Six schoolboys hospitalised after taking Viagra - One of the pupils, all aged between 12 and 13, is believed to have brought the Viagra tablets into an all-boys school in Winnersh, west of London, and handed them around to five of his friends.
Blitz! (Warning. Turn back now if you value your sanity)

You're Andros and Zhane - a pairing that is so
romanticised and angst-filled it's beautiful.
Being separated for so long allows one member
of the pair to change, while they other misses
two years.
What is your Power Rangers (slash) pairing?
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You are an Unclassified Ranger! You tend to be a
loner and a hero, saving the day and then
fading into the background again. You stay
away from the crowds, but you are extremely
loyal to your friends and loved ones. Former
Unclassifieds include Jason (Gold), Zhane
(Silver), Mike (Magna Defender), Ryan
(Titanium), Eric (Quantum), and Merrick (Lunar
What is your Power Ranger color? (incomplete version)
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[NB: The above quiz is disturbing. Sample question with selectable answers: You just jumped out of an airplane straight into Lord Zed's lair. He is having the sexual relations with Rita. WHAT DO U DO?!
2) You tell Zed to beat it! "HANG BACK ROOKIE, I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE!"
3) Totally wuss out and colour your hair more.

You are the Blue Ranger
Which Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Are You?!?!
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Which Original Power Ranger Are You?
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goaten the lion-goat
Which Power Ranger Monster are you?
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You're Kimberly Ann Hart, the petite gymnast.
You're cute, fun, cute, and you have a SIZZLIN
HOT boyfriend.
Which Power Ranger princess are you?
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You are Zhane, the silver Space Ranger! The Silver
Ranger was said to be the most powerful ranger
in the universe. After the attack on your home
planet, KO-35, you were critically injured.
Your best friend, Andros, put you in a
cryongenic sleep and you recovered. The word
that best describes you is girl-crazy. You
wanted Ashley and heck, even Astronema! After
you fought bravely in Dark Spectre's final
assault of the universe, you retired alongside
your fellow Space Rangers.
Which Space Ranger are you?
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Desert Thunder, Turbo Power! You are Adam! Deep
and complicated, you are a mentor to your
friends. You often meditate things through
before you act, which is a good thing. Your
experience in life will help others, including
yourself. You passed your Turbo Powers on to
Which Turbo Ranger are you?
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You're Ashley, the Yellow Space Ranger. Despite
being the slut that you are, you finally settle
on Andros. Too bad he has a stick up his ass
most of the time.
Which Space Ranger are you?
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Kimberly - The Pink Ranger The weakling of the
group. I always found you were more of a
liability, what with the "Save me, save me
Tommy's" and the "Oh my gosh...
that's like, so ugly... I might break a
nail!" However, you were the young maiden
in the high tower, and created excitement for
all the young boys, who had to see Tommy get a
Which second cast Power Ranger are you?
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You are Kimberly! You're typecast as the bubbly,
cheerful valley-girl, but inside, there is a
real fighter whose courage, grace and charm
make for a winning combination. You have the
distinction of being played by a good actress,
unlike some of your cohorts.
Which Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Are You?
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I knew these existed! Too bad few have pictures, and most of them are very sloppily done (as are most quizzes). Perhaps the best of the lot is Which Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Are You?. Finally, since they seem to give contradictory results, we can conclude that these quizzes are just a crappy way for bored people to waste time (surprise surprise).
Incidentally, I like the following results:
You are Kat. You replaced Kimberly, attached
yourself leechlike to Tommy, and are the reason
the author of this quiz stopped watching the
show. Shoot yourself now, or else I will.
Which Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger Are You?
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You are the yellow ranger.
I have this theory that the only reason the asian
ranger got yellow as her color, was because of
racial reasons. Damn racists!
Which Power Ranger are you?
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when all the ther little children were making
friendship bracelets with the little henna
string u were smoking it!...u like tie dye and
the 70's....remeber when u had to save the
kitty out of the tree?..yea you started barking
at it and being a dog cuz u were to high to
know whut wuz goin on..ur magic power is tiedye
Which screwed up POWER RANGER are you?
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