With the latest release, the reasons why I dislike it have become fewer. I suppose I'll have to switch some time (not yet though). Besides, it has a nice icon.
Q: Which is the most dangerous method of electricity generation per kilowatt produced - nuclear, coal, oil, sea (waves), geothermal, or wind?
A: Wind power causes the most deaths (from people injured by, or falling off, windmills) per kWh that is actually produced.
Q: In the USA 3 million teenagers play the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons and in 1992, 28 teenage suicides were related to it. Is this significant?
A: It shows that Dungeons and Dragons has very little to do with teenage suicide. In the USA, the average teenage suicide rate was 1 in 10,000. If anything, this suggests people who role-play are less likely to commit suicide than the average person.