4/7 - Rome (Part 2)
*This post was supposed to have some photos in it, but thanks to the incompetence/stupidity/laziness of a French Internet Cafe staff member in Nimes, they have been lost for eternity*
Supplements to previous post:
*Sarcophagus of St Helena - Constantine's Mother*
There were simply too many people crowding the Sistine Chapel for the guards to control, and they were lazy too, either just standing where they were or standing where they were and talking to other guards, so people just snapped away.
Just before I left, the guards, tired of shouting, played a message about not taking pictures, but people were as likely to follow it as if they had been told to jump into a Roman fountain.
In the room with Papal Bulls, most of them were not labelled. I wonder if anyone has theorised that the Donation of Constantine failed its dating test because it was afflicted with demonic interference.
I went back to see if the early Christian art was now open. It'd gotten even better - now the whole wing (including ethnology) was closed.
*Smalti dipinti su lastre di rave limoges* (Enamels painted on slabs of rave limoges)
16th ventury.
*Fresco fragment - river boat Isis geminian embarking provisions for transportation*
1st half of 3rd century AD. Ostia.
I emerged from the Vatican museums at 3:10 - I'd taken 5 hours including a short and a long pizza break and a 10 minute feet rest.
*Basilica of St Pietro in Vincoli*
It is forbidden to stop in front of the Moses statue to give explanations. Wth.
*Michelangelo's Moses*
Replacement pictures:

They were very smart - for €0,50, a light would illuminate Moses' statue for a period of time.
*"Urna can le catene di San Pietro" - Chains that held St Peter prisoner*
Replacement picture:

Being in Rome in July makes you realise why the Italians invented gelato.
*I admire this guy. 35 degrees heat*
Presumably this photo was of someone overdressed.
*Statue of Augustus Caesar*
All hail the Dear Leader.
*Statue of Julius Caesar*
All hail the Great Leader.
*Ruins beside Carcere Mamertino*
At the Musei Capitolini, they wanted to see an ISIC, but I got by with my EU student card and Euro <26 card. *Courtyard, Palazzo dei Conservatori* *Imperial Clemency* 176-80 AD, with Marcus Aurelius *Sarcophagus with the Calydonian boar hunt* Replacement pictures:

*Head of an Amazon*
Copyof bronze original for 440-30 BC Ephesus contest
*Mosaic with Orestes & Iphigenia*
2-3rd century AD
*Marcus Aurelius on horseback*
Replacement pictures:

Replacement picture of reproduction outside:

*Head, hand of Constantine*
Presumably this is what they are, since these weren't labelled.