Sunday, October 24, 2004
Quote of the Post: "These days an income is something you can't live without--or within." - Tom Wilson (Ziggy)
Random Playlist Song: Mark Morgan - Planescape Torment - Main Theme
Aha! I got a real carbon arc going with 0.5mm pencil lead. Except that it was so bright that it affected my eyes for quite a while afterwards. Apparently it's not safe to look at even for a second, even if you're wearing sunglasses. Which begs the question: so how's my project going to be graded if no one can safely look at the arc?
Phlogger's been down since a while before Kah Keng and Kah Seng flew off. Guess those taking care of Whisktech are not doing a good job. Ah well, it shall be removed the next time I update my template.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood writes: "having left a comment, could you take the pic down please? or perhaps swap it with a near naked adonis with a mullet...."
Well, I didn't find a pic of near naked adonises with mullets, but I've the next best thing: Dav's Mullet Site, with pictures of Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner, Michael Bolton, Mel Gibson, Patrick Swayze, MacGyver and Nigel Kennedy sporting mullets.
The modern atheist movement and its fire is very much - in fact mostly - a reaction to the growth of fundamentalist Christianity (which is itself a reaction to the rapid pace of modernisation and the resultant discomfort many feel at the disconcerting pace of change); specifically its obnoxiousness and its eagerness to self-aggrandise. If not faced with Christianity, or at least Islam, which shares some of the former's chracteristics and philosophies, the fire and raison d'etre of modern atheism would be gone.
I saw a 40 year old (or so) woman with a fully dyed head of hair. Previously, the most I'd seen in women of that age was slight highlights.
I saw two girls who spent the whole of a lecture looking at pictures of other girls on Friendster. I don't know whether to be disturbed or amused; I thought only guys do this kind of thing.
A guy in front of me was writing a South East Asia/History essay, and he called tin and rice cash crops. Sigh.
Solutions [to the tutorial] are out? On the [IVLE] workbin? Really ah? You can go now. No, no! After attendance [taking]
[On Nash equilibrium] It's okay if you don't understand, because it took me quite long. It took me a few years.
[On 'varnashramadharma'] People start counting letters there, so yes: there are many letters
Sociology is concerned with empirical faith (facts)
[On Toraja funeral rites] If you do sociology long enough, you get to go off. Meet wacky people.
[On Marx's most famous quote] I guess he hadn't heard about TV yet.
[On accurate inflation forecasts] This is the job of professional forecasters, of which I'm one actually. Unfortunately. Don't ask me about my forecast record.
the de fuck'to central bank (facto)
The month of October brings a whole spade of Nobel Prizes (spate)
You're more interested to watch Singapore Idol than finding out who won the Nobel Prize (in watching)
John Taylor is actually quite famous. He could be the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Which is why you should buy his textbook now. Next time, when he becomes the second most powerful man in the US, you can say you used his textbook in your undergrad days
Someone who goes for peace, we call him a doh've (dove)
Philosophy is so full of questions that are so broad that they are in effect rhetorical. You ask: 'What is truth? What, in effect, do I know?' Are there any answers to these questions? Now, those can be - you can mean them seriously, or you can just say them as a way of saying: 'Ah... Philosophy', in just the vaguest, cloudiest way. And in your paper your mind is often in a vague, cloudy state and so you're often in a kinda: 'Ah... what is truth?' kind of mood, but don't write questions like that in your paper.
[On the phone] Is this Gabriel? [Me: How did you know? Was it the inane comment?] The slightly sleepy, big bear-y voice
The girls with short hair are more likely to get hitched than the girls with long hair.
[Me on SEP: But why do you want to go to France?] Because, oh my god, have you tried the pastries?
[On someone] He has no sense of propriety... He's like something you just fished out of the toilet bowl. If you take a poker and stick it into a toilet bowl, he'll be on the end of it.
Random Playlist Song: Mark Morgan - Planescape Torment - Main Theme
Aha! I got a real carbon arc going with 0.5mm pencil lead. Except that it was so bright that it affected my eyes for quite a while afterwards. Apparently it's not safe to look at even for a second, even if you're wearing sunglasses. Which begs the question: so how's my project going to be graded if no one can safely look at the arc?
Phlogger's been down since a while before Kah Keng and Kah Seng flew off. Guess those taking care of Whisktech are not doing a good job. Ah well, it shall be removed the next time I update my template.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood writes: "having left a comment, could you take the pic down please? or perhaps swap it with a near naked adonis with a mullet...."
Well, I didn't find a pic of near naked adonises with mullets, but I've the next best thing: Dav's Mullet Site, with pictures of Brad Pitt, Kevin Costner, Michael Bolton, Mel Gibson, Patrick Swayze, MacGyver and Nigel Kennedy sporting mullets.
The modern atheist movement and its fire is very much - in fact mostly - a reaction to the growth of fundamentalist Christianity (which is itself a reaction to the rapid pace of modernisation and the resultant discomfort many feel at the disconcerting pace of change); specifically its obnoxiousness and its eagerness to self-aggrandise. If not faced with Christianity, or at least Islam, which shares some of the former's chracteristics and philosophies, the fire and raison d'etre of modern atheism would be gone.
I saw a 40 year old (or so) woman with a fully dyed head of hair. Previously, the most I'd seen in women of that age was slight highlights.
I saw two girls who spent the whole of a lecture looking at pictures of other girls on Friendster. I don't know whether to be disturbed or amused; I thought only guys do this kind of thing.
A guy in front of me was writing a South East Asia/History essay, and he called tin and rice cash crops. Sigh.
Solutions [to the tutorial] are out? On the [IVLE] workbin? Really ah? You can go now. No, no! After attendance [taking]
[On Nash equilibrium] It's okay if you don't understand, because it took me quite long. It took me a few years.
[On 'varnashramadharma'] People start counting letters there, so yes: there are many letters
Sociology is concerned with empirical faith (facts)
[On Toraja funeral rites] If you do sociology long enough, you get to go off. Meet wacky people.
[On Marx's most famous quote] I guess he hadn't heard about TV yet.
[On accurate inflation forecasts] This is the job of professional forecasters, of which I'm one actually. Unfortunately. Don't ask me about my forecast record.
the de fuck'to central bank (facto)
The month of October brings a whole spade of Nobel Prizes (spate)
You're more interested to watch Singapore Idol than finding out who won the Nobel Prize (in watching)
John Taylor is actually quite famous. He could be the next Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Which is why you should buy his textbook now. Next time, when he becomes the second most powerful man in the US, you can say you used his textbook in your undergrad days
Someone who goes for peace, we call him a doh've (dove)
Philosophy is so full of questions that are so broad that they are in effect rhetorical. You ask: 'What is truth? What, in effect, do I know?' Are there any answers to these questions? Now, those can be - you can mean them seriously, or you can just say them as a way of saying: 'Ah... Philosophy', in just the vaguest, cloudiest way. And in your paper your mind is often in a vague, cloudy state and so you're often in a kinda: 'Ah... what is truth?' kind of mood, but don't write questions like that in your paper.
[On the phone] Is this Gabriel? [Me: How did you know? Was it the inane comment?] The slightly sleepy, big bear-y voice
The girls with short hair are more likely to get hitched than the girls with long hair.
[Me on SEP: But why do you want to go to France?] Because, oh my god, have you tried the pastries?
[On someone] He has no sense of propriety... He's like something you just fished out of the toilet bowl. If you take a poker and stick it into a toilet bowl, he'll be on the end of it.
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