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Thursday, December 22, 2005

I got the following in my mail (no, I'm not a female student - someone just forwarded it to me). Somehow along the way, it went from being addressed to all female students to student leaders. Ah well:

To: Presidents of NUSSU & its Constituent Clubs
Presidents of Student Societies
Presidents of Interest Groups

Dear Presidents

We would appreciate it if you could circulate the attached invitation to all your female Exco/Management Committee Members and encourage them to attend the Dialogue Session on the evening of 11 Jan 2006 at LT 31, S16 Building (next to Science Canteen). You may also extend the invitation to your female fellow students.

Please inform them to send their replies to activity@nus.edu.sg by 27 December 2005

We need your assistance as the expected number of female students attending the Dilaogue session is 100. Many thanks for you help.



Dear Female Students

The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) would like to invite NUS Female Students to attend a dialogue session with the female Members of Parliament led by Mrs Lim Hwee Hua, Minister of State of Finance and Transport. She will also be accompanied by 5 female Members of Parliament.

The dialogue session will be held on Wednesday, 11 January 2006 from 8pm to 9.30pm at the Faculty of Science, Lecture Theatre 31. The schedule is as follows :

7.30pm - Reception (LT31 Foyer, Level 3, S16 Building, [next to Science Canteen] )

8.00pm - Commencement of Dialogue Session

9.30pm - End of Dialogue Session

Interested female students, please register with us before 27 December 2005. Kindly send us your reply with your name, course, year of study, matric no. , contact no., email address and topic of interest for discussion (if any) to activity@nus.edu.sg

Thanks and regards
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