When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

"He can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met." - Abraham Lincoln



I asked you, 'Is Messiah in German'. You looked very shocked. I thought you were joking. I went to ask ***. Messiah is in Ch-

He went back to the Wee'mar Republic (Weimar)

[On what she'll get as a Muslim when going to Heaven] You go to Heaven and you get gang-raped. [Student 2: You go to Hell and you get gang-raped too.]

[Female student:] Every guy who hangs out at USP is a bastard. [Male student: Exclude me, my father is well and alive.]

[On economic development structural change] Girls have this facial treatment and weight control. They are all part of the service sector.

I think there is a tih'po (typo)

[On a year] 19 thousand (hundred)

Actually, I'm quite worried for ***. I think we just follow his lecture notes, and what he says, and don't express our opinions.

There's some cover't (caveat)

Beer Steer'ns (Bear Stearns)

The development of the undergraduate curriculum is that there's more and more math and you forget what words is, and you forget what ideas is, and you forget what Economics is (are)

Almost all of you, your income is expected to be high, because you have a NUS degree, and a NUS degree is expected to be valuable. Whatever.

[On Ricardian Equivalence and the old] One reason you may raise consumption is you say: 'Haha, I'm old, I'm going to die soon, even if you raise taxes in the future... won't affect me'

You notice one thing. In the standard model, in the neoclassival model, everything is nice, everything is neutral. Here, it's messy.

[On working and investing in different places, and home bias) I'm not trying to be unpatriotic... If you're hired in a country you tend to invest in a country as well (the)

Very rarely, shits happen (shit happens)

Mee'yo'pick loss aversion (myopic)

He has to make rare'g'you'were reports (regular)

fat reserve (fed)

There was also a ker'weet' (caveat)

The US is the most professional armed forces in the world. [US Navy man: I appreciate that.] Just guessing... [US Navy man: Nobody's ever been killed in the line of duty. The wall at SAFTI has no names on it... We met a General today. I don't think he's ever been shot at.]

[On Schweitzer's geese] The geese do not say, in whatever language they speak, 'Look at our poor friend down there. Let's wait for him'

[On Kant and being kind to animals to be kind to humans] Obviously butchers would object to this, and I'm sure some butchers are very nice people. On the other hand Hitler was very kind to animals, especially to his own dog. [Student: Vegetarian]

[On Singer and the central nervous system] Oysters, prawns, crabs and lobsters do not feel pain... My wife is convinced that lobsters feel pain. Because when you put it [a lobster] in the pot it will go *bzzz*. So you should put a lobster in the freezer before boiling it. How the lobster feels in the freezer, I do not know... Some people say that abortion is okay before the fetus has a central nervous system. Which is typically around the 20th week.

Some people are actually quite crafty, as you say. A [former] colleague of mine at the University of ***... He's a utilitarian... Some of us went to a restaurant for a meal. He was the only vegetarian. The person beside him couldn't finish his steak. 'Can I finish it?' 'But you're vegetarian.' 'The animal has already suffered. Eating the steak will increase my pleasure. Give it to me!'

[On Singer and the central nervous system] The biologists could be wrong. The source of pain might not be in the central nervous system... [Also,] we don't need to eat prawns and crabs and oysters anyway, so why not make a political statement to reinforce our commitment to vegetarianism?

The irony is that there're people who go around bombing laboratories that experiment on animals, and they invoke Peter Singer, but they should invoke Tom Regan. But Peter Singer is more famous, so they invoke him.

Yes, there is a question. No, you're just yawning.

Some vegans eat fruit and nuts. Some do not. The Jains. You eat a nut, you kill a plant. You eat a fruit, you kill a future plant.

At a dinner party, the host cooks meat. It would be ungracious to say no, it would be ungracious to say 'I don't eat meat - give me something else'. I am a part-time vegetarian.

[On the duty to advocate vegetarianism and Singer] He's a very nice man. He's a very kind and gentle man. But when it comes to eating meat, he's very aggressive. If you are unfortunate enough to be eating meat when you're sitting opposite him, he will come over: 'Why are you eating meat? Don't you know that *noise*?'

I'm an animal lover. I love to eat them.

[Student: ***'s so vulgar...] [Student 2: He's doing manly work, so he must show he's manly] Manly work? You've women doing manly work. But they're manly women, so it's okay.

Some wonderful music there by Bark (Bach)

[Psychology student] What's your major? [Student 2: Chemistry.] End of conversation.

If you drink 1 cup of hot chocolate, it's 1/4 of your daily calories [Student 2: That's your hot chocolate.]

[On objections to cows and methane] All you need to do is stand next to a cow and wait until it farts

[On statistics on feeding meat eaters in 'Deep Vegetarianism'] Maybe a skinnier Asian won't eat as much

[On 625 square metres of rain forest going to each hamburger according to 'Deep Vegetarianism'] It's probably 625 centimetres

We have 2 tutorial presentations today. They will be pretty similar, because in the 2 articles I say pretty much the same thing.

[Me: Have you changed your view in 27 years?] Nope. When you're right you're right.

[On appreciating natural beauty] Humans appreciate beauty. For most of history it's been: 'That tiger is beautiful. Let me kill that tiger and use it as a rug'

virtues ethics (virtue)

Before I proceed, a disclaimer: there are Latin words and German words which I don't know how to pronounce.

[On women and trees being 'things' rather than 'objects'] You look at a thing as an object. You don't look at it as something to use, something to play with... That's what Heidegger is talking about. You can look at a tree as an object, much in the same way as you objectify a woman, or you can look at it as a thing. You can be a timber merchant, you can be an artist [who wants to paint it]... It can be a playful object, a thing for you to play with... It's not an object which just sits there. (?)

Employees who are illegible to participate in the plan (eligible)

Just now I was in the canteen. I saw one of the posters - 'Old people are pathetic': near the drinks stall. I was very tempted to add: 'That's what you'll grow to be'

[On CPF] You hear in the news about the GLC returns... Why not just link the returns?

My impression scheming through it (skimming)

Altruism. Gods forbid. (God)

[On economics students being more selfish] Is it because we teach you nash equilibrium, game theory?... Maybe not. Maybe you come in an evil person... Maybe when you come in you were already damaged.

[On experiments] Double blind is important because you don't want to seem like an asshole... You don't want the experimenter to know you're an asshole.

[On increasing size of payouts] We all have low budgets, so how do we expand the stakes? Run across the border to less developed countries. (increase)

[On ultimatum and dictator games] Men were not especially generous toward attractive women... But the women offered about 5% more to attractive men than unattractive men. I was wondering if this has anything to do with Singapore Idol and Campus Superstar. The winners are always guys.

This guy from Hong Kong. I don't know how he did it. He managed to find some monks. Must be Tibetan smonks. He got them to play the dictator game... [Student: Keep it all for himself]... Buddhists are better people. (monks)

[On calling people] My friend picked up when he was on top of the girl

[On essay citations] Wiki is fine - I don't have any problem with that.

*** [is] not coming? I kinda miss her - bubble tea.
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