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Saturday, September 09, 2006

FT.com / World / Asia-Pacific - IMF and World Bank rebuke Singapore

"The International Monetary Fund and World Bank on Friday issued an unprecedented rebuke to Singapore over a ban on accredited activists invited to attend the annual meetings of the two financial institutions next week.

The IMF/World Bank suggested that Singapore had violated the terms of its agreement to host the event by blocking the entry of 19 civil society representatives, who allegedly posed a security threat.

"Singapore had promised to faciliate the entry of accredited representatives under the memorandum of understanding with us," a World Bank official said. The IMF/World Bank was only informed this week of Singapore's plans."

Looks like they want to have their cake and eat it - the prestige of holding international conferences, without the responsibilities that entails.

I love the last paragraph though:

"The chief of Indonesia’s national police, Sutanto, told reporters that NGOs would not be allowed to hold protests on Batam, although authorities would let them meet. “Seminars are welcome,” he said. “But there should be no political agenda, let alone rallies, because this could make foreigners think Indonesia is not safe for investment.”"

Of course, foreigners are not deterred from investing because of KKN (Korruption, Kronyism and Nepotism), kidnapping or the TNI's machinations. This must be called the Singapore disease - thinking that peaceful demonstrations constitute political instability.

But then again, Singapore's violating its agreement with the IMF and World Bank means it's not safe for investment, since it breaks pre-agreed contracts willy-nilly. The multiplier effect from the meeting will be minimal due to our open economy, but who knows what the multiplier effect from pulling a fast one on the IMF and World Bank will be?

Of course, the Nation-Building Press has a different spin: Singapore praised for role in planning Programme of Seminars. And the rebuke somehow metamorphosised into "a joint statement".

(Also see: Singapore under fire as World Bank-IMF protest)
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