When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, November 10, 2008

"To be positive: To be mistaken at the top of one's voice." - Ambrose Bierce


YouTube - Riki-Oh's girlfriend - "scene from the movie Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky"
Someone: "what happens when i ask women out"

Camel Toe Cup - "The makers of “Velcro Mullet” proudly present: CAMEL TOE CUP!... Camel Toe Annie says: If there is someone you want to get to know, show ‘em the Toe!! Easily and securely attaches to the included “Toe-Belt”"

In The Know: Has Halloween Become Overcommercialized? - "Panelists discuss whether Halloween candy and costumes have distracted us from placating demons to ensure a bountiful harvest... 'Americans have completely forgotten what Halloween is really about: appeasing evil spirits to ward off sickness and ensure a bountiful harvest'"

Pick up a penguin - "Penguins are turning to prostitution. But instead of doing it for money, Antarctic dolly-birds are turning tricks to get rocks off their menfolk... "It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.""
More examples of the insidiousness of patriarchy, to add to the macaque monkeys. Evil Adeli penguin males!

Turkish hotel fires ALL its male workers... for having affairs with British women guests - "Image Hotel in Marmaris, a popular British holiday hotspot in Turkey's south west coast, now only has four female workers employed there. Ms Yucel, who has managed the hotel for the past eight years, said the final straw came after she saw one of her bartenders emerging from a toilet with a British woman. She said: 'We had been facing the same problem every year but after the last incident we decided to run the hotel by only female staff."
Presumably the female staff don't have affairs with male visitors.

As rare as hen's teeth? Not any more, say scientists - "Far from being rarer than students who turn up at 9am lectures or lecturers who like giving them, a hen with teeth does occur naturally, scientists based at the universities of Manchester and Wisconsin have found. And by studying that mutant chicken - which is too weak to hatch, explaining its rarity - the team has been able to stimulate "natural" tooth growth in chickens. The mutant chicken harks back to toothier days: the ancestors of today's birds lost their teeth about 80 million years ago, but not the ability to grow them."
What an Intelligent Designer, planting the potential to grow teeth in hens! Similarly, their embryos have three fingers which eventually fuse into a wing.

Men spending $12,000 a year on women - "Cupid may strum a man's heartstrings on Valentine's Day, but he pulls on his purse strings all year long. On Valentine's Day, when American couples celebrate love and romance with flowers, candy, cards and dinner, the average man will shell out $128 compared with his lady companion who will spend about $74, according to a survey released by Discover Card... When it comes those little extras purchased with "The Relationship" in mind, the average guy can spend as much as $12,000 a year on maintaining goodwill with the woman in his life, according to a breakdown of relevant expenses by Best Life magazine, a men's health magazine based in Emmaus, Pa. Best Life consulted 13 sources, including the National Restaurant Association, market research firm Mintel and the National Retail Federation, and concluded that the cost of a 50-year marriage is $590,400 - not including inflation."

Men and women spend and save differently - ""Women have been taught to invest in lifestyle and children. Men have been taught to invest in things that hold value -- a house, retirement... The way that translates into spending is that women spend more money on the stuff that makes the day work. The problem with that is, most of that stuff has no asset value, no visible value."... Based on a study of 2,000 Iowans, of whom 529 responded, women were far more likely to buy something without needing it (36 percent vs. 18 percent), buy something because it's on sale (24 percent vs. 5 percent), shop impulsively (36 percent to 18 percent) and shop to celebrate (31 percent vs. 19 percent). But when polled on their level of savings, just 49 percent of women said they were dissatisfied with their bank accounts, versus 60 percent of men... Hayden says the shop-till-you-drop syndrome is more than a harmless female pastime; it also deprives women of the opportunity to grow money through investing. In their 20s and 30s, when their male counterparts are buying homes and investing in mutual funds, many women are spending on clothes, cars and decorating the apartment... The male money blind spot is a little less obvious. "The biggest risk for men, and it's kind of a new risk, is men's egos, men keeping up with men and bragging about how much they've earned in the market""

YouTube - Rick Roll: The Literal Version - "Another in the "if music videos sang what was happening" series"
The original is more professional but this is funny too.

Yale Daily News - Army service for foreign Elis - "Four students from Singapore said conscription was understandably necessary in their nation... When asked if the system was unpopular in Singapore, Chan was anxious to avoid the question, lauding the system’s benefits instead... “I know many professional musicians for whom National Service meant the end of their careers,” Ng said. “To go from practicing something six hours a day to not practicing at all … that’s scary.” For this reason, Ng said, National Service is a drain on the artistic talent of his country... He described the program in Germany as “a waste of time” and pointed out that the brief conscription period rarely contributes anything significant to military operations... Koenig said his views against the military requirement are common among his friends in Germany. It is an antiquated institution that should be left behind, he asserted. Yale students from Greece also saw at National Service as a remnant from the past... Legmpelos said his father found the two years stationed on a remote Greek island difficult. So difficult, in fact, that he said his father never plans to return to the island... Both he and Vlahakis said they see a national shift away from this trend of automatic acceptance in their fathers’ generation."
It's interesting how, at least from the article, the non-Singaporeans aren't brainwashed

A smile in the sky from inverted rainbow - "The dazzling vision - or circumzenithal arc to those in the know - is rarely seen outside polar regions. But freak weather conditions in Cambridge combined to produce this cheerful rainbow."

Former aide to ex-Ren Ci boss fined S$37,500 for possessing porn films - "Pang Leong Chuan, 27, pleaded guilty to having over 100 obscene films in the form of DVDs and other movie clips in his laptop at two apartments."
I found it very curious how almost no one was shocked/outraged at this. I could only find one person complaining: "Knn...138 is seriously a lot..... He very poor thing leh.... WhATs the big deal abt porn man. Y is the gov so uptight abt porn.", and one criticising procedural issues. Even the talk on forums was very scattered. Als sie mich holten, gab es keinen mehr, der protestieren konnte.
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