Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Guys with long hair / Burmese Bells / Search Referrals - 30th November 2004
"Red meat is NOT bad for you. Now blue-green meat, THAT'S bad for you!" - Tommy Smothers
Random Playlist Song: Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert and Choir: Handel - Messiah - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Air (Alto) & Chorus)
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, behold your god!
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee.
I saw a guy who looked like a foreign worker on the bus. He had great non-rebonded long hair, silky looking and with a natural shine (even discounting its semi-dry state), of a length roughly in between the shoulders and the proverbial bra strap level. Unfortunately, he sat next to me, so I could only steal occasional and surreptitious glances at him to admire his hair.
It's such a pity, though, that he wasn't an exception to the rule that guys with long hair (with the notable exceptions of Fabio and Wo-hen Nankan) look ugly.
This rest of this post is dedicated to search referrals, but besides my usual practice of spewing some trite comment beside some of the weirder entries, I have endeavoured to provide a slightly longer writeup on one:
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My suggestion to this person is to use Burmese bells:
What are now known by the Japanese name of rin-no-tama, meaning "tinkling balls," are a variation of what the Chinese once called "Burmese bells,", although they may have been no more Burmese than French letters are French. They were originally as common in southeast Asia as in China. The English traveler, Ralph Fitch, described them in the Shan States of Burma at the end of the sixteenth century. The men, he said, wore "bunches of little round balls in their privy members... They cut the skin and so put them in." The aristocracy had silver ones, "gilded and made with great cunning," which rang "like a little bell"; the lead ones used by poorer people rang "but little." The king "sometimes taketh his out and giveth them to his noblemen as a great gift." Less than a dozen years later, the Florentine merchant Francesco Carletti also reported on them, this time in Thailand. "The rattles," he said, were "as large as hazel nuts" and were made in round or oval shape. When two or three were inserted under the skin of the penis, they had the result of "enlarging the member, as anyone can imagine." He added that according to Niccolò dei Conti, a Venetian nobleman who visited Burma early in the fifteenth century, there had then been "certain old women who had no other calling then that of selling these rattles." Carletti thought the original idea of the bells had been to enlarge the penis to such an extent as to "rule out and render impossible the practicing of venery in illicit parts of the body even with men" - by which he presumably meant anal intercourse - while Fitch, rather more obscurely, claimed that they had been "invented because they should not abuse the male sex, for in times past all those countries were [so] given to that villainy that they were very scarce of people." Both authors added, however, that whatever the origins of the practice it was perpetuated by the fact that women considered the effect highly stimulating.
Women themselves made use of the "Burmese Bell," at first inserting one in the vagina before intercourse, but later using them for solitary pleasure. In this case a pair of the little silver globes was necessary, one containing a drop of mercury and the other a tiny vibrating metal tongue; they gave a uniquely erotic sensation even at the slightest movement of hips or legs. Rin-no-tama bells for women became popular in the West in the eighteenth century and again in the late twentieth, though the modern set consists of three, not two, and the third is hollow.
- Sex in History, Reay Tannahill p. 173-174
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Random Playlist Song: Trevor Pinnock - The English Concert and Choir: Handel - Messiah - O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Air (Alto) & Chorus)
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, behold your god!
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the lord is risen upon thee.
I saw a guy who looked like a foreign worker on the bus. He had great non-rebonded long hair, silky looking and with a natural shine (even discounting its semi-dry state), of a length roughly in between the shoulders and the proverbial bra strap level. Unfortunately, he sat next to me, so I could only steal occasional and surreptitious glances at him to admire his hair.
It's such a pity, though, that he wasn't an exception to the rule that guys with long hair (with the notable exceptions of Fabio and Wo-hen Nankan) look ugly.
This rest of this post is dedicated to search referrals, but besides my usual practice of spewing some trite comment beside some of the weirder entries, I have endeavoured to provide a slightly longer writeup on one:
ways to masterbate secretly
My suggestion to this person is to use Burmese bells:
What are now known by the Japanese name of rin-no-tama, meaning "tinkling balls," are a variation of what the Chinese once called "Burmese bells,", although they may have been no more Burmese than French letters are French. They were originally as common in southeast Asia as in China. The English traveler, Ralph Fitch, described them in the Shan States of Burma at the end of the sixteenth century. The men, he said, wore "bunches of little round balls in their privy members... They cut the skin and so put them in." The aristocracy had silver ones, "gilded and made with great cunning," which rang "like a little bell"; the lead ones used by poorer people rang "but little." The king "sometimes taketh his out and giveth them to his noblemen as a great gift." Less than a dozen years later, the Florentine merchant Francesco Carletti also reported on them, this time in Thailand. "The rattles," he said, were "as large as hazel nuts" and were made in round or oval shape. When two or three were inserted under the skin of the penis, they had the result of "enlarging the member, as anyone can imagine." He added that according to Niccolò dei Conti, a Venetian nobleman who visited Burma early in the fifteenth century, there had then been "certain old women who had no other calling then that of selling these rattles." Carletti thought the original idea of the bells had been to enlarge the penis to such an extent as to "rule out and render impossible the practicing of venery in illicit parts of the body even with men" - by which he presumably meant anal intercourse - while Fitch, rather more obscurely, claimed that they had been "invented because they should not abuse the male sex, for in times past all those countries were [so] given to that villainy that they were very scarce of people." Both authors added, however, that whatever the origins of the practice it was perpetuated by the fact that women considered the effect highly stimulating.
Women themselves made use of the "Burmese Bell," at first inserting one in the vagina before intercourse, but later using them for solitary pleasure. In this case a pair of the little silver globes was necessary, one containing a drop of mercury and the other a tiny vibrating metal tongue; they gave a uniquely erotic sensation even at the slightest movement of hips or legs. Rin-no-tama bells for women became popular in the West in the eighteenth century and again in the late twentieth, though the modern set consists of three, not two, and the third is hollow.
- Sex in History, Reay Tannahill p. 173-174
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