Monday, October 22, 2007
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Someone: ya i know they are together
they are like plaster and that plastic thingy on it before you peel it open
Someone else: when u say profound things people do think about it
and you do crazy things with a sound reasoning behind them
there's a specific reason to them
and its not just random, thoughtless rubbish
like say running down singapore naked with an american flag
which i guess CAN be symbolic
but u get my drift
its better than the idiots i meet who give stupid comments like " the geisha here has a very painted face, illustrating a focus on make up"
pple are so stupid these days esp in the gem classes
u get pple frm like engineering
pple dont know the word 'dichotony'
HWMNBN: if you believe in the right to abortion, is it okay to abort if your child has a genetic tendnecy to homosexuality?
please post that on YR
see how the liberals react
HWMNBN: i know. particularly since the liberals tend to argue for the genetic basis for homosexuality as well
Me: I find it ironic how, though they are so keen on genes being responsible for little and socialization accounting for so much, that homosexuality is seen as 100% genetic
MFM on someone: he's a girl really
can't bloody refute an argument w/o blethering emotional bollocks
Me: so who else is guilty of that
MFM: girls
Someone: (God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (Hardcover) by Christopher Hitchens)
saw this at Kinokuniya ytd
Me: hoho sedition
Someone: ya i know they are together
they are like plaster and that plastic thingy on it before you peel it open
Someone else: when u say profound things people do think about it
and you do crazy things with a sound reasoning behind them
there's a specific reason to them
and its not just random, thoughtless rubbish
like say running down singapore naked with an american flag
which i guess CAN be symbolic
but u get my drift
its better than the idiots i meet who give stupid comments like " the geisha here has a very painted face, illustrating a focus on make up"
pple are so stupid these days esp in the gem classes
u get pple frm like engineering
pple dont know the word 'dichotony'
HWMNBN: if you believe in the right to abortion, is it okay to abort if your child has a genetic tendnecy to homosexuality?
please post that on YR
see how the liberals react
HWMNBN: i know. particularly since the liberals tend to argue for the genetic basis for homosexuality as well
Me: I find it ironic how, though they are so keen on genes being responsible for little and socialization accounting for so much, that homosexuality is seen as 100% genetic
MFM on someone: he's a girl really
can't bloody refute an argument w/o blethering emotional bollocks
Me: so who else is guilty of that
MFM: girls
Someone: (God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything (Hardcover) by Christopher Hitchens)
saw this at Kinokuniya ytd
Me: hoho sedition