This place called Charlie Chiu's Restaurant was selling Babi Pangang, yet above some parts of their menu floated the "100% Halal" sign. A quick glance at their kitchen made me doubt that they had separate preparation ideas. Maybe the Halal food was pre-prepared.
I saw a Delifrance in the city. I forgot to check if they bill themselves as being the authentic blah blah, and whether they serve wine. I wonder if they have any branches in France, and if they do, what they bill themselves as there.
Though many places sell frites, the place where I get mine from at the train station offers smaller servings and prices them cheaper than competing outlets, which kills 2 birds with one stone.
I saw half-priced 2L soft drink bottles at Spar, the supermarket near my house. Curious, since I'd never seen soft drinks offered at a discount before, I examined them and found that they'd expired in August 2005. Considering the shelf life of soft drinks, that must've been a really old batch.
I finally gave up on humidifying my room and bought moisturiser and lip balm. The first time I applied the former my face stung for 2 minutes.
I should franchise 7-11 or some other 24 hour chain here. I'll probably make millions (if it's not banned by the labour laws).
One PRC in one of my classes thought I was an ABC, because of the way I spoke (maybe he meant the ease with which). Wth.
I had my first wth moment on viewing this:

Now I know what they meant by:
"Note that both courses are "level 3" courses, which are third year bachelor's courses. They might therefore take more effort and studyload to complete the courses succesfully."
Unfortunately, this is not the course they described as such:
"We must tell you that regarding to the course *** (***) you should be aware of the difficulty of the material."
[On using his research in teaching] I'm kind of taking you into my own problems.
[On Economists knowing you can change human behavior by chanigng the environment] I was reading an article the other day written by an electrical engineer... he was saying you build windmills in the North Sea, no one will want electricity during the night, so we shouldn't build the windmills... He's an engineer. He didn't consider if you change the price of electricity...
[On a model] I've taken out the beautiful colours, but I'm sure you'll understand.
[On solving an optimisation problem] And then, of course, the mathematician wakes up.
[On a question on the mafia] Do we have someone from Sicily here? No? Then we can take this example.
Give an example of social justice... [Bulgarian student: If you're a foreigner, and you go to a museum, you pay more than if you're a local] Why do you pay more if you're a foreigner? Because you're richer?... I would call that discrimination.
[Student: How about students? We get discounts because we're poor.] Always think you're poor. But of course you're not, because you have a job, you've rich parents...
[On conventions] When you create your own language, no one will understand you. Babies make up their own language. No one understands them. Mothers do. Mothers think they do.
In the exam, you can write 'According to Mr *** during the lecture'. [Student: Must we write 'according to Mr ***'?] Yes, I'm marking it... Then I'll know you're paying attention.
[On internal institutions becoming external ones] In Poland you can't piss in public places, but you could until a few years ago.