DXO is a most curious place. Part of the outside is 'decorated' with many fluffy white protrusions. On closer inspection, though, one finds that these protrusions are actually cable ties - white plastic strips which are used to secure wires together. Right. The notice at the entrance makes a pretense at humour, but it comes across as being forced and un-funny (eg "Pets are not allowed. Party animals are welcome", or words to that effect). They also have a sexist admission policy which is unfortunately not unique to them; males need to be 23 to enter, but females only 18.
The toilets at DXO suck. To be more precise, those on the ground level suck. Firstly, the mirrored area and the washbasin are shared between the male and female parts of the toilet. The toilet's open concept mean that no partition separates the gender-specific areas from the general area; the icons that denote which gender goes to which side are indistinct, blurred and placed below eye level. To cut a long story short, this means that I walked into the female section of the toilet at first, not noticing that there were 2 areas beyond the common one; Kok Heng theorises that this is done on purpose, so guys and girls will run into each other in the toilet, accidentally or otherwise. I saw a whole row of cubicles, and wondered if the lack of partitions and apparent lack of signage meant it was a unisex toilet. I went into one cubicle and noticed the little bin beside the toilet bowl. With this clue, I went back into the common area and entered the male area, finally noticing the small, indistinct signs pointing each gender in the right direction, as well as the curious mirror placed at eye level above the common urinal.
The attempt of my No 1 fan, She with formerly rebonded and dyed mid-back length hair which is now dyed black and soft straightened, is fond of black dominatrix-style pumps, and has a serious attitude problem, yet who disavows the title of ah lian (tamade to you too), to humiliate me with the “Clip Gabriel’s Rebonded Hair” meme failed, unfortunately. 2 clips were donated by her, and 1 from my No 2 fan, She with D cup breasts, a military uniform fetish and used to have a thing for Calmone, though she took it back quickly after taking a photo. Apparently I looked horny in them though. Oh, and 1 brown hair tie was given to me by some random girl at the entrance when I was pimping T-shirts before the Gates to Hell opened, so kudos are due to her.
A lot of reporters asked for group photos of all the Tomorrow.sg editors. Unfortunately, they walked away unsatiated. We were saying that instead, we should've gotten a group photo of all the reporters. We didn't manage that, but we did snap shots of most of them in a role reversal.
There was a plot to get me drunk, so I went to hide in the VIP room where I knew my No 1 and No 2 fans couldn't get (unfortunately, some bright spark gave the VIP room glass walls, so everyone could peer in and see what we were doing). However, I was not safe from Tym machinations. I asked her to get me a drink, and she came back with a glass of safe-looking Coke-like liquid which unfortunately tasted unpleasant, being both bitter and sour - some
[Addendum: Critic 1 reports: My colleague went into DXO at 1030pm. Not part of the blogging community. the drinks were still diluted. that's why the place is so empty]
Only one stranger came up to take a photo with me, though 2-3 people touched my hair (IIRC). Aww. Though one more wanted to, and incidentally delivered the most amusing (at least to me) line of the day:
Are you the guy who wrote “Why People Think My Chemistry Teacher is Gay?”

[Addendum: Lancerlord informs us that girls really *do* throw stones at boys. Tsk tsk, looks likes the T-shirt is inciting violence!]
Someone: are men always like this?
Me: hmm. I wouldn't know. haven't been with any men, you see
what do your female friends say?
Someone: i didnt ask them
they're all reading HBP [Ed: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]
Me: ... women
Someone else: oh dear
why is it always the '82 batch
bunch of psychos, the whole lot of them
Someone else (2): go do the evol psych class and hope the fundamentalist idiots don't wreck that too... "morality is god's gift to humanity"... bull***t
Someone else (3): in seattle, it is USD2.40 per gallon. singapore oil/gas price is alot cheaper.
Me: You must be kidding. 1 gallon = 3.785 litres. So USD2.40 per gallon works out to USD2.40 for 3.785 litres.
At the current conversion rate of 1:1.687, that's S$4.05 per gallon, or S$1.07 per litre. Singapore oil is a lot cheaper huh.
Subject: Anorexia Post
Message: I really appreciate the pics you posted of the anorexic women. The sad thing is, those women believe still that they are beautiful and perfect because they have been glamourized. [well not all of them, because a few pics werent like that] but you get my drift.
I'm a survivor of the "disease" and i think it is important that society sees exactly what it is doing. I like being thin and petite now, I like my women thin and petite, but I dont want to see their ribs and hips, and I'm glad mine donot protrude any more.
Yeah. I'm done now :)
World Cup Organizers Seek Heavier Fines For Streakers - "Wolfgang Niersbach, vice president of the World Cup organizing committee, said Friday, "You can't assume these so-called streakers will always have peaceful intent. We don't want to imagine,for example, what would happen if one had a knife.""
How long do these people expect to fool the masses by bandying around the word "security" everytime they want to railroad some silly non-security related measure through?