Thursday, September 08, 2005
"Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book." - Ronald Reagan
Random Playlist Song: Riku Nuottajarvi - Mycon (A racial theme from Star Control 2's 3DO version)
I finally went for the Vatican exhibition, and my sister gave me a tour. Apparently the tint of the CHIJ pinafore is the same as that of the cloak that the Virgin Mary is always depicted as wearing. Hurr hurr.
Me to NYGH girls on their working on ACM brochures: Is this for CIP?
NYGH girl: Sort of. How you know ah?
Sister: He was from Nanyang also.
NYGH girls: Huh?! *puzzled looks*
Me: Primary.
Carl's Jr was chock full tonight. It seems Singaporeans are willing to pay a premium for real burgers (with bacon inside), and I think they realise this, with the motto for their breakfast combo reading: "Real bacon, real eggs, real delicious!" My brother in law says he's still recovering from the rush of having tasted a real burger in Singapore ("This is so unlike any burger in Singapore").
Given that alcohol has been and is made from such things as potatoes, rice and grape resin, I'm surprised no one has tried making some from soya bean.
Someone tells me that Steven Lim gets his supply of barely legal girlfriends from City Harvest. Ho ho.
I caught part of an episode of Villa Wellness on TV Movile (I thrice typed "TV Mobile" as "TV Movile", so I think this is an incontrovertible signal from my subconscious mind). One team left a team member behind while running, and were punished with 10 pushups. However, these were done while the team members placed their hands on a log raised to about waist level. Gah. Meanwhile the girl who had been left behind had started walking, and they had to send someone back to look for her. Reminds me of 42SAR's 16km Army Half Marathon (AHM) training session, with me in her plae, naturally.
The show is very sanitised, especially considering it's reality TV. You'd think that putting 12 girls in 2 opposing teams would make them more bitchy. Maybe the producers of the show didn't realise that reality TV is supposed to be scripted to make it more exciting. Contrast that with the scene where one girl fainted during America's Top Model: a horribly contrived-looking scene I was subjected to ad nauseum thanks, once again, to TV Movile.
My brother in law's theory about why people think food in Malaysia tastes better than in Singapore: because of the Malaysian smell. I elaborated on the theory. The smell throws your olfactory senses off so the food seems to taste better. Either that or in contradistinction to the smell the food tastes very good.
Possibly also they cook food in smaller portions instead of mass producing it, so it comes out better..
Pinquan on a conversation he had:
"German: So how long is your military service?
Me: Two and a half years.
German: Two and a half years? You have so many enemies?"
Random Playlist Song: Riku Nuottajarvi - Mycon (A racial theme from Star Control 2's 3DO version)
I finally went for the Vatican exhibition, and my sister gave me a tour. Apparently the tint of the CHIJ pinafore is the same as that of the cloak that the Virgin Mary is always depicted as wearing. Hurr hurr.
Me to NYGH girls on their working on ACM brochures: Is this for CIP?
NYGH girl: Sort of. How you know ah?
Sister: He was from Nanyang also.
NYGH girls: Huh?! *puzzled looks*
Me: Primary.
Carl's Jr was chock full tonight. It seems Singaporeans are willing to pay a premium for real burgers (with bacon inside), and I think they realise this, with the motto for their breakfast combo reading: "Real bacon, real eggs, real delicious!" My brother in law says he's still recovering from the rush of having tasted a real burger in Singapore ("This is so unlike any burger in Singapore").
Given that alcohol has been and is made from such things as potatoes, rice and grape resin, I'm surprised no one has tried making some from soya bean.
Someone tells me that Steven Lim gets his supply of barely legal girlfriends from City Harvest. Ho ho.
I caught part of an episode of Villa Wellness on TV Movile (I thrice typed "TV Mobile" as "TV Movile", so I think this is an incontrovertible signal from my subconscious mind). One team left a team member behind while running, and were punished with 10 pushups. However, these were done while the team members placed their hands on a log raised to about waist level. Gah. Meanwhile the girl who had been left behind had started walking, and they had to send someone back to look for her. Reminds me of 42SAR's 16km Army Half Marathon (AHM) training session, with me in her plae, naturally.
The show is very sanitised, especially considering it's reality TV. You'd think that putting 12 girls in 2 opposing teams would make them more bitchy. Maybe the producers of the show didn't realise that reality TV is supposed to be scripted to make it more exciting. Contrast that with the scene where one girl fainted during America's Top Model: a horribly contrived-looking scene I was subjected to ad nauseum thanks, once again, to TV Movile.
My brother in law's theory about why people think food in Malaysia tastes better than in Singapore: because of the Malaysian smell. I elaborated on the theory. The smell throws your olfactory senses off so the food seems to taste better. Either that or in contradistinction to the smell the food tastes very good.
Possibly also they cook food in smaller portions instead of mass producing it, so it comes out better..
Pinquan on a conversation he had:
"German: So how long is your military service?
Me: Two and a half years.
German: Two and a half years? You have so many enemies?"
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