagon shall we jump on next?

We are in a perpetual state of anxiety and fear caused by the imperative to keep up with others. I don't see how any of these will let us get on with our lives in peace.

Here's what puzzles me even more: when the number of foreigners in the population increases unceasingly [due to immigration], the MIW say that there are enough resources to cope, but when it comes to taking care of our elderly, we are warned that resources are limited. As peasants, most of the time we can only suffer passively, and in silence.

Leaving the immgiration consultant's office, I felt torn. Actually, I don't really want to migrate, but I cannot decide if this place is worth caring about. Right now, Singapore is run like a large corporation, and business considerations must always be taken into account. As such, you can't blame people for adopting the same mentality in thinking about Singapore. Using similar logic, do we really want to sacifice the best part of our lives for such a cold, uncaring country? How is this different from living in foreign countries?

I am still planning my "investment strategy", and still haven't done a cost-benefit analysis of staying in Singapore. Sorry, I know this is a cold, uncaring attitude but hey, that's what I've picked up from living in Singapore.

I really hope that in the future, as Singapore pursues economic development, it will also develop in other areas and become a country that is easier to love. As the year comes to a close, I can only hope that next year will see an improvement in the situation.

(The author is a local freelance writer)

Australia is a popular migration destination for many Singaporeans.

(with inputs from Acidflask)
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