Saturday, November 26, 2005
"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'" - Sigmund Freud
One more lesson we must learn from the Fall of Singapore and the Japanese Occupation:
No matter how benevolent, noble or competent your rulers may appear or make themselves out to be, or how much they profess to be serving their people, they always have their own interests at heart, not those of the people they govern.
So eternal vigilance and ceaseless questioning is a must.
Someone came up with the most silly hypothetical argument against the death penalty in Singapore being rescinded for drug traffickers: "now its so indoctrinated...if we were to let him off...then it would be unfair to e rest who have been hanged"
The sad thing is, I can actually see one or two people seriously using this argument. I wonder if they'd say the same about allowing other constituencies to have opposition candidates contesting them, or it would be "unfair" to those others who can't vote.
Me on another ridiculous Straits Times Forum letter: Why do we need a propaganda department when the people themselves spout it?
Molly Meek: Maybe the machine has evolved from one that produces propaganda to one that serves as an outlet for people who spout it? This is how we become an "inclusive" society.
What's the story on numerology? - "The King James translation of the bible was published in the year 1611, when Shakespeare was 46. In the 46th psalm, the 46th word from the top is "Shake" and the 46th word from the bottom (discounting the liturgical instruction "selah") is "spear." What more proof could you need that Shakespeare wrote the KJV?"
I love the hidden meanings revealed by numbers!
White Elephant T-shirts are now available. I've placed an order. Have you? Actually I'm very sad. I wired them the money on the night of the 16th, but still haven't gotten my T-shirt. It was supposed to have been sent out "within this week", so it should be in the mail by now. And I was looking forward to wearing it to my exam today...
One more lesson we must learn from the Fall of Singapore and the Japanese Occupation:
No matter how benevolent, noble or competent your rulers may appear or make themselves out to be, or how much they profess to be serving their people, they always have their own interests at heart, not those of the people they govern.
So eternal vigilance and ceaseless questioning is a must.
Someone came up with the most silly hypothetical argument against the death penalty in Singapore being rescinded for drug traffickers: "now its so indoctrinated...if we were to let him off...then it would be unfair to e rest who have been hanged"
The sad thing is, I can actually see one or two people seriously using this argument. I wonder if they'd say the same about allowing other constituencies to have opposition candidates contesting them, or it would be "unfair" to those others who can't vote.
Me on another ridiculous Straits Times Forum letter: Why do we need a propaganda department when the people themselves spout it?
Molly Meek: Maybe the machine has evolved from one that produces propaganda to one that serves as an outlet for people who spout it? This is how we become an "inclusive" society.
What's the story on numerology? - "The King James translation of the bible was published in the year 1611, when Shakespeare was 46. In the 46th psalm, the 46th word from the top is "Shake" and the 46th word from the bottom (discounting the liturgical instruction "selah") is "spear." What more proof could you need that Shakespeare wrote the KJV?"
I love the hidden meanings revealed by numbers!
White Elephant T-shirts are now available. I've placed an order. Have you? Actually I'm very sad. I wired them the money on the night of the 16th, but still haven't gotten my T-shirt. It was supposed to have been sent out "within this week", so it should be in the mail by now. And I was looking forward to wearing it to my exam today...