When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

"The saying "Getting there is half the fun" became obsolete with the advent of commercial airlines." - Henry J. Tillman

Random Playlist Song: Hasse - Cleofide 2-07 Aria GANDARTE Voi che adorate i


Someone on why doing group work with girls is bad: when ur in it you always gotta take the initiative
most of em expect to be fed data and intructions on a platter and some some think youre being bossy when you do that
some insist on their way even when youve done it before and know that their way is going to run intotrouble
and when treouble comes they sart in pms mode and shoot everything off the ceiling
thats the gist

most of em are likethat. there are some gems though

I wonder what the girls think about doing group work with boys.


I hope this is a subtle parody by some bored NUS student of the attitudes of the Moral Majority:

"Rock concert is negative

Most Rock Concert is teachign negative falues, which are geenrally unfruitful & potentially destructive for a normal society life, i.e.: values of ahtred, violende, vengeance, masochist/sadist, body piercing, sex-deviation, etc. Activities related to these kinf od groups shoudl not be condoned, yet refrained,a nd banned as necessary. I belive that A country (i.e.: Singapore) would be much better of without these kidn of negative influences. A thorough study by the school/experts from/of social/psychology might need to be done to suport this cause..


Managing civil disobedience - "Its calibrated approach to coercion may be one of the least appreciated of the PAP's many skills. Indeed, stating it this way will probably provoke some incredulity. After all, even some of the PAP's most ardent supporters think it is guilty of occasional overkill. PAP leaders themselves are not coy about their macho side. Mr Lee Kuan Yew talks of knuckledusters and nation-building with equal aplomb. If the PAP were to develop and market a computer game, it would be a cross between SimCity and Street Fighter."
Archived here

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Archived Diary of a Chinese High Boy

Smurfs used as shock treatment in UNICEF's fundraising drive - "Cartoon characters' village bombed in anti-war TV commercial"

Hogwarts Dancers - "A dance team dancing out a Harry Potter skit."
This is very screwy.

Big Music Sues Schoolgirl, Mainstream Media Doesn't Care - "People are paying attention online, but mainstream reporters aren't covering the Britanny Chan outrage. Nor are they showing any interest in the stories about the three American mothers -- Patricia Santangelo, Dawnell Leadbetter and Tanya Andersen -- who, by refusing to cave in to the RIAA's spurious "settlement" offfers, have started a protest which could spread around the world."
Over here they would have caved in, scolded their children and apologised profusely to the RIAS. Oh well.

I pity the staff at the Feedback Unit, for some of the postings on the forums are really painful to read.


Big Brother Awards International

"watching the watchmen worldwide

Government agencies and private companies are increasingly violating the privacy of people everywhere. Enormous amounts of personal data are being collected, stored and processed - often illegally - in the pursuit of more efficient marketing, greater social control, and more powerful mechanisms for monitoring of the citizen.

Fighting crime by committing one appears to be the future solution for law enforcement agencies in the information society of the 21 century. But - who watches the watchmen?

Every year Privacy International and a growing number of affiliate human rights groups present the Big Brother Awards to government agencies, private companies and individuals who have excelled in the violation of our privacy.

The juries worldwide consist of lawyers, academics, consultants, journalists, civil right activists..."
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