When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

"Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life." - Robert Byrne


HWMNBN: As I have often said, libertarians expect too much of humans, communism expects too little.

Someone: *** was sharing with me how he cut his cock during his army days to get 2 weeks of mc

I'm not the only one with that idea

I didn't know anyone would do that

Someone else: 2 days ago i mislabeled my folder as 2008 instead of 2009 and had a major freak out after i could not find it
and only realized 1 hr later it was 2008

i wrote 03-10-08 instead of 03-10-09

Me: do it 2009-03-10 lah
easier to find some more

Someone else: then i'll have like 20 folders starting with 2009

Me: then your eye will move on to the next bit
and see the month

Someone else: heh heh

hiyah my life is not THAT complicated lah
i may date a girl
but she doesn't train me up for such things

Me: if complication in your life is measured by file structure, you have it good

Someone else: bwahahhaha

but i'm a grad student. our lives are dictated by file structures.
your self-worth is only as much as the number of data backups you have

UD #6 on my moobs: -_-

hahahas, but man
it looks huge

do you drink soya?

Me: hee hee
I've heard various theories about getting big boobs

bigger than yours isit

the theories range from milk to chicken breast (when young)

[Ed: Later I added that it cannot be Soya, since in Japan they consume soya products everyday]

Someone on sexual harassment: hahaha not that i think that SH is not a problem, but seriously, i think some girls are just too oversensitive

rubbing against you or exposing yourself or making lewd jokes openly is wrong, yes
but checking a girl out, especially if she's wearing a tight t-shirt with sexual innuendo isn't

i was gonna comment something about how some girls like to wear t-shirts with interesting slogans
then when all you're trying to do is read what the slogan is, they think you're staring at their breasts

and is that sexual harassment?

plus i think they're not being all that sincere when they say they are not trying to instigate a crackdown

i think what they want is to drum up publicity so they can have a witchhunt

plus all these girls think they have been harassed before, so that will inadvertently colour their perception of men on public transport from then on

that liane girl herself said it "we really have personal stakes in the issue"

Someone else: The army experience has left such a bitter taste in my mouth that I find the idea of staying in the land of my birth unappealing

Now this may not be the humble thing to say
But by most any objective measure I think you and I are highly educated people who should be welcome in any country

And the fact that there the army turns us against the land of our birth should say something about the tremendous cost to it

It's not as though we're an isolated case either

Me: I think the sad thing is that most people aren't rational
so they go "I've already served my 2 years. I might as well stay here"

that's like a rape victim going: "I've already lost my virtue. I might as well marry my rapist"
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