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Friday, March 24, 2006

Walkthrough for The Wicked

(My Little Bird has posted a new, updated walkthrough so please stop emailing me/leaving comments asking for answers! Thanks.)

Some readers, visitors to Tomorrow.sg or otherwise, will have heard of this game by "Tay Wei Kiat with a rated IQ of 137", and which apparently used to bill itself as being "similar to famous online puzzle site such as godtower and thisnotporn" and "the newest revolution in the online puzzle site realm".

Basically, it's conceptually similar to such games as Petals Around The Rose and the baffling, incomprehensible action/association games JC kids like to play, like so: One person will point in one direction and say it's 3 o'clock, point in another and say it's 5 o'clock and point in a third direction and ask people to guess what time it is. In reality, the "time" is determined by something else, like how his fingers are crossed.

Being fond of breaking such covenants (the one not to reveal the answers to people but let them figure it out on their own), seeing how many people are crying out for solutions and observing that many of the answers are so far out of the box as to be in another plane of existence, I shall proceed to do up answers for each level (at least each that I've completed, unaided or otherwise).

Needless to say, this walkthrough is choke-full of spoilers, so those who prefer to solve the game on their own are advised to skip the rest of this post (except for the part asking those who have solved Level 31 and beyond to send in the answers).

Level 1: All's White

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/2level.html
Explanation: Select all the text on the page and you'll see the answer.

Level 2: Look inside me.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/stage3.html
Explanation: View source.

Level 3: Look there...

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/4window.html
Explanation: Look at the title of the window.

Level 4: 1, 2, 3, 4, High X?

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/high5.html
Explanation: High 5

Level 5: The answer is obvious.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/obvious.html
Explanation: "Obvious" is literally the answer.

Level 6: Name of the first style

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/grey.html
Explanation: The source references the stylesheet main.css. The first style named in there is "grey"

Level 7: forget the last Losers!

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/grey.htm
Explanation: Drop the last "l" in the filename.

Level 8: Use your first knowledge.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/smartguy.html
Explanation: Solve it the same way you did Level 1.

Level 9: Dotz

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/notfound.html
Explanation: Click on the colon ("dots")

Level 10: Find it.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/found.html
Explanation: The filename is "notfound", so you "find" it.

Level 11: Come again another day

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/yougothint.html
Explanation: Set your system clock one day forward and enter the site from the front page again ("resume").

Level 12: Web + Woods

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/blogs.html
Explanation: Web + logs - you cut logs from the woods.

Level 13: The number!

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/1.html
Explanation: I've no idea. Presumably because people say "The number 1!" This can also be interpreted in that "!" is gotten by pressing the number "1" on the keyboard.

Level 14: From Z to M.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/zxcvbnm.html
Explanation: The letters on the keyboard from Z to M run: "zxcvbnm"

Level 15: The # without #
*image of a cyan-ish square*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/7dc0eb.html
Explanation: The hex code for that colour is "#7dc0eb", so remove the hex.

Level 16: Name it in ABC
*picture of Hualalalala T-shirt*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/hci.html
Explanation: Hwa Chong Institution = HCI

Level 17: All's Almost White
*picture of white box*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/jumpinghappily.html
Explanation: I'm told that if you tweak your display's contrast, you will see "jumping happily"

Level 18: Look inside
*picture of cookes*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/1level9.html
Explanation: Check the cookies directory/file in your browser's temporary files folder. One cookie will be named as being the hint for level 19.

Level 19: Its time to gif.
*picture of wrapped gift box*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/lala.html
Explanation: The picture is named "gift.jpg". Loading "gift.gif" delivers one the answer.

Level 20: Time at 3.30 is not negative.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/tehran.html
Explanation: Tehran has time offset GMT+3:30

Level 21: Who's that?
*picture of skeleton*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/robert.html
Explanation: The picture of the skeleton is named "robert.jpg"

Level 22: The answer.
*3 random pictures*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/42.html
Explanation: The 3 pictures are named "life", "universe" and "everything". The answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42 (according to Douglas Adams).

Level 23: Go beyond the answer.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/43.html
Explanation: 42 + 1 = 43

Level 24: Hear it.
*picture of waves*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/justanother.html
Explanation: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/images/waves.wav has someone (presumably the author of the site) saying "juss an'udder" (sic)

Level 25: The second
*picture of a hand pointing*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/index2.html
Explanation: The picture is of an index finger, so the second index (index2) is the answer.

Level 26: Good but obsolete
*picture of Sony MD player*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/fly.html
Explanation: The morse code in the top left hand corner reads "F L Y"

Level 27: Search first.
*picture of key*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/puzzle.html
Explanation: You have to search index.html for the first "key"word - "puzzle".

Level 28: The untruth of transports
*picture of transport vehicles*

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/hjftuop.html
Explanation: Typing "hjftuop" in the Webdings font gives one that series of vehicles.

Level 29: Say thy name
A tiny little fish,
slithers into your year.
It can never be made a dish,
but can translate for you to hear.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/babelfish.html
Explanation: The poem is a reference to Douglas Adams's Babelfish.

Level 30: Hidden far in darkness lies the truth only blind can see.

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/potato.html
Explanation: The word "potato" is spelt in Braille (which the blind "read").

Level 31: Wicked College

Solution: http://weikiat.ikueb.com/thewicked/potato/college.html
Explanation: Click on the phrase "Wicked College"

Level 31: Imagine that you are a student. No alternatives. Just believe it. You are a poor miserable student carrying your poor miserable bag over your pathetic back and you are now standing at the school gate. The school bell rang in the distance.

- Run Home
- Pet Kitten
- Run Home
- Do It
- Run Home
- Approach Car
- Yes

I hope you have appreciated this walkthrough, brought to you with much generous assistance from She-who-has-a-high-I[g]Q (idiotic [game] quotient). Many thanks to enHanC3X of the Hardwarezone forums also for the solutions to Level 27-30.

Those with the answers to Level 31 and beyond are solicited to leave a comment or contact me by other means, so that I may add to this walkthrough.

Honouring the author's rude request, I will not add solutions to any more levels.

(My Little Bird has posted a new, updated walkthrough so please stop emailing me/leaving comments asking for answers! Thanks.)
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