I shall post this, part of a scan of the cover of an issue of the Hikaru no go manga, whenever stupid Americans get upset over someone's use of the abbreviation "Jap".
Hitler has only got one ball / Adolf Hitler / Heil Hitler / NSDAP
England 1939-1940
Hitler, he only had one ball,
Goering, he had two but very small,
Himmler had something simmler,
But poor old Goebbels had no balls at all.
Whistle Chorus:
Frankfurt has only one beer hall,
Stuttgart, die München all on call,
Munich, vee lift our tunich,
To show vee 'Cherman' have no balls at all.
Whistle Chorus:
Hans Otto is very short, not tall,
And blotto, for drinking Singhai and Skol.
A 'Cherman', unlike Bruce Erwin,
Because Hans Otto has no balls at all.
Whistle Chorus:
Hitler has only got one ball,
The other is in the Albert Hall.
His mother, the dirty bugger,
Cut it off when he was small.
Whistle Chorus:
Someone: macs are awful machines
there's no rightclick button
Me: hehe
the mac whores will claim you don't need one
and anyway there's the $60 mighty mouse
Someone: the mac whores don't realise that you can rightclick ANYWHERE on the desktop to bring up a context menu that has multiple options (new XYZ program file, especially)
the only good thing about macs is the rotating wallpaper thing
i felt like i was using win3.11, with the annoying frequently with which i had to go to the top window to click on options
Me: they will claim you can Cmd + Click to bring up a context menu
Someone: the context menu is part of mac, but only limited to mac
programs don't have mac-integrated shells that allow you to add stuff to that context menu
Me: I'm sure you can go hack the Unix code
but that's besides the point, once again
Someone: in windows, you rightclick on desktop, any folder, you get arrange icons, refresh, {new}. that new is quite important
to go from tab to tab in firefox, you need to press 3 keys: command, mac, and arrow key
rubbishy... since in windows you just need 2: control-tab
Me: wah that sucks
you know, fundies and mac whores share a lot in common
Someone: and look. minimum specs for winxp is 400MHz pentium2
minimum specs for the latest macosX is a 400MHz G4
difference being that mac G4 is just 2 years old
rate of os obsoleting hardware is phenomenal in mac machines, in other words
itunes 7 cannot be installed on a first-gen imac
os and software obselete hardware by refusing to be installed on 'slower' machines
machines get obsolete if new software or OS cannot be installed on them
the 400MHz p2 came out 1998 *(at least i bought mine then)
winXP came out x year. hence 400MHz machine got obsolete in y years
no matter which version of winXP, you are guaranteed that if your machine could run winXP original, your machine will be able to run sp2, sp3, sp4, etc
mac: 10.3.x cannot be installed in the first generation imacs
Me: ah
so it's a built in thing
the Apple tax is levied in another insidious way
this is contrived obsolescence
Someone: quicktime. i can't watch anything on my workplace mac, since the quicktime5+ cannot be installed on the firstgen imac
i got so annoyed i started to use mac's notepad equivalent to write my stuff instead of office
the latest adobe suite requires G5 to install, not just G4 chips
so my boss was complaining: his harddisk is bigger than the minimum, he has twice the recommended ram, but he can't install the latest adobe
i pity the macheads
Me: false consciousness :)