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Friday, November 14, 2003

Send Your Name to a Comet - Certificate for Gabriel Seah

First Look Inside a Comet

Participation Certificate

Presented to

Gabriel Seah

On November 14, 2003

Thank you for your participation in the Deep Impact Discovery Mission to Comet Tempel 1. A compact disc bearing your name will be mounted on the impactor spacecraft that will collide with Tempel 1 making this the first mission ever to look deep inside a comet.

You are now part of the future discovery of clues about the beginning of our solar system as your name makes a Deep Impact!

Dr. Edward J. Weiler
Associate Administrator
NASA Office of Space Science

Michael F. A'Hearn
Principal Investigator
Deep Impact Mission
University of Maryland

Certificate No. 387442

Send your name too!

Deep Impact: Send Your Name to a Comet!
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