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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Links - 22nd September 2004

(This post was broken off from the one above)

Newspeak Revisited: The Lexical Management of Political Discourse - "The State gets to decide whether you are a fundamentalist. Or a threat to national security. Or even, as George Yeo has coined, a 'counterfeit artist'. What this means is that Tang Liang Hong can be called a ‘Chinese chauvinist’, but the same accusation cannot be leveled against Lee Kuan Yew. A video made by polytechnic students and staff, on JB Jeyaretnam, is banned because it is a political video. On the other hand, a VHS tape of the National Day Parade does not qualify as one. Sintercom eventually closed down because it was on the verge of being gazetted as a political website. On the other hand, the Straits Times Interactive, probably one of the most political websites on the Internet, is merely a news provider."
Be that as it may, things seem to be getting better. Unless the hundred flowers that bloom are cut down like the poppies that grow too tall.

An atheist on Judgment Day - "If it is a choice between oblivion and an eternity with a monster like you, I gladly choose oblivion"
A most touching and moving story. I wonder what I would do in a hypothetical scenario such as this. Incidentally, a good story to forward people who keep sending you Christian spam
Additional Keywords: "an atheist in heaven", god, "in the eye", "the line"
Addendum: Mirrored since the original site has gown down

Existential depression in gifted individuals - "Why should such existential concerns occur disproportionately among gifted persons? Partially, it is because substantial thought and reflection must occur to even consider such notions, rather than simply focusing on superficial day-to-day aspects of life. Other more specific characteristics of gifted children are important predisposers as well."
So now we know why intelligent people tend to be more dysfunctional.

Are you a good speller? - "You scored 18 out of a possible 23. Go to the top of the class. Either you're a natural orthographer, or you paid a lot of attention in school. Either way, you could make a fortune on the spelling bee circuit."
I swear I'd have gotten 1-2 more correct if not for the late hour *g*

Family's boycott extends to everything - "Three years ago, the Molina family sat at their kitchen table and decided to take a moral stand: They would no longer patronize any company which had connection to abortions, homosexual rights, pornography or any other objectionable cause. This month, the Molinas' decision finally reached its zenith, as their boycott now covers every product on the U.S. market... For entertainment they watch old Lassie movies on a VCR made by an obscure Korean company - the only electronics maker they could find that has no tie to immoral causes. When a reporter points out that Lassie is owned by Warner Studios, a supporter of dozens of liberal causes, Joe sighs, pulls the video from the machine and breaks it in two. The children run to their rooms and cry face-down on their Amish blankets."
"No compromises" - sounds like nw.t's professed life philosophy. Ahem.

TalkingCock comics: Bye, Sergeant Chee, Bye! and Apa Ini The MATrix?
I only vaguely get the latter. Too many Mat jokes: "Our world is ruled by Munjens! Sally Ye instead of Scorpions! Aaron Kwok instead of AC/DC!". Wth are Munjens?!

20 nabbed in prostitution sting -- 15 men dressed as women - "A prostitution sting in the midst of a near-blinding rainstorm early Saturday netted 20 arrests on the North Side -- including 15 men dressed as women, Chicago Police said."

Dialtones (A Telesymphony) - Mobile Phone Concert

German radio starts Klingon service - "The German international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) is celebrating 10 years of its online service by adding a new language to the 30 it already publishes - Klingon."

SnackFoam's Gay Test - "You... could be gay! Want to find out? Click here to take the SnackFoam Gay Test!"

Egg Song - What thoroughly sick and warped mind came up with such a twisted song, set to the vilest animation possible, I cannot imagine. I suspect it is a devious plot by the Malaysians to make Singaporeans lust for the Eggs we're currently being deprived of.

How To Cook With Lava - "This is a good point to sit back, have a drink and watch the beautiful Lava as it flows in front of you."

Tootsie Roll Industries - The Licking Machine, And Other Scientific Curiousities - "A group of engineering students from Purdue University recorded that their licking machine, modeled after a human tongue, took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. They tried the same licking test on 20 volunteers and found that the average licks to the center were 252 licks."

The Mermaid Hunter - "This web site is dedicated to the World of Sea Sirens and Mermaids. Oh, they exist alright....this website will prove it. Within this site I will share 40 years of personal encounters with these creatures. To date, I have had over 150 such encounters"
His posed fakes aren't very well done. On the upside, he has pictures of nude "Sirens", "beautiful women who have been cursed by Herra (sic), wife of Zeus, to spend their lives on rocky islands around the world".

Tilted Mill team member game credits - "Before joining Tilted Mill, members of our team helped create some of the most important, successful and well-respected games out there, including: Mickey Saves the Day, Monster's Wreck Room Arcade, Barbie's Pet Rescue, Pitfall Harry"

Godot Aria Mubie M4150 (128MB) - MP3 player in the shape of a bear.
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