When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, September 27, 2003

At my favourite airport now - KLIA. My favourite airline, MAS, has just delayed my already late flight from 11:40 to 12:25. I'd been reading for the past few hours (since before I got off my flight at about 7) and couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to pay RM 15 for 75 minutes of connection time at Burger King (which serves more stuff than the one in Singapore). Hell, since I'm already bankrupt, I might as well spend my last few Ringitt. Whee.

When I was getting off the plane, one airline stewardess came over to ask me how I found the book she had seen me reading, which someone I hardly knew mailed to me before I left - The Case For Christ - A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus, by Lee Strobel (I'm more than halfway through, but I don't find it very convincing. Naturally, I have been scribbling notes, which I will compose properly and share once I finish the book and my 6 pages of notes from my London trip are up - ie in a long while). A theological discussion was then launched, and she heaped the standard lines on me - nothing that I haven't heard before or haven't a counter to. And as usual she like everyone else had no answer but recourse to faith.
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