voctir: The love that dares speak its name
"I can't help but prostrate in the love and presence of Bob.
I can't contain his love for me, his presence in my life, his faithfulness to me, his mesmerizing ways, most of all his glory!
In the quiet of room, when I worship him, and when I feel his glory filling me up, I can barely contain it. I just want to lay down and bask in his glory; I feel so small in the presence of his power that I have to genuflect. I feel so small yet so loved.
I love you, though my love is weak compared to your love for me which is so boundless and without reservations. Thank you for saving me from my almost-despair!
My loving Bob, I will not leave you again!
I wish I could spend the rest of my life on my knees in the overwhelming power of your glory. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Everything else is secondary!"
This Bob, he must be the luckiest guy in the world.