Britney Spears Lookalike
Women With Big Boobs Are Smarter This comes from the "Weekly World News News" stream - the same people who brought us "Crocodile Headed Man sighted in Florida"
Bossier School Board upholds Advil expulsion - A student is expelled from high school because she had Advil, an over-the-counter pain reliever, in her purse.

He Who Must Not Be Named urges me to maintain my studied silence regarding the "Best Singaporean blog thing", but I feel compelled to say a few words.
I never imagined anyone would nominate me for this kind of contest, but someone did, so there you have it. I have taken a look at some of my fellow nominees, finding some familiar sites in the process, and the quality of some, truth be told, appall me. Nonetheless, what was meant to be a friendly competition aiming to (among other things) showcase some of the best Asian blogs seems to have degenerated into petty squabbling and sliming. I don't believe in not saying something just because it will "hurt" someone, because when it comes to the crunch, anyone can be offended by anything, but there are limits, and there's a line between being light-heartedly mean for the purpose of getting a few laughs and being vicious (NB: Many people do not make the distinction, but what matters is that the person making the remark has).
Of course, remaining objective and laughing at yourself is hard when you are the one being criticised. Which is one reason why I've gotten into so much trouble over the years, but that is another story.
I will not comment on the other entrants, until perhaps the contest is over. You can always read other's spot-on critiques elsewhere (including below), for I will not tread on this heated battlefield for a change. Besides, I've half-made a resolution to be nice to people on even days, and brutally honest on odd ones :)