When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, December 06, 2008

"Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog." - Doug Larson


Me: am I bigger than you? o_0

Someone: i'm very confident that you are
you definitely can do paizuri

Me: ><

you want to help?

Someone: i don't have a dick, sorry ):
i'd really want one, but its not worth the trouble

Someone else: it's hard to say at first glance

how much more is more
in both likes and money

Me: haha

go back to bolehland!

Someone else: ugh

i think when bad people die
they go to bolehland


that's why all of you come here

Someone else: oh well

to snatch your jobs obviously
and your women
and terrorize your old folks

what else..

ME: go mexico lor

MFTTW: hallo

that reuqires me to convince my friend to drive me there

Me: not far mah


MFTTW: ....

Me: what
didnt' you complain abt HFCS [Ed: High Fructose Corn Syrup]

MFTTW: huh?


Someone on UK visa restrictions: I'm glad I come from a country with a surplus of arts graduates.... I wonder what a society with a surplus of scientists and engineers would look like. Not pretty, probably.

Me: Richer.

Someone: Ha ha, touche!

Someone else: dun like girly boys

Me: hurr hurr
so you're a top!

Someone else: mmm

no i like tops

Me: eh

but you quite aggro what

Someone else: as a lesbian friend of mine once said

its more fashionable these days
to not be limited to a label
or to be defined by a label

why u wanna still maintain a stereotype?

top or bottoms

even men and women...

its more fun being ambiguous
theres a term of those like that lol

Me: "dysfunctional"

Someone else: no

Me: hurr hurr

Someone: you know, I envy these people I meet on the *** fanboard, who so confidently assert they're right and they 'know' texts

I'm like, I don't know! I don't know anything! how can you say you know it ALL?

I guess it's a bit tiring in general -- but I must say I never realised that

I mean I began listneing to them way before any of this analysing business
and it's a sad coincidence most people I like -- I find out AFTER that the person who wrote the song studied english at uni. It's a bit sad. I find it hard to appreciate like.... 'pure blatant' songs

when I hear what *** likes -- for instance - that horrid song 'you're the inspiration' my blood curdles... it's like URGH YUK
he used to play such songs all day

and I'd counter with my own stuff, which he, in turn, hated. Felt it was difficult and depressing

he loves 'simplicity', he married it
I sure hope I don't marry 'complexity' though. Marry a good writer and you'd be a widow in a decade cuz he would've killed himself

Frigid Girl: i know people who turned gay cos it's more fashionable

Me: what happened to them

Frigid Girl: just started dressing up and hanging out in clubs with gays lor
cos they feel better being with the marginalised group

Me: are they still gay
and how many years has it been

Frigid Girl: i lost contact

it's 'cool' being with the outcasts
idiots lar

Me: [they're] torpedoing the "being gay is not a choice" campaign

Someone: I got into a fight with a 'feminist'

how horrid


she also said
everything can be construed as feminist and non feminist

I think that's absolutely STUPID

if I eat char kway teow instead od hokkien mee
what the FUCK
does THAT have to do with feminism!?



I just think -- this is me -- you should just take a stand
be informed of the various sorts but just go with what you want

it's like any other contentious term lah
if you go around iffying about every single interpretation and insisting each is right you're going to go nuts

Me: like 'char kway teow'?
ask a malaysian what he thinks of singapore-style char kway teow

Someone: OO


Me: when you say char kway teow in malaysia they think penang char kway teow

here at least people are less parochial
they know that different types of char kway teow exist

Cunning Linguist: err i dont really pink nipples are common in asian girls

i dunno why there is even a difference
and i didnt even know pink nipples existed till some years back

cos i remember someone telling me when u lose ur virginity ur nipples will change color

i read it somewhere also
but i think its bullshit lah

maybe u can do ur dissertation on different nipple colors

MFTTW: The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Intelligent Design

scroll down to "what do customers ultimately buy after viewing this item" 26% buy "the gospel of the flying spaghetti monster"

Cunning Linguist on an article on cunnilingis: i was super entertained reading it in class just now
this china dude passed it to me no less

there are other sex articles
maybe there are some on the blowjob

but i bet its some gender/feminism thing going on tts why dont have
the writer is a girl

Me: yah
if a guy wrote one on blowjobs he'd be called a pervert

Cunning Linguist: true
but a girl writes abt it shes empowered

Me: oh well
men are evil

Cunning Linguist: DO NOT DISAGREE

Me: hurr hurr
I fly over there to oppress you then you know

Cunning Linguist: hahaha
i will marginalize you back

Someone on Japan: and they might think your hair is weird even if they wont ask you to lop it off

so guess it depends what level of 'accepting' you want

Me: if they hire me can already

unlike feminists and queer theorists I do not insist on total equality
people will always differ from social norms, and norms being what they are they will always resist deviance

"your dress is ugly" is arguably a form of oppression

Someone: hahaha or it cld be freedom of expression!

Me: speech is oppressive ;)

Someone: hahahah as is silence!

Me: let the oppression olympics begin
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