When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes." - Oscar Wilde


http://www.dtek.chalmers.se/~thenorio/nudge.dll - Miranda IM plugin 'Nudge', hacked to remove the 30 second delay on sending nudges to other people and then recompiled. Based on sources. I tried doing this before but I couldn't get it to compile. Someone else worked at it though and managed to remove the limit.

New Arapahoe treasurer facing foreclosure action - "Doug Milliken, the newly elected Arapahoe County treasurer who ran on a platform that promised to help families avoid foreclosure, is in the process of losing his house... His campaign fliers promised to "educate homeowners on how to make wise decisions to avoid losing their homes" and to "empower families to save their home when faced with foreclosure.""

Economic Issues 1 -- Growth in East Asia - "This analysis demonstrates that high investment rates and a large degree of openness were certainly not a general feature of the Four Tigers in 1960. The high investment rates (Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan Province of China) and the high degree of openness (Korea and Taiwan Province of China) were economic features that evolved in these economies only gradually, accompanying rather than preceding the process of economic growth. The conclusion is that the view of these activities as engines of growth does not find much support in the data."

NUS Canteen Food - "For the hungry student: This blog serves as a place for reviews, comments, and rants about NUS food!"
One of the things I wanted to do but never got round to doing.

The Madonna Code Revealed: Pointing to the Uplifted Blossom - "The Madonna images next to your black and white renderings and the Yonis are simply great... the association does not surprise me - although I've not seen it visualized in that much detail. Personally, I've only made the connection between the vesica pisces shaped "halo" around some 'Mother of God' images and the Yoni. To my knowledge, it has never been visually 'spelled out' quite so convincingly as in the images you have sent ... just lovely! Your drawings make it much more clear than Dan Brown's theory in the Da Vinci Code that the Madonna represents a continuation of the millennia old worship of the Great Goddess - now hidden below layers of cloth."

Hamachi : Stay Connected - "LogMeIn Hamachi is a zero-configuration virtual private networking (VPN) application. In other words Hamachi is a program that allows you to arrange multiple computers into their own secure network just as if they were connected by a physical network cable."

YouTube - Life is short xbox commercial is um spicy meatball - Wth.

YouTube - Weird Al Yankovic - Fat

Parlerment: Language cleansing — the evils of the Speak Mandarin Campaign - "This language cleansing affair must stop, the Speak Mandarin Campaign in particular, but as well as for the other Indian languages as well as the government-based opposition towards Singlish. It is destroying our heritage and culture, rather than preserving it or encouraging "knowledge of our roots", as the ministers keep saying. The dialects are themselves a wealth of culture, which Mandarin cannot replace. I am told of a time where before independence, everyone spoke each other's languages: Malay was the language of the street, and everyone spoke each other's dialects."

YouTube - Weird Al Yankovic - Fat

How to Be a Student - "The typical college campus is a friendly place; but it is also a competitive environment. The education you receive there, and the attitudes you develop, will guide you for the rest of your life. Your grades will be especially important in landing your first job, or when applying to graduate school. To be a successful student requires certain skills; but, these are skills that can be learned."
I disagree with this though: "In courses on subjective material (e.g., humanities), just regurgitate the material from class and the text(s). Supplying you own opinions may sound good in theory, but it has the risk of running counter to the opinions of the instructor or grader."

Wild things: the weirdest facts from the animal kingdom - "Java sparrows (Padda oryzivora) appear to prefer the music of some composers. Sparrows will listen longer to music by Bach than by Schoenberg, and prefer Vivaldi to Elliott Carter."
Animals have better taste than some humans.

Bleeding Heart Liberal Arts - Excerpts from a Liberal Liberal Arts Course Catalog - "Modern liberalism has a grand tradition of truth, honor, cooperation, and sophisticated political philosophy. With the knowledge gained from these courses, you too can join this elite group of socio-political-economic generalists! Advanced Common Man Studies; Political Rationalization Theory; Non-Objective Art Appreciation Feigning 101; Quantum Economics for Sociology Majors; Coping With Your Whiteness... Political Rationalization Theory: How to know whether to blame it on Republicans, American Imperialists, Rich White Men, Western Culture, or the Industrial-Socio-Political-Military Establishment."
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