When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, September 22, 2008

"To believe is to know you believe, and to know you believe is not to believe." - Jean-Paul Sartre


Bizarre-ness from Facebook game Skies of Blood:

Welcome to Planetary Control Center.
You bring the Zeon mech blueprints back to the Federation Planetary Control Center. The secretary of defense is stunned at the escalation of the arms race and sophistication of arms the terrorists possess. He has petitioned the president for a tactical nuclear strike on the Zeon. You are to be on call until further details arrive.

It's a Sunday night. You get off duty and decide to call up an old friend.


Check Email
It's been weeks since you've had time to check your mail
Experience: +1
Reward: Letter from Zoe
From a long-time friend
Item Drop: 35% chance

Stamina: 1

Write Poetry
It helps keep your mind off work. Your poetry tends to center about one person...
Experience: +2
Reward: Zoe's Song
A poem you wrote for Zoe
Item Drop: 35% chance

Stamina: 2

Reply to Zoe
Reply back. Send her the poem you've been writing while you're at it.
Experience: +2
Reward: Date with Zoe

This can only be accomplished once

Stamina: 2
Letter from Zoe
Zoe's Song


Go on a date with Zoe
Meeting with a long-time friend

Stamina: 2
Date with Zoe

Welcome to Date with Zoe.
You are relieved to see Zoe waiting for you at the meeting spot. She has come on her motorbike. It's been months since you've last met. You've known her since first joining the Federation corps, and have been meaning to call her up again but work has kept you busy. You hurry over and take her out for the night.

Street Fight
Fight Street Thugs
"Hey whatchu lookin' at dawg? Come over here, I wanna show you somethin."
Cash: $30-50
Experience: +2
Reward: Brass Knuckles
Atk: +5
Def: +3
Item Drop: 20% chance

Stamina: 2

Night Out

Treat Zoe for Dinner
You've made reservations at a fancy white-tablecloth restaurant.
Experience: +3
Reward: Dinner with Zoe

Stamina: 3
Rose Bouquet x1
Fancy Dinner x2

Go Out Shopping
Browse the stores at New York Time Square before closing hours
Experience: +4
Reward: Zoe's Ring

Stamina recovery x2
Stamina invite bonus x2

Stamina: 4
Red Heels x1
Dinner with Zoe x1
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