When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, December 30, 2007

"Seeing ourselves as others see us would probably confirm our worst suspicions about them." - Franklin P. Adams


Me: *complicated tale of intrigue*

Someone: lesbians always a lot of drama one

Me: they're not lesbians

*** is a guy

why people are so... like that ah
haiyah. make love, not war.

Someone: girls:P

Me: haha true

Someone: more specifically, sg girls

nah. go watch mean girls :P

Someone: i think the proportion of women in sg who think they're princesses are higher than in many places though

Someone else providing an interesting insight: i think late romantic music becomes more angsty
i like that

Me: do jap girls speak high on purpose?

Xephyris in Japan: i doubt they're doing it consciously
because they'd slip up otherwise and i've never seen one slip up

Me: socialisation ah

Xephyris: they do affect pretty cute voices

it works, because i'm quite taken in
singaporean girls should learn a few tricks from the japanese girls if you ask me

you know
japanese girls don't look all that good either [compared to Singapore girls]

but they know how to do a few things
1) carry themselves well
2) understated make up does fantastic things
3) play to their strengths w

generally they're all better at carrying themselves than singaporean girls haha
you better tell those girls you know that they face stiff competition outside

actually the guys in singapore also need to learn hhahaa
i steal their kungfu then i come back and demo

Me: well the thing is for girls aesthetic appeal, the attribute they are primarily judged by, is easily ascertained with a glance or two

for guys you need longer
so hard to evaluate non-spore guys

Xephyris: it's not just that
japanese girls know how to "appeal" (to use japanese english) in a short time

so on top of aesthetic appeal you get also some idea of what the girl is like
it's a lot of things like how they talk, tone of voice, choice of words, how they greet you, etc

and you can infer immediately based on a large pool of shared knowledef
unspoken norms
societal expectations


as a foreigner, you dont' need to follow japanese norms if you dont want to

to japanese girls, japanese guys have certain minuses

Me: chauvinistic?

Xephyris: among other things w
it's complicated haha

everyone here knows how to make the first impression count

i've never groomed myself this much in singapore
here, if i don't do it, i look unkempt

japanese people very reserved also so if you say something wrong you'll never know
in this manner i guess singaporeans are easier to talk to
singaporeans very open, quite nice, if you piss them off you can always tell hahahah

Me: japan so stressful
this must be why those guys in their 20s/30s live with their parents
don't interact much with the world

what's the name for them ah

Xephyris: there's a lot to be said for this whole "unspoken etiquette and grace' thing

Someone: i think our demo possi class is smarter than the average person in carleton

Someone else: you could try not being yourself
girls do it all the time

Me: hahahahahaha
and look how dysfunctional they are

Someone: women have a 6th sense, nonsense

Someone else: it's not liberal groupthink i mind
it's liberal groupthinl coupled with the worst excesses of the cultural revolution

Me: oh yes
hysterical shrieking etc

Someone else: and denoucements
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