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Thursday, January 29, 2004

A colleague of mine showed me a (pirated) DVD of Cinderella which he'd bought or his daughter. Much to his amusement, the blurb on the reverse of the pirate-manufactured) DVD case displayed an MPAA rating of "R - May contain foul language, nudity and drug use."

My response: "Maybe it's the director's cut"

Possible deleted scenes:

Foul Language - Evil stepsister ranting at the ending "How did that @#$%ing whore Cinderella snare that asshole of a prince! Bastard! @#$%ing glass slipper!"

Drug Use - Cinderella shooting up cocaine and popping amphetamines in the cellar on the night of the ball. That would certainly go a long way to explaining how the mice transform into footmen and pumpkins become carriages. The fairy godmother was probably her local pusher.

Nudity - Hmmmm.. Cinderella running home in the nude after midnight and her gown turns into rotting sackcloth?
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