"Nunquam ubi sub ubi!"
create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Aiyah, very pathetic. Anyway this thing is misleading. If I just put a foot in each country for one second, the whole map would be red.

Which Evil Villain Bad Habit are you?
Very accurate quiz.
I got this Canon S200SPx Bubble Jet Printer for $88 at Carrefour today, which is a great price for such a small printer (or maybe I'm just out of touch with the tech market). But it didn't come with a USB cable. Argh!
And this brings the number of USB peripherals I have to. One cable modem, one scanner, one MP3 player (currently down), one digital camera, one printer (What's wrong with LPT1?!) and one external cd-rw drive. All sharing 2 ports. Yeh.
I'd get a USB hub, but I remember what happened the last time I tried using one. *shudder*
140 days (20 weeks) to ORD!