Their tagline seems to be: "Do you have smooth legs that go on forever?"
Unfortunately, we will never know, since the only visuals the contestant information pages (2 examples) provide us with are:

A mugshot

A full-body picture

Relative proportions: 326px vertical pixels of the finalist are visible, but only 100px of leg and 70px of unobscured leg.
You will also note that the latter has only about 300 vertical pixels (px) of the finalist visible, about 30px of the most important part (the legs) of which are covered with some strange pink gradient, leaving only 70px unobscured. Since we are given a (relatively) large view of their faces, maybe it's a subtle hint that they used Veet to remove their facial hair.
The finalists' pages also have no information about them except their names (3/10 didn't even bother giving us their surnames), ages and occupations, so how we can judge their "sunny disposition" and "X-factor" (source, with more [tiny] pictures) remains a mystery.
Perhaps the final will be more interesting, "as [they] crown the girl with the smoothest legs, gorgeous smile and striking personality". Since degrees of smoothness can only be discerned with a tactile test, there might be some fireworks.
Finally, one of their judges is Dawn Yang. How appropriate.