When you can't live without bananas

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Me: Frigid Girl proposes that girls' shrink but don't grow
she says when they lose weight their breasts shrink proportionally
but when they gain weight their breasts don't grow as much

Someone: Hahah
But that's actually true!

well, i'd give you examples of my friends but that wouldn't help
just accept it as true

well they were fat
and slimmed down
and lost breast size

one put the weight back on
but never went back to a C


Someone else: 64% Of Nus Students Have Sex At Least Once A Week!!: Sometime never doubt a survey. it's 85% accurate


I was a former student from raffles JC and Nus.
I was just an average looking guy however i must
admit my school work and project are alway the top
5% in cohort.

And i am not a good talker also.
However when exam are close, girl start to hang out with me for group studies. This applied to project too.
I never need to pick , they come and join my team.
Most of the time are spend on studying and it alway
end with a "special" dessert on the menu.

About 8/10 of those gal who study with me have sex with me, either in hostel or hotel.
I never bring them home, my family are strict.
Somemore they hint to me they want it,which is so surprising, so never doubt the survey, it's true...
such thing is happening...since the early 1990...

I think it's their way of rewarding me back for teaching
them how to study...

NUS/ raffles JC,
James Lim"

i'm quite certain the guy's not from rj

the english sux

Someone: i got a undercover green ecofem hippie

okok here some snippets
youll love em

1. women are closer to nature coz they bleed every month, just like the ebb and flow of the tides and the moon.

i say, we guys get morning hardons, in tune with the sun. HA. we closer than you.

2. women closer to nature coz they are empathatic. bullshit. you dont see a lioness showing compassion to its prey. men are closer coz we be 'more brutal', like animals

then she dumps her trump card, saying tht i will never understand coz im not a women.
to bleed, to feel in tune with nature yada yada, cannot be felt by men

i say
men have penises. and it is a powerful, mystical thing. of POWER. so by the power of the penis, we have the right to subjugate you women. the power of the penis compells you!!

'anything that bleeds for 3 days and dosent die is NOT to be trusted.

she says women are closer to nature, and i say how? coz she quoted earlier in some hippie mumbo jumbo that nature is all around us, and flows around us. like the force. if nature is all around us, then there is no 'core' of nature by which any form of direction can be used. hence, everyone is as close to nature as the other

Someone else: do you think its worth it to take the double degree in engineering and economics to widen my social circle (girls in FASS!) and have to take 1 more year to get to PhD?

Me: err
girls in econs are the worst in FASS
you want to take a double degree just to meet girls?!?!
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