When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

So the next chapter in my interminable saga of computer troubles is that my linksys router suddenly goes bonkers. Since the start, every now and then it's been throwing my desktop offline for a few seconds and then reconnecting it, and throwing my laptop off every few hours.

Now one night, the connection becomes very slow. The next day, I encounter many timeouts accessing the router administration screen. And now: presto! The power light on my router has been flashing for hours and no network is being setup.

In other news, my attempts to connect my modem to the laptop/desktop via an Ethernet/USB cable respectively (ie the good old wired method) failed. Until I called up Starhub Customer Care, where the consultant asked me to do what I'd already done previously - except now it worked.



The questions in the NUS Teaching Survey differ for Arts modules and for USP modules:

USP module:

1. The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability.
2. The teacher provides timely and useful feedback.
3. The teacher is approachable for consultation.
4. The teacher has helped me advance my research (if applicable).
5. The teacher has increased my interest in the subject.
6. The teacher has helped me in interdisciplinary learning.
7. The teacher furthered my intellectual development by introducing me to new ideas, insights and analyses.
8. Overall the teacher is effective.


1. The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability.
2. The teacher provides timely and useful feedback.
3. The teacher is approachable for consultation.
4. The teacher has helped me advance my research (if applicable).
5. The teacher has increased my interest in the subject.
6. The teacher has helped me to apply the knowledge learned in this module.
7. The teacher has encouraged me to ask critical questions.
8. Overall the teacher is effective.




Why is lesbianism more acceptable among girls than gaiety among boys? [Caleb: why did you just commit a grammatical mistake?]

[On a SMU graduate] You could get a retarded, autistic 10 year old child from Somalia who would be a better investment banker than him

I'm doing a relatively me'nai'el job (menial)

I am totally convinced that half the soci [sociology] lecture is made of sarong party girls

[On the exposure module] Philosophy is like red wine. He's trying to turn it into Coke.
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